This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Promotions, Transfers & Postings in SAG cadre of IPoS to view original order please click here
AIAIPASP Karnataka heartily welcomes to Ms Veena Srinivas and wish them all success in the new assignment.
AIAIPASP Karnataka heartily welcomes to Ms Veena Srinivas and wish them all success in the new assignment.
Monday, December 24, 2012
- Sachin walks off after owning every ODI record
Arguably the greatest batsman in modern day cricket, Sachin Tendulkar walks into ODI sunset after re-writing just about every batting record worth owning, including those of most runs and most centuries.
The batting great has amassed 18426 runs from 463 ODIs at an average of 44.83. He was just one short of completing a staggering half-century of hundreds in the 50-over format, when he announced his retirement from this form of the game.
The batting great has amassed 18426 runs from 463 ODIs at an average of 44.83. He was just one short of completing a staggering half-century of hundreds in the 50-over format, when he announced his retirement from this form of the game.
Set up 7th Pay Commission – Basic pay should be increased by at least 50% in the next pay commission... - AIRF
‘Set up VIIth Pay Commission’
VISAKHAPATNAM: The central government should set up the seventh pay commission and pump in Rs 50,000 crore over the next five years to revive the ailing railways. This was among the 38 demands put forth by the All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF). AIRF also demanded that over 2.5 lakh posts under various categories in Indian Railways be filled up.
Addressing a conference here on Tuesday, ahead of the 88th annual general conference of AIRF, general secretary Shiva Gopal Mishra said the basic pay should be increased by at least 50% in the next pay commission. He slammed the Union finance ministry for delaying the funds being granted to the railways and said several demands were accepted by the railway board, but have been kept pending by the finance ministry. Mishra warned that if the government fails to adhere to the demands of the railway men, then they would resort to a strike.
East Coast Railway Shramik Union general secretary Ch Gandhi said AIRF wanted sanction of additional posts commensurate with increase in number of trains and workload, removal of anomalies of sixth central pay commission, a stop to outsourcing of perennial nature jobs, limiting of duty hours to a maximum of seven hours a day and increase in rate of special duty allowance by 25 %.
Source :
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Question 1 : How are the claims of LTC be adjusted in case of delayed submission?
Answer: Where advance has been drawn, the claim for reimbursement shall be submitted within one month of the completion of the return journey.
Where no advance has been drawn, the expenditure incurred shall be submitted within three months of the completion of the return journey.
Administrative Ministry / Department concerned can admit the claims in relaxation of the provisions subject to the following time limits without reference to DOPT:
(a) Where no advance is taken, LTC bill submitted within a period not exceeding six months; and
(b) Where advance has been drawn, claim for reimbursement submitted within a period of three months after the completion of return journey (provided the Govt. servant refunds the entire advance within 45 days after completion of the return journey. Rule 14 of CCS(LTC) Rules, 1988 read with O.M.No.31011/5/2007-Estt.A dated 27.09.2012.
Question 2 : Can a Government. Servant visit NER or J&K on more than one occasion on conversion of Home town under the relaxation allowed for LTC visits to NER / J&K?
Answer: Government Servant who has availed the benefit of Home Town conversion to NER / J&K i one block (say 2006-09) can again visit NER / J&K in the new / next block (say 2010-2013) subject to availability of LTC in a particular block so long as the relaxation is in force.
1. O.M No.31011/4/2007-Estt.(A) dated 02.05.2008
2. O.M No.31011/4/2007-Estt.(A) dated 23.04.2010
3. O.M No. 31011/2/2003-Estt.(A) dated 18.06.2010
Question 3 : Can a Government Employee avail of air travel to NER / J&Kin case of All India LTC if his hometown and the Head Quarters are at the same place?
Answer: Both NER and J&K scheme of LTC allow relaxation for air travel on All India LTC to all categories of employees to the extent specified in the DOP&T’s O.M.No 310311/4/2007-Estt.(A) dated 02.05.2008 and DOP&T’s O.M 31011/2/2003-Estt.(A) dated 18.06.2010 even if the Hometown and the Headquarters are same.
Question 4 : Whether Government Servant who has already availed one Home Town LTC in the current block can avail LTC to visit NER?
Answer: Yes, he can avail it against All India LTC.
Question 5 : Can a Government Servant avail the benefit of visiting NER /J&K twice in a particular block of 4 years?
Answer: Yes, a Government Servant can visit NER / J&K by conversion of his home town and also by availing LTC subject to validity period of the Scheme and fulfilling of other conditions
Question 6 : Can a fresh recruit avail the benefit of Home Town conversion to NER / J&K against one of the three occasions of Home Town available to him in each block.
Answer: Any fresh Government Servant can also avail the benefit of Home Town conversion NER ? J&K against one of the three occasions of Home Town available to him in each block.
Question 7 : Can fresh recruit avail of conversion of home town to visit NER / J&K under the relaxation allowed for visiting NER / J&K?
Answer: Any Government employee can avail of the relaxation for visiting NER / J&K and convert one home town LTC for such visit in a block of 4 years as long as the relaxations continue.
1. O.M.No. 31011/4/2007-Estt.(A) dated 02.05.2008
2. O.M.No. 31011/2/2003-Estt.(A) dated 18.06.2010
Question 8 : Can a fresh recruit Government servant avail of All India LTC anytime during the 4 year block?
Answer: It can be availed only in the 4th occasion of the block and not at random.
Question 9 : Whether carry over of LTC is allowed to fresh recruits?
Answer: Carryover of LTC is not allowed to fresh recruits as they are eligible for every year LTC for the first 8 years of service.
Question 10 : Who is a fresh recruit entitled for LTC every year?
Answer: A person who has joined service for the first time is treated as a fresh recruit for the first eight years. O.M.No. 31011/4/2008-Estt.(A) dated 23.09.2008
Question 11 : How the LTC entitlements of fresh recruits are regulated in the first eight years?
Answer: On completion of one year, the fresh recruit can be allowed 3 Hme Town LTC and 1 All India LTC in each block of Four Years in the first 8 years.
O.M.No. 31011/4/2008-Estt.(A) dated 23.09.2008
Question 12 : Whether Dependent parents of fresh recruits can avail LTC for the journey form Hometown to Headquarters and back?
Answer: No, the dependent parents of fresh recruits can not avail LTC for the journey from Hometown to Headquarters and back.
Question 13 : Whether claims for reimbursement can be allowed for road journeys by bus / taxi or other vehicle operated by private operators?
Answer: LTC Rules do not permit reimbursement for journey by a private car(owned/borrowed/hired) or a bus/van or other vehicle owned by private operators. LTC facility shall be admissible only in respect of journeys performed in vehicles operated by Govt. or any Corporation in the public sector run by the Central or State Govt. or a local body. Rule 12(2) of CCS(LTC) Rules, 1988 read with
DOPT’s O.M.No. 31011/4/2008-Estt.A dated 23.09.2008
Question 14 : Whether air fare of children whose full fare is charged by airlines is reimbursed?
Answer: If full fare has been charged by the airlines and paid by the Government servant, the same will be reimbursed.
Question 15 : Can a Government servant use the service of travel agents for LTC purpose?
Answer: Yes. but it should be limited to M/s Balmer Lawrie and Company and M/s Ashok Travels and tours.
Question 16 : What is the definition of family for LTC?
Answer: For LTC purpose family consists of
(i) Spouse of the Government Servant and two surviving unmarried children or Step children.
(ii) Married daughters, who have been divorced, abandoned or separated from their husbands and widowed daughters residing with wholly dependent on the Govt. Servant.
(iii) Parents and / or step parents residing with and wholly dependent on the Govt. Servant.
(iv) Unmarried minor brothers as well as unmarried, divorced, abandoned separated from their husbands and widowed sisters residing with and wholly dependent on the Government Servant provided their parents are either not alive and are themselves wholly dependent on the Government Servant.
Rule 4 of CCS(LTC) Rules, 1988 read with
O.M.No: 31011/4/2008 – Estt.(A) dated 23.09.2008
Question 17 : What are the dependency criteria?
Answer: A member of family whose income from all sources, including pension, temporary increase in pension does not exeed Rs.3500 from 01.09.2008 and Dearness relief thereon is deemed to be wholly dependent on the Government Servant.
Question 18 : Can parents / children residing at other places avail LTC to visit the Government Servant at Headquarters and go back?
Answer: No, reimbursement of LTC claims being restricted to the entitlement for journey between Headquarters and place of visit, the amount reimbursable in such cases is Nil
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Revision of rates of damages for unauthorised occupation of General Pool Residential Accommodation
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi-110 108
No. 18011/2/2006-Pol.-III
DECEMBER 06, 2012
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Directorate O.M No. 18011/2/2002 Pol-III dated 25th November 2011 on the above subject and to say that the it has been decided to make revision of the rates of damages recovered from unauthorised occupants of General Pool accommodation a regular exercise as a multiple of normal rate of licence fee as given in the Annexure to this OM. Henceforth, the rate of damages/market rent will automatically get revised as and when the rate of normal licence fee under FR-45-A is revised. In addition to this, garden charges as applicable will also be recovered. 2. These rates will be effective from lst January 2013 and will also be in force till next revision of rate of normal licence fee. 3. In respect of other departmental pools of accommodation in Delhi/other stations, the rates of damages prescribed for General Pool accommodation wherever such accommodation exists, have to be adopted by various other Ministries/Departments. Similar rates of damages are to be worked out by the CPWD for other sations where General Pool Accommodation is available and the rates so assessed are to be adopted for recovery of damages not only in respect of General Pool residential accommodation at that station but also in respect of departmental pool accommodation in all stations. In stations, where there are no General Pool Residential Accommodation, the Ministry or Department have to get suitable unit rates worked out by the CPWD/local PWD.
(S.K. Jain)
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)
Government warns of action against striking staff
The Centre has issued a warning of disciplinary action to dissuade its 13 lakh-odd employees from participating in the strike called by the confederation of central government employees on Wednesday.
All departments have been asked to take disciplinary action against babus who skip work for the strike apart from deducting their wages for the day.
The personnel ministry has even sought a list of all employees who don't turn up for work on December 12. Departments are usually given about 15 days to inform the Centre about babus that participated in a strike, but this time the list of absentees has been sought by the same evening.
The government was informed of the strike by the confederation in November, citing 15 unmet demands such as scrapping the new pension scheme, setting up the Seventh Pay Commission and revival of negotiations between the government and its workers through the Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM).
Source:-The Times of India
Filing of CAT case at Ernakulam on Grade pay
Close liaison is being maintained with our Advocate at Ernakulam regarding filing of a fresh OA before the CAT on the grade pay issue. The first installment of Rs 30,000/- has been handed over to the Counsel. The draft of the OA is under preparation and we expect to get the draft within two weeks time. After the same is vetted, OA will be filed. We expect to bring up the OA before the Bench immediately after Christmas vacation. Copy of the Vakalath is being send to both Permanand & GS for signing and early return. A copy of the resolution passed by the Association assigning the GS to file the case on behalf of the Assn. is also required and the same is also being obtained from the CHQ.
Source: Kerala blog
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Appointment of 2 postal officers to the post of Joint Secretary, to see information note of DOPT order dated 22.11.2012 click here. AIAIPASP Karnataka wishes all the best to the officers in the new assignment
Friday, November 23, 2012
Rule 238(4) The second
inspection, which should follow the first after a reasonable interval, should
of a general nature, but in addition, the examination prescribed by questions
1, 2, 4, 5, 22, 3, 24,
116, 117, 168, 178 and 188 of the Sub-office. Inspection and questions 1, 2, 3,
6, 16, 20, 97
98 of the Branch Office Inspection in the Collection of Inspection Report Forms
must be
out. The object of this second inspection will be not only to see whether the
in the first inspection have been remedied, but also to see that the work of
the branches
indicated by these questions is in order in all respects. The average time for
this inspection
be two days in the case of head offices and one day in the case of other
offices. The notes in
respect of this inspection also will be written on plain paper and kept on
record in the
office after being signed and dated by him.
When the inspection is completed, a copy of the remarks recorded in the order
of Head Offices only should be forwarded to the Head of the Circle. In the case
of suboffices
charge of time scale selection grade officials, any serious irregularities
noticed at the
inspection should be
reported seperately to the Head of the Circle
Thursday, November 22, 2012
update on DPC of Gr "B" & JTS
It was informed by GS that vacancy calculation work (actually from roaster point) for DPC for PS Gr "B" cadre is under process at Directorate and DPC is likely to be convened in the first week of December 2012. As regards to DPC for JTS Gr "A", it will be held after the DPC of PS Gr "B".
It was informed by GS that vacancy calculation work (actually from roaster point) for DPC for PS Gr "B" cadre is under process at Directorate and DPC is likely to be convened in the first week of December 2012. As regards to DPC for JTS Gr "A", it will be held after the DPC of PS Gr "B".
Induction training for IP (direct) @ PTC Mysore
The Induction Training for Inspector Posts
(Direct) will be held for a period of 15 weeks from 17.12.2012 to 30.03.2013
at Postal Training Centre, Mysore-570 010.
The details of Seats allotted for the Circles are
as under:
Sl No.
Name of the Circle
Seat allotment
Andhra Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
01. Please report to Postal
Training Centre, Mysore, by 16.12.2012 A/N between 0330 PM
0700 PM so that the registration formalities are completed. Stay in
PTC hostel is compulsory.
02. The Induction training
program is for 15 (fifteen) weeks. No leave will be granted to the
trainees during the training period.
03. The dress code during
the program is Pant/ shirts for men & Churidar/Salwar Kameez/Sarees
for women. Other outfits like jeans, T - Shirts etc are not
04. Mobile phones are not
permitted in the academic block and during study hours in hostel.
05. The candidates
are required to bring the following:-
1.Three recent passport / stamp size
photographs (colour)
2. Details of
payment to be made by the trainees at the time of admission are furnished
Food charges from (17.12.2012
to 30.03.2013)
Accommodation charges etc. (PTC, Mysore)
Total amount of payment
Per day Rs. 129/- X 104 days =13,416/-
Rs. 3,156/-
Rs. 16,572/-
Physical Training is a part of
training .Uniforms for P.T. is as under:-
For Men
For Women
*White track suit with Indiapost logo
* White track suit with Indiapost logo
White Canvas Shoes with socks - 1 pair
(Should be purchased by the trainees)
White Canvas Shoes with Socks - 1 pair
(Should be purchased by the trainees)
*PT Uniform dresses with Departmental logo
will be supplied by PTC, Mysore. Cost of the same is
Rs. 650/-.
06. In
addition to the above, the trainees are requested to bring 1 pair of black /
brown shoes with socks and tie.
07. The
pregnant Lady candidate (at advanced stage) is not allowed in training course.
08. Drinking
of alcohol, smoking and chewing tobacco/ Gutkha is strictly prohibited in the
campus. Suitable action will be taken against those, who will not
follow this instruction.
General information about PTC,Mysore
Mysore is located at a distance of 137 kms from
Bangalore, the capital city of the state of Karnataka. Mysore is connected to
Bangalore by both rail and road. The drive from Bangalore takes about three
Postal Training Centre at Mysore is housed in a
Palace, which formerly belonged to the royal family of Mysore. The campus is
spread over an area of 31.5 acres with hostels, play grounds and other
amenities for trainees.
How to reach
Postal Training Centre Mysore is situated in the
Nazarbad Area diagonally opposite to Nazarbad Police Station. Mysore Railway
station is about 5 kms. Mysore main bus stand is about 3 kms. KSRTC local buses
ply from railway station/bus stand to a bus stop situated near the PTC Mysore
main gate. Auto charges from railway station would be around Rs. 60/- and from
main bus stand, it would be around Rs. 35/-.
Mysore enjoys a cool and pleasant climate round
the year with temperature rarely going beyond 30o C. Now the
minimum temperature is 11° C. Trainees are required to bring
adequate winter wear.
Postal Training Centre has its hostel in the
campus, where participants will be accommodated. There will be sharing of
accommodation. Separate blocks are available for men and women trainees.
Accommodation for the families of the participants is not available.
Mess facility
Vegetarian mess facility is provided.
Physical Training
Physical training activities are provided to the
trainees through Physical Training Instructor. Facilities for playing outdoor
games are available. There will be yoga session every day
Library/Reading room
All important daily newspapers, weekly,
fortnightly, monthly magazines of English, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada
are made available to the trainees in the reading room. In Library, Southern
regional languages books, books on management, computer, English fiction,
nonfiction and etc, in English & Hindi are available.
A dispensary is available for providing medical
facility to the trainees.
Reference No.TRG-1/2-3/Dir IP/07/12-13
dated at Mysore-570010
the 19/11/2012
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