This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Sunday, June 29, 2014
GS Desk...
Reminder to Directorate i/c/w consideration of Rule 38 transfer cases of IPs
No. GS/AIAIASP/Rule-38/TFR-IP/2014 dated : 28/6/2014.
Shri V. P. Singh,
Dy. Director General (P),
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Subject : Inter-Circle transfer of Inspector Posts under Rule 38 of P&T Manual Vol. IV----Surplus Qualified Inspector Posts.
Ref. : Dte No. 141-177/2009-SPB-II dated 14th December 2010 and
137-89/2013-SPB-II dated 11th October 2013.
Respected Sir,
IP/ASP Association would like to invite your kind attention to its letter of even number dated 20/1/2014 followed by subsequent reminders dated 8/3/2014 and 24/3/2014 on the above captioned subject.
As you aware that above referred issue was discussed at length in the informal meeting held with the then Secretary (Posts) on 24/9/2013 and it was replied by Directorate under letter No. 137-89/2013-SPB-II dated 11th October 2013 (copy enclosed) that “Guidelines are already laid down vide Directorate letter No. 141-177/2009-SPB.II dated 14.12.2010 regulating the requests received from male Inspector of Posts and request of lady Inspector of Post, for inter-Circle transfer under Rule 38 of Postal Volume IV. If there is any specific issue, the same may be furnished for consideration”. As the issue was not fully resolved, therefore it was again discussed with the then Member (P) on 27/11/2013 in presence of yourself and Director (Staff) and during the course of discussion it was assured that all surplus qualified IPs seeking transfer to their parent Circles will be adjusted at one time measure against the possible vacancies, but unfortunately till this date no action is taken by Directorate.
It is to add here that as per the discussions had in the meetings; this Association has already forwarded the list surplus qualified IPs seeking transfer under Rule 38 to their home circle to Directorate.
It is therefore seriously requested to your honour to kindly look in to the matter personally and arrange to issue instructions to concerned CPMsG to consider transfer cases of surplus qualified IPs under Rule 38 of P&T Manual Vol. IV to their parent circle immediately against the available vacancies. All the IPs have already completed their probation period etc. successfully.
With regards,
Yours Sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
Copy forwarded for necessary action to :
Ms Alka Tewari, ADG (SPN), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 11001 w. r. to her letter No. 137-89/2013-SPB-II dated 11th October 2013.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Indian Postal Service officers of 1990 batch have been empanelled for appointment to the posts of Joint Secretary or equivalent in the Centre at initial consideration.
To view the list, please CLICK HERE.
Indian Postal Service officers of 1989 batch have been empanelled for appointment to the posts of Joint Secretary or equivalent at the Centre at initial consideration.
To view the list, please CLICK HERE.
Amendment of Fundamental Rules/Service Rules-Pay fixation of Reemployed Persons
To view DoPT OM No. 997012/2014-Est (Pay) dated 26th June 2014, Please CLICK HERE.
Remuneration payable to Full Time Casual Labour (other than temporary status)/Part time Casual Labour Workers engaged on contingency
To view Directorate memo No. 1-2/2014-PCC (Wages Cell) dated 18/6/2014 , pleas CLICK HERE.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Monday, June 23, 2014
GS Desk...
Letter to Secretary (Posts) i/c/w issue of revised RRs of PS Gr.B cadre and reduce share of General Line officials from 6% to 3%.
No. CHQ/IPASP/CRC/2012 Dated : 23/6/2014.
Ms Kavery Banerjee,
Secretary (Posts)
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Subject : Issue of revised Recruitment Rules of PS Gr. B Cadre and reduce share of General Line officials from 6% to 3%…reg
Respected Madam,
Kindly refer to this Association’s letter of even number dated 15/7/2013, 19/11/2013, 6/1/2014, 17/4/2014 and 16/5/2014 regarding finalization of Recruitment Rules of PS Gr. B cadre and reduction the share of General Line officials from 6% to 3% in LDCE for the promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B. But till date nothing is heard from Directorate.
This Association indeed to bring to your kind notice that, PS Gr. B Recruitment Rules are not revised since years together and as per the clause 3.1.5 of Department of Personnel and Training OM No. AB-14017/48/2010-Estt (RR) dated 31st December 2010 “The Recruitment Rules should be reviewed once in 5 years with a view to effecting such changes as are necessary to bring them in conformity with the changed position, including additions to or reduction in the strength of the lower and higher level posts”. This Association has already submitted the detailed proposal under letter dated 4/7/2011 regarding distribution of quota for PS Gr. B Examination and Sr. Postmaster Examination. Due to non-settlement of these issues, Department has not conducted the LDCE for the promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for the year 2013 and as well for the year 2014. Sr. Postmaster’s Examination also not held from 2010 onwards.
In view of the above, it is requested to kindly finalize the RRs of PS Gr. B cadre and reduce the share of General Line officials in LDCE for the promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B at the earliest and also communicate the vacancy position well in advance to DE Division to hold the examination separately for the year 2013 and 2014.
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
Copy forwarded for necessary action to :
The Director (R & P), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110001. He is requested to refer SR Division letter No. 09-01/2014-SR dated 11th January 2014. LDCE for the promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for the year 2013 and 2014 may be conducted separately only after revision of Recruitment Rules of PS Gr. B cadre and reduction of share of General Line officials from 6% to 3%.
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
GS Desk...
Letter to Secretary (Posts) i/c/w grant of honorarium to part time IO/PO for conducting inquires under Rule-10 of GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2011
No. GS/AIAIASP/GDS-Hon/2013 dated : 21/6/2014
Ms Kavery Banerjee,
Secretary (Posts),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Sub: Grant of honorarium to part time Inquiry Officers/ Presenting Officers for conducting inquiries under Rule-10 of GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2011 and revision of financial powers delegated to CPMG for sanction of the Honorarium.
Ref: Directorate memo No C-32016/03/2005-VP dated 23.08.2005.
Respected Madam,
We would like to invite your kind attention to this Association’s letter of even number dated 22/6/2013 followed by reminders dated 13/9/2013 and 11/11/2013, 1/2/2014 and 25/4/2014 whereby it was brought to the notice that, Directorate vide memo No 32016/12/2011-VP dated 04.07.2011 on the basis of notification issued by DOP&T has revised honorarium rates for Inquiry Officers/ Presenting Officers engaged for conducting departmental enquiries which was further revised on 8.1.2013. Under the existing structure, minimum Rs 5000/- and Maximum 10000/- are required to be sanctioned as honorarium if the enquiry is completed within stipulated time frame. But no such revision whatsoever has been made for IO/PO for conducting GDS inquiries, perhaps this was not part of DOP&T memo as no such cadre exists in any other department except DOP.
Although the responsibilities of IO/PO are predefined and similar in nature both for Departmental and GDS employees, yet the honorarium rate is not in parity as is apparent from the below noted table, that also needs upward revision at par with departmental inquiries.
GDS inquiries
Departmental inquiries
| |
w.e.f. 04.07.2011
w.e.f. 31.07.2012
| |
Inquiry Officer (IO) Part time
Minimum Rs 400/-
Maximum Rs 1600/-
Minimum Rs 1500/-
Maximum Rs 3000/-
Minimum Rs 5000/-
Maximum Rs 10000/-
Presenting Officer (PO) Part time
Minimum Rs 250/-
Maximum Rs 500/-
Minimum Rs 750/-
Maximum Rs 1500/-
Minimum Rs 5000/-
Maximum Rs 10000/-
Furthermore, the annual ceiling of Rs 4000/- per IO/PO per year bestowed to the Head of the Circle since long is still in vogue and no action to revise this limit has been taken concomitantly leaving aside benefit granted above. However, Secretary (Posts) has the power to sanction honorarium up to Rs 5000/-, means all the cases will have to be referred to Directorate for sanction. In such cases, either the beneficiary will be deprived of his/her right or will have to wait for long to get the desired relief.
It is further bring to your kind notice that the minimum rate of honorarium have already been revised for departmental inquiries and the FR 46 B also stood amended (vide MOF, DOE I.CU.O.No.4.2/5/2008-IC dated 29.01.2009). The issue in question was discussed at length with your predecessor and OSD to Secretary (Posts) in the informal meeting held on 23/9/2013. During the course of dialogue, both the officers apprehending the position, assured that Department will re-look into the matter and shall accordingly convey the approval, but till date nothing is heard from Directorate despite issue of series of reminders.
It is therefore once again requested to put on place orders to resolve this vital issue at the earliest.
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to :
The OSD to Secretary (Posts), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110001
Letter to Secretary (Posts) i/c/w to resolve pending issue of AMM cadre
No. GS/IPASP/AMM/2012 dated 21/6/2014.
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Sub : Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Manager in MMS—reg.
Ms Kavery Banerjee,
Secretary (Posts),
Department of Posts, Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
Sub : Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Manager in MMS—reg.
Ref. : Dte file No. 905/SR/12 dated 13/9/2012
Respected Madam,
IP/ASP Association vide its letters of even number No. dated 22/3/2012, and followed by reminders dated 21/8/2012, 29th October, 2012, 15/4/2013 and 27/6/2013 requested Department to finalize the Recruitment Rules of the Assistant Manager MMS and to conduct LDCE to fill up the vacant posts of the said cadre.
This Association would like to bring to your kind notice that the post of Inspector MMS and Assistant Manager MMS were already merged with nomenclature as ‘Assistant Manager MMS’ but fresh recruitment rules for the post of Assistant Manager have not been framed by the Department despite above referred reminders from this Association. There are 41 sanctioned posts of Assistant Manager MMS in the country and out of these, 50% posts are said to be vacant and due to non-framing of recruitment rules, department has not conducted the examination for the vacant posts of Assistant Managers since last several years. Besides this, 3 posts of Sr. Managers and 5 posts of Managers are also vacant in MMS since years together. Secondly, Assistant Manager MMS is circle cadre and not a single circle has issued/updated seniority list (gradation list) of this cadre since more than decade.
This Association was informed by Directorate vide letter No. 905/SR/12 dated 13/09/2012 that the said request letter was transferred to Director (Estt.) for appropriate action, but till date neither fresh recruitment rules have been framed by the Department nor examination for filling up vacant posts of Assistant Managers in MMS has announced.
It is therefore fervently requested to look into these long pending issues and put on place orders for early finalization of the Recruitment Rules of the Assistant Manager MMS along with conducting of LDCE for the promotion to the cadre of AMM in this year itself.
With profound regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
Transfers/Postings in the junior Administrative Grade (JAG) of Indian Postal Service, Group 'A'
To view Directorate memo No. 2-2/2014-SPG dated 19th June 2014,
please CLICK HERE.
Secretary (Posts) addrSecretary (Posts) addressed HOCs for effective services!
To view the copy of DO letter, please CLICK
GS Desk...
Supplementary DPC for promotion to the post of Postal Service Group B cadre for the vacancies of the year 2013-14.....updates!!!
Today, Directorate has issued reminder to all Circles to expedite inputs / required documents called for vide letter No. 9-33/2013-SPF dated 10.6.2014 to convene supplementary DPC. It is stated in the said letter that attested zerox copies of ACRs/APARs of five years prior to 1.4.2012 of the officers mentioned in the Annexure and a certificate regarding communication of below bench mark grading and adverse entries and representations if any disposed off is also required.
All Circle Secretaries and CHQ Office Bearers are once again requested to ensure the submission of requisite information by their circle and also inform to GS.
All Circle Secretaries and CHQ Office Bearers are once again requested to ensure the submission of requisite information by their circle and also inform to GS.
Now, apply for passports from post offices
Officials of the department said customers could get a printout of the application from the postal employees. Once the applicants submit filled-in forms, the staff will upload the data online. “It is better for applicants to bring necessary documents such as proof of age and residential address. The employees have also been trained to assist applicants in filling up the forms,” said an official.
Once registered, customers would be provided acknowledgment receipt generated with appointment date for personal interview at the Passport Seva Kendras.
Initially, the service will be launched in 25 post offices in the Chennai City Region (CCR), including some in Vellore and Puducherry.
Of this, a minimum of 10 post offices in Chennai will be identified and the service will be extended to more offices depending on the patronage. Applicants will have to pay Rs.100 for the online service.
At present, customers have the option of paying the fee through internet or State Bank of India. Mervin Alexander, Postmaster General, CCR, said: “We are also working out modalities for using our e-payment service for paying passport fee. However, the employees will not be involved in verification of the documents of applicants.”
The department is also seeking a unique user name ID to facilitate its employees to register multiple applications.
Source :
Letter to Secretary (Posts) i/c/w convening of timely DPCs and repatriation of PS Gr. B officers to Home Circle.
No. CHQ/AIAIASP/DPC-Gr.B/2014 Dated: 16/6/2014
Ms. Kavery Benerjee
Secretary (Posts),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Sub: Request for convening of timely DPCs and repatriation of PS Gr. B officers to Home Circle.
Respected Madam,
The IP/ASP Association many-a-times brought to the notice of Directorate about non convening of timely DPCs in JTS / PS Group B cadre and non posting of STS officers against vacant post in circles years together placing burden on IP/ASPs of adhoc arrangement without substantial benefits that too in contravention to DoP&T instructions. In spite of elucidating factual discrepancies officers sitting in Directorate chose to shut their lids and do not bother to blink their eyes even once. Resultantly, Circles are resorting to adhoc promotions displaying courageous act of blatant violations of rules and provisions time and again. Authorities empowered to make adhoc-promotion to Group B only upto four months (Directorate Letter no. 4-9/88-SPG dated 14.10.1989) have exceeded their powers on their own, and extended adhoc promotions to lumpsum eleven months. After breaking this arrangement for few days’ officers are posted on the same station and same post without obtaining specific approval from DOP&T for continuance of same person on ad-hoc appointment of Group B officers exceeding limit of one year on STS posts what to say of JTS.
It is however mentioned in Directorate Letter no. 4-9/88-SPG dated 14.10.1989 that Head of Circles are delegated with powers to make ad-hoc arrangements in Group “A” only upto three months. For ad-hoc promotion to Group “B” Head of circles have powers only upto four months. Extension beyond this limit can be done with the approval of Directorate.
Ø Directorate letter no.137-99/2009-SPB-II dated 23.12.2009. Para 2 (ii) prescribes that total period for which appointment / promotion may be made, on an ad-hoc basis, will be limited to one year only.
Ø Para 2 (iii) of Directorate letter further stipulates that the practice of giving a break periodically and appointing the same person on ad-hoc basis may not be permitted.
Ø Para 2 (iv) of Directorate letter further states that in case of compulsions for extending any ad-hoc promotion beyond one year, the approval of DoPT may be sought at least two months in advance before the expiry of the one year period. If the approval of DoPT to the continuance of the ad-hoc arrangements beyond one year is not received before the expiry of one years of the ad-hoc appointment/promotion shall automatically cease on the expiry of the one year term.
Ø Para 2 (vi) of Directorate letter prescribes that permission to make ad-hoc appointment should be granted by the authority one level higher than the appointing authority prescribed for that post.
Madam, you will agree that a large number of STS/JTS vacancies are lying vacant in Circles since long and PS Group “B” officers are officiating against these posts creating resultant vacancies in Group “B” in circles and imbalance thereof upto IP/ASP level affecting timely promotion in each cadre and repatriation of deserving officers to their parent circles. Many a times, adverse position occurs where the approved persons of a particular circle are made to work outside their parent circle, while there exists resultant vacancies in their own parent circle due to officiating of number of incumbents on Group A posts for longer duration. This is also creating legal complication when punishment orders passed by officiating officers are challenged in the court of law seeking relief of legal provision of not passing orders by competent authority. This can easily be attributed to wrong calculation of vacancies in each cadre. Now take case of JTS DPC for the year 2012-13 where only 19 officers have been promoted against 35 vacancies and no extended panel has been approved leaving 16 vacancies. Now, you can well imagine the plight of so called back bone of the department who were waiting for their due promotion for the last two years and now will have to suffer frustration even after retirement or for another long period best known to the officers dealing with the case.
In view of above, it is requested to pass orders to (a) promote all eligible officers of JTS cadre to STS cadre against large number of vacant post, (b) convene pending JTS DPC for the year 2013-14, (c) supplementary DPC for PS Group B before 30-6-2014, (d) issue immediate repatriation orders of PS Gr. B /JTS officers to their home circle/ choice station against vacancies up to June 2014, (e) call for records for convening regular DPC for PS Gr. B cadre for the year 2014 and (f) explore reasons for not convening timely DPCs so that officials / officers responsible be taken to task. Circles may also be directed to fill all post of ASPs by convening immediate DPCs so that all get their due share and jobs are created for youth of the country.
With Regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
GS Desk...
Reminder to Secretary (Posts) to call for meeting for cadre restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre
No. CHQ/AIAIPASP/Cadre Restructure/2014 dated : 14/6/2014.
Ms Kavery Benerjee,
Secretary (Posts)
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Subject : Cadre restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre.
Respected Madam,
The IP/ASP Association would like to invite your kind attention to its letter of even number dated 30/4/2014 vide which it was requested to call for immediate meetings with the members of this Association for discussion of cadre restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre. But after lapse of considerable period there is no response from Directorate.
It is to further bring to your kind notice that second cadre review case of Inspectors and ASPs is pending since long in the files of Directorate. The recommendation of second cadre review committee that gave its report in the year 1990 has not been executed till now. Today DOP is the only organization where career progression scheme for Inspector Posts stand relegated to back seat. Whereas department has taken care of the interest of all other cadres but the worst part of it is that the entire exercise was separately done for other cadres except IP/ASP, thus taking away the basic thrust for simultaneous career planning for all. Recently cadre restructuring of Group ‘C’ cadre has been finalised by Department on 28th April 2014 under the chairmanship of Shri V. P. Singh, DDG (P).
IP/ASP Association many-a-times brought to the notice of the Department about the stagnation being faced in the cadre of IPs/ASPs and the long span of service running up to 24 to 25 years which IP/ASP have to put in, before getting promotion to PS Gr. B cadre. However, it was assured by the officers that this will be looked into at the time of cadre restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre.
We therefore request your kind honour to kindly issue instructions to Estt Division to call immediate meetings with the members of this Association for the discussion of cadre restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre and finalisation thereof as has been done for other cadres.
An early action is requested.
Yours Sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
GS Desk...
Reminder to Secretary (Posts) i/c/w discrepancies in vacancies for IP Exam 2011 at UP Circle
No.GS/AIAIASP/UP/IP-Exam-11/2014 dated 14/6/2014
Ms. Kavery Banerjee,
Secretary (Posts),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi -110001.
Subject : Regarding discrepancies in vacancies for Inspector Posts examination 2011 at Uttar Pradesh Circle.
The IP/ASP Association would like to draw your kind attention to its letter of even number dated 15/5/2014 (copy enclosed) addressed to your predecessor regarding irregularities committed by UP Circle in calculating the vacancies for Inspector Posts Examination held during the year 2011, but till this date nothing is heard from DE division of Directorate.
It is therefore once again requested to kindly to look in to the matter personally and take appropriate action by summoning all relevant record of the IP Examination 2011 and ordering vigilance enquiry at Directorate level thereto for the natural justice to the candidates qualified under LDCE 2011. Suitable instructions may also be issued to all concerned including DE Division of Directorate to fill all the posts in IP line by calculating correct vacancy position.
An early action in the matter is requested.
Yours Sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
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