This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Thursday, June 30, 2011
Surplus Qualified OC Candidates of IP Examination 2009
All the Karnataka Surplus Qualified OC Candidates of IP Examination 2009 allotted to Karnataka.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Promotion, Allotment and Postings from IP to ASP Cadre
Promotion, Allotment and Postings from IP to ASP Cadre.
Sl No | Name | Category | Region Allotted | Posted as |
1. | Ganapathi Maradi, IP, Honnavara Sub Division | S K | ASP, Shimoga West | |
2. | Naveen V L, IP, Udupi North Sub Division | S K | ASP R, Shimoga | |
3. | P Guruprasad, IP, Nelamangala Sub Division | Bangalore | ASP, Sub Division II, Bangalore East | |
4. | N G Rajshri, SAS , S K Region RO | S K | ||
5. | Joseph Rodrigues, IP, Mangalore North Sub Division | S K | ASP Tech, SK | |
6. | B Narayana, IP, Channaparayapatna Sub Division | NK | ||
7. | G Kanjana, IP, Mandya Sub Division | Bangalore | PM, Channapatna HO | |
8. | K R Usha, IP, Nagamangala Sub Division | NK | ||
9. | H N Ganesh, ASP, Tumkur Division | NK | ||
10. | G B Naik, IP, Bijapur East Sub Division | SC | NK | |
11. | Koragappa Naik, IP, Kollegal Sub Division | ST | NK | |
12. | H M Manjesha, IP CBS, SK RO | ST | Bangalore | ASP BD, CO |
13. | M Ravindra Naik, ASP, Karwar Division | Re-allotted to SK | ||
14. | Chandrashekar, ASP HQ, Gokak | Re-allotted to SK | ||
15. | Sidda Naik, PM, Channapatna HO | Transfer | PM, HAL II Stage HO | |
16. | G Vishwanath, ASP Sub Division II, Bangalore East | Transfer | ASP, BG City RMS | |
17. | S P Ravi | Adhoc to NK |
Assoction conveys its best wishes to all.
President and Secretary, IPASP KARNATAKA
IP Surplus 2009
More news on IP Surplus 2009 will be available by end of this week.
Watch out this site for more news in this regard.
Watch out this site for more news in this regard.
Result of Postmasters Grade I Exam
Result of Postmasters Grade I Exam will be delcared within this week. Kindly watch this site for further news.
Enhancement of SB Allowances to PAs
Dte Memo No : 113-07 / 2010-SB SB Order No. 10 / 2011.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this office letter of No. 2-2/93-SB Dt. 08.10.2004 (SB Order No. 17/2004) vide which it was conveyed that Ministry of Finance (DEA) has conveyed its approval for increase in the SB Allowance from Rs.60 to Rs.150 & from Rs.30 to Rs.75 per month wef 08.10.04.
02. After implementation of 6th CPC, increase in teh SB Allowance was taken up with MoF (DEA), which has not vide its OM No. 17/1/2001-NS-II Dt. 10.06.11 has conveyed its approval for enhancement of SB Allowance as per the following rates wef 01.09.08.
01. Staff Fully engaged in SB / SC work - present Rs.150 - new rate from 01.09.08 Rs.300.
02. Staff Partially engaged in SB / SC work - present Rs.75 - new rate from 01.09.08 Rs.150.
03. All other conditions for grant of SB Allowances will remain unchanged.
Sd/- S.Manik Lakra ADG (FS)
The undersigned is directed to refer to this office letter of No. 2-2/93-SB Dt. 08.10.2004 (SB Order No. 17/2004) vide which it was conveyed that Ministry of Finance (DEA) has conveyed its approval for increase in the SB Allowance from Rs.60 to Rs.150 & from Rs.30 to Rs.75 per month wef 08.10.04.
02. After implementation of 6th CPC, increase in teh SB Allowance was taken up with MoF (DEA), which has not vide its OM No. 17/1/2001-NS-II Dt. 10.06.11 has conveyed its approval for enhancement of SB Allowance as per the following rates wef 01.09.08.
01. Staff Fully engaged in SB / SC work - present Rs.150 - new rate from 01.09.08 Rs.300.
02. Staff Partially engaged in SB / SC work - present Rs.75 - new rate from 01.09.08 Rs.150.
03. All other conditions for grant of SB Allowances will remain unchanged.
Sd/- S.Manik Lakra ADG (FS)
The Mail Network Optimization Project (MNOP) has become Mail Network Liquidation Project (MNLP). Implementation of the "Speed Post hub" experiment has resulted in reducing 315 National Speed Post Centres to 89 speed post hubs. Introduction of the "First Class Mail hubs" will result in gradual extinction of 366 RMS Mail Sorting Offices. Delivery hubs will further result in withdrawal of delivery from hundreds of Urban Post Offices. The proposed closure or merger of 9797 urban Post offices will sound the death-knell of Post services. Is it optimization or liquidation?
Department of Posts is paying Consultancy fees to Mckinsey and Mckinsey is not paying any money to the INDIA POST. But the Mckinsey is behaving as if they have purchased the INDIA POST and are the real owner of it. They are passing orders to the employees above the head of departmental officers. Even Heads of Circles are bound to obey Mckinsey. Voice of the right-thinking employees and officers are suppressed and only those support Mckinsey are allowed to run the show.
Creation of hubs has resulted in abnormal delay in conveyance and delivery of speed post articles and everywhere back-routing is taking place. Even articles meant for local delivery are unnecessarily despatched to the hubs situated hundreds of miles away and from there again back-routed to the delivery Post offices causing avoidable delay. Speed post has lost its speed and the faith of public in this premium services has been shaken. Number of articles and revenue has come down. Still the authorities blindly go on repeating that it is a great success. It is just like "operation is successful, but the patient died". The introduction of the first class mails hubs and delivery hubs will be the "beginning of the demise of the Postal Services in India".
Courtesy:NFPE PIII CHQ Blog
Department of Posts is paying Consultancy fees to Mckinsey and Mckinsey is not paying any money to the INDIA POST. But the Mckinsey is behaving as if they have purchased the INDIA POST and are the real owner of it. They are passing orders to the employees above the head of departmental officers. Even Heads of Circles are bound to obey Mckinsey. Voice of the right-thinking employees and officers are suppressed and only those support Mckinsey are allowed to run the show.
Creation of hubs has resulted in abnormal delay in conveyance and delivery of speed post articles and everywhere back-routing is taking place. Even articles meant for local delivery are unnecessarily despatched to the hubs situated hundreds of miles away and from there again back-routed to the delivery Post offices causing avoidable delay. Speed post has lost its speed and the faith of public in this premium services has been shaken. Number of articles and revenue has come down. Still the authorities blindly go on repeating that it is a great success. It is just like "operation is successful, but the patient died". The introduction of the first class mails hubs and delivery hubs will be the "beginning of the demise of the Postal Services in India".
Courtesy:NFPE PIII CHQ Blog
This time,Inspector Posts Medak North was made scapegoat
We had the past experience with the Administration that whenever a fraud case of high volume came to light, they will fall on the Sub Divisional IP/ASP concerned first even before initiating action on the staff directly contributed to the fraud at down level. Example, Inspector Posts Ramachandrapuram Sub Dn was kept under suspension on the charges of contributory negligence when frauds committed by SPM MIG Colony-RC Puram SO of Sangareddy Dn came to light in the year 2007.
Same story repeated now in the same region. SPM Machavaram C class SO of Medak Dn has involved in frauds to a tune of more than one crore in silent SB accounts. The modusoperandi is making entries of fictitious deposits in concerned SO ledger cards of silent SB accounts, Posting the same fictitious deposit entries in HO records also by trespassing Sanchaya post pacakage in HO computers and withdrawing the amounts later on at SO. The Official joined at the SO on 01-06-2010 and the frauds commenced on 12-08-2010. The fraud came to light on 30-05-2011 and the SPM is at large from 31-05-2011.
But, the administration enthusiastically kept the Inspector Posts Medak North sub Dn under suspension today, may be on same old reasons of “contributory negligence” unmindful of the conditions governing the “Suspension”. We are taking stock of the situation and will put efforts through the available channels to do justice to our member.
Same story repeated now in the same region. SPM Machavaram C class SO of Medak Dn has involved in frauds to a tune of more than one crore in silent SB accounts. The modusoperandi is making entries of fictitious deposits in concerned SO ledger cards of silent SB accounts, Posting the same fictitious deposit entries in HO records also by trespassing Sanchaya post pacakage in HO computers and withdrawing the amounts later on at SO. The Official joined at the SO on 01-06-2010 and the frauds commenced on 12-08-2010. The fraud came to light on 30-05-2011 and the SPM is at large from 31-05-2011.
But, the administration enthusiastically kept the Inspector Posts Medak North sub Dn under suspension today, may be on same old reasons of “contributory negligence” unmindful of the conditions governing the “Suspension”. We are taking stock of the situation and will put efforts through the available channels to do justice to our member.
Meghdoot Awards 2009 & 2010 to Postal Employees
Shri Kapil Sibal Presents Meghdoot Awards 2009 and 2010 to Postal Employees
Fifteen Individuals Bag Awards, Five of them are Women
Best Post Office Award goes to Chandragiri Head Post Office, Andhra Pradesh
Fifteen Individuals Bag Awards, Five of them are Women
Best Post Office Award goes to Chandragiri Head Post Office, Andhra Pradesh
Sh. Kapil Sibal Minster of Communications & Information Technology and Human Resource Development today conferred the Meghdoot Awards here today to the postal employees. Speaking on the occasion Shri Sibal said that skill and capacity of 3.25 lakh Gramin Dak Sewaks will be developed through a comprehensive and time bound Rural Entrepreneurship Programme.This program is being finalized by Department of Posts and Ministry of Human Resource Development together. Congratulating the Awardees, the Minister expressed confidence in the ongoing transformation projects that will help India Post to match the changing technologies and evolving lifestyles and serve their customers better.
Addressing the gathering Shri Gurudas Kamat, Minister of State of Communications & Information Technology and Human Affairs emphasized the importance of role of Post Offices in the implementation of the schemes meant for common man, be it disbursement of wages, pension or Unique Identification Number.
This scheme of National awards known as ‘Meghdoot Awards’ was instituted in the year 1984 to provide encouragement to the postal employees by recognizing performance of high standard. The awards given for outstanding contribution in the sphere of official work were earlier given in six individual categories. In order to motivate the personnel in the field of technology, a new category i.e., “For Technology Excellence” was introduced for the year 2006. For the years 2009 and2010 another category viz. “Best Woman Employee” has since been introduced for the first time. Thus in all eight categories of awards are being conferred in individual category. An award in Group Category comprising trophy was also given for best post office Chandragiri Head Post Office, Andhra Pradesh. Meghdoot awardees in individual category were given a medal, a scroll and cash award of Rs. 11000 (Rupees eleven thousand).
The awards are given every year to the officials selected from amongst the nominations received from various postal circles.
Upgradation of Grade Pay from Rs 4200/- to Rs 4600/- for Inspector, Posts
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Secretary (Posts)
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi 110001
No.CHQ/IPASP/SCPC Dated 24.06.2011
Sub: Upgradation of Grade Pay from Rs 4200/- to Rs 4600/- for Inspector, Posts
with effect from 01.01.2006.
Ref:- Postal Directorate No. 4-12/2009-PCC dated 22-03-2010
Respected Madam,
Your kind attention is invited to our letter of even no. dated 23.12.2010 (copy enclosed) on the subject mentioned above.
This issue is pending since November 2009 and we have taken up the above matter with the Department repeatedly and also held informal meetings with the DDG (Estt.). We have also taken up this issue as an item in the agenda for periodical meeting. Unfortunately, no meeting has been conducted by the Department. However, the Department is holding regular meetings with the Postal JCA comprising NFPE, FNPO and GDS Unions. We have also requested to your goodself by our letter dated 31.05.2011 for grant of personal interview to discuss our long pending genuine demands but the same has not been granted so far. This is very crucial and important issue agitating the minds of our members and there is a great resentment among them.
Association gave its proposal in writing for merger of the post of Inspector, Posts & Assistant Superintendent, Posts and designating the merged post as Inspector, Posts or Assistant Superintendent, Posts as may be decided by the Department but retaining the Gazetted status to the existing incumbents in Assistant Superintendent, Posts grade till their promotion / retirement. If the Department feels problem in merger of the post of IP and ASP, then the post of ASP may be merged with PS Group B with a Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- with effect from 01.01.2006 as both the posts are Gazetted Group B & difference of Grade Pay is only Rs.200/-.
This Association urges upon the Department to consider up-gradation of Grade Pay of Inspector Posts from Rs. 4200/- to Rs. 4600/- with effect from 01.01.2006 and merger of the post of ASP with the post of PS Group B with a Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- .
The Association shall be grateful if an immediate meeting on the above subject is conducted by the Department to discuss and resolve this issue positively.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Secretary (Posts)
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi 110001
No.CHQ/IPASP/SCPC Dated 24.06.2011
Sub: Upgradation of Grade Pay from Rs 4200/- to Rs 4600/- for Inspector, Posts
with effect from 01.01.2006.
Ref:- Postal Directorate No. 4-12/2009-PCC dated 22-03-2010
Respected Madam,
Your kind attention is invited to our letter of even no. dated 23.12.2010 (copy enclosed) on the subject mentioned above.
This issue is pending since November 2009 and we have taken up the above matter with the Department repeatedly and also held informal meetings with the DDG (Estt.). We have also taken up this issue as an item in the agenda for periodical meeting. Unfortunately, no meeting has been conducted by the Department. However, the Department is holding regular meetings with the Postal JCA comprising NFPE, FNPO and GDS Unions. We have also requested to your goodself by our letter dated 31.05.2011 for grant of personal interview to discuss our long pending genuine demands but the same has not been granted so far. This is very crucial and important issue agitating the minds of our members and there is a great resentment among them.
Association gave its proposal in writing for merger of the post of Inspector, Posts & Assistant Superintendent, Posts and designating the merged post as Inspector, Posts or Assistant Superintendent, Posts as may be decided by the Department but retaining the Gazetted status to the existing incumbents in Assistant Superintendent, Posts grade till their promotion / retirement. If the Department feels problem in merger of the post of IP and ASP, then the post of ASP may be merged with PS Group B with a Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- with effect from 01.01.2006 as both the posts are Gazetted Group B & difference of Grade Pay is only Rs.200/-.
This Association urges upon the Department to consider up-gradation of Grade Pay of Inspector Posts from Rs. 4200/- to Rs. 4600/- with effect from 01.01.2006 and merger of the post of ASP with the post of PS Group B with a Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- .
The Association shall be grateful if an immediate meeting on the above subject is conducted by the Department to discuss and resolve this issue positively.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
Redesignation of 141 posts of HSG-I IP Line as Asstt. Superintendent Posts
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Secretary (Posts)
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi 110001
No.CHQ/IPASP/HSG-I Dated 24.06.2011
Sub: Redesignation of 141 posts of HSG-I IP Line as Asstt. Superintendent Posts.
Respected Madam,
Your goodself is well aware that 141 posts of HSG-I in Postal Wing through out the country belong to IP Line officials. You are also well aware that post of HSG-I IP Line / ASP are promotional posts for Inspectors Posts. ASPs holding the posts of HSG-I are in gazetted status whereas General Line officials holding the posts of HSG-I are in non-gazetted status.
Service Unions representing General Line officials in HSG-I are demanding that 141 posts of HSG-I IP Line may be transferred to General Line to increase their promotional avenue. Their demand is not justified consequent upon introduction of Postmaster cadre in Postal Wing as their promotional avenues have already been increased.
In view of above facts, our Association urges upon the Department that 141 posts of HSG-I IP Line may be re-designated as "Assistant Superintendent Posts" in order to differenciate between HSG-I IP Line officials and HSG-I General Line officials as there is no financial implications.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Secretary (Posts)
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi 110001
No.CHQ/IPASP/HSG-I Dated 24.06.2011
Sub: Redesignation of 141 posts of HSG-I IP Line as Asstt. Superintendent Posts.
Respected Madam,
Your goodself is well aware that 141 posts of HSG-I in Postal Wing through out the country belong to IP Line officials. You are also well aware that post of HSG-I IP Line / ASP are promotional posts for Inspectors Posts. ASPs holding the posts of HSG-I are in gazetted status whereas General Line officials holding the posts of HSG-I are in non-gazetted status.
Service Unions representing General Line officials in HSG-I are demanding that 141 posts of HSG-I IP Line may be transferred to General Line to increase their promotional avenue. Their demand is not justified consequent upon introduction of Postmaster cadre in Postal Wing as their promotional avenues have already been increased.
In view of above facts, our Association urges upon the Department that 141 posts of HSG-I IP Line may be re-designated as "Assistant Superintendent Posts" in order to differenciate between HSG-I IP Line officials and HSG-I General Line officials as there is no financial implications.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
NO Income Tax Return for Salaried Taxpayers with income up to Rs. 5 lakh
Salaried Taxpayers with total Income up to Rs.5 lakh Exempted from filing Income Tax Return for Assessment Year 2011-12
The Central Board of Direct Taxes has notified the scheme exempting salaried taxpayers with total income up to Rs.5 lakh from filing income tax return for assessment year 2011-12, which will be due on July 31, 2011.
Individuals having total income up to Rs.5,00,000 for FY 2010-11, after allowable deductions, consisting of salary from a single employer and interest income from deposits in a saving bank account up to Rs.10,000 are not required to file their income tax return. Such individuals must report their Permanent Account Number (PAN) and the entire income from bank interest to their employer, pay the entire tax by way of deduction of tax at source, and obtain a certificate of tax deduction in Form No.16.
Persons receiving salary from more than one employer, having income from sources other than salary and interest income from a savings bank account, or having refund claims shall not be covered under the scheme.
The scheme shall also not be applicable in cases wherein notices are issued for filing the income tax return under section 142(1) or section 148 or section 153A or section 153C of the Income Tax Act 1961.
Group B Exam Result Declared
Group B Exam Result has been declared.
None from the Karnataka ( IP or General line ) were selected .For more details please click the following link
None from the Karnataka ( IP or General line ) were selected .For more details please click the following link
Promotion, Allotment and Postings from IP to ASP Cadre
Promotion, Allotment and Postings from IP to ASP Cadre.
Sl No | Name | Category | Region Allotted | Posted as |
1. | Ganapathi Maradi, IP, Honnavara Sub Division | S K | ASP, Shimoga West | |
2. | Naveen V L, IP, Udupi North Sub Division | S K | ASP R, Shimoga | |
3. | P Guruprasad, IP, Nelamangala Sub Division | Bangalore | ASP, Sub Division II, Bangalore East | |
4. | N G Rajshri, SAS , S K Region RO | S K | ||
5. | Joseph Rodrigues, IP, Mangalore North Sub Division | S K | ASP Tech, SK | |
6. | B Narayana, IP, Channaparayapatna Sub Division | NK | ||
7. | G Kanjana, IP, Mandya Sub Division | Bangalore | PM, Channapatna HO | |
8. | K R Usha, IP, Nagamangala Sub Division | NK | ||
9. | H N Ganesh, ASP, Tumkur Division | NK | ||
10. | G B Naik, IP, Bijapur East Sub Division | SC | NK | |
11. | Koragappa Naik, IP, Kollegal Sub Division | ST | NK | |
12. | H M Manjesha, IP CBS, SK RO | ST | Bangalore | ASP BD, CO |
13. | M Ravindra Naik, ASP, Karwar Division | Re-allotted to SK | ||
14. | Chandrashekar, ASP HQ, Gokak | Re-allotted to SK | ||
15. | Sidda Naik, PM, Channapatna HO | Transfer | PM, HAL II Stage HO | |
16. | G Vishwanath, ASP Sub Division II, Bangalore East | Transfer | ASP, BG City RMS | |
17. | S P Ravi | Adhoc to NK |
Assoction conveys its best wishes to all.
President and Secretary, IPASP KARNATAKA
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