The issue of identifying IPO line posts for the creation of Postmasters cadre was discussed with Chief PMG today.The direction said to have been given by Directorate to Tamil Nadu Circle to keep in abeyance the proposed move to identify 18 IPO line posts was poined out to Chief PMG.
The Chief PMG assured that she would discuss the matter with DDG (P) and if any instructions have been issued to Tamil Nadu Circle to exclude the IPO line posts, the same would be made applicable in Kerala Circle also. A letter from the Association in this regard is also proposed to be given to Chief PMG, a copy of which is furnished below:
This is regarding the proposed action to identity IPO line posts of Postmasters in Kerala Circle as part of implementing the scheme of creating a separate cadre of Postmasters. (Postmaster Grade III) It is ascertained that the entire 8 IPO line posts in the Circle have been identified for this purpose. In this connection, it is brought to your kind notice that in the Dte. letters No. 4-17/2008-SPB-II dated 22.11.2010 and 25.11.2010, it was very clearly mentioned that the cadre of postmasters will be made by carving out the posts from the existing general line cadre posts (emphasis supplied). As such, the proposed action is against the spirit of the instructions contained in the said Directorate letters.
You may also appreciate that in all other Circles except in Tamil Nadu, IPO posts were not identified for creating the cadre of Postmaster Grade III. Even in Tamil Nadu, it is learned that the move to include 18 IPO line posts have been dropped as per subsequent instructions from the Directorate and action is being taken to re-identify some other general line posts as per revised Directorate instructions.
In view of the above, it is requested to follow the same course of action taken in Tamil Nadu in Kerala Circle also and to exclude the IPO line posts already identified and circulated for creating the cadre of Postmaster Grade III. An early positive action along with a line in reply is highly solicited.
Yours faithfully
Circle Secretary
The Association would like to assure all the members that the matter will be closely monitored and no efforts will be spared to find an amicable solution to the issue
This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Probationers can be sacked: CAT
A person working on probation can be sacked from service without prior hearing if his or her performance is not satisfactory, the Central Administrative Tribunal has held.
"A probationer's services could be terminated if his performance is unsatisfactory and the termination would be valid from all angles," the CAT's bench of members Veena Chhotray and Shanker Raju said in their ruling.
The country's apex tribunal to adjudicate government employees' dispute on service matters gave the ruling on a petition by a trained graduate teacher, Narbda Singh, a resident of Kushinagar (UP), challenging the termination order from Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS).
Singh opposed the order saying action was taken without being given an opportunity to present his case or to defend himself and that this had led to violation of the principles of natural justice.
The KVS justified its decision saying despite several opportunities and reminders he had failed to improve his performance prompting it to take the step under the KVS rules.
Satisfied with KVS's contentions, the tribunal rejected Singh's plea saying the termination did not violate the principles of natural justice.
"We do not find any punitiveness and victimisation in the termination order. The unsatisfactory performance is not the foundation of the order but is a motive as per the terms and conditions of the appointment letter.
"Such termination does not require prior hearing or following the principles of natural justice and the right to be heard," the tribunal said.
Source:Indian Express
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Important news from
Important news from
Today (23.12.10) CO called willingness or othewise from all Regular PS Gr B officers drawing GP of Rs.4800 for appointment of Sr PM with ref to Dte Lr No : 4-17 / 2008 - SPB.II Dt. 22.11.10 Para II & VII.
Initial constitution of Sr PM (Gaz Gr B) cadre shall be done by inviting options / applications from the existing incumbents of PS Gr B.
The officials in PS Gr B & Sr PMs would be eligible for induction in IPoS, Gr A on the basis of a consolidated eligibility list.
In All India there are 116 posts marked for Sr PM Grade.
Interested Officers will submit their willingness to CO thro RO on or before 05.11.10 (it may vary in Regions).
CO Memo No : STA / 2-Sr PM / 10 Dt. 23.12.10.
Today (23.12.10) CO called willingness or othewise from all Regular PS Gr B officers drawing GP of Rs.4800 for appointment of Sr PM with ref to Dte Lr No : 4-17 / 2008 - SPB.II Dt. 22.11.10 Para II & VII.
Initial constitution of Sr PM (Gaz Gr B) cadre shall be done by inviting options / applications from the existing incumbents of PS Gr B.
The officials in PS Gr B & Sr PMs would be eligible for induction in IPoS, Gr A on the basis of a consolidated eligibility list.
In All India there are 116 posts marked for Sr PM Grade.
Interested Officers will submit their willingness to CO thro RO on or before 05.11.10 (it may vary in Regions).
CO Memo No : STA / 2-Sr PM / 10 Dt. 23.12.10.
Revision of norms for assessment of workload of the Branch Postmasters.
(Establishment Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110 001
File No.5-1/2007-WS-1(Pt.) Dated 16-12-2010
Chief Post Masters General
Postmasters General
General Managers (Finance)
Directors of Accounts (Postal)
Sub:- Revision of norms for assessment of workload of the Branch Postmasters.
I am directed to refer to Directorate letter No.14-6/87-PAP dated 15-07-87 and 15-12-2009 on the above subject.
2. The staff representatives of Gamin Dak Sevaks have represented that many of the new items of work that have been added recently are not covered by norms for assessment of workload of the Branch Postmasters in point system. One-man committee headed by Shri R.S.Natarajamurti also recommended for conducting work study and prescribing norms for the various items of work undertaken by Branch Postmasters. Therefore, the Department has ordered a work study through Integrated Work Study Unit for recommending norms for new items of work and for revision of existing norms. The report and recommendations of the IWSU has been examined in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing and after a careful consideration, the competent Authority ordered for prescribing the norms for assessment of the workload of the Branch Postmasters in point system. These norms are furnished in the Annexure.
3. These norms will come into effect from the date of issue of this order and have to be applied for all reviews conducted thereafter.
4. The norms may be communicated to all the concerned under your control for strict compliance.
5. This issues in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing vide their Dy. No.303/FA/10/CS dated 15-12-2010.
Yours faithfully,
Asst. Director General (Est.)
S.No | Norms of work | Points | Standard prescribed |
1. | Handling of unregistered articles | 1 point of work load | For every 25 unregistered articles handled in a day |
2. | Handling of registered articles | 1 point of work load | For every 22 registered articles handled in month |
3. | Handling of Money Orders | 1 point of work load | For every 15 Money Orders handled in a month |
4. | Sale of postage stamps | 1 point of work load | For every Rs.900- worth of stamps sold in a month |
5. | Handling of cash (*) | 1 point of work load | For every Rs.20,000- cash handled in a month |
6. | Savings Bank / NSC transactions | 1 point of work load | For every 10 transactions in a month |
7. | Rural Postal Life Insurance transactions | 1 point of work load | For every 10 transactions in a month |
8. | Collection of Telephone or any other bills | 1 point of work load | For every 20 bills collected in a month |
9. | Disbursement of Old age pensions through Money Orders | 1 point of work load | For every 15 old age pension Money Orders disbursed in a month |
10. | Disbursement of Old age pension through savings bank accounts | 1 point of work load | For every 10 old age pension through savings bank in month |
11. | Accounts work and receipt and dispatch of mails in a month | -- | Fixed 14 points per month |
1. | The assessment of the work load of the Branch Post masters has to be done in respect of items 2 to 10 on the average of 4 quarterly months statistics. The statistics should be collected from the month following the month in which enumeration returns are collected. |
2. | In respect of unregistered articles handled the Branch Postmaster has to furnish 3 days figures in the middle of the month, and the inspecting officer has to collect statistics for 2 days in the middle of the week. The least of the average has to be adopted for assessment of work load. |
3. | Unregistered articles handled includes the No. of unregistered articles received for delivery and posted for dispatch from the Branch Post Office. |
4. | Registered articles handled includes Registered letters, Parcles, Speed Post articles and Value Payable articles received for delivery and Registered letters / parcels posted for dispatch. |
5. | Money Orders handled includes all sorts of Money Orders received for payment and MOs issued from the Branch Office. |
6. | Savings Bank transactions include opening, deposit and withdrawal / closure of Savings Bank, Recurring Deposit and Time Deposit accounts. |
7. | RPLI transactions include collection of RPLI premium for procurement of new Business and collection of renewal premium. |
8 | Mahatma Gandhi NREGA is not covered by the present norms and the transactions on account of disbursement of NREGA payments to the beneficiaries and the cash handled should be excluded from the statistics for assessment of workload. |
9. | (*) For cash handled orders have been issued already on 15-12-2009. The term "Cash handled" constitute cash handled on account of Money Orders issue / payment, deposits / withdrawals of SB/RD/TD accounts, RPLI premium collection, bills collection and bills payment other than salary paid to GDS staff working in the Branch Office. The cash received as Remittance from Account Office and Remittance sent to Account Office has to be excluded. |
10. | 14 points is given in lump per month for receipt of Branch office Bag, verification of contents including verification of remittance, writing of BO journal, BO account, preparation of BO Daily Account, tallying of closing balance and dispatch of BO bag including remittance of surplus cash to Account Office. |
Asst. Director Genl.(Est.)
Association Writes to Department on Postmaster Cadre
No. CHQ/IPASP/PMC/2010 Dated: 23.12.2010
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Director General
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
Sub: Introduction of Postmaster Cadre in Postal Wing.
Ref: Postal Directorate No. 4-17/2008-SPB-II dated 22nd November, 2010
Respected Madam,
The Department has issued the above notification introducing Postmaster cadre in Postal Wing. At the outset, we wish to place on record that we are not against to the introduction of Postmaster’s cadre but seek certain clarifications in the interest of our cadre and Department. The following are the few points which require immediate kind attention of the Department
It is perceived from the said notification that posts for different categories in the hierarchy are to be carved out only from the General Line posts and as such IP Line cadre should not have any cascading effect.
1. In view of para 5(VI) & 5(VII) of said notification, it is understood that all 116 posts of Sr. Postmaster grade presently held by IP Line officials are to be filled partly from HSG-I (General Line) and partly from IP Line officials. The officials in PS Gr.”B” & Sr. Postmaster grade would be eligible for induction in IPoS, Group “A” on the basis of a consolidated eligibility list. Both these paras of the notification are in gross violation of equality provided under Article 14 and 21 of the Constitution as different parameters have been adopted for promotion to Sr. Postmaster from HSG-I which is on the basis of promotion on the one side and IP Line which is through LDCE on the other side.
2. Furthermore, the demand of other trade unions to fill up 100% posts of Sr. Postmasters and Chief Postmasters only from officials of Postmaster cadre (HSG I General Line) is baseless and hence categorically refuted.
3. This Association would like to recall that hitherto also there were two separate cadres i.e., Postmaster Group B and Postal Superintendent Group B which were merged to form composite cadre called PSS Group “B”. Due to unification of two cadres, the General Line officials were allowed to share 6% of the total posts worked out after merger. In this regard, Gazette notification was issued codifying the recruitment rules and subsequently LDCE was introduced for 25% of the vacancies out of which General Line officials still enjoying the share of 6%.
4. Apparently the new proposal is only attempt to revive old pattern viz. Postmaster Group B and Postal Superintendent Group ‘B’ as two independent cadres. This whole process of notifying the introduction of separate cadre of Postmaster has been done by the Department without consulting our Association. Resultantly, there is resentment and confusion in the Inspector, Posts cadre which is otherwise also directly or indirectly affecting the efficiency of the Department.
5. Now, since Directorate has issued notification so it would be only fit and proper if no further share from 649 posts presently held for promotion by non selection against 75% quota is allowed. However, Department may fill up 75% Sr. Postmaster posts from 165 (19% of total 866 PSS Group "B") posts presently allotted for promotion by LDCE for IPs and 25% of 52 (6% of 866) posts presently kept reserved for promotion for General Line officials. In this event, even Department will not have to call for options from IP Line officials working in PS Group "B" cadre and they can be easily adjusted and posted as Sr. Postmaster on 116 posts for which Department is also very much inclined.
6. 25% of vacancies in Senor Postmaster grade have been earmarked for HSG I (General Line) officials through promotion. Hence, recruitment rules of PS Group B cadre may be modified and provision may be made in the recruitment rules of PS Group B that 6% of total posts to be filled on the basis of same Departmental examination from General Line officials with 5 years regular service in LSG and above shall be reduced to the extent of number of posts occupied by the General Line officials in Senior Postmaster grade in Postmaster cadre.
7. In some Circles, Chief PMsG have identified posts of HSG I of IP Line for Postmaster Grade III which is in violation of the instructions contained in notification ibid. For the present 141 posts of HSG I Postmasters are earmarked for the IP Line officials which are part of promotional avenue for the Inspector, Posts. Order issued by the Department on formulation of Postmaster cadre is silent on the issue as to how these 141 posts will be retained for IP Line. The Association urges the Department to consider this issue and issue orders immediately that these 141 posts of IP Line remain in subordinate capacity in HSG I for IP Line officials.
8. It will be in the betterment of things if a meeting is arranged to discuss the issues concerning Inspector, Posts cadre. Until and unless this is done, the effects will lead to confusion resulting in resentment, frustration in the already depressed and ignored Inspector, Posts cadre.
Yours Sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Director General
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
Sub: Introduction of Postmaster Cadre in Postal Wing.
Ref: Postal Directorate No. 4-17/2008-SPB-II dated 22nd November, 2010
Respected Madam,
The Department has issued the above notification introducing Postmaster cadre in Postal Wing. At the outset, we wish to place on record that we are not against to the introduction of Postmaster’s cadre but seek certain clarifications in the interest of our cadre and Department. The following are the few points which require immediate kind attention of the Department
It is perceived from the said notification that posts for different categories in the hierarchy are to be carved out only from the General Line posts and as such IP Line cadre should not have any cascading effect.
1. In view of para 5(VI) & 5(VII) of said notification, it is understood that all 116 posts of Sr. Postmaster grade presently held by IP Line officials are to be filled partly from HSG-I (General Line) and partly from IP Line officials. The officials in PS Gr.”B” & Sr. Postmaster grade would be eligible for induction in IPoS, Group “A” on the basis of a consolidated eligibility list. Both these paras of the notification are in gross violation of equality provided under Article 14 and 21 of the Constitution as different parameters have been adopted for promotion to Sr. Postmaster from HSG-I which is on the basis of promotion on the one side and IP Line which is through LDCE on the other side.
2. Furthermore, the demand of other trade unions to fill up 100% posts of Sr. Postmasters and Chief Postmasters only from officials of Postmaster cadre (HSG I General Line) is baseless and hence categorically refuted.
3. This Association would like to recall that hitherto also there were two separate cadres i.e., Postmaster Group B and Postal Superintendent Group B which were merged to form composite cadre called PSS Group “B”. Due to unification of two cadres, the General Line officials were allowed to share 6% of the total posts worked out after merger. In this regard, Gazette notification was issued codifying the recruitment rules and subsequently LDCE was introduced for 25% of the vacancies out of which General Line officials still enjoying the share of 6%.
4. Apparently the new proposal is only attempt to revive old pattern viz. Postmaster Group B and Postal Superintendent Group ‘B’ as two independent cadres. This whole process of notifying the introduction of separate cadre of Postmaster has been done by the Department without consulting our Association. Resultantly, there is resentment and confusion in the Inspector, Posts cadre which is otherwise also directly or indirectly affecting the efficiency of the Department.
5. Now, since Directorate has issued notification so it would be only fit and proper if no further share from 649 posts presently held for promotion by non selection against 75% quota is allowed. However, Department may fill up 75% Sr. Postmaster posts from 165 (19% of total 866 PSS Group "B") posts presently allotted for promotion by LDCE for IPs and 25% of 52 (6% of 866) posts presently kept reserved for promotion for General Line officials. In this event, even Department will not have to call for options from IP Line officials working in PS Group "B" cadre and they can be easily adjusted and posted as Sr. Postmaster on 116 posts for which Department is also very much inclined.
6. 25% of vacancies in Senor Postmaster grade have been earmarked for HSG I (General Line) officials through promotion. Hence, recruitment rules of PS Group B cadre may be modified and provision may be made in the recruitment rules of PS Group B that 6% of total posts to be filled on the basis of same Departmental examination from General Line officials with 5 years regular service in LSG and above shall be reduced to the extent of number of posts occupied by the General Line officials in Senior Postmaster grade in Postmaster cadre.
7. In some Circles, Chief PMsG have identified posts of HSG I of IP Line for Postmaster Grade III which is in violation of the instructions contained in notification ibid. For the present 141 posts of HSG I Postmasters are earmarked for the IP Line officials which are part of promotional avenue for the Inspector, Posts. Order issued by the Department on formulation of Postmaster cadre is silent on the issue as to how these 141 posts will be retained for IP Line. The Association urges the Department to consider this issue and issue orders immediately that these 141 posts of IP Line remain in subordinate capacity in HSG I for IP Line officials.
8. It will be in the betterment of things if a meeting is arranged to discuss the issues concerning Inspector, Posts cadre. Until and unless this is done, the effects will lead to confusion resulting in resentment, frustration in the already depressed and ignored Inspector, Posts cadre.
Yours Sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
Protest against the indifferent attitude of the Department towards upgradation of GP from Rs.4200/- to Rs. 4600/- for IPs
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Director General
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi 110001
No.CHQ/IPASP/SCPC dated 23-12-2010
Sub: Protest against the indifferent attitude of the Department towards upgradation of Grade Pay from Rs 4200/- to Rs 4600/- for Inspector, Posts.
Ref:- Postal Directorate No. 4-12/2009-PCC dated 22-03-2010
Respected Madam,
The Central Working Committee meeting of the Association was held at Ambaji (Gujarat) on 16th and 17th December 2010. During the meeting, the CWC registered its concern towards the inordinate delay in processing the demand of the Association for higher grade pay to IP on par with inspector cadre in other Central Government departments/ministries. While all other Departments/Ministries show positive action towards their inspectors, the DOP is alone showing a negative approach on our cadre. All Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts are very much aggrieved and frustrated due to the inaction and indifferent attitude of the Department of Posts towards this cadre.
2. The department kept on telling the phrase “maintaining parity with other inspectorial cadre” whenever we demanded justified higher grade pay for IP & ASP. Now Inspectors and analogous cadres in other departments/ministries have been granted the higher grade pay of Rs 4600/- unilaterally after implementation of VI CPC. Such type of unilateral increase in pay scale was noticed in other departments/ministries in respect of their Inspectors after implementation of the past many CPCs. When we demand parity, the department in collusion with MOF is speaking entirely a different version. During discussion with DOP on this issue, we were informed that the cadre of ASP (Which is not in existence in other departments/ministries) is an impediment to implementing higher grade to IP. If that is the case, this Association is ready to go for merger of both the posts IP and ASP. The issue of merger of posts of IP and ASP with single Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- was discussed at a length during the course of General Body meeting in the All India Conference of the Association held at New Delhi on 03.04.2010 and 04.04.2010. The Association had come out with a proposal of merger of the posts IP and ASP and detailed discussions took place between the representatives of the Association and DDG (Estt.) on 05.04.2010. The department was convinced about the justified GP of Rs 4600/- on the merged post. Reminders were given to the DOP on 24-06-2010, 09-08-2010 & 07-09-2010 but no action has been taken by the Department till now and it has become the prime grievance of the Association. We also took up this issue in the agenda for periodical meeting on 27.08.2010 but DOP has not fixed date and time for holding of the same so far.
3. Association gave its proposal in writing for merger of the posts of Inspector, Posts & Assistant Superintendent, Posts and designating the merged posts as Inspector, Posts or Assistant Superintendent, Posts as may be decided by the Department but retaining the Gazetted status to the existing incumbents in Assistant Superintendent, Posts grade till their promotion / retirement..
4. If the DOP felt problem in merger of the posts IP and ASP, the CWC was agreed unanimously and came out with an alternative proposal of merger of the post ASP with PS Group B with a Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- with effect from 01.01.2006. As both the posts are Gazetted Group B & difference of Grade Pay is only Rs.200/-. This Association urges upon the DOP to consider merger of the post of ASP with the post of PS Group B with a Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- and in that case the senior will be holding the charge of Division/Office.
5. In case no positive action is forthcoming, the CWC of the Association after a detailed deliberations and discussions, has come out with the following proposal:
“It is unanimously resolved that the Department must meet out the above demand within one month time frame. The CWC with one voice decided that, if no decision is taken by the Department, the Association has no other option except to proceed on with a direct action (Trade Union action) after 31.01.2011. In such circumstances, the responsibility of any adverse effect on services will rest with the Department”
An early result oriented action is requested.
Yours sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy
Director General
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi 110001
No.CHQ/IPASP/SCPC dated 23-12-2010
Sub: Protest against the indifferent attitude of the Department towards upgradation of Grade Pay from Rs 4200/- to Rs 4600/- for Inspector, Posts.
Ref:- Postal Directorate No. 4-12/2009-PCC dated 22-03-2010
Respected Madam,
The Central Working Committee meeting of the Association was held at Ambaji (Gujarat) on 16th and 17th December 2010. During the meeting, the CWC registered its concern towards the inordinate delay in processing the demand of the Association for higher grade pay to IP on par with inspector cadre in other Central Government departments/ministries. While all other Departments/Ministries show positive action towards their inspectors, the DOP is alone showing a negative approach on our cadre. All Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts are very much aggrieved and frustrated due to the inaction and indifferent attitude of the Department of Posts towards this cadre.
2. The department kept on telling the phrase “maintaining parity with other inspectorial cadre” whenever we demanded justified higher grade pay for IP & ASP. Now Inspectors and analogous cadres in other departments/ministries have been granted the higher grade pay of Rs 4600/- unilaterally after implementation of VI CPC. Such type of unilateral increase in pay scale was noticed in other departments/ministries in respect of their Inspectors after implementation of the past many CPCs. When we demand parity, the department in collusion with MOF is speaking entirely a different version. During discussion with DOP on this issue, we were informed that the cadre of ASP (Which is not in existence in other departments/ministries) is an impediment to implementing higher grade to IP. If that is the case, this Association is ready to go for merger of both the posts IP and ASP. The issue of merger of posts of IP and ASP with single Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- was discussed at a length during the course of General Body meeting in the All India Conference of the Association held at New Delhi on 03.04.2010 and 04.04.2010. The Association had come out with a proposal of merger of the posts IP and ASP and detailed discussions took place between the representatives of the Association and DDG (Estt.) on 05.04.2010. The department was convinced about the justified GP of Rs 4600/- on the merged post. Reminders were given to the DOP on 24-06-2010, 09-08-2010 & 07-09-2010 but no action has been taken by the Department till now and it has become the prime grievance of the Association. We also took up this issue in the agenda for periodical meeting on 27.08.2010 but DOP has not fixed date and time for holding of the same so far.
3. Association gave its proposal in writing for merger of the posts of Inspector, Posts & Assistant Superintendent, Posts and designating the merged posts as Inspector, Posts or Assistant Superintendent, Posts as may be decided by the Department but retaining the Gazetted status to the existing incumbents in Assistant Superintendent, Posts grade till their promotion / retirement..
4. If the DOP felt problem in merger of the posts IP and ASP, the CWC was agreed unanimously and came out with an alternative proposal of merger of the post ASP with PS Group B with a Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- with effect from 01.01.2006. As both the posts are Gazetted Group B & difference of Grade Pay is only Rs.200/-. This Association urges upon the DOP to consider merger of the post of ASP with the post of PS Group B with a Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- and in that case the senior will be holding the charge of Division/Office.
5. In case no positive action is forthcoming, the CWC of the Association after a detailed deliberations and discussions, has come out with the following proposal:
“It is unanimously resolved that the Department must meet out the above demand within one month time frame. The CWC with one voice decided that, if no decision is taken by the Department, the Association has no other option except to proceed on with a direct action (Trade Union action) after 31.01.2011. In such circumstances, the responsibility of any adverse effect on services will rest with the Department”
An early result oriented action is requested.
Yours sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
Central Working Committee meeting at AMBAJI (Gujarat)
As notified, Central Working Committee meeting of the Association was held at Ambaji, District Banaskantha (Gujarat) on 16th and 17th December 2010 under the presidentship of Shri Dinesh khare, President. CWC was attended by 14 Circle branches except Assam, Haryana, H.P., J & K, Kerala, N.E., Orissa and Uttarakhand. CWC was well attended as expected. Shri Janardan Sharma, SSPOs, Meerut and Shri S.Ravi, Asstt. Director (RB), Postal Directorate attended the C.W.C. as special invitees. Meeting was held in cordial atmosphere and agenda of the meeting was discussed. After detailed discussions and confirmation of minutes last CWC/ All India Conference held at New Delhi, following decisions were taken by the CWC unanimously.
1. Upgradation of Grade Pay of Inspectors, Posts from Rs. 4200/- to Rs. 4600/-.
Department is not serious on merger of the post of Inspector, Posts with the post of Asstt. Supdt., Posts. Hence, it was decided by the CWC that the post of Asstt. Supdt., Posts be merged with the post of P.S. Group “B” as both the posts are Gazetted Group “B”. A protest letter in this regard was drafted by the CWC and same will be handed over to the Department by the GS.
2. Restructuring of Inspector, Posts cadre:
CWC decided to take up this issue only after settlement of Grade Pay of Inspector, Posts from Rs. 4200/- to Rs. 4600/-.
3. Revision of rates of remuneration for invigilation duty:
G.S. will issue reminder to the D.G. (Posts) in this regard.
4. Regular Promotion to P.S.Group “B”:
A list of 140 officers for regular promotion in to P.S. Group “B” cadre has been issued by the Department on 24.11.2010. CWC expressed its satisfaction over release of list by the Postal Directorate in time, due to frequent meetings with the officers in Postal Directorate by the GS.
5. Allotment of surplus qualified IP candidates for the year 2009:
CWC decided that above issue may be taken up with the Department.
6. MACP Scheme:
It came to notice of the CWC that MACP memo has not been issued by Chhattisgarh and M.P. Circles so far. CWC decided to take up above issues with the Department.
7. Merger of IRM/ASRM Association with our Association:
After detailed discussions, it was decided by the CWC that all members of IRM/ASRM Association may become our members by contacting our respective Circle Secretary in this regard. We welcome them for becoming our members as now, there is only single Association in our cadre recognized by the Department.
8. Postmaster Cadre in Postal Wing:
It was decided by the CWC that a protest letter from CHQ should go to the Department. Responsibility for drafting the letter was given to the Circle Secretary, Punjab Circle.
9. Supply of Laptops for all the IPs/ASPs
It was informed by the Secretary, Posts in our All India Conference that Laptops will be supplied to all the IPs/ASPs. However, the same has been supplied only to Sub Divisional IPs/ASPs. CWC decided to take up the issue with the Department for supply of Laptops to remaining IPs/ASPs.
10. Non issue of combined All India Seniority List of IPs from the year 1999:
It was decided by the CWC that above issue will be taken up with the Department.
Elaborate arrangements were made for the conducting CWC at Ambaji (Gujarat) by Shri M.R.Desai, Circle Secretary, Gujarat and his team. CHQ conveys its sincere thanks to them as well to all the CWC office bearers / Circle Secretaries for their co-operation during the CWC..
Karnataka Circle informed the CWC that they will hold next All India Conference at Bengaluru during January/Ferbuary-2012. They are making preparations for it. CWC welcomed their spirit.
Maharashtra Circle came forward for holding next CWC at Shirdi. CWC welcomed their decision and authorized GS to take decision at appropriate time.
1. Upgradation of Grade Pay of Inspectors, Posts from Rs. 4200/- to Rs. 4600/-.
Department is not serious on merger of the post of Inspector, Posts with the post of Asstt. Supdt., Posts. Hence, it was decided by the CWC that the post of Asstt. Supdt., Posts be merged with the post of P.S. Group “B” as both the posts are Gazetted Group “B”. A protest letter in this regard was drafted by the CWC and same will be handed over to the Department by the GS.
2. Restructuring of Inspector, Posts cadre:
CWC decided to take up this issue only after settlement of Grade Pay of Inspector, Posts from Rs. 4200/- to Rs. 4600/-.
3. Revision of rates of remuneration for invigilation duty:
G.S. will issue reminder to the D.G. (Posts) in this regard.
4. Regular Promotion to P.S.Group “B”:
A list of 140 officers for regular promotion in to P.S. Group “B” cadre has been issued by the Department on 24.11.2010. CWC expressed its satisfaction over release of list by the Postal Directorate in time, due to frequent meetings with the officers in Postal Directorate by the GS.
5. Allotment of surplus qualified IP candidates for the year 2009:
CWC decided that above issue may be taken up with the Department.
6. MACP Scheme:
It came to notice of the CWC that MACP memo has not been issued by Chhattisgarh and M.P. Circles so far. CWC decided to take up above issues with the Department.
7. Merger of IRM/ASRM Association with our Association:
After detailed discussions, it was decided by the CWC that all members of IRM/ASRM Association may become our members by contacting our respective Circle Secretary in this regard. We welcome them for becoming our members as now, there is only single Association in our cadre recognized by the Department.
8. Postmaster Cadre in Postal Wing:
It was decided by the CWC that a protest letter from CHQ should go to the Department. Responsibility for drafting the letter was given to the Circle Secretary, Punjab Circle.
9. Supply of Laptops for all the IPs/ASPs
It was informed by the Secretary, Posts in our All India Conference that Laptops will be supplied to all the IPs/ASPs. However, the same has been supplied only to Sub Divisional IPs/ASPs. CWC decided to take up the issue with the Department for supply of Laptops to remaining IPs/ASPs.
10. Non issue of combined All India Seniority List of IPs from the year 1999:
It was decided by the CWC that above issue will be taken up with the Department.
Elaborate arrangements were made for the conducting CWC at Ambaji (Gujarat) by Shri M.R.Desai, Circle Secretary, Gujarat and his team. CHQ conveys its sincere thanks to them as well to all the CWC office bearers / Circle Secretaries for their co-operation during the CWC..
Karnataka Circle informed the CWC that they will hold next All India Conference at Bengaluru during January/Ferbuary-2012. They are making preparations for it. CWC welcomed their spirit.
Maharashtra Circle came forward for holding next CWC at Shirdi. CWC welcomed their decision and authorized GS to take decision at appropriate time.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Imp : Creation of Postmaster Cadre news from
01. In continuation of earlier Post, the following additional information is published
The breakup details of IP / ASP posts in TN Circle
ASP DO - 23
ASP HQ - 47
IP PG - 39
ASP Sub Dn - 68
IP Sub Dn - 88
HSG 1 - 18
Total ASP - 156
IP - 127
It means, NO Postmaster post for ASPs in TN Circle.
02. The valuable comments posted by our Members is follows :
15. Postmaster cadre:- i. 33% of IP line posts were taken for direct rect(2004) but we are striving for Grade payRs.4600/- similarly , 6% is for general line but now 25% has been taken for postmaster .Again general line will take 6% seats for PSS-GR-B.
ii. IP, 5 years eligible for PSS-GR-B but IP, 6 years for Sr. Postmaster.
iii. ASP (HSG-I ) posts will be taken for the postmaster cadre.
iv. Postmaster cadre cannot come to Administrative line then why combine gradation list?
v. It is suggested, as some seats are reserved from LSG-HSG posts for postmaster cadre, likewise 6% of PSS-GR-B seats should be identified as Sr. Postmaster to be manned by postmaster cadre and stop 6% examination quota for general line.
vi. Why time related promotion for PM cadre like 5+6+2? Where as in our case vacancy related then MACP has no value for PM cadre.
vii. Exam pattern easier for LSG ,if one passed for LSG after 5 years than after 10 years he will get 4200/- and after 6 years 4600/- than why one should appear IP exam as he cannot get 4600/- after 16 years of service appearing a difficult exam for 24 hours duty.
viii. On the date of notification dated 09 Nov 2010, no Postmaster cadre completed 5 years of HSG-II and two years of HSG-I regular service than how will they work out to fill 25% seats for them?
Shri. T S Raghunath ASP TVL Sub Dn :
Early, PSS Gr B was given only for General Line. Later we got a share. Now Postmasters cadre. We are in a sorry state of affairs. There are two options, which I feel,
a) All the ASP HQ or ASP OD of each division to be identified as PSS Gr B. Our ASPs, who got MACP III GP Rs.4800 should get GP 5400 on completion of 4 years.
b) All our cadre people should desist writing Gr B exam unless we are treated with proper promotion avenues. If PSS Gr B exam is to be conducted all the 25% should be allotted IP cadre only. 9% general line quota to be abolished since they get Postmaster cadre. A wide range of discussion is needed on this issue. Now our langotti is robed while we are dreaming of a Dhoti ?
Once again Members are requested to post their views thro this Blog or SMS to CS. Urgent.
The breakup details of IP / ASP posts in TN Circle
ASP DO - 23
ASP HQ - 47
IP PG - 39
ASP Sub Dn - 68
IP Sub Dn - 88
HSG 1 - 18
Total ASP - 156
IP - 127
It means, NO Postmaster post for ASPs in TN Circle.
02. The valuable comments posted by our Members is follows :
15. Postmaster cadre:- i. 33% of IP line posts were taken for direct rect(2004) but we are striving for Grade payRs.4600/- similarly , 6% is for general line but now 25% has been taken for postmaster .Again general line will take 6% seats for PSS-GR-B.
ii. IP, 5 years eligible for PSS-GR-B but IP, 6 years for Sr. Postmaster.
iii. ASP (HSG-I ) posts will be taken for the postmaster cadre.
iv. Postmaster cadre cannot come to Administrative line then why combine gradation list?
v. It is suggested, as some seats are reserved from LSG-HSG posts for postmaster cadre, likewise 6% of PSS-GR-B seats should be identified as Sr. Postmaster to be manned by postmaster cadre and stop 6% examination quota for general line.
vi. Why time related promotion for PM cadre like 5+6+2? Where as in our case vacancy related then MACP has no value for PM cadre.
vii. Exam pattern easier for LSG ,if one passed for LSG after 5 years than after 10 years he will get 4200/- and after 6 years 4600/- than why one should appear IP exam as he cannot get 4600/- after 16 years of service appearing a difficult exam for 24 hours duty.
viii. On the date of notification dated 09 Nov 2010, no Postmaster cadre completed 5 years of HSG-II and two years of HSG-I regular service than how will they work out to fill 25% seats for them?
Shri. T S Raghunath ASP TVL Sub Dn :
Early, PSS Gr B was given only for General Line. Later we got a share. Now Postmasters cadre. We are in a sorry state of affairs. There are two options, which I feel,
a) All the ASP HQ or ASP OD of each division to be identified as PSS Gr B. Our ASPs, who got MACP III GP Rs.4800 should get GP 5400 on completion of 4 years.
b) All our cadre people should desist writing Gr B exam unless we are treated with proper promotion avenues. If PSS Gr B exam is to be conducted all the 25% should be allotted IP cadre only. 9% general line quota to be abolished since they get Postmaster cadre. A wide range of discussion is needed on this issue. Now our langotti is robed while we are dreaming of a Dhoti ?
Once again Members are requested to post their views thro this Blog or SMS to CS. Urgent.
Particulars of posts vacant in Dept of Posts
The number of posts lying vacant in the Postal Department category-wise and scale-wise is as under:
Number of posts in the pay scales of Group ‘A’ lying vacant 103
Number of posts in the pay scales of Group ‘B’ lying vacant 2404
Number of posts in the pay scales of Group ‘C’ lying vacant 46506
The vacancies are either meant to be filled up by promotion or by direct recruitment according to the provisions in the Recruitment Rules. The Departmental Promotion Committees are meeting periodically to fill up the posts by promotion. Also the Departmental Examination is held regularly to fill up promotional posts wherever the Departmental examinations are prescribed. The vacancies meant to be filled up by direct recruitment are also being filled up in accordance with the policies of the Government.
The shortage of manpower due to promotions, retirement, death or leave is managed by adhoc arrangements, redistribution and combination of duties and by engagement of Short Duty Staff in the Post Offices and paid substitutes for delivery of postal articles. These steps ensure that postal services are not adversely affected.
This information was given by Shri Sachin Pilot,the Minister of Stare for Communication and Information Technology in written reply to a question today in Rajya Sabha .
Number of posts in the pay scales of Group ‘A’ lying vacant 103
Number of posts in the pay scales of Group ‘B’ lying vacant 2404
Number of posts in the pay scales of Group ‘C’ lying vacant 46506
The vacancies are either meant to be filled up by promotion or by direct recruitment according to the provisions in the Recruitment Rules. The Departmental Promotion Committees are meeting periodically to fill up the posts by promotion. Also the Departmental Examination is held regularly to fill up promotional posts wherever the Departmental examinations are prescribed. The vacancies meant to be filled up by direct recruitment are also being filled up in accordance with the policies of the Government.
The shortage of manpower due to promotions, retirement, death or leave is managed by adhoc arrangements, redistribution and combination of duties and by engagement of Short Duty Staff in the Post Offices and paid substitutes for delivery of postal articles. These steps ensure that postal services are not adversely affected.
This information was given by Shri Sachin Pilot,the Minister of Stare for Communication and Information Technology in written reply to a question today in Rajya Sabha .
Syllabus for Departmental Examination in r/o Post Master Grade-I in Postal Wing
Postal Directorate has released syllabus for Departmental Examination in respect of Postmaster Grade – I. Copy of orders is reproduced below. No. 137-8/2009-SPB.II New Delhi, Dated the 08 December, 2010
All Chief Postmasters General
Subject: - Syllabus for Departmental Examination in respect of Post Master Grade- I in Postal Wing.
I am directed to refer to Directorate’s letter No. 13-2/2010-PE.I, dated 03.02.2010 whereby a separate cadre of Postmaters has been constituted in the grades of Senior Postmaster, Postmaster Grade-III, Postmaster Grade –II and Postmaster Grade-I, by carving out the posts from existing General Line posts in Postal Wing.
2. Reference is also invited to Directorate’s letter of even number dated 22.11.2010 forwarding therewith copy of Recruitment Rules, namely, Department of Posts, Senior Postmaster (Group B Gazetted), Postmaster (Grade- ‘III and II’ – Group B non-gazetted) and Postmaster (Grade- I Group C non-Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 2010, dated 9th September, 2010. It was stated inter-alia in the said letter that initial constitution of the various Grades of Postmasters shall be done by inviting options/applications from the existing incumbents of LSG, HSG.II, HSG.I in Post offices and PS Gr, ‘B’. In case, after filling up the posts as per the provisions of the Recruitment Rules certain number of posts still remain unfilled, the same would be filled up as per the provision contained in col. 12 of the respective Recruitment Rules.
3. The Recruitment Rules for the Grade of Postmaster Grade-I provides for filling up of the vacancies by promotion through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination from amongst the Postal Assistants working in Post offices with five years of regular service in the grade. Thus, the unfilled posts, after the initial constitution, if any, and regular vacancies subsequently will be filled up on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination. The Pattern and scheme for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination decided by the Competent Authority to fill up the vacancies in the grade of Postmaster Grade-I is forwarded herewith as in the Annexure.
4. It is requested that the provisions of the Recruitment Rules and the Syllabus may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
Encl: As above
Yours faithfully,
(Suraj Bhan)
Assistant Director General (SPN
All Chief Postmasters General
Subject: - Syllabus for Departmental Examination in respect of Post Master Grade- I in Postal Wing.
I am directed to refer to Directorate’s letter No. 13-2/2010-PE.I, dated 03.02.2010 whereby a separate cadre of Postmaters has been constituted in the grades of Senior Postmaster, Postmaster Grade-III, Postmaster Grade –II and Postmaster Grade-I, by carving out the posts from existing General Line posts in Postal Wing.
2. Reference is also invited to Directorate’s letter of even number dated 22.11.2010 forwarding therewith copy of Recruitment Rules, namely, Department of Posts, Senior Postmaster (Group B Gazetted), Postmaster (Grade- ‘III and II’ – Group B non-gazetted) and Postmaster (Grade- I Group C non-Gazetted) Recruitment Rules, 2010, dated 9th September, 2010. It was stated inter-alia in the said letter that initial constitution of the various Grades of Postmasters shall be done by inviting options/applications from the existing incumbents of LSG, HSG.II, HSG.I in Post offices and PS Gr, ‘B’. In case, after filling up the posts as per the provisions of the Recruitment Rules certain number of posts still remain unfilled, the same would be filled up as per the provision contained in col. 12 of the respective Recruitment Rules.
3. The Recruitment Rules for the Grade of Postmaster Grade-I provides for filling up of the vacancies by promotion through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination from amongst the Postal Assistants working in Post offices with five years of regular service in the grade. Thus, the unfilled posts, after the initial constitution, if any, and regular vacancies subsequently will be filled up on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination. The Pattern and scheme for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination decided by the Competent Authority to fill up the vacancies in the grade of Postmaster Grade-I is forwarded herewith as in the Annexure.
4. It is requested that the provisions of the Recruitment Rules and the Syllabus may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
Encl: As above
Yours faithfully,
(Suraj Bhan)
Assistant Director General (SPN
Monday, December 13, 2010
Products through Post Offices on National Level
The Department of Posts has signed agreements with financial institutions including many other organizations to sell their products through Post Offices in the country. List of products sold at national level is as given below.
Sl.No. Name of Company/Financial Institution Description of product/service
1 Western Union Money Transfer International : money transfer to India
2 UTI Mutual Funds : Sale of UTI Mutual Funds through post offices
3 Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority : Point of Presence for National Pension Scheme Accounts
4 M/s Nirmal Packaging Systems : Sale of Corrugated boxes and Paper board envelops.
5 M/s Narsingh Dass & Co. : Sale of Tyvek Envelops
6 Ministry of Railways Booking/cancellation of Railway Reservation Tickets : under PRS Scheme
7 CBOP( Now merged with HDFC Bank) : Sale/Purchase of foreign exchange
8 Reliance Money Infrastructure Limited : Sale of Gold Coins
9 BSNL : Sale of recharge coupons Sancharnet Cards etc.
10. India Post SBI tie-up Department : sells assets and liability products of SBI through identified postal outlets.
11. NABARD-SHG linkage scheme : India Post has entered into a tie-up with NABARD to disburse micro credit to women self help groups (SHGs) on pilot basis.
The Central and State Governments take various measures from time to time to promote and popularize small saving schemes through print and electronic media as well as holding seminars, meetings and providing training to various agencies involved in mobilizing deposits under the schemes. As part of this ongoing exercise, Government has taken following steps to make the small savings schemes more attractive and investor friendly:-
-Introduction of Bonus at the rate of 5% on the deposits made under Post Office Monthly Income Account (POMIA) Scheme on or after 8th December, 2007 upon the maturity of the deposit.
-The benefit of Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 has been extended to the investments made under 5-Year Post Office Time Deposits Account and Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, with effect from 01.04.2007.
-With effect from 1.8.2007, the maximum deposit ceilings of Rs.3.00 lakh and Rs.6.00 lakh under the Post Office Monthly Income Account (POMIA) Scheme has been raised to Rs.4.50 lakh and Rs.9.00 lakh in respect of single and joint accounts respectively.
The penalty on pre-mature withdrawal of deposits under the Post Office Monthly Income Account (POMIA) scheme has been rationalized from 3.5% to 2% on withdrawal on or before expiry of three years and 1% on withdrawal after expiry of three years.
All categories of pensioners have been allowed to open and maintain ‘Pension Account’ under Post Office Savings Account Rules, with effect from 11th July, 2007.
The restriction on opening of more than one account during a calendar month under the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme has been removed with effect from 24th May, 2007.
Opening of “Zero deposit/Zero Balance” accounts for workers employed under NREG Act, under Post Office Savings Account Rules, with effect from 26th August 2008.
Opening of “Zero deposit/Zero Balance” accounts for Old Age Pensioner Account under Indira Gandhi Old Age Pension Scheme, Widows Pensioner Account under Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme and Disabled Pensioner Account under Indira Gandhi National Disabled Pension Scheme with effect from 13th October 2009.
National Savings Institute, a subordinate organization under the Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division) also maintains its web site i.e in collaboration with National Informatics Centre to facilitate interface with the public through wider dissemination of information on small savings and on-line registration and settlement of investor’s grievances.
This information was given in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today by Shri Gurudas Kamat, the Minister of Communications and Information Technology.
Sl.No. Name of Company/Financial Institution Description of product/service
1 Western Union Money Transfer International : money transfer to India
2 UTI Mutual Funds : Sale of UTI Mutual Funds through post offices
3 Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority : Point of Presence for National Pension Scheme Accounts
4 M/s Nirmal Packaging Systems : Sale of Corrugated boxes and Paper board envelops.
5 M/s Narsingh Dass & Co. : Sale of Tyvek Envelops
6 Ministry of Railways Booking/cancellation of Railway Reservation Tickets : under PRS Scheme
7 CBOP( Now merged with HDFC Bank) : Sale/Purchase of foreign exchange
8 Reliance Money Infrastructure Limited : Sale of Gold Coins
9 BSNL : Sale of recharge coupons Sancharnet Cards etc.
10. India Post SBI tie-up Department : sells assets and liability products of SBI through identified postal outlets.
11. NABARD-SHG linkage scheme : India Post has entered into a tie-up with NABARD to disburse micro credit to women self help groups (SHGs) on pilot basis.
The Central and State Governments take various measures from time to time to promote and popularize small saving schemes through print and electronic media as well as holding seminars, meetings and providing training to various agencies involved in mobilizing deposits under the schemes. As part of this ongoing exercise, Government has taken following steps to make the small savings schemes more attractive and investor friendly:-
-Introduction of Bonus at the rate of 5% on the deposits made under Post Office Monthly Income Account (POMIA) Scheme on or after 8th December, 2007 upon the maturity of the deposit.
-The benefit of Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961 has been extended to the investments made under 5-Year Post Office Time Deposits Account and Senior Citizens Savings Scheme, with effect from 01.04.2007.
-With effect from 1.8.2007, the maximum deposit ceilings of Rs.3.00 lakh and Rs.6.00 lakh under the Post Office Monthly Income Account (POMIA) Scheme has been raised to Rs.4.50 lakh and Rs.9.00 lakh in respect of single and joint accounts respectively.
The penalty on pre-mature withdrawal of deposits under the Post Office Monthly Income Account (POMIA) scheme has been rationalized from 3.5% to 2% on withdrawal on or before expiry of three years and 1% on withdrawal after expiry of three years.
All categories of pensioners have been allowed to open and maintain ‘Pension Account’ under Post Office Savings Account Rules, with effect from 11th July, 2007.
The restriction on opening of more than one account during a calendar month under the Senior Citizens Savings Scheme has been removed with effect from 24th May, 2007.
Opening of “Zero deposit/Zero Balance” accounts for workers employed under NREG Act, under Post Office Savings Account Rules, with effect from 26th August 2008.
Opening of “Zero deposit/Zero Balance” accounts for Old Age Pensioner Account under Indira Gandhi Old Age Pension Scheme, Widows Pensioner Account under Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme and Disabled Pensioner Account under Indira Gandhi National Disabled Pension Scheme with effect from 13th October 2009.
National Savings Institute, a subordinate organization under the Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division) also maintains its web site i.e in collaboration with National Informatics Centre to facilitate interface with the public through wider dissemination of information on small savings and on-line registration and settlement of investor’s grievances.
This information was given in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today by Shri Gurudas Kamat, the Minister of Communications and Information Technology.
Revision of FSC for Sub Division
Postal Directorate vide letter no. 23-1/2008-PAP dated 2-12-2010 has issued orders for revision of Fixed Stationary Charges for IP/ASP holding independent charge of Sub Division from existing Rs.100/- to Rs.200/- per month with effect from 1.12.2010.
Minutes of CWC meeting dated 04-12-2010 and 05-12-2010 held at Hotel Pooja International Davanagere
The CWC meeting wascommenced at 1000 hrs.Sri.DineshKhare, President of Karnataka Circle Branch association presided over. He declared the availability of quorum for the CWC meeting.
Sri.M.Veerupaxappa ASP Davanagere welcomed to all the CWC members.Sri. Joseph Rodrigues Circle Treasurer and IP Mangalore read over the proceedings of last CWC meeting held at Subramanya on 10.07.2010. The minutes were later adopted after discussion.
Items discussed
1.Up gradation of Inspector Post Grade pay for Rs4600/- on par with Income tax inspector.
Sri.Krishna ASP Bangalore region, spoke about merger of IP/ASP cadre. The CWC opined that as the case is pending with Ernakulam CAT bench, we can wait for the outcome. After the judgment it is decided to convey of the opinion of our circle for taking up the issue at CHQ level for further action and also filing of CAT case in Bangalore.
2. Anomaly in fixation of IP/ASP scale in 6thCPC.
Action as discussed in point No-1. The IPs whoare going to be benefited has to contribute more for the case. Sri.Manjuanth Manager SPCC Mysore agreed to collect the legal fees from his batch IPs.
3. Issue of honorarium for Invigilation duty.
The CS informed the members that he has written to the CPMG Karnataka Circle about the issue on lines with CS of other circles. It is resolved in the CWC to attend the duty and not to accept the honorarium bill. In this regard the CS will write CPMG.
4. Issues relating to Honorarium for trainers:-
It is resolved in the CWC that the amount of honorarium should not be less than Rs400/- per hour as approved in NREG is to be paid to the trainers. This issue will be taken up in the Allindia CWC meeting. NIRD Standards should be adopted for fixing of honorarium.
5. Introduction of Postmasters cadre in postal wing.
It is resolved in the CWC that, the issue will be taken up in the all India CWC meeting for detailed discussion on the following points.
1. Whether HSG-I earmarked for IPO line will be taken away from the cadre of IPO line
2. Whether this will have any implication on the Group B Posts which are now made eligible for IP/ASP for promotion by examination /seniority.
3. Whether this will have implications on the Group A Posts by promoting the General grade III postmasters as Group B Sr.Postmasters. At present 6% for general line in Group B.Now 25% is given to Group B by promotion.( There is No examination for Gr B Postmaster Grade for General line )
4. The 6% reservation in PS Gr B for General line should be withdrawn.
5. There are No clear orders regarding the status of the incumbent LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I who may decline / will not give willingness for the postmaster Grade and whether these LSG people are eligible to take PS Gr B.examination etc
The order should be kept in abeyance till the clearance about all the above points.
6. Recovery of amount from IP/ASP in connection with fraud cases.
This issue will be taken up in the all India CWC CHQ meeting. That the department is to find out all possible channels to recover the amount from the fraudulent individuals. The contributory amount is to be calculated scientifically.
7. Payment of RPLI incentive for writing of CR:-
After 01.10.2009 RPLI incentive for BPM is revised. Hence now the incentive for IP/ASPOs is not mentioned, since existing orders may be continued. Hence it is resolved that the issue is to be taken up in All India CWC and an amount of Rs 100 per policy for writing CRs is to be paid to IP/ASPOs.
8. Vacant Posts Of IP / ASPos to be filled up:
Some ASP posts are taken as deputation to APS and PTC Mysore and thereby 6 posts are kept as vacant and some are kept on ad hoch basis. The post shown as deputation may be created in the circle. The CS may write to CPMG requesting to fill all the posts. The IP surplus candidates may be posted in IP vacant posts including IP( C) in the region / circle. The following IP / ASP posts are kept vacant for long time.
Sl No Division Post Vacant
1 Chitradurga IP( C)
2 Raichur IP(C )
3 Shimoga IP Sagar and ASP( R )
4 Mysore IP (C )
5 Madikeri IP Virajpete and IP Madikeri
6 Puttur ASP (R)
7 Chickamagalore ASP ( HQ)
8 Udupi ASP Udupi South and ASP Kundapura North
9 Bellary ASP ( R )
10 Karwar ASP(R )
9. The preparation of panel for Ad-hoc promotion.
The matter to be taken up with Directorate and the issue to be discussed at All India CWC meeting
10. Supply of Swamys Handbook and Swamys News:
The issue may be taken up with respective Divisional heads to take a decision at local level
11. VRs by group C past work verification by IP/ASPOs
It is suggested by the members that the official seeking VR may be transferred to HO and after observing for a period of 6 months his resignation may be accepted. There are no specific guidelines on the issue as to what kind of past work verification is to be made
12. Monthly report on checking of NSC/KVP discharged:
This report may be discontinued as all Hos and many SOs are computerized and returns are being submitted though CC bridge software and the negative list is being updated periodically, the software will check the irregularities if any
13. All India Conference in Bangalore:
The President informed the members that All India Conference will be held in Bangalore in January 2012. A tour may be conducted for strengthening the association activities.
14. The following specific issues may be discussed in the All India CWC meeting
a. The unfilled vacancies of general line cadre in the PS Gr B examinations may be offered to IPO line
b. The workload issue of sub divisions may be discussed.
c. The inspection questionnaire for cumputerised post offices is to be prepared.
d. The norms prescribed for creation of Sub divisions is obsolete( No of Offices and No of employees). Now due to introduction of multifarious duties to SDHs, the norms with reference to the workload and not depending on the offices is to be framed.
e. On the lines of creation of PMG BD, DPS BD, due to decentralization of PLI and RPLI, a separate ASP post in the division should be created.
f. In Meghdoot softwarethe canceled entries report (consolidated) i.e from a specific date to the date of Inspection / visit is to be made available.
15. Honorarium for IO / PO cases
The more amount of Honararium is sanctioned if the case is completed within 6 months. It is suggested that the rate of honorarium is be calculated case by case as the delay may be caused due to the CO/ AGS or any other reason beyond the control of IO/ PO
Sri Naveen Chandar requested all the members to be united and especially requested the senior CWC members from Bangalore to garner the strength of association in Bangalore. Bring all the members from Bangalore to the fold of association.
He also wholeheartedly thanked Sri ManjunathHubballi , our AGS for being very instrumental in arranging the CWC meeting in Association with PSI in a grand manner.
Finally the meeting ended at 1730hrs.
Sri.M.Veerupaxappa ASP Davanagere welcomed to all the CWC members.Sri. Joseph Rodrigues Circle Treasurer and IP Mangalore read over the proceedings of last CWC meeting held at Subramanya on 10.07.2010. The minutes were later adopted after discussion.
Items discussed
1.Up gradation of Inspector Post Grade pay for Rs4600/- on par with Income tax inspector.
Sri.Krishna ASP Bangalore region, spoke about merger of IP/ASP cadre. The CWC opined that as the case is pending with Ernakulam CAT bench, we can wait for the outcome. After the judgment it is decided to convey of the opinion of our circle for taking up the issue at CHQ level for further action and also filing of CAT case in Bangalore.
2. Anomaly in fixation of IP/ASP scale in 6thCPC.
Action as discussed in point No-1. The IPs whoare going to be benefited has to contribute more for the case. Sri.Manjuanth Manager SPCC Mysore agreed to collect the legal fees from his batch IPs.
3. Issue of honorarium for Invigilation duty.
The CS informed the members that he has written to the CPMG Karnataka Circle about the issue on lines with CS of other circles. It is resolved in the CWC to attend the duty and not to accept the honorarium bill. In this regard the CS will write CPMG.
4. Issues relating to Honorarium for trainers:-
It is resolved in the CWC that the amount of honorarium should not be less than Rs400/- per hour as approved in NREG is to be paid to the trainers. This issue will be taken up in the Allindia CWC meeting. NIRD Standards should be adopted for fixing of honorarium.
5. Introduction of Postmasters cadre in postal wing.
It is resolved in the CWC that, the issue will be taken up in the all India CWC meeting for detailed discussion on the following points.
1. Whether HSG-I earmarked for IPO line will be taken away from the cadre of IPO line
2. Whether this will have any implication on the Group B Posts which are now made eligible for IP/ASP for promotion by examination /seniority.
3. Whether this will have implications on the Group A Posts by promoting the General grade III postmasters as Group B Sr.Postmasters. At present 6% for general line in Group B.Now 25% is given to Group B by promotion.( There is No examination for Gr B Postmaster Grade for General line )
4. The 6% reservation in PS Gr B for General line should be withdrawn.
5. There are No clear orders regarding the status of the incumbent LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I who may decline / will not give willingness for the postmaster Grade and whether these LSG people are eligible to take PS Gr B.examination etc
The order should be kept in abeyance till the clearance about all the above points.
6. Recovery of amount from IP/ASP in connection with fraud cases.
This issue will be taken up in the all India CWC CHQ meeting. That the department is to find out all possible channels to recover the amount from the fraudulent individuals. The contributory amount is to be calculated scientifically.
7. Payment of RPLI incentive for writing of CR:-
After 01.10.2009 RPLI incentive for BPM is revised. Hence now the incentive for IP/ASPOs is not mentioned, since existing orders may be continued. Hence it is resolved that the issue is to be taken up in All India CWC and an amount of Rs 100 per policy for writing CRs is to be paid to IP/ASPOs.
8. Vacant Posts Of IP / ASPos to be filled up:
Some ASP posts are taken as deputation to APS and PTC Mysore and thereby 6 posts are kept as vacant and some are kept on ad hoch basis. The post shown as deputation may be created in the circle. The CS may write to CPMG requesting to fill all the posts. The IP surplus candidates may be posted in IP vacant posts including IP( C) in the region / circle. The following IP / ASP posts are kept vacant for long time.
Sl No Division Post Vacant
1 Chitradurga IP( C)
2 Raichur IP(C )
3 Shimoga IP Sagar and ASP( R )
4 Mysore IP (C )
5 Madikeri IP Virajpete and IP Madikeri
6 Puttur ASP (R)
7 Chickamagalore ASP ( HQ)
8 Udupi ASP Udupi South and ASP Kundapura North
9 Bellary ASP ( R )
10 Karwar ASP(R )
9. The preparation of panel for Ad-hoc promotion.
The matter to be taken up with Directorate and the issue to be discussed at All India CWC meeting
10. Supply of Swamys Handbook and Swamys News:
The issue may be taken up with respective Divisional heads to take a decision at local level
11. VRs by group C past work verification by IP/ASPOs
It is suggested by the members that the official seeking VR may be transferred to HO and after observing for a period of 6 months his resignation may be accepted. There are no specific guidelines on the issue as to what kind of past work verification is to be made
12. Monthly report on checking of NSC/KVP discharged:
This report may be discontinued as all Hos and many SOs are computerized and returns are being submitted though CC bridge software and the negative list is being updated periodically, the software will check the irregularities if any
13. All India Conference in Bangalore:
The President informed the members that All India Conference will be held in Bangalore in January 2012. A tour may be conducted for strengthening the association activities.
14. The following specific issues may be discussed in the All India CWC meeting
a. The unfilled vacancies of general line cadre in the PS Gr B examinations may be offered to IPO line
b. The workload issue of sub divisions may be discussed.
c. The inspection questionnaire for cumputerised post offices is to be prepared.
d. The norms prescribed for creation of Sub divisions is obsolete( No of Offices and No of employees). Now due to introduction of multifarious duties to SDHs, the norms with reference to the workload and not depending on the offices is to be framed.
e. On the lines of creation of PMG BD, DPS BD, due to decentralization of PLI and RPLI, a separate ASP post in the division should be created.
f. In Meghdoot softwarethe canceled entries report (consolidated) i.e from a specific date to the date of Inspection / visit is to be made available.
15. Honorarium for IO / PO cases
The more amount of Honararium is sanctioned if the case is completed within 6 months. It is suggested that the rate of honorarium is be calculated case by case as the delay may be caused due to the CO/ AGS or any other reason beyond the control of IO/ PO
Sri Naveen Chandar requested all the members to be united and especially requested the senior CWC members from Bangalore to garner the strength of association in Bangalore. Bring all the members from Bangalore to the fold of association.
He also wholeheartedly thanked Sri ManjunathHubballi , our AGS for being very instrumental in arranging the CWC meeting in Association with PSI in a grand manner.
Finally the meeting ended at 1730hrs.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Orders for different Grades of Postmasters cadre issued by Directorate.
Scanned copies of the orders issued by Directorate are reproduced below. Members are requested to peruse the orders, analyse its implications to IP cadre and offer comments.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Suggestion on Merger/ Grade Pay Issue
Dear Friends,
Now a days, the most debatable issue is the Grade Pay matter and merger of pay scale of IP/ASPs. In this connection, I would like to share my following suggestion. I request all of you to spare your some time to share your views on these suggestions.
1. Both [IP/ASP] cadres may be merged by giving a one time compensation of one increment to all ASPs as on date of merger. This will not be connected to the usual annual increment due on 1st July every year. Thus, this is a special one time measure. So, while IPs getting Rs.400/- jump in the Grade Pay, all the ASPs will also be compensated by increment for their seniority.
2. On account of merger, all the officers will have vast opportunity of place of choice.
3. There may be only one cadre “Assistant Superintendent Posts” and there will be no cadre called “Inspector Posts”.
Let us have a discussion on this in the CWC Meeting at Davangere.
K R N Moorthy
Assistant Superintendent Posts
Karkala Sub Division
Karkala 574 104
Now a days, the most debatable issue is the Grade Pay matter and merger of pay scale of IP/ASPs. In this connection, I would like to share my following suggestion. I request all of you to spare your some time to share your views on these suggestions.
1. Both [IP/ASP] cadres may be merged by giving a one time compensation of one increment to all ASPs as on date of merger. This will not be connected to the usual annual increment due on 1st July every year. Thus, this is a special one time measure. So, while IPs getting Rs.400/- jump in the Grade Pay, all the ASPs will also be compensated by increment for their seniority.
2. On account of merger, all the officers will have vast opportunity of place of choice.
3. There may be only one cadre “Assistant Superintendent Posts” and there will be no cadre called “Inspector Posts”.
Let us have a discussion on this in the CWC Meeting at Davangere.
K R N Moorthy
Assistant Superintendent Posts
Karkala Sub Division
Karkala 574 104
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
eMO MIS/reports had been given through a new site
eMO MIS/reports had been given through a new site
eMO MIS -Not Received,Not Printed,Not Paid,Unpaid PNR Number wise with Payee Pincode
Check it,I think this will be a very useful thing for eMO monitoring
eMO MIS -Not Received,Not Printed,Not Paid,Unpaid PNR Number wise with Payee Pincode
Check it,I think this will be a very useful thing for eMO monitoring
DOPT published an important order regarding seniority - "Instructions and Guidelines on Seniority"
For more information on "Instructions and Guidelines on Seniority by DOPT" follow the link at
Review of Instructions on Engagement of casual labourers in the light of the Guidelines on outsourcing.
For additional information on Review of Instructions on Engagement of casual labourers in the light of the Guidelines on outsourcing follow the link at
Conveyance Hire Revised to Rs. 300/-
For further information on Conveyance Hire Revised to Rs. 300/- follow the link at
Revision of Fixed Monetary Compensation (FMC) to Delivery Staff & remuneration to Other Staff
For more information on Revision of Fixed Monetary Compensation (FMC) to Delivery Staff & remuneration to Other Staff follow the link at
IGNOU launches Cource for Central Government Employees
IGNOU launches course for Central Government staff. A new course for Government employees in the country was launched Thursday by the Indira Gandhi National Open University ( IGNOU) and the Training Division of Department of Personnel & Training (DOPT), an official said.
The new programme is called ‘Distance and E-Learning Programme for Government Employees’ (DELPGE) for which a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between IGNOU and the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and the DOPT.
‘The main objective of DELPGE is to increase the availability and flexibility of options open to employees for enhancing their knowledge and skills in order to improve the functioning of Government organisations and the delivery of services to the public,’ said an official of the IGNOU.
The programme includes a masters programme in distance and e-learning, post-graduate advanced diploma, post-graduate diploma and diploma programmes in the subject, among others.
Open to Central Government employees working in Ministries, Departments, Attached Offices and the Faculty members of State apex Training Institutions, the number of seats for each programme is 50.
IGNOU is one of the world’s largest open universities which provides education to 1.5 million students.
Source : SIFY
The new programme is called ‘Distance and E-Learning Programme for Government Employees’ (DELPGE) for which a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between IGNOU and the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and the DOPT.
‘The main objective of DELPGE is to increase the availability and flexibility of options open to employees for enhancing their knowledge and skills in order to improve the functioning of Government organisations and the delivery of services to the public,’ said an official of the IGNOU.
The programme includes a masters programme in distance and e-learning, post-graduate advanced diploma, post-graduate diploma and diploma programmes in the subject, among others.
Open to Central Government employees working in Ministries, Departments, Attached Offices and the Faculty members of State apex Training Institutions, the number of seats for each programme is 50.
IGNOU is one of the world’s largest open universities which provides education to 1.5 million students.
Source : SIFY
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