This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Law Ministry rejects Finance move to link small savings to Aadhaar
Ahead of launching the demonetisation drive, the Finance Ministry had sought Law Ministry’s opinion whether Aadhaar submission could be made compulsory for small savings scheme.
The Law Ministry has turned down Finance Ministry’s proposal that a person investing in small savings schemes — these attract gross deposits of over Rs 2 lakh crore each year — be made to link the accounts to his or her Aadhaar number.
Ahead of launching the demonetisation drive, the Finance Ministry had sought Law Ministry’s opinion whether Aadhaar submission could be made compulsory for small savings schemes like Kisan Vikas Patra, Public Provident Fund, National Savings Certificate, Senior Citizen Saving Scheme and Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana.
The rationale put forth by Finance Ministry’s Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) was that individuals evade scrutiny by parking cash below Rs 50,000 into multiple small savings accounts because such deposits (below Rs 50,000) do not seek permanent account number (PAN) details.
The Law Ministry turned down DEA’s proposal on October 4 saying such schemes cannot be notified as “service within the meaning of Section 7 of the Aadhaar Act” since small savings are serviced under the Public Account Fund of India and not the Consolidated Fund to which the Aadhaar Act applies.
Section 7 of the Act states that the government can ask an individual to furnish his Aadhaar number to establish his identity “as a condition for receipt of a subsidy, benefit or service for which the expenditure is incurred from, or the receipt therefrom forms part of, the Consolidated Fund of India”.
Not satisfied with the legal opinion, the DEA once again approached Law Ministry to reconsider the October 4 advice, saying that the fresh reasoning for bringing small savings under the Aadhaar ambit was that the “expenditure incurred to campaign for small savings scheme was derived from the Consolidated Fund”.
On December 14, Law Ministry reiterated its earlier opinion and directed that all transactions relating to these schemes should be accounted from the Public Account Fund as per the National Small Savings Fund (Custody & Investment) Rules.
Quoting a 2001 order of a Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court, the Law Ministry said “when a statute vests certain power in an authority to be exercised in a particular manner, the said authority has to exercise it only in the manner provided in the statute itself”.
In fiscal 2014-15, deposits in small savings schemes were Rs 289,080 crore while withdrawals were Rs 248,667 crore.
Source: Indian express.
One more CAT case filed at Allahabad Bench i/c/w PS Gr. B examination
Two IPs of UP Circle has filed OA No. 1589/16 at Hon'ble CAT Allahabad Bench for non consideration of their candidature for appearing in the PS Gr. B examination held on 18-12-2016. Hon'ble CAT has directed respondent (i.e DOP) to file counter reply within 4 weeks and also directed that result of the examination will be subject of outcome of OA. The next date of hearing is 9-2-2017.
Chance To Win 1 Crore Rupees For Making Payments Digitally - Govt Of India
In a bid to incentivize Digital Payments, Government kick-starts Lucky Grahak Yojana and Digi-Dhan Vyapar Yojana awards; 15,000 people to be awarded everyday over the next hundred days with a mega draw on 14th April 2017; Winners to receive reward money into their bank accounts.

The Government launched the Lucky Grahak Yojana for Consumers and Digi-Dhan Vyapar Yojana for Merchants at the Digi Dhan mela in New Delhi on Sunday.
The schemes are aimed at encouraging people to move towards significantly higher usage of digital transactions through the offer of incentives. Lets take a look as to how you can take benefit from these two schemes.
In order to give a major push to the less cash transaction Government has launched Lucky Grahak Yojana & Digi-Dhan Yojana.
The primary aim of these schemes is to incentivize digital transactions so that electronic payments are adopted by all sections of the society, especially the poor and the middle class.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said that government's bid to go cashless means less cash not no cash.
Speaking at the event Finance Minister Arun jaitley said that Aadhar based payment is for people who don't have cards or mobile phones, they only need thumb print for transactions.
Addressing the Event IT minister Ravishankar Prasad said that 36 crore bank accounts have been linked with aadhaar and more that 36,000 crore rupees have been saved by controlling subsidy leakages.
Under Lucky Grahak Yojana Daily reward of Rs 1000 will be given to 15,000 lucky Consumers for a period of 100 days.
Weekly prizes worth Rs 1 lakh, Rs 10,000 and Rs. 5000 for Consumers who use the alternate modes of digital Payments.
3 Mega Prizes for consumers worth Rs 1 cr, 50 lakh, 25 lakh will be announced on 14th April, 2017 Weekly prizes worth Rs. 50,000, Rs 5,000 and Rs. 2,500 will be given to merchants who accepts online transactions.
3 Mega Prizes for merchants worth Rs 50 lakhs, 25 lakh, 12 lakh for digital transactions will be announced onm 14th April 2017.
The schemes will be implemented by National Payments Corporation of India.
Only transactions made using RuPay cards, USSD, UPI and Aadhaar are eligible for these schemes --Both schemes will cover small transactions between Rs 50 and Rs 3000 to encourage every section of the society to move to digital payments.
Expenditure of the scheme is estimated to be around Rs 340 crore.
The winners shall be identified through a random draw of the eligible Transaction IDs which are generated automatically as soon as the transaction is completed by a software developed by National payments corporation of India.
Monday, December 26, 2016
Restrictions on cash withdrawals may continue beyond December 30
- RBI, Currency printing presses have not been able to keep pace with demand of new notes.
- Banks are not in a position to disburse even current limit of Rs 24,000 per week.
- Finance Secretary had said withdrawal cap would be will be reviewed after December 30.
NEW DELHI: Restrictions on withdrawal of cash from banks and ATMs are likely to continue beyond December 30 as currency printing presses and RBI have not been able to keep pace with the demand of new currency notes.
As the 50-day deadline for completion of demonetisation+ process draws near, there is a growing consensus among bankers that the restrictions on withdrawal would have to continue even in the New Year so as to maintain orderly working at the banks.
Banks at many places are not in a position to disburse even the current limit of Rs 24,000 per week due to cash crunch and are rationing the valid currency depending on cash availability.
If this limit is withdrawn for individual and businesses from January 2, it is unlikely that banks would be able to disburse the higher demand for valid currencies given the current cash position.
"Most of us think that the withdrawal limit would not be completely withdrawn. It is a possibility that it could be relaxed if the cash situation improves," said a senior public sector bank official.
At a time when banks are struggling to meet the demand of individual customers, it would be impossible to service MSME and big corporates which requires cash in large quantity, the official said, the practical way would be to relax it gradually.
Recently, SBI Chairperson Arundhati Bhattacharya had also indicated that restriction on withdrawals cannot be lifted entirely unless more cash is made available to banks.
After the demonetisation of high value Rs 500/1000 notes, the government has fixed a limit of Rs 24,000 per week on withdrawal from bank accounts and Rs 2,500 per day from ATMs in view of the currency crunch that followed.
The government and RBI has not specified when the restrictions will be withdrawn. Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa had said the withdrawal cap would be will be reviewed after December 30.
Pay PLI Premium through Debit / Credit Card without Service Charges & its activation procedure
Please apply for online payment registration with aadhar, email and mobile number update in PLI records Today's Good News You can pay premium through Debit card ( ATM) / Credit card without any extra charge
How To Update Phone Number, Email Id For PLI Customers For Allowing Online Access
To incorporate the mobile number and email address in the System the following procedures are to be followed by CPC.
1. The policy holder is to submit an application to the CPC Head on person or through mail stating his/her policy number, Mobile number and email address ( Email address should be written on capital letters so that no mistake will occur by the CPC personnel while data entry is to be done) requesting incorporation of the same in the System. He/She is to enclose self attested photo copies of policy bond or first page of the P.R.Book and identity proof (photo copy Aadhar or Voter Card).
2. He will submit these to the CPC and take receipt for submission of application, generated from the System.
3. The CPC personnel will then follow the procedure as same as change of address done. i.e scan the documents, do ECMS and Data Entry and then Quality Check &.Finally Approval.
4. After approval.
The CPC personnel will send him/her the reply to his/her Email the effect that ' Your mobile number and email address has successfully been incorporated in the System. You may now feel free to register your policy online, set your password as per your choice and perform all sorts business relating to PLI/RPLI, as and when, required without visiting any Post Office or CPC.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Filling up of the vacant GDS posts
All India Association of Inspector
Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts, Karnataka Circle
Vasudeva Chathra [President]
Assistant Supdt Posts (HQ) Bangalore Sorting Division
Manjunatha. Hubballi
[Circle Secretary]
Assistant Supdt Posts Haver Sub Division, Haveri-581110
Joseph. Rodrigues
[Circle Treasurer]
Assistant Supdt Posts (HQ) o/o SSPO’s Mangalore Division
No:IP/ASP/1-20/2016 @
Haveri the 23.12.2016
Chief Postmaster General
Karnataka Circle
Subject: Filling up of the vacant GDS posts reg
Respected madam,
This is regarding filling up of the vacant
GDS Posts in the circle. The process of filling up of the vacant posts has been
stopped as per the instructions issued by Directorate. There are about 10% of
GDS posts vacant in the circle. This circle is identified for pilot circle for
IPPB and rural ICT. Both are in pipe line. The process for imparting training
is under progress. The involvement of GDS staff is very much essential in
success of these schemes in rural areas. The stop gap person is no more
continue in the department. Once we have to train these stop gap persons but they
will be relieved from that post within 90 days. The imparting training to these
stop gap persons is futile and burden to the department. This will hamper the
work. Further it is very difficult to extract work from the stop gap GDS.
This has been impact on the Sub
Division work, Divisional office work and implementation of the project apart
from legal litigation for continue stop gap arrangement of the GDS posts.
entire process of stop gap arrangement of GDS post is only temporary measure to
carry out the work for the time being but in the present scenario the entire
process of GDS engagement has been stopped. The concerned DHs & SDHs are
facing lot of inconvenience in carry out day to day work from the stop gap GDS.
are requesting to restore the existing system for selection/engagement of GDS
posts till finalization of the new procedure. We hope positive reply for the
smooth administration and implementation of the technology based projects in
the department.
Thanking you madam,
(Manjunatha G
Circle Secretary AIA IP&ASP Karnataka
Copy to, Sri Vilas
Ingale General Secretary SPO Thane West Division Thane Mumbai for kind
information and take up the issue with appropriate authority for necessary
action.Meeting of the Departmental Anomaly Committee to discuss the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the 7th CPC in respect of Defence Civilian Employees
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
(Department of Defence)
Sena Bhawan, New Delhi,
Dated: 20 December 2016
Subject: Meeting of the Departmental Anomaly Committee to discuss the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the 7th CPC in respect of Defence Civilian Employees
A meeting of the Departmental Anomaly Committee will be held under the chairmanship of Additional Secretary (J) for preliminary discussion with the representatives of the Defence Civilian Federations about the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the 7th CPC as under:
Date / Time / Venue
26th Dec. 2016 (Monday)/ 11.30 A.M./Room No.102, South Block, New Delhi
2. The members of the Committee (as constituted vide MoD O.M.17(01)/2016-D(Viv-I) dated 6th October 2016) are requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting. The Federations are also requested to depute two representatives each to attend the meeting, as per schedule/venue indicated above.
(Pawan Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
Bonanza for Central government employees: 7th Pay Commission recommendations rolled out
New Delhi: The government had in January 2016 had set up the high-powered panel to process the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission which will have bearing on the remuneration of nearly 50 lakh central government employees and 58 lakh pensioners.
The Union Cabinet on June 29 cleared the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission headed by AK Mathur in respect of the hike in basic pay and pension. However, the decision on 7th Pay Commission suggestions relating to allowances had been referred to a Committee headed by the Finance Secretary.
The Committee will complete its work in a time bound manner and submit its reports within a period of 4 months. Till a final decision, all existing allowances will continue to be paid at the existing rates.
The 7th Pay Commission examined a total of 196 existing allowances and, by way of rationalization, recommended abolition of 51 allowances and subsuming of 37 allowances. Given the significant changes in the existing provisions for allowances which may have wide ranging implications, the Cabinet decided to constitute a Committee headed by Finance Secretary for further examination of the recommendations of 7th CPC on allowances.
On 29 June 2016, Government accepted the recommendation of 7th Pay Commission Report with meager increase in salary of 14 percent after six month of intense evaluation and successive discussions. The Finance Minister of India claimed it historical increase of salaries due to little knowledge of Sixth Pay Commission.
The new scales of pay provide for entry-level basic are now up from Rs 7,000 per month to Rs 18,000, while at the highest level i.e. Secretary, it would go up from Rs 90,000 to Rs 2.5 lakh. For Class 1 officers, the starting salary will be Rs 56,100.
The recommendations will benefit over 1 crore employees. This includes over 47 lakh central government employees and 53 lakh pensioners, of which 14 lakh employees and 18 lakh pensioners are from the defence forces.
Here are the Key Highlights
• Gratuity ceiling doubled to Rs 20 lakh
• Housing loan allowance hiked from Rs 7.5 lakh to Rs 25 lakh
• Minimum pension increased from Rs 3,500 to Rs 9,000
• 7th Pay Commission recommendations to be implemented within 6 months from due date
• Existing rates of monthly contribution towards Group Insurance to continue
• Total annual burden of pay, pensions and arrears of 7th Pay Commission recommendations: Rs 1, 02,100 crore
• 7th Pay Commission recommendations on allowances to be referred to a Committee headed by Secretary
• Based on minimum pay, fitment factor of 2.57 approved for revising pay of all employees uniformly across all level
• Minimum pay fixed at Rs 18,000 per month; maximum pay at Rs 2.25 lakh
• The Cabinet approval will benefit nearly 50 lakh central government employees and 58 lakh pensioners
• Pay hike to be implemented from January 1, 2016
• Budgetary allocation
While the Budget for 2016-17 fiscal did not provide an explicit provision for implementation of the 7th Pay Commission, the government had said the once-in-a-decade pay hike for government employees has been built in as interim allocation for different ministries. Around Rs 70,000 crore has been provisioned for it.
Source: zeenews
Announcement of new Passport Rules

In order to streamline, liberalize and ease the process of issue of passport, the Ministry of External Affairs has taken a number of steps in the realm of passport policy which is expected to benefit the citizens of India applying for a passport. The details of these steps are given below:-
As per the extant statutory provisions of the Passport Rules, 1980, all the applicants born on or after 26/01/1989, in order to get a passport, had to, hitherto, mandatorily submit the Birth Certificate as the proof of Date of Birth (DOB). It has now been decided that all applicants of passports can submit any one of the following documents as the proof of DOB while submitting the passport application:
(i) Birth Certificate (BC) issued by the Registrar of Births & Deaths or the Municipal Corporation or any other prescribed authority whosoever has been empowered under the Registration of Birth & Deaths Act, 1969 to register the birth of a child born in India;
(ii) Transfer/School leaving/Matriculation Certificate issued by the school last attended/recognized educational board containing the DOB of the applicant;
(iii) PAN Card issued by the Income Tax Department with the DOB of applicant;
(iv) Aadhar Card/E-Aadhar having the DOB of applicant;
(v) Copy of the extract of the service record of the applicant (only in respect of Government servants) or the Pay Pension Order (in respect of retired Government Servants), duly attested/certified by the officer/in-charge of the Administration of the concerned Ministry/Department of the applicant, having his DOB;
(vi) Driving licence issued by the Transport Department of concerned State Government, having the DOB of applicant;
(vii) Election Photo Identity Card (EPIC) issued by the Election Commission of India having the DOB of applicant;
(viii) Policy Bond issued by the Public Life Insurance Corporations/Companies having the DOB of the holder of the insurance policy.
Report of the Inter Ministerial Committee
A three-member Committee comprising of the officials of the Ministry of External Affairs and the Ministry of Women and Child Development was constituted to examine various issues pertaining to passport applications where mother/child has insisted that the name of the father should not be mentioned in the passport and also relating to passport issues to children with single parent and to adopted children. The Report of the Committee has been accepted by the Minister of External Affairs.
The following policy changes have been made inter-alia on the basis of the recommendations of this Committee:
(i) The online passport application form now requires the applicant to provide the name of father or mother or legal guardian, i.e., only one parent and not both. This would enable single parents to apply for passports for their children and to also issue passports where the name of either the father or the mother is not required to be printed at the request of the applicant.
(ii) The total number of Annexes prescribed in the Passport Rule, 1980, has been brought down to 9 from the present 15. Annexes A, C, D, E, J, and K have been removed and certain Annexes have been merged.
(iii) All the annexes that are required to be given by the applicants would be in the form of a self declaration on a plain paper. No attestation/swearing by/before any Notary/Executive Magistrate/First Class Judicial Magistrate would be henceforth necessary.
(iv) Married applicants would not be required to provide Annexure K or any marriage certificate.
(v) The Passport application form does not require the applicant to provide the name of her/his spouse in case of separated or divorced persons. Such applicants for passports would not be required to provide even the Divorce Decree.
(vi) Orphaned children who do not have any proof of DOB such as Birth Certificate or the Matriculation Certificate or the declaratory Court order, may now submit a declaration given by the Head of the Orphanage/Child Care Home on their official letter head of the organization confirming the DOB of the applicant.
(vii) In case of children not born out of wedlock, the applicant for the passport of such children should submit only Annexure G while submitting the passport application.
(viii) In case of issue of passport to in-country domestically adopted children, submission of the registered adoption deed would no longer be required. In the absence of any deed to this effect, the passport applicant may give a declaration on a plain paper confirming the adoption.
(ix) Government servants, who are not able to obtain the Identity Certificate (Annexure-B)/ No-Objection Certificate (Annexure-M) from their concerned employer and intend to get the passport on urgent basis can now get the passport by submitting a self-declaration in Annexure-‘N’ that he/she has given prior Intimation letter to his/her employer informing that he/she was applying for an ordinary passport to a Passport Issuing Authority.
(x) Sadhus/ Sanyasis can apply for a passport with the name of their spiritual Guru mentioned in the passport application in lieu of their biological parent(s) name(s) subject to their providing of at least one public document such as Election Photo Identity Card (EPIC) issued by the Election Commission of India, PAN card, Adhar Card, etc wherein the name of the Guru has been recorded against the column(s) for parent(s) name(s).
Necessary notifications would be soon published in the Official Gazette to give effect to these changes. Instructions are also being issued to the Passport Issuing Authorities in India and abroad on these revised regulations.
The Ministry of External Affairs expects that the above changes in the Passport Rules would further ease the process for passport applicants in getting their Passport. At the same time, it would enable this Ministry to continue to deliver passport related services to the citizens in a timely, transparent, more accessible, reliable manner and in a comfortable environment through streamlined processes and committed, trained and motivated workforce.
Status of our Contempt Petition regarding upgradation of Grade Pay of Inspector Posts w.e.f 01.01.2006
on 23-12-2016 our Contempt Petition heard by Hon’ble CAT Ernakulam Bench.
It is told that respondent i.e. Secretary, DoE, Ministry of Finance has not filed counter reply in Contempt Petition bearing No.C.P/180/137/2016 filed before Hon'ble CAT Ernakulam Bench in OA No. 289/2013 regarding up-gradation of Grade Pay of Inspector Posts w.e.f 01.01.2006.
Two Weeks time has been granted to respondent by Hon'ble CAT for filing the counter reply.
Friday, December 23, 2016
letter to CPMG Karnataka Circle Bangaluru regarding grant of honorarium to the IP/ASPs worked during demonetization of currency notes at post offices -reg
All India Association of Inspector
Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts, Karnataka Circle
Vasudeva Chathra [President]
Assistant Supdt Posts (HQ) Bangalore Sorting Division
Manjunatha. Hubballi
[Circle Secretary]
Assistant Supdt Posts Haver Sub Division, Haveri-581110
Joseph. Rodrigues
[Circle Treasurer]
Assistant Supdt Posts (HQ) o/o SSPO’s Mangalore Division
No:IP/ASP/1-23/2016 @
Haveri the 21.12.2016
The Chief Postmaster General
Karnataka Circle
Subject: Grant of honorarium to the IP/ASPs worked
during demonetization of currency notes at post offices -reg
Respected Madam,
This is regarding grant of honorarium to
IP/ASPs worked during demonetization of currency notes. Most of the IP / ASPs
have worked relentlessly on Sundays, public holidays and extra hours on working
days for the effective monitoring of the demonetization scheme apart from their
routine work. The bank officers were provided
with honorarium/incentive at the rate of Rs 3000/- per day.
are requesting to grant honorarium/incentive to IP/ ASPs and the postal staff
worked during the demonetization on par bank staff/officers. We expect a
positive reply in this regard which will definitely motivate our cadre officers
and the postal staff.
Thanking you madam,
(Manjunatha G Hubballi)
Circle Secretary AIA IP&ASP Karnataka Circle
to, Sri Vilas Ingale General Secretary SPO Thane West Division Thane Mumbai for
kind information and take up the issue with appropriate authority for necessary
action.letter to CPMG Karnataka Circle Bangaluru regarding grant of honorarium to trainers for imparting training on sensitization on IPPB etc.
All India Association of Inspector
Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts, Karnataka Circle
Vasudeva Chathra [President]
Assistant Supdt Posts (HQ) Bangalore Sorting Division
Manjunatha. Hubballi
[Circle Secretary]
Assistant Supdt Posts Haver Sub Division, Haveri-581110
Joseph. Rodrigues
[Circle Treasurer]
Assistant Supdt Posts (HQ) o/o SSPO’s Mangalore Division
No:IP/ASP/1-22/2016 @
Haveri the 21.12.2016
The Chief Postmaster General
Karnataka Circle
Subject: Grant of honorarium to trainers for imparting
training on sensitization on IPPB etc. reg
Respected madam,
This is regarding grant of honorarium to
trainers for imparting training on sensitization on IPPB.
Inspector Posts/ASPs are
identified for impart training on IPPB to counter staff, postman staff and GDS
within the division. This is additional work assigned to the officer apart from
the routine work. The additional work
involved in preparatory work and preparation of materials for training require
lot of time. Since there are many projects, the additional task of
sensitization/ training the sub ordinate staff may kindly be compensated with
some honorarium.
are requesting to grant/sanction Rs 2000/- for each session for trainer. We
hope that respected madam will consider our request positively.
Thanking you madam,
(Manjunatha G Hubballi)
Circle Secretary AIA IP&ASP Karnataka Circle
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