This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to : ipaspkarnataka@gmail.com

Monday, October 30, 2017
DPC : JTS Gr. A for the year 2016-17 updates.....
In response to RTI application dated 26-9-2017 made by Mr. Jayantha Kumar M, reply given by Directorate under Memo No. 24-71/2017-SPG dated 25-10-2017 is as under.
1) Last JTS Gr. A DPC was held on 17-12-2015 for 36 vacancies.
2) 12 IPoS candidates joined in JTS Gr. A cadre against the vacancies of 2016 and they are undergoing required training at RAKNPA Ghaziabad.
2) 12 IPoS candidates joined in JTS Gr. A cadre against the vacancies of 2016 and they are undergoing required training at RAKNPA Ghaziabad.
3) 23 vacancies for promotion through DPC for JTS Gr. A cadre are declared for the year 2016-17. Vacancies for the year 2017-18 are not calculated.
4) JTS Gr. A DPC is pending in view of non finalization of matter of reservation in promotion and treatment of SC/ST candidates promoted on their own merit in CP (C) No. 314/2016 in SLP (C) No. 4831/2012-Samta Andolan Samiti through its President Vs Sanjay Kothari & others.
CHQ News: Association is participating in 30th PSI World Congress at Geneva (Switzerland)
Public Services International (PSI), together with the Swiss Public Services Union (SSP), a PSI affiliate, will celebrate its 110 years of existence and, for first time in its history, will organize its World Congress in Geneva at the Centre International de Conferences (CICG, 17 rue de Verembe, 1211 Geneva 20). This event will gather between 1000 to 1200 participants representing the unions affiliated to PSI around the world.
PSI is a global trade union federation representing 20 million working women and men who deliver vital public services in 150 countries. It defends human rights and social justice and promotes universal access to quality public services. PSI works with the United Nations system and in partnership with labour, civil society and other organizations.
PSI and SSP has invited to our Association’s General Secretary, Vilas Ingale to participate in PSI’s World Congress to be held from 30th October to 3rd November 2017 in Geneva (Switzerland). He has accepted the invitation and going to attend the 30th World Congress.
Our all old members are aware that Mr. Samuel, Ex-GS has taken initiative and made affiliation of our Association with PSI and since then we are associated with them and we are actively taking part in each event.
Postal dept ready to deliver traffic e-challans by speed post
Mumbai, Oct 25 (PTI) : The Maharashtra and Goa circle of the postal department has expressed willingness to deliver e-challans to traffic offenders by speed post.
The department has written a letter to the Mumbai Traffic Police as well as the state government in this regard, an official said.
The traffic police had been sending e-challans to motorists for violating norms through SMS. However, this system is reportedly not working well as e-challans are not getting delivered properly because of frequent change in mobile phone numbers of offenders.
"Therefore, we have come forward and written to the traffic police as well as the state government to let us deliver e-challans to their (offenders') doorstep through our speed-post service.
"The violators can deposit challan amount in the nearest post office through e-payment mode of the department," said H C Agrawal, Chief Post Master General (CPMG) of the Maharashtra and Goa Circle.
But this move (delivering e-challans through speed post) will put additional financial burden on the police department's budget. Therefore, the traffic police alone will not be able to go ahead with the proposal," Agrawal said.
The official suggested that to overcome the financial burden, the speed post cost could be recovered from offenders themselves.
If e-challans are printed and delivered at violators address with an acknowledgement receipt, it will ensure offenders pay the fine and police get their rightful revenue, he said, "this will also sending a message to motorists to follow traffic rules." With a view to digitise the entire process of recovering fines from road rule violators, the Mumbai traffic police, in January this year, launched e-challan system.
It set up CCTV cameras across the city to monitor traffic violations. Whenever a motorist broke traffic rules, his/her vehicles number was captured on CCTV cameras.
Later, an SMS was sent about fine to be paid after obtaining the offender's mobile phone registered with the RTO.
According to figures, on an average 5,000 e-challans are issued daily in Mumbai, mostly for over-speeding, signal jumping, not wearing helmets, triple-riding on two wheelers, talking on phone while driving, driving without seat belts and overstepping at zebra crossings.
Source : http://www.newindianexpress.com
7th Pay Commission – Revision of rate of Training Allowance.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
[Training Division (IST/IIPA)]
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
[Training Division (IST/IIPA)]
Block-4, Old JNU Campus
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-67
Dated: October 24,2017
New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-67
Dated: October 24,2017
Subject: Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission – Revision of rate of Training Allowance.
Consequent upon the acceptance of the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission (CPC) by the Government conveyed vide Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Resolution No. 11-1/2016-IC dated July 6, 2017, the President is pleased to decide that the Training Allowance in Training Academies and Institutes shall be regulated in the following manner:-
(i) Training Allowance
In the National/Central Training Academies and Institutes for Group’ A’ officers
24% of Basic Pay
In other Training Establishments
12% of Basic Pay
(ii) Training Allowance will be admissible only to the employees who join the training establishments for a specified period of time and are then likely to go back.
(iii) Training Allowance will not be admissible to those employees who are directly recruited by such training establishments for imparting training.
2.The revised rates of training allowance shall be admissible with effect from the 1st July, 2017.
3.In so far as the employees working in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are issued with the concurrence ofthe Comptroller and Auditor General.
4.Hindi version will follow.
(Biswajit Banerjee)
(Biswajit Banerjee)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
GPF interest rate wef 1st October, 2017 to 31st December, 2017.
The Government of India has announced that during the Financial Year 2017-18, accumulations at the credit of subscribers to the General Provident Fund (GPF) and other similar funds shall carry interest at the rate of 7.8% (Seven point eight per cent) with effect from 1st October, 2017 to 31st December, 2017. This rate will be in force w.e.f. 1st October, 2017.
The Notification to this effect has been issued and published in the Gazette of India on 23rd October, 2017.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
CHQ News: Up-gradation of Grade Pay of Inspector of Posts w.e.f. 01-01-2006

Today, I am very very happy for getting the orders in our favour.
Thanks to all Circle Secretaries and Members who donated the money to strengthen the CHQ fund. This is result of unity.
Waiting same outcome in cadre restructuring proposal.
Yours friend,
Vilas Ingale
General Secretary
Thanks to all Circle Secretaries and Members who donated the money to strengthen the CHQ fund. This is result of unity.
Waiting same outcome in cadre restructuring proposal.
Yours friend,
Vilas Ingale
General Secretary
Copy of judgement delivered by Hon'ble CAT Ernakulam Bench on 15/10/2015 is placed below for the information to the members.

The copy of reply filed by DOP on behalf of MoF on 22/12/2016is as under :


Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state:
(a) the total number of postal circles in the country and the number of GPOs, SPOs and EDBOs functioning under these circles along with number of these post offices located in rural and urban regions separately;
(b) the number of post offices manned by Grameen Dak Sevaks (GDSs) State/UT-wise along with the details about the monthly salary of the GDS;
(c) whether Grameen Dak Sevaks (GDSs) are eligible for pension like other Government employees and if not, the reasons therefor;
(d) whether Government is contemplating to constitute any Committee to look into the salary structure and other service matters of Grameen Dak Sevaks and if so, the details thereof;
(e) whether the said committee has submitted its said report and if so, the salient features of the said report; and
(f) the time by which it is likely to be implemented?
(a) Madam, the total number of Postal Circles in the country is 23. The total number of GPOs is 24, the total number of Sub Post Offices (SPOs) is 24753, the total number of Extra Departmental Branch Offices (EDBOs) is 129346. The details of these post offices rural and urban regions wise is enclosed at Annexure-I.
(b) The number of post offices which are manned by Gramin Dak Sewaks (GDS) is given in the Annexure-II. Details of the monthly wages admissible to various categories of Gramin Dak Sewaks are given in the Annexure-III.
(c) No, Madam. The legal status of the Gramin Dak Sevaks as held in 1977 by Apex Court is that they are holders of the civil posts outside the regular civil service. Being a distinct and separate category, CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 are not applicable in the case of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS).
(d) Yes, Madam. To examine the system of Branch Post Offices, engagement conditions, existing structure of allowances and all other welfare issues pertaining to Gramin Dak Sevaks, a one-man Committee under the Chairmanship of Shri Kamlesh Chandra, Retired Member Postal Services Board was set up.
(e) Yes, Madam. The committee has submitted its report. The salient feature of the report is given in the Annexure-IV.
(f) The recommendations of the committee are being examined by the Department of Posts. No timeline is specified to implement the recommendations of the Committee.
Annexure-IV : Salient features of the GDS Report
Source: Confederation
Atal Pension Yojana : Still Scope for increasing pension coverage
16-October-2017 16:57 IST
Over 69 lacs subscribers join Atal Pension Yojana with contribution of Rs. 2690 crores
Secretary DFS: Still Scope for increasing pension coverage
Secretary DFS: Still Scope for increasing pension coverage
Atal Pension Yojana currently has over 69 lacs subscribers with contribution of Rs. 2690.00 crores. Chairman, PFRDA Shri Hemant G Contractor however emphasised the need of increasing the pension coverage in India at a recently concluded conference on Atal Pension Yojana. The conference organised by Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) in the national capital saw participation from all major banks, representatives from NPCI, SCHIL, SIDBI, Access Assist and some major MFIs.
A large section of the society still does not have access to pensions and this is a cause of concern for PFRDA and Government, Shri Contactor said. Congratulating the winners of the contest organised by PFRDA the Chairman said that APY has made progress in covering the intended subscribers but much remains to be done. He mentioned that on an average, a little less than 2% of the eligible population is covered under APY and hence a lot has to be done to provide people a regular access to old age income. He also touched upon the issues of persistence in the APY accounts and asserted that the objective of the scheme is to provide pension and this will only happen if the contribution in the account has been regularly paid. He urged the APY Service Providers to educate the subscribers on the importance of the same. He also urged upon the APY Service Providers i.e Banks and Post Offices under Department of Post to achieve the targets allocated by government by putting in their best efforts.
A video message of Shri Rajiv Kumar, Secretary DFS was played during the occasion. Shri Rajiv Kumar mentioned that Atal Pension Yojana is flagship program of the Government of India under financial inclusion and financial security. The pension coverage in this country is at around 12% and banks and other stakeholder need to work towards greater coverage under the scheme. He also said that DFS is monitoring the progress under the scheme and targets allocated under the scheme to banks should be accomplished. He touched upon the subject of providing a digital platform for APY by PFRDA i.e e-APY. Secretary Shri Rajiv Kumar congratulated the banks on their performance under the campaigns and urged them to continue the work.
While the government has a pension scheme for the BPL persons but the amount is meagre and is not sufficient for old age needs. 9% of the population of India, i.e 110 million people are over 60 years and by 2030 this figure is expected to cross 180 million. The 60 plus age groups is the fastest growing demographic in the country. With increase in longevity of the people, disintegration of the joint family system in India and inflation, there is greater need for old age than ever before. Currently pension benefits are available India basically to the organised sector. Atal Pension Yojana introduced in 2015 by Government of India provides a self- contributory savings pension scheme with guaranteed pension of Rs. 1,000/- to Rs. 5,000/- with a very low contribution by the subscriber. All banks and Department of Post have pushed the product to the interiors of the country. APY has option for increasing the pension amount from Rs. 1000/- to any other amount up to Rs. 5000/- as per the savings capacity of the subscriber, and further allows the spouse to continue the account in the event of the death of the subscriber before the age of sixty years. PFRDA has also been engaging with various State Governments for providing co-contribution under the scheme. With the introduction of e-APY through Aadhaar, the banks will be able to effectively utilise the digital platform for greater coverage.
PMLA: Banks to now match original IDs with photocopies
The Government has made it mandatory for banks and financial institutions to check the original identification documents of individuals dealing in cash above the prescribed threshold, to weed out the use of forged or fake copies.
The Department of Revenue in the Finance Ministry has issued a gazette notification making an amendment to the Prevention of Money-laundering (Maintenance of Records) Rules.
The new rule now requires the reporting entity to compare "the copy of officially valid (identification) document so produced by the client with the original and recording the same on the copy".
The Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) forms the core of the legal framework put in place by India to combat money laundering and generation of black money.
The PMLA and its rules impose obligation on reporting entities like banks, financial institutions and intermediaries to verify identity of clients, maintain records and furnish information to Financial Intelligence Unit of India (FIU-IND).
As per Rule 9, every reporting entity shall at the time of commencement of an account-based relationship, identify its clients, verify their identity and obtain information on the purpose and intended nature of the business relationship.
Intermediaries like stock broker, chit fund company, cooperative bank, housing finance institution and non-banking finance companies are also classified as reporting entities.
Biometric identification number Aadhaar and other official documents are required to be obtained by the reporting entities from anyone opening a bank account as well as for any financial transaction of Rs 50,000 and above.
The same is also required for all cash dealing of more than Rs 10 lakh or its equivalent in foreign currency, cash transactions where forged or counterfeit currency notes have been used and all suspicious transactions.
All cross border wire transfers of more than Rs 5 lakh in foreign currency and purchase and sale of immovable property valued at Rs 50 lakh or more also fall under this category, according to the reporting rules.
The Gazette notification said in case the officially valid document furnished does not contain updated address, a utility bill like electricity, telephone, post-paid mobile phone, piped gas or water bill which is not more than two months old can be considered as a proof of address.
Also, property or municipal tax receipt, pension or family pension payment orders issued to retired employees by Government departments, or letter of allotment of accommodation from employer can be considered for the same purpose.
Source:-The Economic Times
Linking your bank account with Aadhaar is mandatory, here's what happens if you don't
Turns out you have to link your bank account with Aadhaar after all. The Reserve Bank of India on Saturday stepped in to strike down news reports that claimed, quoting an RTI reply, it was not necessary to link the 12-digit biometric identification number with bank accounts, saying the directive remained in force under anti-money laundering rules.
So, the December 31 deadline stays put for now. "The Reserve Bank clarifies that, in applicable cases, linkage of Aadhaar number to bank account is mandatory under the Prevention of Money-laundering (Maintenance of Records) Second Amendment Rules, 2017 published in the Official Gazette on June 1, 2017," the central bank said a notification.
Earlier this year, the government had made it mandatory to link bank accounts with Aadhaar. Accounts that are not linked will cease to become operational, it said.
To comply with the finance ministry directive, banks have already started asking for Aadhaar while opening new accounts and have been giving constant reminders to those who still haven't linked their accounts with the number.
So considering that the rule to make Aadhaar mandatory for opening new accounts has already been enforced by banks, it would appear that as per current situation, existing account holders will not be given an exemption. Hence, if the government has its way, bank accounts not linked to Aadhaar will cease to become operational. Blocking of one's savings account will obviously lead to huge inconvenience and may well put a stop to your financial life. You don't want to stuck in a situation where your salary is not getting credited to your bank account, you cannot withdraw cash at ATMs, or even swipe your card.
So make sure you seed your bank account with Aadhaar before the December 31 deadline.
What happens if I don't and my account gets cancelled?
Well, you can re-activate your account by submitting the required documents and linking it with Aadhaar. According to the finance ministry directive, "Provided that in case client already having an account based relationship with reporting entities prior to date of this notification fails to submit the Aadhaar number and Permanent Account Number by 31st December, 2017, the said account shall cease to be operational till the time the Aadhaar number and Permanent Account Number is submitted by the client." However, there is no mention on how long it will take to retrieve your bank account once it becomes inoperable.
Here's a step-by-step guide to check whether your Aadhaar has been linked with your bank account.
1. Visit the Aadhaar website - www.uidai.gov.in
2. Click on 'Check Aadhaar & Bank Account Linking Status'
3. Enter your Aadhaar number and security code. Once submitted, an OTP will be sent to your mobile number registered in the Aadhaar database.
4. Enter the OTP and click on 'Login'
5. On successful login, the website shows whether your Aadhaar number is successfully mapped or not.
You can also check using your mobile phone.
1. Dial *99*99*1# 2.
Enter your 12 digit Aadhaar number
3. Confirm that the digits entered by you is correct
4. On confirmation, it will show you the bank account linked with Aadhaar
Points to remember
1. It will only show you the last bank account that has been linked with your Aadhaar.
2. If you have multiple bank accounts, you will have to check the status of the same with the bank.
3. You will be able to use this service only if your mobile number is linked to your Aadhaar.
Exemption has been given only to small accounts
Not all types of bank accounts will become un-operational if they are not linked with Aadhaar before the deadline. Small accounts are exempt from this directive as these can be opened even without Aadhaar.
Source:-The Economic Times
NAC meeting this month, likely to recommend hike in minimum pay and fitment factor
The National Anomaly Committee is set to meet to discuss the hike in pay beyond the 7th Pay Commission. The meeting that was scheduled to be held on October 7 was postponed and now the matter is expected to be taken up anytime before the end of this month. The NAC is meeting to decide on the proposal to hike the basic minimum pay for Central Government employees. Although no official date has been given, sources say that the NAC is making all necessary arrangements to meet this month itself.
CHQ News: Declaration of result of PS Gr. B for the year 2012-2016
Till there are number of court cases pending at various courts/CAT in the country and therefore result is further delayed.
CHQ News: LDCE for promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts (66.66%) departmental quota for the year 2016-2017
It is learnt that vendor is yet not finalized by the Directorate to conduct LDCE for promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts (66.66%) departmental quota for the year 2016-2017.
In view of above there is no possibility of IPO examination in this calendar year.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Atal Pension Yojana : Still Scope for increasing pension coverage
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
16-October-2017 16:57 IST
Over 69 lacs subscribers join Atal Pension Yojana with contribution of Rs. 2690 crores
Secretary DFS: Still Scope for increasing pension coverage
Secretary DFS: Still Scope for increasing pension coverage
Atal Pension Yojana currently has over 69 lacs subscribers with contribution of Rs. 2690.00 crores. Chairman, PFRDA Shri Hemant G Contractor however emphasised the need of increasing the pension coverage in India at a recently concluded conference on Atal Pension Yojana. The conference organised by Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) in the national capital saw participation from all major banks, representatives from NPCI, SCHIL, SIDBI, Access Assist and some major MFIs.
A large section of the society still does not have access to pensions and this is a cause of concern for PFRDA and Government, Shri Contactor said. Congratulating the winners of the contest organised by PFRDA the Chairman said that APY has made progress in covering the intended subscribers but much remains to be done. He mentioned that on an average, a little less than 2% of the eligible population is covered under APY and hence a lot has to be done to provide people a regular access to old age income. He also touched upon the issues of persistence in the APY accounts and asserted that the objective of the scheme is to provide pension and this will only happen if the contribution in the account has been regularly paid. He urged the APY Service Providers to educate the subscribers on the importance of the same. He also urged upon the APY Service Providers i.e Banks and Post Offices under Department of Post to achieve the targets allocated by government by putting in their best efforts.
A video message of Shri Rajiv Kumar, Secretary DFS was played during the occasion. Shri Rajiv Kumar mentioned that Atal Pension Yojana is flagship program of the Government of India under financial inclusion and financial security. The pension coverage in this country is at around 12% and banks and other stakeholder need to work towards greater coverage under the scheme. He also said that DFS is monitoring the progress under the scheme and targets allocated under the scheme to banks should be accomplished. He touched upon the subject of providing a digital platform for APY by PFRDA i.e e-APY. Secretary Shri Rajiv Kumar congratulated the banks on their performance under the campaigns and urged them to continue the work.
While the government has a pension scheme for the BPL persons but the amount is meagre and is not sufficient for old age needs. 9% of the population of India, i.e 110 million people are over 60 years and by 2030 this figure is expected to cross 180 million. The 60 plus age groups is the fastest growing demographic in the country. With increase in longevity of the people, disintegration of the joint family system in India and inflation, there is greater need for old age than ever before. Currently pension benefits are available India basically to the organised sector. Atal Pension Yojana introduced in 2015 by Government of India provides a self- contributory savings pension scheme with guaranteed pension of Rs. 1,000/- to Rs. 5,000/- with a very low contribution by the subscriber. All banks and Department of Post have pushed the product to the interiors of the country. APY has option for increasing the pension amount from Rs. 1000/- to any other amount up to Rs. 5000/- as per the savings capacity of the subscriber, and further allows the spouse to continue the account in the event of the death of the subscriber before the age of sixty years. PFRDA has also been engaging with various State Governments for providing co-contribution under the scheme. With the introduction of e-APY through Aadhaar, the banks will be able to effectively utilise the digital platform for greater coverage.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
SB ORDER NO. 16/2017- Amendments to Rule 2 and 3 of POSB General Rules 1981,Paragraph 2 and 4 of PPF Rules, Rule 2 and 4 of NSC Vlll lssue Rules and Rule 2 and 6 of KVP Rules 2014 enforcing taking of Aadhaar number as mandatory document as ldentity document while opening of account and taking Aadhhar number as lD proof for account already opened/certificates issued under these rules by 31.12.2017
Recognition of Associations under CCS (Recognition of Service Association) Rules, 1993
No.17/1/2017-R&R and DC
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated: 11.10.2017
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated: 11.10.2017
Office Memorandum
Subject: Recognition of Associations under CCS (Recognition of Service Association) Rules, 1993 - regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to OM of even number dated 06.09.2017 whereby five Associations - (i) Central Secretariat (Promotee) Group-B Officers' Association, (ii) CSSS Gazetted Officers' Association, (iii) CSSS Group-A Officers' Association, (iv) Central Secretariat Stenographers' Service Association and (v) Central Secretariat Employees Associations - were given one final opportunity to submit the documents/ applications by 20.09.2017, strictly as per OM of even number dated 29.06.2017.
2. In response, four associations except CSSS Group-A Officers' Association have completed their application by submitting remaining documents by 20.09.2017.
3. Therefore, DDOs of all Cadre Controlling Authorities of the Central Secretariat are requested to deduct membership fee for the year 2017-18, in respect of members of the following four Associations :
(i) Central Secretariat (Promotee) Group-B Officers' Association (CSPGBOA);
(ii) CSSS Gazetted Officers' Association;
(iii) Central Secretariat Stenographers' Service Association;
(iv) Central Secretariat Employees Associations (CSEA).
4. It may please be noted that an employee can only be a member of one Association/ Union. Hence, it may please be ensured that membership fee of an employee be deducted only for one Association/ Union.
5. It has been observed that (i) both CSMA and CSNGEU have MTS as their members, (ii) CSEA and CSNGEU have JSA, SSA, ASO as their members and (iii) CSEA, CSNGEU and CSPGBOA have promote ASO as their members. As such, membership fee of an employee may be deducted against one association/ Union only.
6. Further, DDOs are requested to provide details of members of an Association in proforma given below:
Name of Ministry/ Department/ Organisation :
| ||||
| ||||
Membershipfee deducted
7. Information in the aforesaid proforma may be prepared for each designation separately, and the same may please be made available to this department at the earliest.
(S.K. Mandi)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
DDOs of all Ministries/ Departments
(list enclosed).
Source: Download pdf
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