Monday, June 6, 2016

Agenda for four monthly meeting with CPMG Karnataka Circle Bangalore

All India Association of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts, Karnataka Circle

Vasudeva Chathra
ASP(HQ) o/o SSRM Bangalore Stg Division
Manjunatha. Hubballi
[Circle Secretary]
Assistant Supdt Posts Haver Sub Division, Haveri-581110
Joseph. Rodrigues
[Circle Treasurer]
Assistant Supdt Posts (HQ) o/o SSPO’s Mangalore Division Mangalore

No:IP/ASP/1-3/2016                       @ Haveri                                          the                     06.06.2016

The Chief Postmaster General
Karnataka Circle

Subject:  Agenda for four monthly meeting with CPMG Karnataka Circle Bangalore-reg

Respected sir,
                     The following points may please be considered for meeting.
Old points,
1.       Filling up of the vacant posts of IP/ASP’s in the circle.
2.       Conducting training on Finacle/Mc Camish to IP/ASP’s.
New points
1.       Replacement of laptops to Sub Divisional Heads and supply of laptops to IP/ASP’s working in DO/RO/CO.
2.       Enhancement of amount for purchase of mobile handset to IP/ASP’s.
3.       Release of pending PLI/RPLI incentive/honorarium to IP/ASP’s. Provision for generation of incentive/honorarium to IP/ASP’s through McCamish software.

The following officers will be attending the meeting. Please make relief arrangement for them to attend well in advance. This is first four monthly meeting after 37th Biennial Karnataka Circle conference, it is kind request to make relief arrangement for all below officers..
1.      Sri Manjunatha G Hubballi CS & ASP Haveri Sub Division Haveri-581110
2.      Sri Vasudeva Chathra President & ASP (HQ) o/o SSRM Stg Division Bangalore (local).
3.      Sri Joseph Rodrigues Treasurer & ASP (HQ) Mangalore Division
4.      Ms Sucheta Hegde Vice President & ASP HQ Bangalore West Division Bangalore (local)
5.      Sri Shankarappa B M Vice President & ASP Arsikeri Sub Division Arsikeri

Thanking you sir,
                                                                                                                 Yours sincerely,

 (Manjunatha G Hubballi)
Circle Secretary AIA IP&ASP                                       Karnataka Circle

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