To view, the actual letter and its enclosure please CLICK HERE.
This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Thursday, August 31, 2017
Inspection Questionnaire for CBS HOs/SOs and AO ICO (SB) inspection on HO/SBCO
To view, the actual letter and its enclosure please CLICK HERE.
Fee for default in furnishing return of income
For the current financial year (2017-18), a new late fee has been introduced for late filing of Income Tax return.
Fee for default in furnishing return of income.
234F. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions of this Act, where a person required to furnish a return of income under section 139, fails to do so within the time prescribed in sub-section (1) of the said section, he shall pay, by way of fee, a sum of,—
(a) five thousand rupees, if the return is furnished on or before the 31st day of December of the assessment year;
(b) ten thousand rupees in any other case:
Provided that if the total income of the person does not exceed five lakh rupees, the fee payable under this section shall not exceed one thousand rupees.

Setting aside money in post office deposits are generally considered by many to be an extremely traditional way of saving cash.
However, over the last few years, post offices in India are more or less operating like any other commercial bank offering a wide range of savings, deposits and long-term investment plans to retail investors.
Besides the regular savings and recurring deposits, investors can choose from the multiple risk–free options that post offices offer, right from term deposits for the salaried class to senior citizens looking to receive moderate returns on their life savings.Let’s take a look at some of the post office offerings, features, and benefits to investors.
Term deposits:
Period: 1- 5 years
Category of investors Individual, Joint
Limits- Min. limit- Rs 200; Max limit- Not defined
Interest payable: Calculated quarterly and paid annually
Income tax benefit: 5- year TD’s are eligible for tax benefits under Section 80C of the IT Act.
Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS)-
Period Not available
Category of investors Individual, Joint
Limits Min. limit- In multiples of Rs 1500
Max limit- 4.5 lakhs (individuals); 9 lakhs (joint)
Interest payable Monthly
Income tax benefit Not applicable
Public Provident fund (PPF)-
Period 15 years
Category of investors Individual
Limits Min. limit- Rs 500; Max limit- Rs 150,000 per financial year
Interest Payable Compounded annually and paid on maturity
Income tax benefit Deposits are eligible for tax benefits under Section 80C of the IT Act.
National Savings Certificates (NSC)-
Period 5 years
Category of investors Individual
Limits Min. limit- In multiples of Rs 100; Max limit- Not defined
Interest Payable Compounded annually and paid on maturity
Income tax benefit Deposits are eligible for tax benefits under Section 80C of the IT Act.
Senior Citizens Savings Scheme (SCSS)-
Period 5 years
Category of investors Individual, Joint
Individual = > 60 years
Individual = > 55 years and < 60 years, retired under superannuation or VRS
Limits Min. limit- In multiples of Rs 1000; Max limit- 15 lakhs
Interest Payable Quarterly
Income tax benefit Deposits are eligible for tax benefits under Section 80C of the IT Act.
Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP)-
Period Can be encashed after 2.5 years
Category of investors Individual, Adults on behalf of minors
Limits Min. limit- Rs 1000; Max limit- Not defined
Interest Payable Compounded annually and paid on maturity
Income tax benefit Deposits are eligible for tax benefits under Section 80C of the IT Act.
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSA)-
Period Until the child completes 21 years
Category of investors Individual, Adults on behalf of minors
Limits Min. limit- Rs 1000; Max limit- Rs 150,000/ financial year
Interest Payable Compounded annually
Post Office Schemes are a good alternative to banks for risk averse investors, as they offer a wide range of products for different classes of investors. With interest rates in India declining steadily, the return on investment from these schemes will barely beat inflation.
Short- medium term investments in post office savings are acceptable as interest received from these savings instruments can be measured in terms of income growth.However, investors considering long-term capital growth in addition to income growth will need to look at other forms of investments in addition to the ones offered by post offices.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Government announces email service for officials in English, Hindi
The government today announced email service for its 5 million personnels in English and Hindi in accordance with the email policy.
The email policy bars the government employees from using private email services due to security reasons.
"As part of the mandate under the Digital India program, Government will provide a secure eMail service to all its officials for secure communication. As of now the service will be offered to 5 million users. Currently, the user base is 1.6 million," a statement from Ministry of Electronics and IT said.
The primary domain for English email id will (at)gov (dot)in and for Hindi email id it will be sarkar(dot)bharat in Hindi script.
"The primary trigger behind the policy was government data which resides on servers outside India and on servers beyond the control of the government of India," the statement said.
The email service will be largest service of its kind for the government with a user base of 5 million, the statement said.
The announcement from MEITY comes about 10 days after Rajasthan government launched first email service for residents in the state.
The email service of the Rajasthan government has been developed by Jaipur based Data Infosys. A Rajasthan government officer involved in the project said that the state government will be operating and maintaining the entire project because of security reasons.
The new email service started under under Meity claims to provide rich user experience with a streamlined browser interface that gives natural conversation, enables drag and drop, easy-to customise filters, management and search of large in-boxes of email and voice-mail messages, multiple calendars, contacts and task lists etc.
As per the statement, the new email service will have "enhanced security authentication mechanisms for users with geo-fencing and device mapping".
Source:-The Economic Times
Procedure to get a CGHS Plastic Card
Eligible serving employees/pensioners have to apply in the prescribed form (available on CGHS website and in the wellness centers)
The form should be completely filled up with individual photographs pasted as specified in the form
Following documents need to be attached
In case of serving employee:
- Proof of residence.
- Proof of stay of dependents.
- Proof of age of son.
- In case of differently abled dependent son above 25 years, disability certificate from competent authority as specified.
In case of pensioners:-
In addition to 1 to 4 above: Surrender certificate of CGHS Card (only if CGHS Card was issued during Service Period).
Attested copies of PPO/Provisional PPO/Last Pay Certificate (in case PPO is not readily available immediately after retirement.)
Demand Draft in the name of “PAO CGHS New Delhi” (in case of Delhi) or Additional Director of the CGHS city where the card is to be made.
The amount of Demand Draft will be for contribution due for one year if the card is to be made for yearly renewal basis and for 10 years if whole life card is required.
Dependency criteria- In pursuance of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, it has been decided that for availing the medical facilities under the scheme, parents (or parents-in -law in case of female employee), unmarried son till 25 years of age, dependent unmarried/widowed/divorced/separated daughters and sisters, minor brothers will be deemed dependent on the Government employee if they are normally residing- with him and their income from all sources including pension and pension equivalent of DCRG benefit is less than Rs. 3500 +DA per month. This criteria does not apply to spouse and disabled son irrespective of age (please see definition of disability in instructions for filling CGHS card)
Channel of submission:-In case of serving employees the application is to be submitted through the department after due endorsement. In case of Pensioners the application with enclosures are to be submitted to Addl. Director (HQ) in Delhi and concerned Addl. Director of the city.
Provision for making pensioner CGHS card while in Service:-
A serving employee can apply for a pensioner CGHS Card along with his pension papers.
Application with enclosures and bank draft is to be forwarded to the CGHS through the office of the employee. The pensioner Card will be issued on the day of retirement (provided it is applied for at least six weeks before retirement date) and will get activated from next day.
Addition/Deletion of names in CGHS Cards
On the death of the main card holder, the card becomes invalid and fresh card has to be applied for by the spouse after he/she starts drawing the family pension. Old CGHS card and a Death Certificate need to be attached with the application.
A serving employee on marriage or on the birth of his/ her child may get the names of spouse /child added to the card after submitting the form for addition duly endorsed by his department
After the death of spouse and death/marriage/employment of a son/daughter/dependent it is the responsibility of main card holder to inform CGHS for necessary deletion of the card
Validity of the CGHS Card
The service card will be valid till the date of retirement if otherwise the employee is eligible.
In case of yearly contribution pensioner cards, in order to continue validity, contribution is to be made prior to completion of the continuing year.
In case of transfer of serving employee to a non CGHS covered area the service card will be valid for the family members up to six months after transfer provided CGHS contribution for 6 months is made before hand .
CGHS card is valid in all CGHS cities for treatment/investigation/Hospitalization. There is no need for transit permit to get treatment in another CGHS city except for receiving high value medicines classified as “lifesaving”/restricted supply medicines for which temporary attachment to a wellness center is required.
Transfer of CGHS Cards
In case of serving CGHS beneficiary transferred from one department /ministry to another in the same city, the same CGHS card will continue. The new department/ministry will duly inform CGHS so that necessary changes can be made in the database of the employee. In case of transfer of a serving CGHS beneficiary from one CGHS covered city to another, the CGHS card is to be surrendered in the existing city of posting and a new CGHS card is to be issued from the new city of Posting.
CGHS Card for Pensioners residing outside CGHS Cities
Pensioners residing outside CGHS covered area can opt for a regular CGHS Card or an IPD (Indoor treatment) CGHS Card with fixed medical Allowance (in lieu of OPD treatment) from the nearby CGHS city. IPD card holders will not be eligible for OPD treatment & issue of medicines from CGHS Wellness Centers.
Click to Download Application Forms
Application Forms available for download for Plastic Card
Monday, August 28, 2017
You are required to link PAN with Aadhaar for now despite SC ruling on privacy: Experts
After the Supreme Court's landmark judgement making privacy an inalienable fundamental right, a question has cropped up as to whether Aadhaar is still required to be linked to PAN for acceptance and filing of income tax returns.
However, the court is yet to make it clear as to how this verdict impacts making Aadhaar mandatory for various financial transactions and also for filing of tax returns.
Experts say that the Supreme Court's 9 bench ruling has only clarified that 'privacy' is a fundamental right of every citizen of India.
Sonu Iyer, Partner & National Leader, - People Advisory Services, EY says that "The ruling by Supreme Court of India does not deal with the validity of either the Aadhaar Act or Section 139AA of the Income-tax Act making Aadhaar mandatory for income-tax filing and PAN."
A five member bench of the Supreme Court will now evaluate the validity of Aadhaar from the perspective of privacy as a fundamental right based on this judgement.
Iyer adds, "Unless a finding is made that Aadhaar is constitutionally not valid, tax return filers will need to link their PAN with Aadhaar by August 31, 2017 as per CBDT Press Release dated July 31, 2017 so that the tax returns can be processed. Thus, unless Aadhaar and PAN are linked, Income-tax returns filed will not be processed."
Chetan Chandak, Head of Tax Research, H&R Block, India, says that "Though this judgement has raised big questions on government's decision to make Aadhaar mandatory for various financial transactions, welfare schemes, PAN application, processing of tax returns, etc. But till the supreme court decides on the issues "whether Aadhaar violates the right to privacy of an individual" there is no change in the current situation. Therefore, the income tax department's decision mandating linking of their PAN with Aadhaar by August 31, 2017 still holds good and the returns will not be processed unless the PAN is linked with Aadhaar."
Therefore, those taxpayers who wish to file the tax return immediately or have filed it but have not linked their PAN and Aadhaar as yet will have to quote either their Aadhaar or Enrollment ID in their tax return without which they will not be able to file the tax return and delaying the tax return further may lead to paying additional interest on any pending tax dues.
Further as per the existing situation their return and consequent refunds will not be processed if they don't link their PAN and Aadhaar by 31st August. So it is in the interest of an honest taxpayer to be compliant with current law.
"But if one has serious concerns on privacy related issue and if he doesn't wish to apply for Aadhaar or quote it in his tax return he can wait till the Supreme Court decides on the validity of Aadhaar. But one should carefully analyse the related tax consequences before he does so." says Chandak.
Source:-The Economic Times
RBI to ramp up supply of Rs 200 notes
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said the supply of Rs 200 notes, brought into circulation on Friday, will soon be ramped up across the country through banking channels.
"The production of these notes is being ramped up by the currency printing presses and over time as more notes are printed, it will be distributed across the country through the banking channels and will be available for public in adequate quantity," the RBI said in a statement.
Currently, these notes are available only through select RBI offices and banks as is normal when a new denomination of notes is introduced and the supply increases gradually, it said.
Introduction of this denomination is expected to facilitate exchange transactions for the common man and provide complete series of denomination for transactions at the lower end.
The Rs 200 denomination bank note in the Mahatma Gandhi (New) series bears the signature of RBI Governor Urjit R. Patel.
It has the motif of the Sanchi Stupa on the reverse while its base colour is bright yellow.
The note has other designs and geometric patterns aligning with the overall colour scheme, both at the obverse and reverse.
Source:-The Times of India
Increase in minimum pay and fitment formula - Note Submitted by JCM National Council staff side to senior officers committee headed by Shri Pramod Kumar Das, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure on 14th August 2017.
To view the letter addressed to Additional Secretary, Govt. of India, Department of Expenditure, please CLICK HERE.
Procedure for booking of air-tickets on LTC - clarification
Whether non-entitled Govt. servants to follow booking procedure through authorized agents only?
DoPT clarifies as under :
"The matter has been examined in consultation with Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance and it is hereby clarified that in case of non-entitled Government servants travelling by air on LTC and claiming entitled rail fare, the condition of booking the air tickets through authorised travel agents viz. 'M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company', 'M/s Ashok Travels & Tours' and 'IRCTC'may not be insisted upon. In rest of the cases, the condition of booking the tickets through authorised modes shall continue to follow."
No. 31011/5/2014-Estt (A.IV)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel,Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi-110 001
Dated: August 21, 2017
Subject:- Procedure for booking of air-tickets on LTC – clarification reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even no. dated 23.09.2015 on the subject noted above and to say that as per the extant instructions, whenever a Government servant claims LTC by air, he/she is required to book the air tickets directly from the airlines (Booking counters, website of airlines) or by utilizing the services of the authorized travel agents viz. ‘M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company’, ‘M/s Ashok Travels & Tours’ and ‘IRCTC’ (to the extent IRCTC is authorized as per DoPT O.M. No. 31011/6/2002-Est(A) dated 02.12.2009) while undertaking LTC journey(s).
2. In this regard, references are received in this Department seeking clarification whether the aforesaid condition of booking the tickets through authorized travel agents needs to be followed in cases where a non-entitled Government servant travels by air on LTC and claims the entitled train fare.
3. The matter has been examined in consultation with Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance and it is hereby clarified that in case of non-entitled Government servants travelling by air on LTC and claiming entitled rail fare, the condition of booking the air tickets through authorised travel agents viz. ‘M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company’, ‘M/s Ashok Travels & Tours’ and ‘IRCTC’ may not be insisted upon. In rest of the cases, the condition of booking the tickets through authorised modes shall continue to follow.
(Surya Narayan Jha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
National Anomaly Committee related letter of the JCM (Staff Side)
Shiva Gopal Mishra, Secretary
Ph: 23382286
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001
E-Mail :
No.NC-JCM-2017/7th CPC Anomaly
Dated: August 23, 2017
Dear Comrades,
Kindly refer to your letter requesting us to take up certain issues in the National Anomaly Committee. We, having considered the definition of the anomaly and the ambit of the NAC, taken up the issues which are placed on our website. Some of the issues brought to our notice are actually “demands” in the charter and, we have reserved the same for taking up in the Standing Committee as Agenda.
These, apart from department specific items/issues, i.e. pertaining to one single department, are to be taken up in the Departmental Anomaly committee.
If you have any objection over our decision in the matter, kindly write to us or call on us immediately. No requisition received after 30th August 2017 may be able to be considered by us.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Source: NC JCM Staff Side
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Procedure for booking of air-tickets on LTC
No. 31011/5/2014-Estt (A.IV)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel,Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi-110 001
Dated: August 21, 2017
Subject:- Procedure for booking of air-tickets on LTC – clarification reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even no. dated 23.09.2015 on the subject noted above and to say that as per the extant instructions, whenever a Government servant claims LTC by air, he/she is required to book the air tickets directly from the airlines (Booking counters, website of airlines) or by utilizing the services of the authorized travel agents viz. ‘M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company’, ‘M/s Ashok Travels & Tours’ and ‘IRCTC’ (to the extent IRCTC is authorized as per DoPT O.M. No. 31011/6/2002-Est(A) dated 02.12.2009) while undertaking LTC journey(s).
2. In this regard, references are received in this Department seeking clarification whether the aforesaid condition of booking the tickets through authorized travel agents needs to be followed in cases where a non-entitled Government servant travels by air on LTC and claims the entitled train fare.
3. The matter has been examined in consultation with Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance and it is hereby clarified that in case of non-entitled Government servants travelling by air on LTC and claiming entitled rail fare, the condition of booking the air tickets through authorised travel agents viz. ‘M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company’, ‘M/s Ashok Travels & Tours’ and ‘IRCTC’ may not be insisted upon. In rest of the cases, the condition of booking the tickets through authorised modes shall continue to follow.
(Surya Narayan Jha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
– Code on Wages Bill: The Code would ensure universal minimum wage for all industries and workers. Moreover, it will also cover those workers who are getting a monthly pay of higher than Rs 18,000.
– The Code on Wages Bill seeks to empower the Centre to set a minimum wage across sectors and states will have to maintain that.
– Moreover, the best part is that states will be able to provide for higher minimum wage in their jurisdiction than fixed by the Central government.
– Besides, the minimum wage would be applicable on all classes of workers. At present, it is applicable for scheduled industries or establishments in the law.
– The universal minimum wage would be applicable for all workers irrespective of their pay.
– As of now, minimum wages are now applicable to 51 scheduled employments only. Now, the wage code amalgamates the provisions of four extant Acts — the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, The Payment of Wages Act, 1936, The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, and the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976. It means the wage code aims at reducing disparity in minimum wages across states. This means the proposed Code on Wages will subsume the Minimum Wages Act of 1948, the Payment of Wages Act of 1936, the Payment of Bonus Act of 1965 and the Equal Remuneration Act of 1976.
– The wage code will empower the Centre to notify a ‘national minimum wage’ (below which no state can fix their minimum wages) and this will be revised every two years (five years if the dearness allowance becomes part of the minimum wages).
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Sad demise...
Shri Manoher Patter, Superintendent of Post Offices, Parbhani Division (Aurangabad Region - Maharashtra) expired yesterday night due to cardiac attack.
He was promoted to PS Gr. B cadre vide Directorate Memo No. 9-14/2016-SPG dated 09-12-2016. He belongs to Karnataka circle and allotted to Maharashtra and joined as SPOs Parbhani Division in the month of December 2016. He was waiting for repatriation to his parent circle. 4 years and 10 months service was in hand. He was sincere, hard worker and soft spoken officer.
AIAIPASP Karnataka Circle conveys heartfelt condolence on his demise and pray to almighty to rest his soul in peace and give courage to the family members to bear the shock.
IPO examination books published by Shri P. Karunanithy
Examination books for IPO 2017
from Shri P.Karunanithy, Retired SPOs
Catelogue dated 13.08.2017
MCQ Guide on FR & SR containing 611 Q & A on 14 subjects namely FR & SR, Joining Time, Pension, NPS, Commutation, Leave, TA, LTC, GPF, CGEGIS, CEA, CGHS, DA & HRA, Medical Attendance with Seventh Pay Commission latest rulings
Rs. 250/-
Guide on Compendium of complaints & other subjects
Guide on Manuals and other subjects
Guide on Law subjects
Guide on miscellaneous subjects
Guide on Acts and other subjects
Website copy of Postal Manual Volume V
Website copy of Postal Manual Volume VII
Website copy of Postal Manual Volume VIII
Questions and answers 2011,2012,2013,2014 & 2016
In IP Exams, 70% of questions are asked from the questions of previous years. Hence the study of previous years questions is a must for success.
MCQ on Postal Manual Volume VII
MCQ book on Constitution of India
General English containing MCQ Questions and Answers
MCQ Guide on Post Office Guides containing 832 Q & A
on Post Office Guides incorporating latest rulings on PO Guide Part I , PO Guide Part II and Postal Savings Bank and Savings Certificates corrected up to 01.07.2017
Rs. 230/-
Latest General Knowledge book for the year 2018
Reasoning or Mental ability
Bare Act on Constitution
Bare Act on Consumer Protection Act
Rs. 80/-
Bare Act on RTI
Rs. 85/-
MCQ book:
The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 with 178 MCQ Q & A The RTI Act, 2005 with 176 MCQ Q & A
Rs. 150/-
“Disciplinary Rules are made simple” MCQ Question Bank of 575 Q& A containing CCS (CCA) Rules, Conduct Rules, Schedule containing the particulars of Appointing Authority, Disciplinary Authority and Appellate Authority in respect of Postal and RMS officials and Grade Pay of Postal and RMS employees
Rs. 170/-
“ Financial Rules are made simple” MCQ Question Bank of 471 Questions and Answers containing FHB Volume I, FHB Volume II and General Financial Rules, 2005 incorporating latest changes in 7th CPC
Website copy of Post Office Guide Part I (Corrected up to date)
Rs. 150/-
Latest 7th CPC orders on HRA, TA, Transport Allowance and some other allowances
Total amount for books
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Despatch charges under Registered Book Packet
Rs.120/ -
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Total amount for which M.O is to be remitted
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All books are in English version only
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Total 24 items only
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Madurai 625014
The amount should be remitted by eMO only and not by any other modes.
There is no VPP or COD services.
It is requested not to credit the amount in any of the SB accounts mentioned previously in the website
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2. If you want some selected books from the above list, you can contact in cell no:94433 29681 and intimate the serial numbers of the list.
3. Books will be dispatched by Registered Book Packets containing printed books. If your mobile number is furnished, the despacth particulars will be intimated by SMS in your mobile by us.
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