This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to : ipaspkarnataka@gmail.com

Friday, February 26, 2016
GS writes to DG Posts for Resolution-7 passed in AIC 2016 @Jaipur
No. CHQ/AIAIASP/AIC-Reso/7/2016 Dated: 25/2/2016
The Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001.
Subject : Grant of Special allowance for IP/ASPs working in RO/CO.
Respected Madam,
The 39th All India Conference of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents, Posts was held at Jaipur on 13th and 14th February 2016 and above subject was discussed in detail. After discussion, following resolution was passed unanimously by All India Conference.
“At present PS Gr. B officers working at CO/RO are getting monthly special allowance @ Rs. 1200/- for performing desk work. Inspector Posts and Assistance Supdt. Posts working in CO/RO are also attending similar responsible work like ADPS. AIC Jaipur unanimously resolved to request Secretary (P) to consider grant of similar benefit to IPs/ASPs working in RO/CO”.
It is therefore requested to kindly consider the resolution in the interest of service to enhance the productivity and efficiency in quality of service by Inspectorial cadre.
This Association hopes that an early action will be taken by the Department.
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
GS writes to DG Posts for Resolution-6 passed in AIC 2016 @ Jaipur
No. CHQ/AIAIASP/AIC-Reso/6/2016 Dated: 25/2/2016
The Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001.
Subject : Providing clerical assistance to Sub Divisional Head.
Respected Madam,
The 39th All India Conference of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents, Posts was held at Jaipur on 13th and 14th February 2016 and above subject was discussed in detail. After discussion, following resolution was passed unanimously by All India Conference.
“The work load on Sub Divisional Head has tremendously increased with the introduction of new services and launch of new products/business in the Department. Besides, technology implementation at grass root level at Branch Post office is need of hour. In order to implement the changes effectively, there, is essential requirement of clerical assistance to Sub Divisional head to cope up with the ever increasing burden. ThereforeAIC Jaipur unanimously resolved to request Secretary (P) to consider immediate provision of at least one clerical assistance to all sub divisional head”.
It is therefore requested to kindly consider the resolution in the interest of service to enhance the productivity and efficiency in quality of service by Inspectorial cadre.
This Association hopes that an early action will be taken by the Department.
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
Resolution-5 passed in AIC Jaipur
No. CHQ/AIAIASP/AIC-Reso/5/2016 Dated: 25/2/2016
The Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001.
Subject : Regarding inclusion of ‘chain vacancies’ --- Implementation of guidelines issued vide Directorate Letter. No.25-10/2014-SPG dated 09-07-2014
Respected Madam,
The 39th All India Conference of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents, Posts was held at Jaipur on 13th and 14th February 2016 and above subject was discussed in detail. After discussion, following resolution was passed unanimously by All India Conference.
“Department of Posts vide Personnel Division letter dated 09/07/2014 has issued instructions to percolate the seniority quota vacancies arising in higher grades in a vacancy year down to lower cadres/grades and to take into account along with the clear vacancies arising in a particular grade. It was also stated that DPC may take into account all existing and clear anticipated vacancies in a grade as well as chain vacancies on account of retirement etc. in the higher grades, which can be clearly anticipated in the same vacancy year. AICJaipur unanimously resolved to request Secretary (P) to consider inclusion of chain vacancies and implementation of guidelines enumerated in Directorate letter no. 25-10/2014-SPG dated 09-07-2014 in letter and spirit at Directorate/CO/RO level”.
It is therefore requested to kindly consider the resolution in the interest of service, just and fairness.
This Association hopes that an early action will be taken by the Department.
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
E- com gives new life to India Post
Villagers in India opting for services provided by online retailers to get goods delivered...
Alwar, Feb. 23: With his rickety bicycle and sackcloth mail bag, 62- year- old Indian postman Chet Ram does not look like a worker at the vanguard of an ecommerce revolution delivering everything from mobile phones to cow manure. He pedals miles each day in rural Rajasthan state, ferrying packages to villages and takes payments in cash because most of his customers do not have bank accounts, let alone credit cards. While in the United States online giant Amazon and its ilk experiment with futuristic drones and one- hour deliveries, in rural India e- commerce retains a distinctly old- fashioned feel.
Yet the dawn of online shopping is changing the lives of people in rural areas — and is breathing new life into India Post, the ailing state- run postal network, which has struggled with a huge deficit for years.
In the past two years the 160- year- old postal giant has tied up with 400 e- commerce companies including Amazon and Indian giant Flipkart to deliver a diverse range of goods.
It deploys its vast network of about 460,000 employees across 155,000 post offices to take goods to customers in remote areas, often hundreds of kilometres ( miles) from the nearest town.
Government clerk Surinder Singh Yadav from rural Ula Hedi village in Neemrana district says the dawn of e- commerce has transformed shopping for his family, who now nudge him to order products they see advertised on television.
“These companies give us a variety we don’t get in our local markets, quality at competitive rates and a doorstep delivery” said Yadav, as he accepted a delivery of a spray paint machine.
Online commerce The absence of reliable private delivery companies outside the big cities led India Post to step in to fill the gap.
“Until recently, people in these rural areas had aspirations but no means to access the market,” Kavery Banerjee, secretary of India Post, told AFP.
“Now we are delivering women's clothes and latest electronic gadgets even in the remote regions of country like Leh and Ladakh,” she added. It has been a huge success, with parcel deliveries increasing 15- fold to 75,000 daily deliveries in the past two years. But India’s vast areas of rural terrain, where roads can be poor and infrastructure patchy, pose challenges to the digital revolution.
Most small post offices, like the one in Neemrana, depend on unreliable public transport to collect parcels from region's bigger post offices.
Postal workers use bicycles and old cloth mail bags which make it difficult to transport bigger or multiple parcels.
Many rural Indians are still new to the Internet — up to a billion people are not yet online in the country — and are wary of ecommerce sites, preferring to hand over money only after receiving the goods.
Part of the firms’ success has been driven by giving customers the chance to pay cash on delivery — although it takes up to two days to find out if a parcel was accepted by a distant recipient.
“It has given a sense of empowerment to customers who are not confident about e- commerce shopping,” said K. C Verma, an assistant superintendent at a post office in Behror, a town close to Neemrana.
One such customer is Sudesh Yadav, a farmer's wife in Daulat Singh Pura village in Neemrana who refused to accept her parcel of a car cleaning kit.
“The company has sent the order almost a week late,” she told the postman who had cycled to her home on a cold January morning to deliver the goods. “We have already purchased it from a nearby town. Take it back,” she said.
Financial woes India Post, founded under colonial rule in 1854, hopes the huge growth of e- commerce will enable it to reverse its ailing financial situation. The value of cash- on- delivery parcels handled by the postal department is expected to register a 300 per cent increase by the end of financial 2015 compared with last year, India Post said.
It hopes to slash its $ 800 million average annual deficit and improve profitability at its 140,000 rural post offices.
Communication and Information Technology Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad told reporters last month that the Indian postal department had the potential to become the "world's leading e- commerce delivery platform".
The department has upgraded or added around 70 modern parcel handling centres with existing post offices in the last two years and plans to add to its standing fleet of around 900 mail vans across India.
It also plans to address the issue of tracking deliveries, including by giving handheld devices to postal workers. For rural India's postmen, the flood of parcel deliveries recalls the days of the 1980s or 1990s when sending letters and postcards was much more common.
“These parcel deliveries in the last couple of years are once again making us busier,” Ratan Lal, a postman with Neemrana post office said.
Updation of Gradation list of Inspector of Posts – upto the year 2000- regarding.
All are aware that Directorate vide memo No. 9-9/2011-SPG dated 2/12/2015 directed to all circles to send the consolidated information of Inspector Post batch from 1992 to 2000 for updation of seniority list. Reminder was also issued on 28/1/2016, but till date information from Jharkhand and Rajasthan circle is not received at Directorate and therefore one more reminder was also issued on 22/2/2016. Information related to few APS candidate is also required at Directorate. Information from Maharashtra circle is said to be received incomplete.
It is therefore directed to Circle Secretary of Jharkhand / Rajasthan / Karnataka / Kerala / Tamil Nadu / Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh circle to go through the Directorate letter dated 22/2/2016 and ensure submission of requisite information of their circle to Directorate immediately. The updation of seniority list is being done at Directorate for smooth convening of PS Gr. B DPCs.
To view Directorate memo No. 9-9/2011-SPG dated 22/2/2016,
please CLICK HERE.
Karnataka Circle Office Bangalore submitted the requisite information to Directorate...
31st All India Postal Table Tennis Tournament at Mumbai from 25-29/2/2016
Maharashtra Postal Circle is hosting the 31st All India Postal Table Tennis Tournament 2015-16 which will be held from 25.02.2016 to 29.02.2016 at Mumbai University Sports Pavilion, Marine Lines, Mumbai – 400 020. This is the first time All India Postal Table Tennis Tournament is being held in Mumbai. Last year the tournament was hosted by West Bengal Circle.
Around 142 players (including 47 women) from 16 postal circles (except Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Kerala, North-East, Orissa, and Uttarakhand Postal Circles) are participating in the tournament.
The 31st All India Postal Table Tennis Tournament 2015-16 will be inaugurated by Shri Kamlesh Mehta, International Table Tennis player and recipient of Arjuna Award at 10.00 AM on 25.10.2016.
The valedictory function will be held at 04.00 PM on 29.02.2016. Shri Dilip Vengsarkar, Former Captain of Indian Cricket Team will be the Chief Guest.
Renowned Table Tennis players from Maharashtra who were honoured with Shiv Chhatrapati Awards viz Smt. Divya Deshpande, Ms. Ashlesha Bodas and Shri Mahendra Chiplunkar are invited as chief guests to witness the final matches on 26.02.2015 (Men and Women Championship), 27.02.2016 (Women and Mixed Doubles) and 28.02.2016 (Men Doubles) respectively.
Utsav-2016, 8th Delhi State Level Philatelic Exhibition - 15th - 17th February 2016.
Utsav-2016, 8th Delhi State Level Philatelic Exhibition was organized from 15th to 17th February, 2016 at National Science Centre, New Delhi. Exhibition was inaugurated by Shri Sanjeev Thapar, Member (PLI), Postal Services Board on 15th February, 2016. On the inaugural day of exhibition two special covers were released.
Special Cover on Greater One-horned Rhinoceros – 15th February 2016.
The greater one-horned rhino is the largest of the rhino species. Once found across the entire northern part of the Indian sub-continent, rhino populations were severely depleted as they were hunted for sport and killed as agricultural pests. This pushed the species very close to extinction in the early 20th century and by 1975 there were only 600 individuals surviving in the wild. Currently Greater One-horned Rhinos are found in India and Nepal and their population is around 2500.
The greater one-horned rhino is identified by a single black horn about 8-25 inches long and a grey-brown hide with skin folds, which give it an armor-plated appearance. Greater one-horned rhinos are solitary creatures, except when sub-adults or adult males gather at wallows or to graze. Males have loosely defined home ranges that are not well defended and often overlap. They are primarily grazers, with a diet consisting almost entirely of grasses as well as leaves, branches of shrubs and trees, fruit and aquatic plants. The greater one-horned rhino are good swimmers and can dive and feed underwater. The Mughal emperors of South Asia used the Greater one-horned rhino in fights against elephants as entertainment. The rhinos would often win. Thankfully, this sport is no longer practiced or permitted.
Special Cover on Asian Elephant – 15th February 2016.
Elephants have been revered for centuries in Asia where they play an important role in culture, religion and ecosystems. The Asian or Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus) is the only living species of the genus Elephas and is distributed in Southeast Asia from India in the west to Borneo in the east. Three subspecies are recognised—E. m. maximus from Sri Lanka, the E. m. indicus from mainland Asia, and E. m. sumatranus from the island of Sumatra. Asian elephants are the largest living land animals in Asia. Since 1986, E. maximus has been listed as endangered by IUCN as the population has declined by at least 50% over the last three generations, estimated to be 60–75 years. Asian elephants are primarily threatened by degradation, fragmentation and loss of habitat, and poaching. In 2003, the wild population was estimated at between 41,410 and 52,345 individuals. Female captive elephants have lived beyond 60 years when kept in semi-natural surroundings, such as forest camps. In zoos, elephants die at a much younger age and are declining due to a low birth and high death rate.
Special Covers on Greater One-horned Rhinoceros and Asian Elephant were released by Shri Sanjeev Thapar, Member (PLI), Postal Services Board on 15th February 2016.
Special Cover on National Science Centre – 16th February 2016.
The National Science Centre, Delhi is a unit of the National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), which is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Culture of the Government of India. It is a pioneering institute engaged in the popularisation of science among the people of the northern part of India in general and among the students in particular. It was inaugurated on the 9th of January 1992 by the then Prime Minister of India. Since opening, the Centre has rendered yeoman service to the cause of science popularisation.
Special Cover on National Science Centre was released on 16th February 2016 at Utsav-2016 exhibition at New Delhi.
Two Special Covers were released during the closing ceremony of Utsav-2016 philatelic exhibition. One on “Agrasen ki Baoli” and another on“Birla Mandir” to celebrate the rich architectural heritage of Delhi. Both the special covers were release by Member (Operations) Shri T. Murthy and other dignitaries present.
Special Cover on National Heritage Maharaja Agrasen ki Baoli – 17th February 2016.
Ancient Indians used to build water temples as well as earliest forms of step wells and reservoirs. Agrasen ki Baoli (also known as Agar Sain ki Baoli or Ugrasen ki Baoli) is among a few of its kind in Delhi, consisting of 103 steps made of red stone. The Baoli is an unique blend of architecture with an impressive design known to have existed centuries ago. The stone walls of the Baoli, dressed with inventive designs with a series of arched structure are grim and desolate, but still beautiful. The Baoli was originally built by Maharaja Agrasen, in the Mahabharat era, and later rebuilt by the Agrawal community in the 14th century, most probably during the Tughlaq period. It is located on Hailey Road near Cannought Place in Delhi in the vicinity of Jantar Mantar. Agrasen ki Baoli is designated as protected monument by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act of 1958.
Special Cover on Shri Lakshmi Narayan Temple (Birla Mandir) – 17th February 2016.
Laxmi Narayan Temple, also known as Birla Mandir, is one of Delhi's major temples and a major tourist attraction. Built by the industrialst Sh. Jugal Kishore Birla in 1939, this beautiful temple is located in the west of Connaught Place. The temple is dedicated to Laxmi (the goddess of prosperity) and Narayana (The preserver). The temple was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi on 18th March 1939, on the condition that people of all castes will be allowed to enter the temple.
Source : Indianphilatley
In six months, Postal debit cards will work at bank ATMs
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Chennai's Park Town HOs ATM. |
In six months, those having accounts with post offices can use their postal debit cards to withdraw cash from Automated Teller Machines (ATM) operated by banks too.
With the inauguration of an ATM facility at the Park Town head post office on Monday, all the city’s nine head post offices, including the ones at Mylapore, Avadi and St.Thomas Mount, have ATMs now.
In the Park Town head post office, to start with, 250 customers will be provided with debit cards and more customers will get theirs soon. Charles Lobo, chief postmaster general, Tamil Nadu circle, inaugurated the ATM and distributed debit cards.
Once the facility of interoperable ATMs are in place, bank customers can withdraw cash from ATMs at post offices too, said Mervin Alexander, postmaster general (Chennai City Region) at the function.
At present, there are 52 lakh postal savings account holders in the Chennai city region. Of these, nearly 16,000 account holders have been provided with debit cards.
Officials of the postal department say that such cards were given to those who maintain a minimum balance of Rs. 500. Steps are being taken to create more awareness about postal ATMs among customers.
Customers are likely to soon enjoy the benefits of net banking with the department now operating it on a trial basis. Post offices in the Chennai north division are conducting a campaign to get residents, especially autorickshaw drivers and vendors in the Park Town area, to take up Pradhamar Natchathra Paadhukappu.
Source : http://www.thehindu.com
Implementation Committee Working On 7th CPC, Notification Likely In April
The implementation committee formed to review 7th CPC report is working on it. It requested all dept.s to send comments within 17th Feb but unfortunately the response has not been very satisfactory.
The committee urged to send the comments immediately vide their letter dated 15th Feb.
Today the list of nodal officers for different dept.s / ministries has been published.
The committee will process the recommendations with due importance to comments from all stakeholders, i.e., associations and ministries, the final report likely to be placed before the empowered committee of secretaries in April and it will be sent to cabinet thereafter.
In the meanwhile everybody is eagerly waiting for the budget proposal where substantial amount is likely to be kept for the pay hike.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
verification of passbooks in BO/SO/HO by inspecting officers...
Prescribed number of Pass Books to be checked during
Department of Posts [Inspection Unit], Letter No 16-01/2013-Inspn dated
Type of Post
Number of Pass
Books to be verified
Head Post Office [Newly
inserted Question No 69 [b] of HO Inspection Questionnaire
5 SB, 5 RD, 5 TD, 5
Sub Post Office [B
Class and above SOs] [Question No
32 [b] of SO Inspection Questionnaire]
5 SB, 5 RD, 5 TD, 5
Sub Post Office [C
Class SOs] [Question No 32 [c] of SO Inspection Questionnaire]
10 SB, 10 RD, 10 TD, 10 MIS, 10 SCSS, 10 SSA, 5 NREGS
Branch Post Office
[Question No 16 [A] of BO Inspection Questionnaire]
5 SB, 5 RD, 2
Discontinued RD, 5 TD, 5 SSA, 10 NREGS
In HO/SOs:
Collect Pass Books and verify the balance with the ledger [In respect of SB/RD]. In respect of TD/MIS/SCSS, SSA, NREGS and PPF,
to be verified with reference to ledger,
long book and LOT. In respect of NREGS
to be verfied with reference to ledger and wage list. Issue SB 46 notices if the Pass Books could
not be collected.
respect of HO, the existing Question No 69 to be read as 69 [a]: The said question reads as below.
“See that the index to ledger cards in respect of Savings
Account, RD, TD, MIS, NSS-87, NSS-92, PPF and MSY are maintained properly”.
BOs: Collect
Pass Books and verify the balances with the concerned Journals. Issue SB 46 notices if the Pass Books could
not be collected.
PRBs: Regarding
Verification of RPLI PRBs in Branch Offices, already there is Question No 18.2
in BO Inspection Questionnaire which
reads as below.
“Check the entries in at least five premium receipt books
(collected from the insurants) with reference to RPLI register, receipt book
and BO account to ensure that amount of premium collected have correctly been
accounted for by the BPM. Record the particulars of PLI premium receipt books
checked in the inspection Report. In case of non availability of Premium
Receipt book to the extent, issue notices to the Insurants w.r.t entries in
RPLI register to confirm the correctness of RPLI premia credited. Receipt of
reply of notices from insurant may be watched by Divisional Office”
Outcome of the meeting between NJCA and 7th CPC Implementation Committee
A meeting of the National Joint Council of Action with Convenor, 7th CPC implementation cell took place today as scheduled. Discussion took place about the 26 point charter of demands earlier submitted by NJCA.
The association side agitated against NPS, Minimum wage, Multiplying factor, decrease of HRA and other issues.
The official side took note of the issues and promised to put up before the empowered committee headed by Cabinet Secretary and hopefully a meeting with the Cabinet Secy. may be arranged within next 15 days.
NJCA, informing the updates, urged all members to keep on preparation for the proposed strike from 11th April as decided ear
Media reports Central D.A. hike soon
Central Government is likely to hike dearness allowance (DA) by 6 percent to 125 percent.
The likely increase in dearness allowance by six percent to 125 percent from existing 119 percent would benefit over 10 million central government employees and pensioners.
The new rate of DA will be implemented from January 1, 2016, which will be applicable for 4.8 million central government employees and 5.5 million pensioners. DA is paid as a proportion of basic pay of employees.
Mahamaham Prasadam by Post.
India Post has entered into a tie-up arrangement with the Department of Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment to make available Mahamaham theertham (sacred water) and prasadams to devotees through post offices all over India. Mahamaham - 2016 packets, containing the Mahamaham theertham, vibuthi, kumkum of 12 Siva temples and 5 Vaishnavaite temples located in and around Kumbakonam, sugar candies and a book on the history of Kumbakonam temples would be made available to the devotees under the arrangement.
The prasadam would be from the following temples: Sri Aadhi Kumbeswarar Temple, Sri Banapureeswarar Temple, Sri Sarangapani Temple, Sri Kasi Viswanathar Temple, Sri Aadhi Kambattaviswanathar Temple, Sri Nageswarar Temple, Sri Ekambareswarar Temple, Sri Ramasamy Temple, Sri Someswarar Temple, Sri Kodeeswarar Temple, Sri Rajagopalaswamy Temple, Sri Gowthameswarar Temple, Sri Kalahastheeswarar Temple, Sri Varagaperumal Temple, Sri Abimukeswarar Temple and Sri Amirthakalasanathan Temple.
Devotees can register their names and address for getting the packets through post offices by remitting Rs. 150 in any post office having e-payment facility all over India up to 29th February 2016. The prasadams would be despatched to the devotees, through registered parcel from 23rd February 2016 onwards. Biller ID for making e-payment is 6367 (HR&CE).
Centre likely to hike dearness allowance to 125% from existing 119%
The Centre is likely to hike dearness allowance (DA) to 125 per cent from existing 119 per cent, which would benefit its over 10 million employees and pensioners.
"Average rate of Consumer Price Index-Industrial Labour from January to December, 2015 was 6.73 per cent. Thus, the Centre will increase dearness allowance by six percentage points to 125 per cent from existing 119 per cent as per accepted formula for calculation," Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers President K K N Kutty told.
The new rate of DA will be implemented from January 1, 2016, which will be applicable for 4.8 million central government employees and 5.5 million pensioners. DA is paid as a proportion of basic pay of employees.
The proposal to hike DA is moved by the Finance Ministry on the basis of accepted formula for calculation. The Union Cabinet approves the DA hike for its employees.
However, dissatisfied over the meagre hike in DA in the backdrop of high cost of living, Kutty said, "The real inflation ranges between 220-240 per cent, but we will get only 125 per cent."
The Centre revised DA twice in a year on the basis of one year average of retail inflation for industrial workers as per the accepted formula.
Earlier in September last year, DA was increased to 119 per cent from 113 per cent which was effective from July 1, 2015.
In April last year, the government had hiked DA by 6 percentage points to 113 per cent of their basic pay with effect from January 1, 2015.
Source:-The Economic Times
Sunday, February 21, 2016
PM's inclusion dream unrealised: Growth in number of Jan Dhan Yojana bank accounts outpaced delivery of govt benefits and subsidies
NEW DELHI: "Never before in economic history would 15 million bank accounts have been opened on a single day. Never before has the Government of India organised a programme of such scale," Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on August 28, 2014, launching the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (Prime Minister's People's Wealth Programme/PMJDY).
Seventeen months later, in January 2016, the scheme reached all Indian households, according to official data, bringing 200 million additionalfamilies to the banking system.
But the primary goal, direct transfer of government subsidies to people, has not overcome two challenges: linking the unique identification (Aadhaar) card to PMJDY; and getting beneficiaries to use the bank account. The speed of adding accounts, as IndiaSpend reported earlier, was outpacing the delivery of benefits, and Reserve Bank of India (RBI) governor Raghuram Rajan, in 2014, cautioned banks against focussing on numbers alone.
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