This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Friday, August 30, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
GS Desk
Letter to Secretary (Posts) i/c/w Linking of repatriation of PS Group “B” officers to the current DPC.
No. GS/AIAIASP/PS Gr.B/DPC/2013 dated August 29, 2013
Ms P Gopinath,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Subject: Linking of repatriation of PS Group “B” officers to the current DPC.
Respected Madam,
IPASP Association expresses its gratitude for convening regular PS Group “B” DPC for the vacancy year 2013-14 well in advance giving good time to our members for joining their new assignments. At the same time it is also fact that many JTS posts are lying vacant in circles and Group “B” officers are officiating creating resultant vacancies in Group “B”. This position differs from circle to circle and therebysome of the Circles have not implemented orders pertaining to Promotion of ASPs to PS Gr. ‘B’ cadre issued by directorate in the recently held supplementary DPC in toto. Despite having, clear orders to relive the promoted officers to their new assignments within one month from the date of issue of order, some circles have retained these promotees, particularly officiating in the same capacity, in respective circles without any valid reason though they had been allotted nearby Circles.
Apparently, this action of the CPMG/PMG is not only arbitrary but also has caused disparity in the promotional avenues of IP to ASP against clear vacancies that are due to be caused owing to the promotion of these officers. It seems that due to vested interest of PMG/CPMG in the matter, these officers are retained by Circles. What is the use of promotion when the promoted ASPs are not to be relieved to join the new assignment? Whereas many officers presently working in other circles are still awaiting repatriation to their parent circles giving tough time to them and their families. Furthermore Circles are not sending correct position of vacancies to Directorate perhaps either to retain ASPs of their choice or reasons best known to them. Even the officers repatriated to adjust officers promoted in supplementary DPC have not been relived to their choice circles. It does not mean that there is dearth of calibre in the cadre, rather everyone has the ability to do job as per their ability but they need opportunity instead of adopting pick and choose policy. So on this count there should be clear instruction to follow directorate orders so that no favouritism or hardship is felt at any level.
It is therefore urged upon kindly to intervene and place in orders to call for correct vacancies lying vacant or likely to be vacated owing to retirement or promotion by 31-12-2013 to enable the affected persons adjusted in the parent Circle by issuing appropriate repatriation orders against vacant posts and future posts likely to be formed by 31-12-2013 . Since this has cascading effect and chain reaction, therefore, this would also minimize the refusals of accepting promotions.
A positive action will be highly appreciated & line in reply is requested.
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
source:CHQ blog
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
All India Association of
Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts,
Karnataka Circle
Naveen Chander
Assistant Supdt Posts Bantwal Sub
Division, Bantwal, Puttur Division
Manjunatha Hubballi
[Circle Secretary]
Assistant Supdt Posts(HQ) Sirsi
Division, Sirsi
Joseph Rodrigues
[Circle Treasurer]
Assistant Supdt Posts (technology,
A&P) o/o The PMG SK Region Bangalore
Under the provisions of Article 30 of the Constitution of All
India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts, it is
hereby notified that the Circle Working Committee Meeting of the Association
will be held at Amaragiri Tirupati Temple Arsikeri-573103 Dist:
Hassan on 21.09.2013 @ 1000 Hrs onwards.
Tirupati Temple Arsikeri-573103, Dist: Hassan
1. Confirmation of the minutes of the last CWC held
on 02.03.2013 at GPO Bangalore.
2. CAT case at Ernakulam by GS on Up-gradation of
Grade pay of Inspector Posts from Rs.4200/- to Rs.4600/- w.e.f. 01.01.2006.
3. Payment of RPLI
honorarium/incentive to Sub Divisional Heads w.e.f 01.10.2009.
4. Supply of Data cards
to Sub Divisional Heads.
5. Conducting of DPC for
promotion of ASP in regular intervals.
6. Restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre.
7. Supply of Laptops to all
the IPs/ASPs.
8. Regular Promotion to PS
Group ‘B’ cadre.
9. Organizational review.
10. Next CWC and
Circle Conference.
11. Any other item
with the permission of the chair.
All CWC members are requested to attend the meeting well in
Yours sincerely,
Circle Secretary, AIAIPs&ASPs
Copy to,
The CPMG Karnataka Circle Bangalore for kind
information with a request to issue instructions to all Regions/ Divisions to
relieve the CWC members to attend the meeting well in time by granting special
casual leave with applicable transit.
The PMG NK Region Dharwad for information and necessary action
The PMG SK Region, III floor GPO Building Bangalore for
information and necessary action please.
ALL CWC Members
Disclosure of personal information under the RTI Act, 2005
No.11/2/2013-IR (Pt.)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 14th August 2013
Subject: Disclosure of personal information under the RTI Act, 2005.
The Central Information Commission in one of its decisions (copy enclosed) has held that information about the complaints made against an officer of the Government and any possible action the authorities might have taken on those complaints, qualities as personal information within the meaning of provision of section 8 (1) (j) of the RTI Act, 2005.
2. The Central Information Commission while deciding the said case has cited the decision of Supreme Court of India in the matter of Girish R. Deshpande vs. CIC and others (SLP (C) no. 27734/2012) in which it was held as under:-
“The performance of an employee/Officer in an organisation is primarily a matter between the employee and the employer and normally those aspects are governed by the service rules which fall under the expression personal information, the disclosure of which has no relationship to any public activity or public interest. On the other hand, the disclosure of which could cause unwarranted invasion of the privacy of that individual." The Supreme Court further held that such information could be disclosed only if it would serve a larger public interest.
3. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
End: As above.
(Manoj Joshi)
Joint Secretary (AT&A)
Sunday, August 25, 2013
LDCE for promotion to the cadre of PS Gr.'B' 2012 held on 03-06-2012- declaration of recasting/revised result thereof.
Click here to view the Directorate corrigendum on the above subject matter.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
GDS substitute arrears - clarification issued by the Directorate To view copy of order, please CLICK HERE FOR PAGE ONE, PAGE TWO
Thursday, August 22, 2013
RTI Online Web Portal launched today at New Delhi
Union Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions and Prime Minister’s Office Shri V Narayanasamy has said that rtionline web portal is another milestone in the regime of RTI that will further promote participation of our citizens in the process of governance and policy making decisions of the Government.Speaking at the launch of the portal in New Delhi today he said though presently this facility has been provided to Central Ministries, DoPT will consider extending this facility to the subordinate and attached offices of Central Government also. The Minister also appealed to the State Governments to consider developing similar facility of filing online RTI applications. Referring to the RTI Act as one of the biggest achievements of our democracy, Shri Narayansamy said that it has empowered the citizenry in an unprecedented manner to participate in nation building by promoting transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority.
The rtionalize web portal has been developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) at the initiative of Department of Personnel and Training. The url of this portal is
This is a facility for the Indian Citizens to file RTI applications online and first appeals and also to make online payment of RTI fees. The prescribed fees can be paid through Internet banking of State Bank of India and its associate banks as well as by Credit/Debit cards of Visa/Master, through the payment gateway of SBI linked to this site.This facility is available for all the Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India.
This system provides for online reply of RTI applications/ first appeals, though reply could be sent by regular post also. This system works as RTI MIS also. The details of RTI applications received through post could also be entered into this system. The citizens can also check the real time status of their RTI applications/first appeals filed online.
DPC for the promotion to the cadre of PS Gr. B for the year update

source:CHQ blog
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Govt not considering to raise retirement age to 62 yrs
There is raging speculation that the Centre may raise the retirement age of its staff but top sources say there is no such move.
“There is no such plan to raise the retirement age to 62 from 60 years,” a reliable source in the Government said.
There are about 50 lakh Central Government employees working in various departments including the Railways across the country.
Recent media reports had claimed that the Ministry of Personnel was working on a proposal to increase the age of service by two years as part of Government’s plan to defer payouts in the form of pensions and other payments to check fiscal deficit.
It was also speculated that the move may be timed ahead of Lok Sabha elections.
Sources in the Ministry said raising retirement age requires a detailed consultation with all stake holders and discussion with the Finance Ministry. Without the Finance Ministry’s nod, the matter cannot be processed, they said.
The retirement age for a majority of Central Government employees is 60 years. However, the age for retirement in case of teachers and scientists is 62 years.
In a related development, Chhattisgarh Government has recently increased the age of retirement to 62 years from 60 for its employees.
The age of superannuation varies in State Governments with majority of them keeping it at 60 years.
The Centre had in 1998 raised the retirement age of Central Government employees to 60 from 58 years.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Postal Employees daughter in top 5 contestants of Indian Idol Junior
It is an Appeal to all Postal Employees, Readers and Track-in-Viewers for SMS voting to Sugandha Date who is performing on Sony TV Musical Contest Indian Idol Junior being aired on every Saturday and Sunday at 08.30 P.M.
Kumari Sugandha Date is daughter of Shri Amol Date OA o/o the SSPOs, Nagpur MFL Division, Nagpur 440002. She is 8 year old and studying in 4th standard at R.S. Mundale English School Nagpur.
Kumari Sugandha is reached in top 5 finalists of Indian Idol Junior Musical Contest.
To Vote for Sugandha Type IDOL(space) SUG on your Mobile & send it to 5252525 on every Saturday after 20.30 hrs. (After her Performance) For online voting log on to or on Facebook page My Indian Idol.
Kumari Sugandha baged Gold Medal in Hindustani Vocal Light Music (Junior Group) in 28th All India Postal Cultural Meet held at Nagpur during 11th to 15th February 2013.
Being a part of Postal Fraternity it is our duty to support her in her musical Carrier. So all are once again requested to send your and your families votes by SMS to make Sugandha a winner of Indian Idol Junior. 25th August 2013 ( Sunday) is the last elimination round so all are requested to vote for Sugandha and help her to reach in top 4 finalist of Indian Idol Junior. 1st September 2013 is scheduled as Grand Finale.
Voting line is open between 24.08.2013 at 08.30 P.M. to next day 25.08.2013 07.00 A.M.
source: CHQ blog
GS Desk
Letter issued to Secretary (Posts) i/c/w issue of clarification on merger of Inspector Posts and ASPs cadre.
No. GS/AIAIASP/1/2012 dated 19/08/2013
Ms P Gopinath,
Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.
Subject : Minutes of the meeting taken by Member (Personnel)regarding restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre.
Ref. : Director (SR) letter No. 01/01/2011-SR dated 6th September, 2012 &No. 02/02/2012-SR dated 17th April, 2012.
Respected Madam,
In response to Directorate’s requisition of letter calling final view point of the Association on merger issue, it is submitted that this Association sought some clarification mentioned therein so as to discuss the same amongst our members before arriving at final conclusion. Unfortunately despite issue of repeated reminders no attention seems to have been paid at Directorate level towards above said letters.
At the same time no importance is being bestowed to IP/ASP cadre and their demands, may it be case of Grade Pay, fixation of pay under higher responsibility, merger or other career progression. These pending issues concerning our cadre are enhancing the sense of discontentment.
It is therefore urged to kindly look in to this vital issue personally and arrange to provide demanded clarification which is otherwise also binding on association before we go ahead on this sensitive issue. This will enshrine interest both the Association and Department as well. The Association has no objection if the matter is to be discussed in the meeting only for which next meeting as per convenience of members may kindly be ordered to fix. The Association will look forward positive response of the Department.
Hoping for favorable action and line in reply.
Yours sincerely,
(Vilas Ingale)
General Secretary
Saturday, August 17, 2013
No:IP/ASP/1-37 @
Sirsi the 14.08.2013
From, To,
The Circle Secretary The Chief Postmaster General AIPASP Karnataka Circle & Karnataka
Circle ASP
(HQ) Sirsi -581402 Bangalore-560001 .
Subject: Reallotment of
IP/ASP’s from region to region.
Ref: Fresh
Respected madam,
It was
a precedence in the past that during the promotion from IP to ASP cadre, the
requests of the seniors who were previously allotted to other regions, were considered
when juniors were promoted.This principle is also being followed by Dte in PS
Gr B postings/ transfers. However, this practice is being discarded in our
circle in the past two years. The senior officers are working in other regions
and junior officers are working in the parent region. The officers working in
the other regions requested to their parent region several times personally to
your office but in vain. Now all such
officers have completed two years of service in the allotted regions.
The request of all
such officers is pending. This will demoralize the seniors. You will appreciate
the difficulties faced by IP/ASPs working at farther places away from their
home leaving behind their family due to academic and
other health reasons.
The Association
appeals to kindly consider the requests of the following officers and take a
favorable decision in the matter.
Sl No
Name of the officer
Presently working
Sri R RBhat
ASP ® Udupi (SK Region)
NK Region
Sri Narayana B
ASP® Karwar (NK Region)
SK Region
Sri S P Ravi
ASP Sub Dn Hospet (NK Region)
SK Region
Sri Ganesh
ASP Sub Dn Raichur (NK Region)
SK Region
Sri NagarajRao
ASP Sub Dn Sirsi (NK Region)
B’lore Region/SK Region
Sri M M Hiremath
ASP Hubli (NK Region)
B’lore Region
Thanking you madam,
Secretary AIA IPASP
Karnataka Circle
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