This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Thursday, June 30, 2016
Govt. presents blue print on Postal Bank Updated on : 30-06-2016 10:37 AM
The government has come out with a blue print on postal bank. The postal payment bank will have 650 branches by September 2017. That means a branch in each district. 10% of the branches will be in north east state. Post offices in each district will be connected the main branch of postal bank in each district. govt is aggressively searching for a CEO to head the bank. The bank will be run by a board which have five independent director. Bank board will be established in 1 to 2 months. The staff of the postal bank will be different postal dept. staff. Initial bank branch staff is expected to be around 2000 people.The cabinet gave a go ahead to the postal payment bank earlier this month. The India Post Payments Bank shall be set up with an investment of Rs 800 crore. The idea behind postal bank is to increase financial inclusion in the country. At present, there are 22,137 post offices with core banking facility compared to State Bank of India's 1,666 branches. (PD)
Cabinet approves Implementation of the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the implementation of the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) on pay and pensionary benefits. It will come into effect from 01.01.2016.
The Cabinet has also decided that arrears of pay and pensionary benefits will be paid during the current financial year (2016-17) itself, unlike in the past when parts of arrears were paid in the next financial year.
The recommendations will benefit over 1 crore employees. This includes over 47 lakh central government employees and 53 lakh pensioners, of which 14 lakh employees and 18 lakh pensioners are from the defence forces.
1. The present system of Pay Bands and Grade Pay has been dispensed with and a new Pay Matrix as recommended by the Commission has been approved. The status of the employee, hitherto determined by grade pay, will now be determined by the level in the Pay Matrix. Separate Pay Matrices have been drawn up for Civilians, Defence Personnel and for Military Nursing Service. The principle and rationale behind these matrices are the same.
2. All existing levels have been subsumed in the new structure; no new levels have been introduced nor has any level been dispensed with. Index of Rationalisation has been approved for arriving at minimum pay in each Level of the Pay Matrix depending upon the increasing role, responsibility and accountability at each step in the hierarchy.
3. The minimum pay has been increased from Rs. 7000 to 18000 p.m. Starting salary of a newly recruited employee at lowest level will now be Rs. 18000 whereas for a freshly recruited Class I officer, it will be Rs. 56100. This reflects a compression ratio of 1:3.12 signifying that pay of a Class I officer on direct recruitment will be three times the pay of an entrant at lowest level.
4. For the purpose of revision of pay and pension, a fitment factor of 2.57 will be applied across all Levels in the Pay Matrices.
5. Rate of increment has been retained at 3 %. This will benefit the employees in future on account of higher basic pay as the annual increments that they earn in future will be 2.57 times than at present.
6. The Cabinet approved further improvements in the Defence Pay Matrix by enhancing Index of Rationalisation for Level 13A (Brigadier) and providing for additional stages in Level 12A (Lieutenant Colonel), 13 (Colonel) and 13A (Brigadier) in order to bring parity with Combined Armed Police Forces (CAPF) counterparts at the maximum of the respective Levels.
7. Some other decisions impacting the employees including Defence & Combined Armed Police Forces (CAPF) personnel include :
· Gratuity ceiling enhanced from Rs. 10 to 20 lakh. The ceiling on gratuity will increase by 25 % whenever DA rises by 50 %.
· A common regime for payment of Ex-gratia lump sum compensation for civil and defence forces personnel payable to Next of Kin with the existing rates enhanced from Rs. 10-20 lakh to 25-45 lakh for different categories.
· Rates of Military Service Pay revised from Rs. 1000, 2000, 4200 & 6000 to 3600, 5200, 10800 & 15500 respectively for various categories of Defence Forces personnel.
· Terminal gratuity equivalent of 10.5 months of reckonable emoluments for Short Service Commissioned Officers who will be allowed to exit Armed Forces any time between 7 and 10 years of service.
· Hospital Leave, Special Disability Leave and Sick Leave subsumed into a composite new Leave named ‘Work Related Illness and Injury Leave’ (WRIIL). Full pay and allowances will be granted to all employees during the entire period of hospitalization on account of WRIIL.
8. The Cabinet also approved the recommendation of the Commission to enhance the ceiling of House Building Advance from Rs. 7.50 lakh to 25 lakh. In order to ensure that no hardship is caused to employees, four interest free advances namely Advances for Medical Treatment, TA on tour/transfer, TA for family of deceased employees and LTC have been retained. All other interest free advances have been abolished.
9. The Cabinet also decided not to accept the steep hike in monthly contribution towards Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) recommended by the Commission. The existing rates of monthly contribution will continue. This will increase the take home salary of employees at lower levels by Rs. 1470. However, considering the need for social security of employees, the Cabinet has asked Ministry of Finance to work out a customized group insurance scheme for Central Government Employees with low premium and high risk cover.
10. The general recommendations of the Commission on pension and related benefits have been approved by the Cabinet. Both the options recommended by the Commission as regards pension revision have been accepted subject to feasibility of their implementation. Revision of pension using the second option based on fitment factor of 2.57 shall be implemented immediately. A Committee is being constituted to address the implementation issues anticipated in the first formulation. The first formulation may be made applicable if its implementation is found feasible after examination by proposed Committee which is to submit its Report within 4 months.
11. The Commission examined a total of 196 existing Allowances and, by way of rationalization, recommended abolition of 51 Allowances and subsuming of 37 Allowances. Given the significant changes in the existing provisions for Allowances which may have wide ranging implications, the Cabinet decided to constitute a Committee headed by Finance Secretary for further examination of the recommendations of 7th CPC on Allowances. The Committee will complete its work in a time bound manner and submit its reports within a period of 4 months. Till a final decision, all existing Allowances will continue to be paid at the existing rates.
12. The Cabinet also decided to constitute two separate Committees (i) to suggest measures for streamlining the implementation of National Pension System (NPS) and (ii) to look into anomalies likely to arise out of implementation of the Commission’s Report.
13. Apart from the pay, pension and other recommendations approved by the Cabinet, it was decided that the concerned Ministries may examine the issues that are administrative in nature, individual post/ cadre specific and issues in which the Commission has not been able to arrive at a consensus.
14. As estimated by the 7th CPC, the additional financial impact on account of implementation of all its recommendations in 2016-17 will be Rs. 1,02,100 crore. There will be an additional implication of Rs. 12,133 crore on account of payments of arrears of pay and pension for two months of 2015-16.
Source :PIB
Supreme Court dismisses petition seeking ban on WhatsApp
The Supreme Court has refused to ban WhatsApp and has asked the petitioner to approach the government.
A petition had been filed in the country's apex court seeking ban on the messenger service WhatsApp.
According to the petition, that WhatsApp's end-to-end encryption feature poses a security risk to the country. An apex court bench of Chief Justice TS Thakur and Justice AM Khanwilkar has asked the petitioner to approach Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT).
The petition, filed by RTI activist Sudhir Yadav said that WhatsApp and other messenger services violate provisions of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, and Information Technology Act, 2000.
Other than WhatsApp, the petition also names other messaging platforms like Hike, Viber and Secure chat.
"Even if WhatsApp was asked to break through an individual's message to hand over the data to the government, it too would fail as it does not have the decryption keys either," the petitioner said.
In his petition, Yadav further adds that terrorists and criminals can easily communicate on WhatsApp and make plans which are impossible to access even by supercomputers as decrypting a single 256-bit encrypted message would take hundreds of years.
In an update in April, WhatsApp introduced 256-bit encryption for all its users.
He said this was similar to what the government insisted vis-a-vis BlackBerry as well.
Source :
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Enhanced Financial Powers to different Ministries
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
28-June-2016 13:14 IST
Government of India has decided to revise the financial limits for appraisal and approval of Non-Plan Schemes/Projects by competent authorities. As per the revised delegation, the Committee on Non-Plan Expenditure (CNE), which serves as an appraisal forum for all non-plan proposals of Central Government Ministries/Departments, will now appraise proposals involving expenditure of Rs.300 crore and above. The earlier limit for this was Rs.75 crore. Non-plan Schemes/projects of less than Rs.300 crore can now be appraised by Ministry / Standing Finance Committee of the Ministry concerned.
The financial power of the Minister-in-charge of the administrative Ministry for approval of the Non-Plan schemes/projects has also been enhanced and the schemes/project costing less than Rs.500 crore can now be approved at his/her level. Earlier, the Minister-in-charge could approve projects costing less than Rs.150 crore. Finance Minister shall be competent financial authority for approving scheme/projects having financial implications of Rs.500 crore and above and upto Rs.1000 crore.
Proposal having financial limits of Rs.1000 crore and above shall require approval of the Cabinet/Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs. Concurrently, financial limits regarding appraisal and approval of increase in cost estimates have also been revised. Increase in cost upto 20% of the firmed up cost estimates can now be appraised by the Financial Adviser and approved by Secretary of the administrative Department, if the absolute cost escalation is upto Rs.75 crore, and by the Administrative Minister-in-charge if absolute cost escalation is above this.
With this enhancement of financial powers, the financial limits for appraisal and approval of plan and non-plan schemes/projects of Central Government Ministries and Departments have been brought almost at par. This is expected to expedite appraisal and approval process in the Central Government Ministries/Departments.
Centre may choose to disburse the increased allowances recommended by 7th CPC only prospectively: Financial Express
The Cabinet is likely to approve the 7th Pay Commission award in its entirety soon. Although the pay increases recommended by the commission will take effect from January 1, 2016, the Centre may choose to disburse the increased allowances only prospectively, official sources said.
If the revised allowances take effect only from, say, September this year, the savings to the exchequer would be to the tune of Rs 11,000 crore. Additionally, if the railway ministry decided to toe the Centre’s line, the national transporter will save around Rs 3,800 crore.
The salary revision, which will benefit about 50 lakh government employees and 58 lakh pensioners, is expected to boost consumption demand and help achieve higher economic growth in FY17.
Allowances are currently roughly half of the Centre’s salary bill; as per the pay panel’s award, the steepest increase — 63% — was in allowances, while the overall rise in pay, allowances and pensions recommended was 23.55%.
The Budget in February had provided `53,500 crore towards the pay panel-induced overall rise in pay, allowances and pension (PAP) and also to finance the one-rank-one-pension scheme for the armed forces. The commission, in its November 2015 report, had estimated the additional outgo in FY17 due to its award at `73,650 crore.
“A Committee of Secretaries (headed by the Cabinet secretary PK Sinha), has finalised its report on Pay Commission recommendations… We will soon make a draft Cabinet note based on the report,” finance secretary Ashok Lavasa said. Sources said the report will be considered by the Cabinet as early as Wednesday. The committee was set up in January.
While there is no official word on the exact provision made in budget for higher pay, Lavasa in a recent interview to FE said that its premature to say whether the provisions made in the budget are adequate or not to meet the pay panel requirements
Public authorities should use India Post services, not private courier service
It is observed that several government-departments, public-authorities and public-sector-undertakings (PSUs) use private courier service rather than postal services.
With premium postal-services like Speed Post now available at most post offices and destinations, it should be made compulsory for all bodies under central and state governments for compulsorily using only normal postal-services. Registered Post should be used at destinations not covered by premium Speed Post service. Postal Department should take up the matter with Department of Public Enterprises and others concerned.
In Focus Public sector services should be utilised by all public authorities as far as possible to encourage public sector and to prevent the public money from going to services under private sector.
Postal department can also provide special privilege to Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) by introducing sponsored postal stamps against some minimum purchase of postal stamps where such sponsored postal stamps can carry design advertisements from these PSUs but only after being approved by the postal department.
Such sponsored postal stamps can have some advertisement cost per stamp like in case of inland-letter cards and post cards. This idea will give increased revenue earning for postal department, and an advertisement-field for PSUs.
However Speed Post tariffs will have to be rationalized and revised to be uniform for local and non-local services with equal tariff-rise for every additional 50 gms rise in slab-weight to compete charges of private courier services
Monday, June 27, 2016
Invitation for Confederation of Central Government Gazetted officers Organisation...
of proposed Confederation of Central
Government Gazetted Officers’ Organization
“Cauvery Hall” , CR building ,
4th floor, Income Tax
office, Queens Road, Bangalore – 560001
July 2016 at 10.00 hours
Smt./Sri. Manjunath Hubballi
ASPOs Association
Circle , Bangalore-1
K. N. Ramachandra Bhatta, Sr.
Accounts Officer
Postal Acccount Office,
Mob: 09481805757
Court dismisses recovery suit against MoC&IT, postal dept
New Delhi, Jun 26 () A Delhi court has dismissed a suit filed against the Ministry of Communication and IT and Postal Department by a telemarketing firm seeking recovery of over Rs 11 lakh allegedly misappropriated by its employees and public servants.
Additional District Judge Kaveri Baweja rejected the plaint saying it was not maintainable as the alleged breach of trust was done by the firm's own employee and recovery cannot be done from the central government and postal authorities.
"In these circumstances, since as per the case of the plaintiff (firm), it is its own employee, who committed alleged breach of trust, for which FIR has also been registered by plaintiff, the suit for recovery of the misappropriated amount of Rs 11,46,800 does not lie against defendants herein i.e. Union of India and postal authorities," the judge said.
The court said, "Accordingly, in view of the discussion, the preliminary issue is decided against the plaintiff and in favour of the defendant. Suit of plaintiff is accordingly dismissed as being not maintainable."
According to the suit, firm Eage Shopping Pvt Ltd sells goods through teleshopping and Internet to customers on the basis of online and cash payment on delivery.
In February 2012, the firm entered into an agreement with Postal Department for availing services of Express Parcel as per which the department would deliver the articles to the customers and collect money on behalf of the company, it said.
It added the department was required to remit money to the firm through cheque in the name of Eage Shopping Pvt Ltd.
The plaint alleged that the firm came to know that some of its officials in connivance with postal officials and others embezzled its funds and stocks and had issued cheques in the name of 'M/s Eage Shopping' instead of 'M/s Eage Shopping Pvt Ltd' to release the cheques into sham bank account.
It claimed that defendants have received Rs 11.46 lakh from the firm's customers but did not give it.
An FIR was lodged at Janak Puri Police Station for the alleged offences of cheating, forgery and criminal conspiracy against the firm's employees for misappropriating its funds after which the company filed the suit.
The court also noted that the firm's employee himself used to receive cheques from concerned postal officials in a wrong name i.e. in the name of sham company 'M/s Eage Shopping' instead of 'M/s Eage Shopping Pvt Ltd.'
"He also got the said cheques encashed in sham account in the name of 'M/s Eage Shopping', thereby causing loss to the plaintiff company by aforesaid breach of trust," it said. SKV ZMN DIP
Source:-The Times of India
Cabinet may decide 7th Pay Commission on June 29
The much awaited seventh pay commission is going to enter the last phase of implementation soon.
The Union Cabinet is expected to take up the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission on June 29.
As per reports, Prime Minister has directed Finance Ministry to implement the Pay Commission for government employees, and place the Empowered Group of Secretaries report on the central government employees’ salary and allowances hike in the next Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, June 29.
It is expected that Empowered Group of Secretaries panel has raised the fitment factor to around 2.7, up from 2.57 as recommended by the 7th Pay Commission. The entry level salary is expected to rise to Rs 23,000, up from Rs 18,000 as recommended by the AK Mathur panel. Implementation of the Pay Commission report is going to cost the government Rs 1.02 lakh crore.
The Commission will revise the pay of nearly 47 lakh central government employees and 52 lakh pensioners, which will be effective from January 1, 2016.
With the threat of strike by central government employees looming large, the Cabinet is expected to take a prompt decision on the recommendations resulting in notification.
The salary hikes recommended are expected to apply from July.
Source : ZeeNews
Filling up the posts of instructors on deputation at PTC Saharanpur
Click here to view of directorate letter for filling up the posts of instructors on deputation at PTC Saharanpur.
Post Bank of India - Wikipedia article
The India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) is a proposed state-owned commercial bank in India. The bank would use the existing network of the public-sector postal service, India Post.
In 2006, it was announced that India Post would open a bank to erase its ₹1,000 crore deficit during the 11th Five Year Plan, emulating Poste italiane. In February 2013, it was announced that India Post had hired Ernst and Young to prepare a report on the proposed bank. Some officials of the Ministry of Finance had opposed the plan saying that India Post did not have the expertise to provide banking services such as handling credit.
In August 2013, the Planning Commission of India said that even though it supported the plan, it was not feasible owing to financial difficulties at the moment. It also felt that converting post offices into bank branches may hamper their original function. In October 2013, the Cabinet of India rejected the proposal on the grounds that India Post did not have sufficient expertise in running a bank. In December 2013, India Post announced that it would install ATMs in 1000 of its office across India in the first half of 2014.
On 27 February 2014, India Post opened its first ATM in Chennai. In April 2014, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) gave in-principle banking licences to IDFC and Bandhan Financial Services out of 26 applicants, but India Post was not considered for a licence because it had not received the mandatory clearance from the government. However, the RBI said that it would examine the proposal separately in consultation with the government.
In September 2014, a task force was formed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi which aimed to study ways in which the existing postal network could be leveraged. The task force was headed by T. S. R. Subramanian. On 4 December 2014, the task force submitted its report to Minister for Communications and Information Technology Ravi Shankar Prasad. The report said that more services should be provided in the field of banking, insurance and e-commerce.
In late December 2014, it was announced that India Post would issue ATM-cum-debit cards to its Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) account holders. In January 2015, it was announced that the Indian government was considering a legislature, to finalise the setting up of the bank, following which a banking license would be applied for at the Reserve Bank of India. On 28 February 2015, during the presentation of the Budget it was announced that India Post will use its large network to run a payments bank.
Role in financial inclusion
India Post has about 1,54,000 post offices, of them 90% are in rural areas. There is one post office for every 7176 people in India. India Post also has 2,96,000 agents in the rural area. About 2.2 crore people, already receive their National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) payments by post offices. After State Bank of India, India Post has the largest deposits valued at ₹6 lakh crore.
T. S. R. Subramanian has said that it could aid in the ongoing Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana financial inclusion plan.
Structure and funding
The Payments Bank will be set up on a lean operating model. It will focus on financial inclusion by harnessing low-cost technology based solutions to extend access to formal banking especially in rural areas and among unbanked and under banked segments of the society. It has proposed by the task force that the existing Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) should be continued to run parallel to the new bank initially. Later, it should be merged with the bank. The existing post offices shall provide banking services to customer, whereas the bank branches shall handle back-office work, like processing loan applications, assessing credit worthiness and risk assessment, investment operations etc.
The Post Bank shall also provide institutional accounts to panchayats and micro-credit agencies. Initially, the bank will operate separately from the postal business, with a branch in every district for the first three years. The bank will require an initial funding of ₹500 crore from the government.[13]
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Holidays for Central Government Employees during year 2017 – Dopt Orders Holidays to be observed in Central Government offices during year 2017
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training
JCA-2 section
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 24th June. 2016
Subject: Holidays to be observed in Central Government offices during year 2017- reg.
It has been decided that the holidays as specified in the Annexure —I to this O.M. will be observed in the Administrative Offices of the Central Government located at Delhi/New Delhi during the year 2017. In addition, each employee will also be allowed to avail himself / herself of any two holidays to be chosen by him/her out of the list or Restricted Holidays in Annexure — II.
2.Central Government Administrative Offices located outside Delhi / New Delhi shall observe the following holidays compulsorily in addition to three holidays as per para 3. below:
3.1. In addition to the above 14 Compulsory holidays mentioned in para 2 , three holidays shall be decided from the list indicated below by the Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committee in the State Capitals, if necessary, in consultation with Coordination Committees at other places in the State. The final list applicable uniformly to Central Government offices within the concerned State shan be notified accordingly and no change can be carried out thereafter. It is also clarified that no change is permissible in regard to festivals and dates as indicate.
3.2 No substitute holiday should be allowed if any of the festival holidays initially declared subsequently happens to fall on a weekly off or any other non-working day or in the event of more than one festivals falling on the same day.
4. The list of Restricted Holidays appended to this O.M. is meant for Central Government Offices located in Delhi / New Delhi. The Coordination Committees at the State Capitals may draw up separate list of Restricted Holidays keeping in view the occasions of local importance but the 9 occasions left over, after choosing the 3 variable holidays in para 3.1 above, are to be included in the list of restricted holidays.
5.1 For offices in Delhi / New Delhi, any change in the date of holidays in respect of Idu’l Fitr, Idu’l Zuha, Muharram and Id-e-Milad, if necessary, depending upon sighting of the Moon, would be declared by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions after ascertaining the position from the Govt. of NCT of Delhi (DCP, Special Branch, Delhi Police).
5.2 For offices outside Delhi / New Delhi, the Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committees at the State Capitals are authorised to change the date of holiday, if necessary, based on the decision of the concerned State Governments / Union Territories, in respect of Idu’l Fitr, Idu’l Zuha, Muharram and Id-e-Milad.
5.3 It may happen that the change of date of the above occasions has to be declared at a very short notice. In such a situation, announcement could be made through P.I .B /T.V. /A.I.R. / Newspapers and the Heads of Department / Offices of the Central Government may take action according to such an announcement without waiting for a formal order, about the change of date.
6. During 2017, Diwali (Deepavali) falls on Thursday , October 19, 2017 (Ashvina 28). In certain States, the practice is to celebrate the occasion a day in advance, i.e., on “Narakachaturdasi Day”. In view of this, there is no objection if holiday on account of Deepavali is observed on- “Naraka Chaturdasi Day (in place of Deepavali Day) for the Central Government Offices in a State if in that State that day alone is declared as a compulsory holiday for Diwali for the offices of the State Government.
7. Central Government Organisations which include industrial, commercial and trading establishments would observe upto 16 holidays in a year including three national holidays viz. Republic Day, Independence Day and Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, as compulsory holidays. The remaining holidays / occasions may be determined by such establishments / organisations themselves for the year 2017, subject to para 3.2 above.
8. Union Territory Administrations shall decide the list of holidays in terms of Instructions issued in this regard by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
9. In respect of Indian Missions abroad, the number of holidays may be notified in accordance with the instructions contained in this Department’s O.M. No.12/5/2002-JCA dated 17th December, 2002. In other words, they will have the option to select 11(Eleven) holidays of their own only after including in the list, three National Holidays and Mahavir Jayanti, Id-ulZuha (Bakrid), Vijay Dashmi, Muharram, Guru Nanak Birthday and Miladun-Nabi(Id-e-Milad (Birthday of Prophet Mohammad) included in the list of compulsory holidays and falling on day of weekly off.
10. In respect of Banks, the holidays shall be regulated in terms of the extant instructions issued by the Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance.
11. Hindi version will follow.
(K.Salil Kumar)
Under Secretary (JCA)
General Post Office Indore to start selling Gangajal....
INDORE: Implementing PM Narendra Modi's plan to supply Holy water of the Ganga across the country by post, the General Post Office in Indore has geared up to start the sale of water of river Ganga (Gangajal) from July 4.
The packaging of the water will be done in Rishikesh and Gangotri, Uttarakhand and it will be distributed across the country from the Delhi nodal office if Indian Post.
The scheme was rolled out by telecom minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, on May 30 while speaking about the achievements of NDA government after two years in office. As the next step of the scheme, Gangajal will be delivered to every home by the Indian Post.
"The holy water will be available in two bottles of 200mL and 500 mL capacity. The cost of the bottles will be Rs. 12 and Rs. 15 respectively. This scheme has been implemented with the intention of connecting with people on sentimental, cultural and religious level. The bottles will be marked with a seal of authenticity to ensure that the water is not adulterated," Priti Agarwal, Director, Postal Services for Indore region informed. Apart from Indore these bottles of water will also be available in the post offices of Ujjain, Khandwa, Bhopal (TT Nagar post office), Lashkar and Jabalpur districts of the state.
The post office, on earlier occasion also sold LED bulbs with the aim to spread awareness about the conservation of energy. In Ujjain, the postal services are used to sell 'prashad' from Mahankal Temple and deliver it at people's doorsteps.
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