This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to : ipaspkarnataka@gmail.com

Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Friday, July 26, 2019
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Promotion and postings in Postal Service Group'B'cadre.
For details please click here
Congratulations and AIAIPASP Karnataka wishes,
all the best to all officers for new assignment...
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
All India Association of
Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts, Karnataka Circle
PMG, N K Region Dharwad-580001
[Circle Secretary]
ASP (HQ), O/o
Superintendent of Post Offices
Shivamogga Division, Shivamogga-577202
[Circle Treasurer]
ASP, South sub division,
Under the provisions of Article 30 of the Constitution of All India Association
of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts, it is hereby notified that
the Circle Working Committee Meeting of the Association will be held at “Akkana
Balaga Kalyana Mantapa” Opposite PMG office, near Court circle, Dharwad-580001 under
Dharwad division on 09.03.2019 at 10:00 hours.
“Akkana Balaga Kalyana Mantapa” Opposite PMG office, near Court
circle, Dharwad-580001
1. A talk on “Stress Managament” By Sri Pradeep
J Dhonthi.
2. Confirmation of the minutes of the last CWC held on
26.05.2018 at Ramanagar.
3. Organizational and
Financial review of the association.
4. Subject matters for debate/discussion and
decision thereon.
a.Cadre restructuring of IP/ASPs
b.Grant of non functional 5400 to
ASPs after four years of service.
c.DPC for PSS Group
transfer policy.
e.Maintenance of
Any other item with the permission of the Chair
5. Demo on tool prepared
for data maintenance and accounting for association.
All CWC members are requested to
attend the meeting well in time.
Circle Secretary, AIAIPASP
Copy to
1. The CPMG Karnataka
Circle Bengaluru-560001, for kind information with a request to issue
instructions to all Regions/ Divisions to relieve the CWC members to attend the
meeting well in time with eligible transit period.
2. The PMG NK Region Dharwad-580001 for
information and necessary action please.
3. The PMG SK Region Bengaluru-560001
for information and necessary action please.
4. The PMG HQ Region Bengaluru-560001
for information and necessary action please.
5. The GM CEPT Mysore-570010 for information and necessary action
6. The Director Postal Training Centre
Mysore-570010 for information and necessary action please.
7. ALL CWC Members.
8. Office copy.
Special invitees:
1. Sri Manjunath Hubballi,President, CHQ New Delhi and ASP, Haveri
Division, Haveri.581110
2. Sri Naveen chandar SP, Shivamogga division, Shivamogga-577202.
3. Sri Dinesh Khare, Retired Senior Postmaster Mysore HO.-570001
Circle Secretary, AIAIPASP
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
My beloved
I have decided to keep
in touch with you through this media every fortnight…I will share everything I
am doing on behalf of you… I love to be transparent and plain with you as I
wish to work as your mirror image before the higher desks of the
administration. You are my everything and your opinion and suggestions keep me
more confident. I license you to share everything you feel on the common
objective of the cadre.
I always
believe in team work and I define team as T=together, E=each, A=achieve,
M=more…Circle working committee is formatted to work in tandem to achieve our
goals and we have many issues to be attended on top priority
basis along with all the inherent complexities.
As of now,
we have to tackle with administration on drawal of bunching benefit to our senior
ASPs, PSS Group B DPC, Cadre restructuring, All India Gradation list, MACP
issues and many more. We are combating to get every entitlement through legal
struggle since last decade. We need to motivate our CHQ through our physical,
financial and psychological support.
working committee meeting has to be done in the coming month and Shimoga
friends are examining the proposal…I will issue the notification very early. We
will sit together and create some important teams on drafting, blog management,
organizational elements, legal aspects etc in our forthcoming CWC meeting.
Each one of
us needs to be very rigorous and active rather than expecting everything from
the CS. I am here to represent your attitude, trend, emotions and feel….But, I
need your total involvement in all the common issues which will serve the
welfare of each member of the cadre.
Association is
always in the pursuit of withstanding the interest of the members…But efforts
are not rewarded friends ….Only results will be rewarded… Hope you will join
your shoulders in achieving results oriented efforts of our ongoing struggles…
Yours amiably,
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