We heartly wel come Dr Charles Lobo to Karnataka Circle.....
This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to : ipaspkarnataka@gmail.com

Monday, January 30, 2017
First branch of India Post Payments Banks inaugurated - Video
Click below link to play IPPB Inauguration video
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Click below link to download RICT materials
The introduction of Hand-held Device viz., Main Computing Device (MCD) with all its peripherals going to be used in Branch Post Offices is well presented for the information of GDS and all others.
This gives us preliminary information along with some theoretical knowledge (for unaware GDS) & practical knowledge (for those who are in good practice in some Circles/Divisions) over the MCD (Hand-held Device) and its usage in BOs.
Highlights of DoPT OM No. 28020/1/2010-Estt(C) Dtaed 17.08.2016
1. Technical Resignation:
· Government servant should have applied through proper channel for a post in same or some other Department.
· If the conditions are met, it will be taken as Technical resignation, even if it was not mentioned as Technical Resignation while applying and all admissible benefits should be extended.
· If competent authority not allowed the forwarding of application, it will not be treated as Technical resignation.
· Benefits are admissible even if the employee applied before joining the service and application was not routed through proper channel, provided employee should intimate such application immediately after joining the service.
2. Balance leave credited:
· Balance of utilized Child Care Leave and other leaves will be carried forward.
· In case of permanent absorption in PSU/Autonomous Body/State Govt. employee is eligible for cash equivalent of leave salary in respect of EL & HPL at his credit subject to the limit of 300 days.
3. LTC carry forwarded: Entitlement for LTC will be carry forward.
4. Pay Protection: Protection of Pay will be given.
If employee rejoins his previous post:
· In case employee rejoins his earlier post, he will be entitled for increments for the period of his absence from that post.
· Transfer of GPF will be governed.
· Seniority in the post held by the employee on substantive basis continues to be protected.
5. However the period spent in other department will not be counted for minimum qualifying service for promotion.
6. Past service counted for Pension: Employee originally joined before 1.1.2004, joined the new post on technical resignation after 1.1.2004, his past services are counted towards pension.
7. Transfer of NPS account: In case of NPS, the balance standing in Personal Retirement Account along with PRNA will be carried forward to new office.
8. Service Book transfer: Service Book from the date first appointment must be kept in the custody of head office in which employee is serving and transferred with him from office to office.
9. Medical Examination & verification:
· If standard of medical examination is same for the new post, then employee need not to undergo fresh medical examination.
· No need for verification of character & Antecedents of the employee, if period of discharging from previous post and appointment to new post is less than a year.
10. Lien will be maintained for two years normally, 3 years in exceptional cases.
11. Joining Time, Joining time pay & allowances:
· Central & State Govt employees are eligible for joining time, which will be included as qualifying service in new Job.
· During Joining Time, Eligible for pay equal to pay drawn in old post before relinquishment, DA &
HRA. No Transport allowance
· Entitled for Transfer Travelling Allowance.
Download Technical Resignation and Lien highlights and OM No. 28020/1/2010-Estt(C) Dtaed 17.08.2016 by clicking the below link
Compiled by K.V.Ramesh, Sr.JGS IRTSA.
As you are aware, a tax deduction is a reduction in tax obligation from a taxpayer's gross income and it can be the result of a variety of events that the taxpayer experiences over the course of the year, which lowers the taxpayer's overall tax liability.
At present different tax codes allow taxpayers to deduct a variety of expenses from taxable income. Taxation authorities in both the Central and State governments set the tax code standards at different intervals. It is an un- disputed fact that the tax deductions set by government authorities are often used to entice taxpayers to participate in community service programs for the betterment of society. Thus the taxpayers who are aware or unaware of eligible central and state tax deductions greatly benefit through both tax deduction and service-oriented activities annually. We have been paying a huge amount of tax daily, monthly, quarterly half yearly or yearly towards different kinds of taxes to the Government, such as Service Tax, Building Tax, , Property tax, Gift Tax, Entertainment tax, Sales Tax, Excise tax/duty , Professional tax Income tax etc. In addition to that certain amount of cess is also levied along with taxes in some cases. Suppose the telephone bill for a particular month is Rs. 1000/-, we are paying an additional amount of Rs.150/- or more towards service tax and cess. Likewise if we recharge our mobile phone for Rs.100/- more than Rs.15 is immediately deducted and the remainder only is credited towards talk time. So also is the case of purchase for goods and availing of services. As such though aware or unaware of the fact, thousands of rupees are paid by us towards taxes including income tax every year.
Actually, the amount equal to the sum total of such taxes is a part of our income earmarked for government purpose. In short, the beneficiary of this part our hard earned money is the Government as it is not utilized by personal or family purposes by the tax payer.
Due to the very reason, we the individual tax payers including the salary class are entitled to get deduction from income tax equal to the sum total of different taxes paid especially income tax. But it is disheartening that only Professional Tax is being deducted from our income while computing income tax. As a result a huge amount of loss is being sustained by the tax payers every year,
The following simple calculation would reveal this
Suppose the Gross income of an individual tax payer is Rs.700000/- before deduction of Rs.150000 under section 80 (C ). He had paid total tax of Rs. 50000/-(including income tax of previous year) .
Computation of income tax - present system(AY-2017-18)
Gross Income
Rs .700000
Deduction under Section 80 ( c)
Rs. 150000
Net taxable income
Rs. 550000
Income tax payable (with out cess)
Rs. 35000
Computation of income tax under proposed system
Gross Income
Rs .700000
Deduction of Taxes paid
Rs. 50000
Deduction under Section 80 ( c)
Rs. 150000
Net taxable income
Rs. 500000
Income tax payable (with out cess)
Rs. 20000
Hence it would be advantageous is the Income tax computation system is revamped in such a way that un- necessary burden is shouldered by the individual tax payers who may have to take initiative to bring the matter to the notice of the government so as to remove the anomaly.
RICT MCD Device Unboxing Installation and Troubleshooting Video
In the process of computerization of Branch Post Offices, it is well aware that a HAND HELD DEVICE is going to supply to all GDS.
In the project of RURAL INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (RICT) the device i.e, MAIN COMPUTING DEVICE (MCD) with its peripherals to be installed in BOs soon.
For a preliminary information to GDS & for awareness on the Computerization of BOs, a short video film is published here
India Post Payments Bank gets RBI nod to start ops
NEW DELHI: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has given its nod to the India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) to start operations. The government has also appointed an interim CEO, who will help set up the entity.
IPPB is the third entity (got final licence from RBI on January 20) after Airtel and Paytm payment banks to get the central bank's approval, sources said. Operations are expected to start before March 31 and will be gradually rolled out in 650 districts using the network of 1.54 lakh post offices.
The government has appointed A P Singh as the interim managing director and CEO of IPPB. A 1986 batch Indian Postal Service officer, Singh was earlier joint secretary in the department of investment and public asset management (DIPAM). He has also served as the deputy director general in-charge of financial inclusion and payment systems in the founding team of UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India). The Aadhaar enabled payments system, e-kyc (electronic know your customer) and direct benefit transfers were piloted by him.
Payments banks are brainchild of former RBI governor Raghuram Rajan, who came up with the idea of differentiated bank licences. These banks do not offer loans and several other facilities that are offered by full-fledged banks and are not allowed to accept deposits over Rs 1 lakh. But, they can be of immense help in taking banking services across the country and in remote areas.
Earlier this month, Airtel Payments Bank launched nationwide operations, offering 7.25% interest on savings, which is more than maximum 7% paid by SBI on FDs. Paytm is expected to start operations of its payments bank next month.
The India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) has been incorporated as a public limited company under the department of posts with 100% equity from the government.
It will offer demand deposits such as savings and current accounts up to Rs 1 lakh, digitally-enabled payments and remittance services of all kinds between entities and individuals and also provide access to third party financial services such as insurance, mutual funds, pension, credit products, forex, and more, in partnership with insurance companies, mutual fund houses, pension providers, banks, international money transfer organisations, according to its website.
The postal payment bank will use postmen to help deliver banking services. The huge network of post offices provides enough muscle to the new player and it has also drawn up plans to offer services through internet and mobile banking, and pre-paid instruments such as mobile wallets, debit cards, ATMs, PoS (point of sale) and MPoS (mobile point of sale) terminals. Postmen will trained in soft skills to be able to carry out banking operations.
Source : http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com
650 districts in country to have post office PSKs
The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has drawn up ambitious plans of opening post office Passport Seva Kendras (PSKs) in 650 districts across the country soon.
Disclosing this during the inauguration of a post office PSK here on Wednesday, MEA Secretary D.M. Mulay said the MEA was planning to collaborate with the Department of Posts by opening PSKs at district level across the country to meet the growing demand for passports. The demand for passports in India, which is around 2 crore a year, was the third highest in the world after China and the U.S. A total of 60,000 passports are issued every day in the country, he added.
While there are a total of 89 PSKs in the country, the first two post office PSKs were opened at the Metagalli Post office in Mysuru and the Head Post office at Dahod in Gujarat in pilot mode on Wednesday.
Usha Chandrashekar, member, Postal Services Board, who was also present at the inauguration, said the postal officials will be processing the applications for verification of documents and obtaining the photographs and biometrics of the applicants at the post office PSKs.
The Department of Posts, which was earlier only handling posts, has also been handling a variety of other services, including delivering e-commerce parcels, insurance, social security products, and agricultural seeds. Now, it will be handling delivery of passport-related services in an IT-enabled manner, she added.
Union Minister Ananth Kumar, who inaugurated the post office PSK in Mysuru, hoped that all the districts of the country will have a PSK in one year’s time and appreciated Minister for External Affairs Sushma Swaraj’s initiative in the regard.
Pratap Simha, MP, recalled that the demand for a PSK for Mysuru was the first issue on which he had spoken in the Parliament after his election. He revealed that the decision to start a post office PSK in Mysuru from Wednesday was taken only last Friday and appreciated the officials of the Regional Passport Office, Bengaluru, led by RPO P.S. Karthigeyan for making the necessary arrangements in quick time.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Notification for conducting CWC @ Bengaluru to be held on 28-1-2017...
All India Association of Inspector’s and Assistant Superintendent Posts,
Karnataka Circle
Vasudeva Chathra
ASP(HQ) o/o SSRM Bangaluru Stg Division
(M) 9449004665
Manjunatha Hubballi
[Circle Secretary]
ASP Haveri Sub Division Haveri-581110
(M) 9449849271
Joseph Rodrigues
[Circle Treasurer]
Assistant Supdt Posts (HQ) Mangalore Dn Mangalore
(M) 9449848935
CS/IAIASP/CC/2016 Dated 27.12.2016
Under the provisions of Article 30 of the Constitution of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts, it is hereby notified that the Circle Working Committee Meeting of the Association will be held at Annex hall, 5th floor, GPO Building, Bengaluru-560001 on 28.01.2017 at 1000 hours.
Annex hall, 5th floor, GPO Building, Bangaluru-560001
1. Confirmation of the minutes of the last CWC held on 26.03.2016 at Udupi.
2. Organizational and Financial review of the association.
3. Subject matters for debate/discussion and decision thereon.
a. Bunching & anomaly issues of Seventh Pay Commission.
b. Up-gradation of Grade pay of Inspector Posts from Rs.4200/- to Rs.4600/- w.e.f. 01.01.2006, contempt case at Ernakulam bench.
c. Merger of ASP Cadre with PS Gr “B” cadre.
d. Regular promotion to PS Group ‘B’ Cadre. (Supplementary & Regular DPC for the year 2016)
e. LDCE for the promotion to PS Group ‘B’ examination CAT case
f. LDCE for promotion to Sr Postmaster examination
f. Re-organization of Sub Divisions
g. Re allotment of ASP’s from region to region.
h. Supply of Data card/Laptops/Computers with Broad Band connection for all IPs/ASPs other than Sub Divisional Heads
i. Sanction of PLI/RPLI incentive to the sub divisional heads through Mc Camish software.
j. Clerical assistance to the Sub divisional heads in view of monitoring of BD & e-enabled services.
k. condemnation of the old laptops and supply of new laptops to sub divisions
l. Revision of Inspection Questionnaire.
m. Any other item with the permission of the Chair
4. Organization review.
5. Financial review
6. Karnataka Circle Blog.
All the CWC members are requested to attend the meeting well in time.
Yours sincerely,
/Manjunatha Hubballi/
Circle Secretary, AIAIs&ASPs
Karnataka Circle
Copy to
1. The CPMG Karnataka Circle Bangalore-560001, for kind information with a request to issue instructions to all Regions/ Divisions to relieve the CWC members to attend the meeting well in time with eligible transit period.
2. The PMG NK Region Dharwad-580001 for information and necessary action please.
3. The PMG SK Region Bangalore-560001 for information and necessary action please.
4. GM CEPT Mysore-570010 for information and necessary action please
5. The Director Postal Training Centre Mysore-570010 for information and necessary action please.
6. Sri Arun Malik Director (SR Section) New Delhi-110001 for information and n/a please.
7. ALL CWC Members.
8. Office copy
Special invitees:
1. Sri Vilas Ingale General Secretary & SPO Thane West Division Thane.
2. Sri Naveen Chander designated SPO’s Shimoga Division Shimoga.
3. Dr. S.Shivaram Chief Postmaster Bengaluru GPO
3. Dr. S.Shivaram Chief Postmaster Bengaluru GPO
4. Sri Dinesh Khare SSPO Bangaluru South Division Bangaluru.
5. Sri JayantKumar M Captain @ APS Training Centre Campte Nagpur..
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