It is learnt that Group " B" DPC was held on 28.10.2011 for around 150 vacancies. More details in this regard is awaited.
This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Monday, October 31, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Copy of Postal Directorate No. 6-5/2011-D Dated 20-10-2011 is reproduced below :-
Sub: Administrative Control over Speed Post Centres/Sorting Hubs.
The matter relating to the administrative control over Speed Post Centres/Sorting Hubs falling under existing Postal or RMS division was raised by the staff side and was under consideration of this Directorate.
It has been decided that the issues of administrative control over Speed Post Centres/Sorting Hubs in terms of placing under the administrative jurisdiction of Senior Superintendent/Superintendent of a Postal or RMS Division of a Postal or RMS Division may be decided by the CPMG concerned taking into account local needs, administrative convenience and effective monitoring.
Copy of Postal Directorate No. 6-5/2011-D Dated 20-10-2011 is reproduced below :-
Sub: Administrative Control over Speed Post Centres/Sorting Hubs.
The matter relating to the administrative control over Speed Post Centres/Sorting Hubs falling under existing Postal or RMS division was raised by the staff side and was under consideration of this Directorate.
It has been decided that the issues of administrative control over Speed Post Centres/Sorting Hubs in terms of placing under the administrative jurisdiction of Senior Superintendent/Superintendent of a Postal or RMS Division of a Postal or RMS Division may be decided by the CPMG concerned taking into account local needs, administrative convenience and effective monitoring.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Sri S M Bhat ASP Technology Circle Office Bangalore and Sri Jayarama Shetty ASP Kundapura North Sub Division were presented with the Dak Seva Awards for the year 2009 and 2010 respectively. The officers were felicitated by our Secretary Ms Radhika Doraiswamy on 22-10-2011 at the Meghdoot Auditorium hall of Bangalore GPO.
President, Secretary and Members
SB Orders since 2007 available to download.
Post Office Savings Bank Orders issued since the year 2007 are put by the Department under the head Manuals in India Post Website and this is a new item in the Web. It is very useful for Members/General Public for all refernce purpose.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Agenda for the 4 monthly meeting with CPMG
In order to prepare an agenda for the proposed meeting with CPMG, the members are requested to mail any issues by 31.10.2011 to
Bimonthly meeting with PMG SK Region dated 18-10-2011.
Bimonthly meeting with PMG SK Region dated 18-10-2011.
Sri Joseph Rodrigues Circle Treasurer and Sri Venogopal ASP Legal Cell SK region attended the meeting. The CPMG Ms Hilda Abraham who is holding the charge of PMG SK region was kind enough to hear the issues concerning IP ASPOs. The following few points discussed in the meeting.
- Non payment of RPLI incentive to ASPs/ IPs since 01.10.2009 for writing the Confidential reports for the RPLI proposal procured by the GDS. The copy of the email received from Addl GM PLI which is reproduced below was shown to Madam.
Sub: Monitoring of Direct Agents.
This is with regard to monitoring of Direct Agents. At present ASPs/SDIs are submitting the confidential report in case of proposals procured by Gramin Dak Sewaks (GDS). In return for the same, ASPs/SDIs are paid commission at the rate of 10% of the commission payable to GDS. Your views are invited whether introducing the system of confidential reports from ASPs/SDIs for the business procured by Direct Agents will add value and will be effective. Further your comments are also invited on whether it will be feasible if ASPs/SDIs work as mentors of Direct Agents and give them necessary guidance and motivation in procuring business. What will be the exact role of ASPs/SDIs and what should be incentive structure for them may also be suggested.
( Hena Usman )
Addl. GM
On perusing the copy, Madam informed AD (Staff) to issue orders for payment of incentive.
- Clarification with regard to eligibility to ASPOs to appear for the Sr Postmaster Examination. Madam informed that the clarification was sought from the Directorate on the issue. However, asked us to take the issue at Directorate though CHQ.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Reallotment in JTS Cadre
Sri. Sanna Naik, who is presently working in West Bengal Circle has been re-allotted to Karnatak Circle.
Association hereby Welcomes him wholeheartedly.
Association hereby Welcomes him wholeheartedly.
Eligibility criteria for Sr. Postmaster cadre.........
From GS Desk.........
Today, I along with Shri. Jayanth Kumar, AD(PMU) visited the Postal Directorate and met with the DDG(P) and discussed the matter of eligiblility criteria in the Sr. PM examination. He informed us that he will examine the issue and necessary clarification will be issued shortly.
General Secretary
Sub: Cadre restructuring/promotional aspects conerning Inspectors & Asst. Supdts.
Copy of the Postal Directorate letter No.25-35/2011-PE-I dated 20.102011 is reproduced below:
Sub: Cadre restructuring/promotional aspects conerning Inspectors & Asst. Supdts.
Consequent to a meeting held under the Chairpersonship of Secretary(P), a Committee has been constituted to examine the issues concerning Cadre Restructuring and to examine the promotional aspects of Inspectors and Asst. Superintendents of Posts.
2. In the Committee meeting held on 18.10.2011, Member(P) has desired to collect certain information from all Circles urgently for examination and to facilitate further deliberations in the matter. In view of the above, you are requested to kinldy furnish the detailed information in the enclosed proforma by return FAX.
(Kalpana Rajsinghot)
Director(Estt. & DE)
Copy of the Postal Directorate letter No.25-35/2011-PE-I dated 20.102011 is reproduced below:
Sub: Cadre restructuring/promotional aspects conerning Inspectors & Asst. Supdts.
Consequent to a meeting held under the Chairpersonship of Secretary(P), a Committee has been constituted to examine the issues concerning Cadre Restructuring and to examine the promotional aspects of Inspectors and Asst. Superintendents of Posts.
2. In the Committee meeting held on 18.10.2011, Member(P) has desired to collect certain information from all Circles urgently for examination and to facilitate further deliberations in the matter. In view of the above, you are requested to kinldy furnish the detailed information in the enclosed proforma by return FAX.
(Kalpana Rajsinghot)
Director(Estt. & DE)
All Circle Secretaries are requested to kinldy have liasion with their Circle Offices and ensure submission of the relevant information by FAX to the Postal Directorate and apprise the CHQ.
(Posting on promotion in JTS of Indian Posatal Service Group 'A'(Pay Band-3: Rs.15600-39100+GP5400/-) vide Directorate order No.4-8/2009-SPG dated 19-10-2011 | ||||
Sl NO. | Name of the officer | Original Circle | Circle to which Posted on Promotion | Remarks |
1 | Mazhar Basha | AP | AP | |
2 | Subhash Chand Barik | Orissa | Orissa | |
3 | B K Mehta | Gujarath | Gujarath | |
4 | Binod Bihari Sharan | Bihar | Bihar | |
5 | P Jayadevan | Kerala | Kerala | |
6 | A K Firoze Mohideen | TN | TN | |
7 | V Sampath | TN | TN | |
8 | Smt. V Mallika | Mah | Mah | |
9 | R P Chitradevi | TN | ADG(RB) Directorate | |
10 | M Niranjala Devi | TN | DD(PMU) Directorate | |
11 | N Prakash | KTK | WB | |
12 | T Neelakrishnan | TN | ADG(PO) Directorate | |
13 | S N Dave | Rajasthan | Rajasthan | |
14 | K K Jayasankara | Kerala | Kerala | |
15 | S Ranganathan | TN | ADG(Tech) Directorate | |
16 | K Raveendran | TN | ADG(BS) Directorate | |
17 | J F Shekar | KTK | Rajasthan | |
18 | Aditya Kumar NayaK | Orissa | Orissa | |
19 | R Laxmaiah | AP | AP | Retiring within one year |
20 | Abdul Haneef | UP | UP | |
21 | R Selvarani | PTC Mysore | PTC Mysore | |
22 | Leeladhar Joshi | UTKH | UTKH | |
23 | V S N Murthy | AP | Assam | |
24 | B S Pachal | Gujarath | Gujarath | |
25 | K Kuruvilla Veghese | Kerala | Kerala | Retiring within one year |
26 | Jeeban Sahu | Orissa | Chattisgarah | |
27 | Dibakar Patnaik | Orissa | WB | |
28 | Lokanath Sahani | Orissa | Orissa | Retiring within one year |
29 | Y E Honkan(SC) | KTK | Punjab | |
30 | N R Lonare(SC) | Mah | MP | |
31 | R Pandi(SC) | AP | North East | |
32 | Nannu Singh | MP | MP | |
33 | A N Dighore | Mah | Mah | Retiring within one year |
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Flash News-JTS list out
Directorate has issued JTS promotion list and 33 officials got elevated to JTS Grade . Following Group B officials fro Karnataka have got JTS promotion.
N Prakash-West Bengal
J.F. Shekar -Rajasthan
Y E Honkan-Punjab
A N Dighore from Maharasta circle is the last person to get promotion as per the list
N Prakash-West Bengal
J.F. Shekar -Rajasthan
Y E Honkan-Punjab
A N Dighore from Maharasta circle is the last person to get promotion as per the list
OA No. 381/2010 regarding grade pay of Inspector Posts has been allowed by the Tribunal
The case regarding Grade Pay of Inspector Posts, ( OA No. 381/10) is allowed by the Hon'ble CAT Ernakulam Bench on 18.09.2011 with a direction to the Secretary (Ministry of Finance) (1st respondent) to take necessary action to upgrade the grade pay of Inspector Posts to Rs 4600 at par with Inspector of Income Tax / CBDT/CBEC, as per the recommendations of the 6th Pay Commission. The Hon'ble Tribunal also observed that this would make the GP of IPs at par with the present GP of ASPs and hence it would be desirable to upgrade the GP of ASPs as well accordingly.
Karnataka branch association Congratulates Mr Permanand and members on this occasion and hope that the orders will be implemented as early as possible.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Senior Postmasters (Gazetted)
The Director General (Posts) Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi- 110 001
Sub: Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Senior Postmasters (Gazetted)
This Association begs to bring the following few lines for kind consideration and positive action please:-
3. That as per Department of Posts, Postal Superintendent/ Postmasters Group ‘B’ Recruitment Rules, 1987 issued on 09.04.1988, all Group ‘B’ Posts were to be filled up by promotion in the manner given below:-
4. That in the year 1994, on the demand of this Association, Recruitment Rules mentioned at Sl No. 3 above were amended and the quota of 94% was further bifurcated in the manner given below:-
These 116 Posts of Senior Postmaster have been carved out of existing posts in PS Group ‘B’ cadre without any suitable amendment in PS Group ‘B’ Recruitment (Amendment) Rules 1993 and without any discussions with our Association.
6. That your kind attention is also invited to our letter no. CHQ /PS Gr ‘B’/2011 dated 04.07.2011(copy enclosed) wherein detailed proposal regarding distribution of quota under each category was submitted to the Department for consideration and implementation in the interest of both IP Line and General Line officials but nothing has been done by the Department in this regard so far.
7. That is also pointed out here that 19% Posts of IP Line (165 Posts) under examination quota in PS Group ‘B’ are already filled up and there is no vacancy to be filled up through LDCE.
8. That as per Department of Posts, Senior Postmaster(Group B Gazetted), Postmaster (Grade III and II- Group B Non-Gazetted) and Postmaster (Grade I-Group C Non-Gazetted) Recruitment Rules 2010 issued on 09.09.2010 only Inspector of Posts in PB-2 of Rs.9300-34800 and Grade Pay of Rs.4200 with six years regular service in the grade is eligible to appear in LDCE for Senior Postmaster. It is not understood why ASP having six years regular service in IP cadre is not eligible to write the examination as both Posts relates to one and same cadre i.e. IP cadre.
Yours sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
No. CHQ/IPASP/Sr. Postmaster/2011 Dated: 18.10.2011
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi- 110 001
Ref: Postal Directorate No. A-34012/6/2011-DE dated 03.10.2011 & 4-17/2008-SPB-II dated 22.11.2010
Respected Madam,
1. That the Department has issued notification vide No. A-34012/6/2011-DE dated 03.10.2011 scheduling Senior Postmaster Examination to be held on 31.12.2011 without notifying the number of vacancies and other pre-requisites for conducting the examination to keep this notification under the ambit of set rules.
2. The Association would like to recall that at present PS Group ‘B’ Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 1993 issued vide No. 9-36/92-SPG dated 29.06.1994 are still in force leaving aside the Postmaster Recruitment Rules, 2010 that too run contrary to earlier rules.3. That as per Department of Posts, Postal Superintendent/ Postmasters Group ‘B’ Recruitment Rules, 1987 issued on 09.04.1988, all Group ‘B’ Posts were to be filled up by promotion in the manner given below:-
i. 94% from amongst officers holding the post of Inspector, Post Offices or Inspector, Railway Mails through DPC.
ii. 6% from amongst General Line officials by means of a Departmental Competitive Examination.
i. 75% of the total posts shall be filled up by promotion from amongst Inspectors of Post offices and Inspectors of Railway Mail Service (Pay Scale Rs. 1400-2300/-) with 8 years regular service in the grade.
ii. 19% of the total posts shall be filled on the basis of a Departmental Competitive Examination from amongst Inspectors of Post offices and Inspectors of Railway Mail Service (Pay Scale Rs 1400-2300/-) with five years regular service in the grade.
5. That as per para 6 of the Postmaster Recruitment Rules, 2010, 116 posts of Senior Postmaster have been earmarked in the following manner:-Total No. of Posts | 116 |
75% Posts to IP Line out of 116 through LDCE | 87 |
25% Posts to General Line out 116 through DPC | 29 |
6. That your kind attention is also invited to our letter no. CHQ /PS Gr ‘B’/2011 dated 04.07.2011(copy enclosed) wherein detailed proposal regarding distribution of quota under each category was submitted to the Department for consideration and implementation in the interest of both IP Line and General Line officials but nothing has been done by the Department in this regard so far.
8. That as per Department of Posts, Senior Postmaster(Group B Gazetted), Postmaster (Grade III and II- Group B Non-Gazetted) and Postmaster (Grade I-Group C Non-Gazetted) Recruitment Rules 2010 issued on 09.09.2010 only Inspector of Posts in PB-2 of Rs.9300-34800 and Grade Pay of Rs.4200 with six years regular service in the grade is eligible to appear in LDCE for Senior Postmaster. It is not understood why ASP having six years regular service in IP cadre is not eligible to write the examination as both Posts relates to one and same cadre i.e. IP cadre.
In view of above facts it is requested to kindly postpone examination process of Senior Postmaster and the examination should only be conducted as and when a vacancy arises under the respective quota and making eligible ASP to appear in the examination.
It is also requested to kindly consider and implement the proposal submitted to the Department in our letter dated 04.07.2011 in order to dispense justice to IP cadre.
It is also not out of place to mention here that this Association will be forced to take legal recourse in this regard if the matter is not settled amicably within reasonable time.
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
Ernakulam Cat Case -(upgradation of grad pay) pronouncement of order on 19.10.2011
It is learnt that CAT, Ernalukam has listed upgradation of grade pay to Rs.4600/- case filed by Sri. Permanand to 19.10.2011 for pronoucement of final order.
Let all of us hope and pray to get favourable Judgement.
Let all of us hope and pray to get favourable Judgement.
Outcome of 1st meeting of Cadre restrure of IP/ASPs- (from GS Desk)
As notified by the Department, I alongwith Shri Hari Mohan, Circle Secretary, Punjab Circle Branch attended the meeting of the committee for looking in promotional prospects of IPOs/ASPOs. The meeting was held under the chairpersonship of the Member(P) in cordial atmosphere.
At the outset, we demanded for upgradation of GP of Rs.4200/- to Rs.4600/- for IP and merger of the post of the ASP with the post of PS Group 'B' in order to remove anomoly in the hiechary of IPOs/ASPOs cadre. The chairperson informed that it is not possible in view of the observations of the Secretary (Posts) in the meeting held on 11.08.2011. Proposal submitted by the Association to the Department on 27.09.2011 will not be acceptable to the DOPT/MOF. Hence, it is not possible to consider the same at this stage.
It was suggested by the official side that in order to upgrade the GP of IP from Rs.4200/- to Rs. 4600/- and to increase promotional prosepcts of IPOs/ASPOs, all posts of ASP (HQ)/OS in JTS/STS Divisions in Postal/RMS will be upgraded as Dy. Supdt. in P.S. Group 'B' with GP Rs.4800/- alongwith upgradation of some posts of ASP/IP in PTC/R.O./C.O./ Speed Post Centres in to P.S.Group 'B'. Remaining posts of ASPOs will be merged with the posts of IPOs with GP of Rs.4600/- to remove the problem of hiechary and to make it comparable with the Inspectors in CBDT/ CBEC. Necessary data in this regard will be collected by the Establishment Division of the Postal Directorate from all Circles and the matter will be discussed in the next meeting to be held on 03.11.2011.
Posted by All India Association of IPs/ASPs at 3:50 PM
Friday, October 14, 2011
Closing of Central Government Offices in connection with elections to Lok Sabha / State Assembly / Panchayat / Municipalities / Corporation or other Local Bodies -regarding
No. 12/14/99-JCA
Sub : Closing of Central Government Offices in connection with elections to Lok Sabha / State Assembly / Panchayat / Municipalities / Corporation or other Local Bodies -regarding In modification of these instructions contained in this Department’s OM No.12/4/86-JCA dated 9th March, 1987, the undersigned is directed to say that the following guidelines are prescribed for future for closing of Central Government Offices including industrial establishments in connection with the elections indicated above.
(i) The relevant organizations shall remain closed in the notified areas where general elections to Lok Sabha or State Legislative Assembly are scheduled to be conducted.
(ii) In connection with bye-election to Lok Sabha / State Assembly, only such of the employees who are bona-fide voters in the relevant constituency should be granted special casual leave on the day of polling Special Casual leave may also be granted to an employee who is ordinarily a resident of a constituency and registered as a voter but employed in any Central Government Organization / Industrial Establishment locate outside the constituency having a general / bye-election.
(iii) In connection with local body elections, viz., Panchayat/Corporation / Municipality, the Government employees who are bona-fide voters and desire to exercise their franchise should be offered reasonable facility, subject to normal exigencies of services, either by coming late to office or being allowed to leave office early or a short absence on that day.
2. The employees detailed on election duty may also be permitted to remain away from their normal duties on polling day (s) as also on the days required for performing journeys which might be undertaken in order to perform such election duty.
The above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
(Ranbir Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
(Ranbir Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Flash news:-JTS Promotion list soon?
It is learnt that expected JTS list has come back on 13.10.2011 to Directorate office from Ministers office after approval of Honourable Minister and allottment orders might be out at any time.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The eligible condition for LDCE Sr. Postmaster cadre as per the Recruitment Rules for LDCE issued vide 137-03/2009-SPB-II dated 09.09.2010 is as below:
"Inspectors of Posts in PB-2 of Rs.9300-34800 and Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- with six years regular service in the grade after qualifying a Limited Departmental Competitive Examination"
As per the above condition only Inspector Posts with Grade pay of Rs.4200/- are eligible for Sr. Postmaster examination not ASPOs. The matter has been reported to the GS to take up the matter with Directorate for necessary action.
"Inspectors of Posts in PB-2 of Rs.9300-34800 and Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- with six years regular service in the grade after qualifying a Limited Departmental Competitive Examination"
As per the above condition only Inspector Posts with Grade pay of Rs.4200/- are eligible for Sr. Postmaster examination not ASPOs. The matter has been reported to the GS to take up the matter with Directorate for necessary action.
Dispensing with second stage consultation with the CVC in disciplinary cases
The Government had constituted a Group of Ministers (GoM), on 6th January, 2011 with the approval of the Prime Minister to consider measures that can be taken by the Government to tackle corruption. One of the terms of reference (ToR) of the GoM was to consider and advise on “Fast tracking of all cases of public servants accused of corruption ‘. The GoM, while considering this (T0R) also considered certain important recommendations of the Hota Committee (Committee of Experts to review the procedure of Disciplinary/Vigilance Inquiries and recommended measures for their expeditious disposal) and decided that second stage consultation with CVC in disciplinary matters may be dispensed with. However, in those cases where consultation with UPSC is not required as per extant rules/instructions, the second stage consultation with CVC should continue.
The above recommendation of the GoM has been accepted by the Government with the approval of the Prime Minister. All Ministries/Departments are, therefore, advised to strictly adhere to the new procedure with immediate effect.
The Central Vigilance Commission has been separately requested to amend its Vigilance Manual and other relevant instructions accordingly.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi the 26th September, 2011.
Subject: Dispensing with second stage consultation with the CVC in disciplinary cases.The Government had constituted a Group of Ministers (GoM), on 6th January, 2011 with the approval of the Prime Minister to consider measures that can be taken by the Government to tackle corruption. One of the terms of reference (ToR) of the GoM was to consider and advise on “Fast tracking of all cases of public servants accused of corruption ‘. The GoM, while considering this (T0R) also considered certain important recommendations of the Hota Committee (Committee of Experts to review the procedure of Disciplinary/Vigilance Inquiries and recommended measures for their expeditious disposal) and decided that second stage consultation with CVC in disciplinary matters may be dispensed with. However, in those cases where consultation with UPSC is not required as per extant rules/instructions, the second stage consultation with CVC should continue.
The above recommendation of the GoM has been accepted by the Government with the approval of the Prime Minister. All Ministries/Departments are, therefore, advised to strictly adhere to the new procedure with immediate effect.
The Central Vigilance Commission has been separately requested to amend its Vigilance Manual and other relevant instructions accordingly.
(V.M. Rathnam)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Source: Rathnam)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Appointment of Inquiry Officers (IOs) and Presenting Officer (POs) in disciplinary cases
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi the 26th September, 2011.
Subject: Appointment of Inquiry Officers (IOs) and Presenting Officer (POs) in disciplinary cases. The Government had constituted a Group of Ministers (GoM) on 6th January, 2011 with the approval of the Prime Minister to consider measures that can be taken by the Government to tackle corruption. One of the terms of reference (ToR) of the GoM was to consider and advise on ‘Fast tracking of all cases of public servants accused of corruption “. The GoM, while considering this ToR also considered certain important recommendations of the Hota Committee (Committee of Experts to review ¡he procedure of Disciplinary/Vigilance Inquiries and recommend measures for their expeditious disposal) and recommended that Departments/Ministries should primarily use serving officers as IOs & POs and that in important cases, they may request CVC to appoint their CDI as IO. The GoM has also recommended that the CVC may also maintain a panel of IOs/POs from amongst retired officers, whose services can also be utilized by various Ministries/Departments.
The above recommendations of the OM have been accepted by the Government and accordingly all Ministries/Departments are advised to use serving officers as IOs & POs and in important cases, request the CVC to appoint their CDI as IO. They may also, in appropriate cases, utilize the services of IOs/POs who would be available on the panel to be maintained by CVC, in consultation with CVC.
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Meeting notice for committee for looking into promotional prospects of IPOs/ASPOs constituted under the Chairpersonship of Member(P)-regarding.
Copy of Postal Directorate No.01/01/2011-SR dated 11.10.2011 is reproduced below for information of all members:-
This has reference to SR Section's Office Order of even No.dated 09.09.2011 on the above mentioned subject . The Chairperson will take a meeting of the committee on 18.10.2011 at 11.00 AM in K.R. Murthy Room, Dak Bhawan, New Dehi.
2. It is requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting.
(Subhash Chander)
Director (SR & Legal)
GS requested that,
All CHQ Office bearers/Circle Secretaries/Members are requested to kindly submit their views/suggestions on the above subject to CHQ by 16.10.2011 so that these can be compiled and submitted before the committee.(
This has reference to SR Section's Office Order of even No.dated 09.09.2011 on the above mentioned subject . The Chairperson will take a meeting of the committee on 18.10.2011 at 11.00 AM in K.R. Murthy Room, Dak Bhawan, New Dehi.
2. It is requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting.
(Subhash Chander)
Director (SR & Legal)
GS requested that,
All CHQ Office bearers/Circle Secretaries/Members are requested to kindly submit their views/suggestions on the above subject to CHQ by 16.10.2011 so that these can be compiled and submitted before the committee.(
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