Copy of D.G. Posts No. 18-9/2010-Bldg. dated 10.05.2012. (Addressed to All the Heads of Postal Circles)
I am directed to refer to the department’s letter of even no. dated 28.03.2011, enclosing herewith instructions issued vide letter no. 7-6/99-Bldg. dated 13/14.12.2001. The part (C) of the instructions pertains to ‘allotment of post attached/rent free residential accommodation’.
2. It has been brought to the notice of the Department that in some circles, there has been resentment among the PMs/SPMs on being forced to accept quarters that are not in the premises of post offices, as post attached quarters. The matter has been under consideration in the Department for some time.
3. It is hereby clarified that the quarters, which are within the premises/building of the post offices, need only be declared as post attached quarters; which the PMs/SPMs are bound to occupy. However, in other cases, i.e. quarters which are not in the premises/building of the post office, it may be left to the discretion of the concerned Pos/SPMs whether to accept or not accept such quarters.
4. This may kindly be brought to the notice of all concerned for information, guidance and necessary action.
5. This issues with the approval of Member (Planning).
(Subhash Chander)
Director(SR, Legal & Estates)
OS RMS HB Dn is given home division after promotion. She is still in the same dn even after completion of 5 years. is there a seperate rule? pl guide.