This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Contempt case filed before CAT Ernakulam for upgradation of GP of IP w.e.f 1-1-2006
It was listed on 28-11-2016, three weeks time has been given to respondent for filing reply as per their request.
FAQs on Withdrawal of Legal Tender Status of the existing Bank Notes in the denominations of Rs 500/- and Rs 1000/- (Updated as on November 28, 2016)
Withdrawal of Legal Tender Character of the existing Bank Notes in the denominations of ₹ 500/- and ₹ 1000/- (Updated as on November 28, 2016) | |
Source :
Search for higher rates ends at post offices, govt bonds
MUMBAI: Investors are rushing to lock money into post office deposits and a government bond, which are yet to cut interest rates even as banks lower deposit rates.A bank deposit now pays a maximum of 7%, while post office deposits pay 7.8% and the government bond pays 8%.
"There is a rush amongst investors to lock into longer-tenure products and where there is no announcement of rate cuts so far," said Vikram Dalal, managing director, Synergee Capital.
For retirees and other investors living on interest income from deposits, financial advisors said, the government savings bonds, which have a tenure of six years for small investors, make sense.
"There is no reinvestment risk as you can lock in at a rate as high as 8% for 6 years. It works well for those whose income is not subject to tax or who are in the marginal tax bracket," said Dalal. The minimum investments amount is Rs 1,000 and there is no ceiling on the upper limit. The bonds are issued in physical form.
"The only drawback of this product is that it is illiquid since they are not traded and cannot be encashed in an emergency.However, investors can opt to take a loan on this product, says Anup Bhaiya, MD, Money Honey Financial Services.
Interest rates on bank fixed deposits fell post demonetisation. Banks like SBI, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Kotak Bank have all cut fixed deposit rates by 15-25 basis points (100 basis points is equivalent to 1%).
Post the rate cuts, a five year fixed de posit fixed de posit from State bank of India fetches 6.5%, while HDFC Bank gives 6.75%. Taking a cue from banks, finance companies too have lowered deposit rates. HDFC now offers 7.65% for a five-year deposit, while Gruh Finance is offering 7.5%.
"The banking system is flush with liquidity and there are not enough avenues to deploy money .Given this and expected rate cuts, fixed deposit rates could head even lower in the coming months," says Shankar S, financial planner at Credo Capital.
Source : The Economic Times
Withdrawal of cash per week - RBI Instructions on 25.11.2016
DCM (Plg) No.1424/10.27.00/2016-16
November 25, 2016
The Chairman / Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer,
Public Sector Banks/ Private Sector Banks / Foreign Banks/ Regional Rural
Banks / Urban Cooperative Banks/ State Cooperative Banks/ District Central Cooperative Banks
Dear Sir,
Withdrawal of cash – Weekly limit
Please refer to our circulars DCM (Plg) Nos. 1272/10.27.00/2016-17 and 1273/10.27.00/2016-17 dated November 13 and November 14, 2016, respectively.
The banks are hereby advised that they may continue to allow their existing customers to withdraw cash from their accounts upto Rs. 24,000/- per week, till further instructions.
The said limit include withdrawals from ATMs as stipulated in our circular DCM (Plg) No.1304/10.27.00/2016-17 dated November 20, 2016.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Yours faithfully,
(Suman Ray)
General Manager
Rs 32,631 cr deposited in post offices since demonetisation
New Delhi, Nov 27 (PTI) People have deposited a staggering Rs 32,631 crore in nearly 1.55 lakh post offices across the country following demonetisation of Rs 500/1000 currency notes.
The post offices have also exchanged about Rs 3,680 crore of old currency notes between November 10 and 24, Department of Posts Secretary B V Sudhakar told PTI.
"From November 10 to November 24, we have exchanged 578 lakh notes of value of about Rs 3,680 crore. If you look at the deposits, 43.48 crore old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes were accepted as deposits, and their value is about Rs 32,631 crore," he said.
"From November 10 to November 24, we have exchanged 578 lakh notes of value of about Rs 3,680 crore. If you look at the deposits, 43.48 crore old Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes were accepted as deposits, and their value is about Rs 32,631 crore," he said.
As many as 1.55 lakh post offices -- about 1.30 lakh in rural areas and the rest 25,000 in urban and semi-urban areas -- are playing a "prominent role" in the entire exercise, he added.
During the same period, Rs 3,583 crore was withdrawn from post offices, Sudhakar said.
Following demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes from midnight of November 8, people rushed to banks and post offices to deposit or exchange old currency notes. Serpentine queues were seen in front of banks, ATMs and post offices with people lining up to get valid currency notes.
Those without postal savings accounts were also permitted to exchange the old notes up to a certain limit in the post offices by producing their identity cards.
While the window of a fortnight to exchange these currency notes over-the-counter at banks and post offices ended on November 24, the old notes can be deposited in bank accounts until December 30.
One more CAT case filed for stay in holding PS Gr. B examination
All India Association of Postmaster Cadre filed OA No. 291/00818/2016 before Hon'ble CAT Jaipur Bench for stay in holding of PS Gr. B examination scheduled to be held on 4-12-2016 and 100% posts of Sr. PM for Postmaster Cadre.
Friday, November 25, 2016
Central Government Employees likely to get new allowances from January 2017
It is reported from sources in the Ministry of Finance that centre likely to start disbursing allowances at higher rate in the next calendar year.
It is learnt that due to demonetization and cash crunch, the process is delayed. It is likely to be paid from January 2017.
Regarding date of effect, though the decision is yet to be taken but it is widely anticipated that fatter allowances will be effected from August 2016 and arrears to be paid in one go in January 2017.
As far as rate of allowances, the source added that the committee will stick to the pay commission recommendation. So the possibility to get something higher looks remote.
It is also reported that Govt. may consider only against abolishing of a few allowances as a populist measure.
Cabinet moves in to tax post demonetisation deposits
The Union Cabinet on Thursday night is believed to have discussed amending laws to levy close to 60 per cent income tax on unaccounted deposits in banks above a threshold post demonetisation of high-denomination currency notes.
The move comes amid banks reporting over Rs. 21,000 crore being deposited in zero-balance Jan Dhan accounts in two weeks after the Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 notes were banned, which authorities apprehend may be the laundered black money.
There was no official briefing on what transpired in the meeting that was called at short notice as Parliament is in session. Traditionally, there could no disclosures outside on any policy decision taken during the sitting of Parliament.
Sources said the government was keen to tax all unaccounted money deposited in bank accounts after it allowed the banned currency to be deposited in bank accounts during a 50-day window from November 10 to December 30.
There have been various statements on behalf of the government ever since the demonetisation scheme was announced on November 8, which has led to fears of the taxman coming down heavily on suspicious deposits that could be made to launder black money.
Officials have even talked of a 30 per cent tax plus a 200 per cent penalty on top of a possible prosecution in cases where black money holders took advantage of the 50-day window for depositing the banned currency.
Sources said the government plans to bring an amendment to the Income Tax Act during the current winter session of Parliament to levy a tax that will be higher than 45 per cent tax and penalty charged on black money disclosed in the one-time Income Disclosure Scheme that ended on September 30.
As for those black money holders who did not utilise the window, they would be charged a higher rate which could be close to 60 per cent that the foreign black money holder had paid in 2015.
Sources said the government is keen to root out benami deposits, particularly in Jan Dhan accounts.
There was also talk of the government imposing a limit on domestic gold holding, but it is not clear if the proposal was discussed at the Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday night.
The Cabinet meeting, summoned at a very short notice, comes amid reports of high tax penalty terrifying people from putting their cash savings in the formal banking system.
The sources said the government wants all of the Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 banknotes to be deposited and not burnt or destroyed for the fear of penal action.
The Income Tax Department had previously warned that cash deposits above Rs. 2.5 lakh threshold post demonetisation decision could attract tax plus a 200 per cent penalty in case of income mismatch.
It was stated that the department was tracking all cash deposited during the period of November 10 to December 30, 2016, above a threshold of Rs. 2.5 lakh in every account.
This had instilled fear in people with reports of the banned currency even being destroyed.
The sources added that the government may come out with a deposit scheme or an instrument like bond where the cash savings in the banned notes could be deposited.
A 50-day window was given to holders of the old currency to deposit in their bank accounts. But the penal tax provisions were deterring many.
Source :
Directorate directed circles not to issue admit cards for PS Gr. B examination but preparatory work continue
Subject: PS Group B Exam to be held on 04.12.2016
Respected Sir/Madam,
This is regarding conduct of the P.S. Group B Examination scheduled to be held on 04.12.2016
2. It is informed that CAT Ernakulam Bench has issued following directions dated 24.11.2016 in OA No. 180/953/2016 filed by Sh. Ajith Kurian, ASP, CO Kerala and others:-
“The respondent is directed to hold the examination separately for each vacancy year with a gap of minimum 40 days advance notice as per Appendix 37 of Postal manual Volume IV so that the applicants can avail the year-wise chance of appearing in the Examination. The respondents can notify the dates of five Examinations, if necessary, in advance, so that the applicants appearing in each year would get prior information of the dates”
3. In this connection, 12 Circles were provided with the details of the eligible candidates for issue of admit cards so far. It is requested that admit cards may not be issued to the candidates till further instructions from this office as the order of the CAT is being examined by this office. Meanwhile the preparatory work may be continued.
4. This issues with the orders of competent authority.
Withholding Annual Increments of Non-performers after 20 Years
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
23-November-2016 17:04 IST
Pay Hike
The 7th Central Pay Commission in its Report contained in Para 5.1.46 titled 'Withholding Annual Increments of Non-performers after 20 Years' has inter-alia recommended for withholding of annual increments in the case of those employees who are not able to meet the benchmark either for Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) or a regular promotion within the first 20 years of their service. The Government of India vide Resolution No.1-2/2016-IC dated 25.7.2016 has accepted this recommendation.
This was stated by the the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Development of North-Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh in written reply to a question by Shri Ram Charitra Nishad in the Lok Sabha on 23-11-2016.
Airtel launches India’s first Payment Bank with massive 7.25% interest on Savings Accounts

Airtel Payments Bank Limited or Airtel Bank, a subsidiary of Bharti Airtel Limited on Wednesday rolled out a pilot of its banking services in Rajasthan. The pilot is aimed at testing systems and processes ahead of a full scale pan Indian launch. With this, Airtel Bank became the first payments bank in the country to go live. Customers in towns and villages across Rajasthan will now be able to open bank accounts at Airtel retail outlets, which will also act as Airtel banking points and offer a range of basic, convenient banking services. Airtel Bank will commence the pilot with banking points at 10,000 Airtel retail outlets. Airtel Bank plans to expand its merchant network in Rajasthan to 100,000 by the end of the year, giving a big boost to digital payments ecosystem.
Airtel Bank’s services can be accessed by Airtel customers on their mobile phones through the Airtel Money app, through USSD by dialing *400#; or via a simple IVR by dialing 400. Both the USSD & IVR options are available in Hindi and English language and work on simple feature phones as well. Non Airtel customers can access Airtel Bank’s services by dialing 8800688006. Customers can also visit any designated Airtel retail outlet to access services (and not just the outlet where they have opened the account). Airtel Banking points will offer bank account opening services and cash deposit & withdrawal facilities.
1. Digital Banking: Quick and paperless account opening using Aadhaar based e-KYC. This requires no documents at all, only the customer’s Aadhaar number is needed
2. Customer’s Airtel mobile number will be his/her bank account number
3. Interest rate of 7.25 % p.a. on deposits in savings accounts
4. Money transfer to any bank account in India (Free money transfer from Airtel to Airtel numbers within Airtel Bank)
5. Personal Accidental Insurance of Rs 1 Lac with every Savings Account
6. Deposit and withdrawal facility across a network of Airtel retail outlets
Vasundhara Raje, chief minister of Rajasthan, said, “Congratulations to Airtel for making Rajasthan the first state in India to have Airtel Payments Bank. This initiative, perfectly in sync with Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision for financial inclusion and Digital India, will be a boon to residents in far flung areas who are yet to have access to formal banking. I look forward to Airtel reaching every corner of Rajasthan.”
Shashi Arora, MD & CEO, Airtel Payments Bank, said, “Airtel Payments Bank is fully committed to the Government’s vision of financial inclusion and banking for all. Airtel Payments Bank will play an important role in taking banking services to the last mile in a quick and efficient manner and benefit millions of unbanked citizens of this country. With this pilot, we have taken a big step towards the launch of our banking services and will be testing our operational readiness for full-scale launch across India. We would also like to use feedback from our customers to further improve our processes and look forward to serving them.”
On April 11, 2016, Airtel Bank became the first entity in India to receive a payments bank license from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
Source :
No service charge on debit card & smartphone transactions till Dec 31, says government
The government has stepped in to ease the demonetisation pain by incentivising e-payments. Today, Economics Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das announced a slew of measures to lessen cash purge blow on consumers. Here's what was announced
1) No service charges on use of debit cards till December 31.
2) For RUPAY cards all switching charges and other charges have been waived till December 31.
3) No service charge will be levied on digital financial transactions using smartphones till Dec 31.
4) New vehicles to come with Radio-Frequency Identification devices to ease e-payment of tolls at national highways.
5) Service charge of Railway online ticketing has been waived off till 31st Dec 2016.
6) All government organisations, have been advised to use only digital payment methods to make payment to their employees.
7) Banks told to ensure chain of activities related crop loan sanction & flow of funds etc to be done in smooth manner.
Das also stated that 82,000 ATMs have been re-calibrated so far. Further adding, that it is only a matter of few days by when all the ATMs will be re-calibrated.
Source : The Economic Times
PM invites views from the people, on decision taken regarding currency notes of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Prime Minister's Office
Government of India
Prime Minister's Office
22-November-2016 13:33 IST
PM invites views from the people, on decision taken regarding currency notes of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, has invited views from the people, on the recent decision taken by the Union Government regarding currency notes of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000.
People can submit their views through a survey consisting of 10 questions, which is available through the Narendra Modi App. Sharing the link to this survey, the Prime Minister tweeted today that he wants a first-hand view from the people, regarding this decision.
The ten questions in the Survey are as follows:
1. Do you think that black money exists in India? a. Yes b. No
2. Do you think the evil of corruption and black money needs to be fought and eliminated? a. Yes b. No
3. Overall, what do you think about the Government's moves to tackle black money?
4. What do you think of the Modi Government's efforts against corruption so far? Scale of 1 to 5 - outstanding, very good, good, ok, useless
5. What do you think of the Modi Government's move of banning old Rs 500 & Rs 1000 notes? a. Great move in the right direction b. Good move c. Will make no difference
6. Do you think demonetisation will help in curbing black money, corruption & terrorism? a. It will have an immediate impact b. There will be impact in medium to long term c. Minimal impact d. Don't know
7. Demonetisation will bring real estate, higher education, healthcare in the common man's reach a. Completely Agree b. Partially Agree c. Can’t say
8. Did you mind the inconvenience faced in our fight to curb corruption, black money, terrorism and counterfeiting of currency? a. Not at all b. Somewhat, but it was worth it c. Yes
9. Do you believe some anti-corruption activists are now actually fighting in support of black money, corruption & terrorism? a. Yes b. No
10. Do you have any suggestions, ideas or insights you would like to share with PM Narendra Modi?
This survey is in sync with the Prime Minister's vision of participative governance and directly seeking the views of the people of India on key policy and execution matters.
The Prime Minister has sought answers on very pointed and direct aspects of the decision of 500 and 1000 rupee notes ceasing to be legal tender. He has also sought feedback from the people on how to make the implementation stronger.
The Prime Minister's core beliefs of direct engagement with people are yet again on full display in the survey.
Declaration of undisclosed Black Money
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
22-November-2016 17:53 IST
A total number of 64,275* declarants have made declaration of undisclosed income of Rs.65,250* crore under the Income Declaration Scheme, 2016. (*Provisional). Under the Income Declaration Scheme, 2016 the amount of tax, surcharge and penalty is payable in three instalments. The notified date for payment of first instalment is 30th November, 2016. Hence, the quantum of tax collected as part of the Scheme cannot be quantified at this stage.
Government has taken several measures, by way of policy initiatives and enforcement action, to curb black money. Such measures include –
(i) Constitution of the Special Investigation Team (SIT) on Black Money under Chairmanship and Vice-Chairmanship of two former Judges of Hon’ble Supreme Court.
(ii) Enactment of ‘The Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015’ to specifically deal with the issue of black money stashed away abroad. The Act inter alia provides stringent provisions for concealment penalties (equal to three times the amount of tax payable) and contains stringent provision for prosecution.
(iii) Constitution of Multi-Agency Group (MAG) consisting of officers of Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Enforcement Directorate (ED) and Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) for investigation of recent revelations in Panama paper leaks.
(iv) Proactively engaging with foreign governments with a view to facilitate and enhance the exchange of information under Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAAs)/Tax Information Exchange Agreements (TIEAs)/ Multilateral Conventions.
(v) Joining the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement in respect of Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) and having information sharing arrangement with USA under its Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).
(vi) Renegotiation of DTAAs with other countries to bring the Article on Exchange of Information to International Standards and expanding India’s treaty network by signing new DTAAs and TIEAs with many jurisdictions to facilitate the exchange of information and to bring transparency.
(vii) Enabling attachment and confiscation of property equivalent in value held within the country where the property/proceeds of crime is taken or held outside the country by amending the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 through the Finance Act, 2015.
(viii) Enactment of the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Amendment Act, 2016 to amend the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 1988 with a view to, inter alia, enable confiscation of Benami property and provide for prosecution. The provisions of the amended Prohibition of Benami Property Transaction Act, 1988 have come into effect from 01.11.2016.
(ix) Initiation of the information technology based ‘Project Insight’ by the Income Tax Department for strengthening the non-intrusive information driven approach for improving tax compliance and effective utilization of available information.
(x) Withdrawal of Rs.500 and Rs.1000 denominations of Bank Notes of the existing series issued by Reserve Bank of India vide Notification No.2652 [S.O.3407(E)] dated 08.11.2016.
(xi) Amendment of Rule 114B of the Income-tax Rules to mandate quoting of PAN, for transactions of sale or purchase of goods or services of any nature above Rs.2 Lakh.
This was stated by Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.
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