This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Thursday, April 28, 2016
Finacle Training Lesson 4 [Function]
In the previous lesson we have learnt about the various items which we see on the finacle screen. If you have not read the previous lesson, please read it first and then come back.
In today’s lesson we will learn about the terminology used in Finacle.
Our Sanchay post terminology and finacle terminology are very different. Finacle terminology is on par with global banking nomenclature. So let’s learn it.
What is the new Finacle Terminology
Before we start the lesson please observe the following images.
1. Screen of CTM (SB Deposit/Withdrawal)
2.Screen of CRDP ( RD Deposit)
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4.Screen of CRDOAAC ( RD Account opening)
Did you see all the images? There is one thing common in all the images? What is it? FUNCTION. We will see an option called FUNCTION in all screens of Finacle. Let’s learn what is this function?
Imagine Finacle as a ROBOT. It will understand only Finacle language. For example let us assume that you want to do SB Deposit transaction. To tell Finacle to open SB Deposit screen we have to enter CTM in the menu shortcut field. After entering CTM in the menu shortcut field and clicking on GO button Finacle will open a screen as shown in the first image.(Please see the first image).
Now Finacle is asking us “What do you want to do in this screen? What is your Function?” That’s why we see an option as Function in every screen. Finacle is asking us what your function is. We have to tell what we want to do in that screen.
Here in this case as we want to deposit some amount in SB account, let’s see what our Function is.
In finacle, doing transactions is called as adding transactions. Here we want to do an SB Deposit transaction in Finacle. Technically it is called as “We are ADDING one new deposit transaction in Finacle”. Are you getting my point? Let me explain in more detail.
Let us assume you have a bucket full of mango fruits. If your friend gives you more mangoes you will then ADD these mangoes to the bucket. Some people might say we are PUTTING the mangoes in bucket, but technically we are ADDING more mangoes to the bucket. Similarly we ADD new transactions to Finacle.
So, since we are doing a new deposit transaction, we choose the Function as ADD. Similarly when you are doing a new withdrawal transaction, then also we will choose the FUNCTION as ADD only.
· when we are opening a new account, we will choose FUNCTION as OPEN
· When we are issuing a new cheque book to the customer, we will choose the FUNCTION as ISSUE
· When we are transferring an account from one post office to another, we will choose FUNCTION as TRANSFER
· When we are closing the account, we will choose the FUNCTION as CLOSE.
* When we are verifying a transaction we will choose the FUNCTION as VERIFY
I hope you understand what I am trying to say. We tell finacle what we want to do by choosing appropriate function.
So that’s it for today’s lesson. We will discuss more terms tomorrow. I’m teaching very very little in each lesson. This is because I don’t want to confuse you by teaching so much in one day. Also I don’t want to waste much of your valuable time. Learn the lesson in just 10 or 15 minutes, that’s it. Spend the time with your family or spend it for yourself.
Points to remember:
1. FUNCTION is the option through which we tell Finacle what we want to do.
2. Function and Function code are same. They are used alternatively.
Read more
1. Finacle Training Lesson 1 [Menus]
1. Finacle Training Lesson 1 [Menus]
source : poupdates.blogspot.
DoP seeks Cabinet nod for payments bank proposal
New Delhi, Apr 27 (PTI) The Department of Posts (DoP) has sought Cabinet approval for its payments bank proposal involving a project cost of Rs 800 crore.
The Public Investment Board (PIB) has recommended that the payments bank may be set up as a public limited company under the Department of Posts with 100 per cent government equity.
"With a project cost of Rs 800 crore (Rs 400 crore equity and Rs 400 crore grant) and the draft cabinet note has been forwarded to Cabinet Secretariat seeking the approval for the project," Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha.
The Reserve Bank of India granted in-principle approval to DoP for setting up payments bank on September 7, 2015, with a stipulation to complete all formalities for setting up the bank with 18 months.
The present proposal is that the India Post Payments bank (IPPB) may set up one headquarter and up to 650 branches co-located in district headquarter post offices.
"...more than 60 large companies have approached the Department of Posts for collaboration with the prospective IPPB," the Minister added.
Prasad said the project may be rolled out in a phased manner and the bank may complete its nation-wide rollout in five years.
"All the post offices in a district may be linked to the respective IPPB branch and may become the access point for the services of payments bank and will coordinate with the payments bank branches to which they are mapped," the Minister said.
He further said services available through the payments banks will be basic banking services like acceptance of demand deposits such as current and savings accounts up to a balance of Rs 1 lakh, various kinds of payments, including social security payments like DBT payments, person to person remittances (both domestic and cross-border).
"Apart from these, financial products like insurance, mutual funds, pensions, credit etc may be distributed through third party tie ups with banks and other financial service providers especially in rural areas and among the under banked segments of the society," he added.
Regarding International Finance Corporation, a member of World Bank, has shown interest in picking up stake in the business, Prasad said some preliminary discussions had taken place but no formal proposal to this effect has been received.
OBC representation
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
27-April-2016 13:57 IST
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
27-April-2016 13:57 IST
OBC representation
As per the information received from 65 Departments/Ministries, there were 7,183 OBCs in Group ‘A’ and 21,085 OBCs in Group ‘B’ in the Central Government Departments/Ministries, as on 01.01.2014.
Other Backward Class candidates appointed prior to 1993 are generally not included in the representation. The representation of OBCs with respect to total number of employees in Central Government Departments/ Ministries was 19.63%, as on 01.01.2014. There has been an increasing trend in the representation of Other Backward Classes over the years.
A Committee constituted in July, 2013 under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, made an in depth analysis of the reasons for non-filling up of the backlog reserved vacancies and suggested measures to enhance the employability of reserved category candidates. Based on the report submitted by the Committee in May 2014, and Action Plan for study of reasons for non-filling up of backlog reserved vacancies, review of prescribed standards, if required, concluding special recruitment drive and conducting pre-recruitment training programme was communicated to the Departments/Ministries concerned on 20.11.2014.
Since, 1st April, 2012, 21771 of backlog reserved vacancies for OBCs have been filled up. This was stated by the Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Dr. Jitendra Singh in a written reply to a question by Shri Dharmendra Yadav in the Lok Sabha today.
Since, 1st April, 2012, 21771 of backlog reserved vacancies for OBCs have been filled up. This was stated by the Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Dr. Jitendra Singh in a written reply to a question by Shri Dharmendra Yadav in the Lok Sabha today.
Updation of joining / declination in PS Gr. B promotion memo dated 10.11.2015
Directorate vide memo No. 9-02/2015-SPG dated 18/4/2016 has called for the information from circles as to whether the officers promoted through memo No. 9-02/2015-SPG dated 10/11/2015 has joined or declined the promotion. Most of the circle are said to be not submitted correct information to Directorate. Directorate has requested to circles to submit report on joining or declination of promotion by 22/4/2016, but on inquiry it is revealed that till date many circles information is yet to receive at SPG Division of Directorate.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
37th Karnataka Circle Confernce
All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent Posts,
Karnataka Circle
The reception committee has been formed for hosting 37th Circle conference in Udupi, in order to meet the conference expenses, donation coupons are sent to ASP (HQ) of the concerned Divisions/office bearers of the association. It is requested to all ASP (HQ)/office bearers to distribute to other IP/ASP’s working in the Division/Region/Circle Office/Unit..
All members are requested to kindly deposit the money collected from the coupons towards Circle conference credit to POSB account No 3221915405 with SOLID57610100 (Udupi HPO)…
All the delegates are requested to intimate arrival/departure particulars to
Jayaram Shetty ASP ® Udupi- 9449848943
Laxminarayana ASP (HQ) (Treasurer) Udupi- 9449848924,
for making staying arrangement at Udupi….
All office bearers/members/special invitees are requested to attend the Conference
and make it grand success... It is informed by reception committee that no one has informed itinerary particulars to them..It is very difficult to make all the arrangements at the last moment. It is once again requested to inform well in advance. We hope all are aware about it.
unity is strength
Cadre restructuring of Stenographers in Dept of Posts
Click here to view the Postal Directorate order no 25-25/2013-P.E.I dated 19.04.2016 on the above subject matter.
Finacle Training Lesson 3 [On Screen Elements]
In the previous lesson we have learnt how to login in to finacle system. If you have not read the first 2 lessons please read them first and then start reading this lesson.
In today’s lesson we will learn about everything which we see on finacle screen.
Before we start today's lesson we have a request. Can someone translate our lessons into other languages?
Languages like தமிழ், हिंदी, తెలుగు, മലയാളം, বাঙালি, मराठी, ગુજરાતી, etc.
Can someone help us in this task? We want to translate these lessons into our mother tongues so that all of us can easily understand. By translation we mean both translate and type in the corresponding language. If anyone is willing you can please contact us by sending an email to
What are those things which we see on Finacle screen?
Before I say anything please see image below and we will discuss each item in detail.
In the picture I have labeled each item with a number. Let’s see each item in detail number wise.
1. Item no 1 shows today’s date. After you login into finacle, do not forget to check the date . It must show the date of current working day. But as you can see in the image the date is shown as 26/12/2013. I have taken the screenshot on 31/03/2016. This is because the day end of 26/12/2013 is not yet completed in my office. (Don’t worry my office is training center and we don’t do day end here). But in your office it must show today’s date only. If it is not showing current working date we should not do any transaction until Day end is completely over. Don’t worry I have only faced such situation only once when I was in counter. Very rare situation it is.
2. Item no 2 and item no 12 shows the details of user who is currently logged in. If you are logged in, it will show you user id. It is important to keep an eye on this field. In single hand offices the same user will be given Counter PA id and Supervisor ID. While doing transactions it is important to keep in mind that you should not do any transactions in Supervisor ID. If you do so then it may become difficult to verify those transactions. So keep an eye on the user name before clicking the submit button.
3. Item no 3 will show the SOL ID of the office in which you are currently working. Suppose if you go to a different office on deputation you have to inform your CPC to change your office. Otherwise all the transactions which you do in deputation office will be reflected in your parent office. That will create chaos. So please be careful when you are going to work in different offices.
4. Item no 4 shows the menu shortcut field. In this field you have to enter the menus to do various operations.
5. If you click on item no 5, item no 11 will appear on the screen. This menu list can be configured just like our Sanchay post so that you need not remember all the menus. But we do not recommend using item number 11. Please try to remember all the frequently used menus.
6. Memo pad is just like reminder or alarm. Suppose if you want some information from certain customer then simply create a memo pad entry for the account number of the customer and finacle will alert you when that customer comes for a transaction to your office. (System will show an exception while doing the transaction that a memo pad entry for the account exists)
7. Background Menu is used for doing 2 transactions at a time. For example while opening any new account through POSB cheque if you forget to deposit the amount in SB, you can use background menu to deposit the amount without losing information you entered in account opening screen.
8. CCY converter can be used to check currency rates. Since we are not dealing with any foreign exchange services we don’t need it at the moment.
9. Item no 9 is used to change your password. If you click on that key image a new screen will open where you can change your existing password.
10. Item no 10 is the logout button. If you click on it you will logout from finacle. Do not forget to logout before leaving your system or do not close the browser without logging out.
11. Item no 11 is a shortcut screen for all menus. It will appear on screen when you click on item no 5. But we strictly do not encourage these menu shortcut options.
12. Item no 13 shows the time zone in which we are presently working. Since Finacle is made for international customers. It can operate at various time zones. Here in India we will have our time zone as IST.
13. Item no 14 shows the welcome message on the screen.
14. Item no 15 shows the number of reports available in HPR menu. Delete those reports if you have already printed them.
15. Item no 16 is scrolling message. Sometimes some important messages are displayed in that scrolling. Like “Stop working and sleep because finacle wants to sleep” LOL. Just joking. It will show messages like “Today CCRC menu will not work”, “Complete day end by 0430pm” etc.
So this is the information about all the items which we see on the screen. It’s essential to know everything about Finacle.
So that’s it for today’s lesson. See you again tomorrow.
I’m trying to keep lessons short because it will be easy to remember. It won’t take more than 5 minutes to read a lesson. I can compile all the lessons as a single book instead of short lessons of 5 minutes per day. But I bet nobody will read the book for more than 10 pages.
So we have decided to make lessons short so that it won’t take more than 5 minutes to read. Just spend 5 minutes daily, learn to use finacle and get rid of all the problems.
Point to remember in today’s lesson.
1. Always check the date on the screen. If it is not today’s date do not do any transaction.
3. If you are going on deputation to other office make sure you request CPC to change your SOL. And after completion of deputation and coming back to home office again request CPC to change your SOL.
Please express your views by commenting below. Sunny Leone ke Photo pe tho Keyboard thod dethe ho aur idhar comment kar ne ke liye hath nahi ut raha hai. Please say something. Acha hai bekar hai kuch tho kaho. So that we can improve the matter in the lesson
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