The following IP line Officers of Karnataka Circle are elevated to PS Gr B
Sl No Name Circle Allotted
1. Sri Dinesh Khare Karnataka
2. Sri Nabhiraja Ariga Karnataka
3. Sri Bannad Karnataka
4. Sri Jagannath Rao Karnataka
5. Sri Masood Ahmed Karnataka
6. Sri. Venkatachalapathy Karnataka
7. Sri.Ramesh Holla Karnataka
8. Sri. D Basavaraj Karnataka
9. Sri Venkatesh Murthy PTC Mysore
10. Sri Gaikwad Andra Pradesh
11. Sri. Somayaji Andra Pradesh
12. Sri Vagheesh Varada Andra Pradesh
13. Sri. Divakar Andra Pradesh
14. Sri. Hiremani Postal Directorate
15. Sri Byatappanavar Postal Directorate
16. Sri Palchatre Delhi
Association Congratulates the Officers on their promotion and wishes success in their endeavors.
This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Circle Working Committee meeting
All India Association of Inspector Posts and
Assistant Superintendent Posts,Karnataka Circle
Dinesh Khare,President,94498 48120
Naveen Chander,Circle Secretary,94498 48923
Joseph Rodrigues, Treasurer, 94498 48935
No. CWC/2/2010/dated at Mangalore the 18-11-2010
Under the provision of Article -30 of All India Association of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts, it is hereby notified that Circle Working Committee meeting will be held at HOTEL POOJA INTERNATIONAL P.B. ROAD DAVANGERE-577006 at 0930 hrs from 04.12.2010 to 05-12-2010.
1. Confirmation of the proceedings of the last CWC
2. To discuss about present status of IP grade Pay revision/ CAT case and Circle Association’s further action in this regard
3. Filing of CAT case regarding fixation of pay scale to IPs with regard to sixth pay commission
4. Issue relating to honorarium for Invigilation duty
5. Issues relating to Honorarium
6. Issues to be discussed at All India CWC meeting being held at Ambaji in Gujarath on 16th and 17th of December 2010
7. Any other issues by the permission of Chair
Circle Secretary
All India Association of IPs & ASPs
Karnataka Circle
Copy to
1. The CPMG Karnataka Circle Bangalore for kind information with a request to issue instructions to all Regions/ divisions to relieve the CWC members to attend the meeting in time
2. The PMG NK region Dharwad for necessary action please.
3. The PMG SK region for information and necessary action please.
4. ALL CWC Members
5. Office copy
Assistant Superintendent Posts,Karnataka Circle
Dinesh Khare,President,94498 48120
Naveen Chander,Circle Secretary,94498 48923
Joseph Rodrigues, Treasurer, 94498 48935
No. CWC/2/2010/dated at Mangalore the 18-11-2010
Under the provision of Article -30 of All India Association of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts, it is hereby notified that Circle Working Committee meeting will be held at HOTEL POOJA INTERNATIONAL P.B. ROAD DAVANGERE-577006 at 0930 hrs from 04.12.2010 to 05-12-2010.
1. Confirmation of the proceedings of the last CWC
2. To discuss about present status of IP grade Pay revision/ CAT case and Circle Association’s further action in this regard
3. Filing of CAT case regarding fixation of pay scale to IPs with regard to sixth pay commission
4. Issue relating to honorarium for Invigilation duty
5. Issues relating to Honorarium
6. Issues to be discussed at All India CWC meeting being held at Ambaji in Gujarath on 16th and 17th of December 2010
7. Any other issues by the permission of Chair
Circle Secretary
All India Association of IPs & ASPs
Karnataka Circle
Copy to
1. The CPMG Karnataka Circle Bangalore for kind information with a request to issue instructions to all Regions/ divisions to relieve the CWC members to attend the meeting in time
2. The PMG NK region Dharwad for necessary action please.
3. The PMG SK region for information and necessary action please.
4. ALL CWC Members
5. Office copy
P.S. Group B DPC for the year 2010
DPC has been held on 12-11-2010 for following vacancies:-
OC-109, SC-18, ST-13, Total-140
Last approved candidate is Shri Ram Lal.
Reallotment & Allotment orders will be issued very soon
OC-109, SC-18, ST-13, Total-140
Last approved candidate is Shri Ram Lal.
Reallotment & Allotment orders will be issued very soon
Postal Directorate has issued reallotment orders in respect of following Officers vide No. 9-3/2010-SPG Dated 24-11-2010
S No. Name of Officer Circle of present posting Circle allotted on transfer
1. P.K.Lahare Delhi Chattisgarh
2. G.S Hungund Delhi Karnataka
3. Niranjan Patro W.B. Orissa
4. V.G.Krishna W.B. Orissa
5. Murlidhar Singh W.B. Orissa
6. Banchanidhi Mishra W.B. Orissa
7. Sreekanta Kar W.B. Orissa
8. Jirman Deep W.B. Orissa
9. G.C.Goyal Punjab Rajasthan
10. Gajanand Jogi Punjab Rajasthan
11. Prabhu Dayal Raiger J&K Rajasthan
12. S.R.Mei J&K Rajasthan
13. Bishan Lal Raiger J&K Rajasthan
14. R.Jayaraman PTC Vadodara Tamilnadu
15. K.Shanmugham Delhi Tamilnadu
16. K.Meenakshisumdaram Delhi Tamilnadu
17. M.bakthvatsalam Delhi Tamilnadu
18. M.Shanmugham Kerala Tamilnadu
19. G.Mohanan Kerala Tamilnadu
20. Chhote Lal BD Directorate U.P.
21. Tara Chandra Tiwari Bihar U.P.
22. K.P. Tiwari Gujarat M.P.
23. N.P.Arse Gujarat M.P.
S No. Name of Officer Circle of present posting Circle allotted on transfer
1. P.K.Lahare Delhi Chattisgarh
2. G.S Hungund Delhi Karnataka
3. Niranjan Patro W.B. Orissa
4. V.G.Krishna W.B. Orissa
5. Murlidhar Singh W.B. Orissa
6. Banchanidhi Mishra W.B. Orissa
7. Sreekanta Kar W.B. Orissa
8. Jirman Deep W.B. Orissa
9. G.C.Goyal Punjab Rajasthan
10. Gajanand Jogi Punjab Rajasthan
11. Prabhu Dayal Raiger J&K Rajasthan
12. S.R.Mei J&K Rajasthan
13. Bishan Lal Raiger J&K Rajasthan
14. R.Jayaraman PTC Vadodara Tamilnadu
15. K.Shanmugham Delhi Tamilnadu
16. K.Meenakshisumdaram Delhi Tamilnadu
17. M.bakthvatsalam Delhi Tamilnadu
18. M.Shanmugham Kerala Tamilnadu
19. G.Mohanan Kerala Tamilnadu
20. Chhote Lal BD Directorate U.P.
21. Tara Chandra Tiwari Bihar U.P.
22. K.P. Tiwari Gujarat M.P.
23. N.P.Arse Gujarat M.P.
Chennai High Court allows writ petition granting GP 5400 after 4 years of service with GP 4800 under ACP to Inspector Central Excise
Hon'ble Chennai High Court in WP No.13225/2010 filed by Sri M Subramaniam, Inspector , Central Excise has passed orders with direction to Govt. to allow GP of Rs.5400/- to the petitioner on completion of 4 years of service with the GP of Rs.4800/- under MACP scheme. For details, please visit the following link.
Monday, November 22, 2010
I. T. Modernisation project of Dept. of Posts
The Department of Posts has sought ‘Expression of Interest’ for Core System Integrator (CSI) for I. T. Modernisation project on 29.10.2010. The Primary focus of the India Post 2012 is to improve and automate postal services through re-engineering and creation of efficient operations and systems.
At Present 12,604 Head Post offices & SOs are computerized. The Plan is to computerize all the remaining post offices and also 1,30,000 BOs approximately and connect all Post offices and non various applications seamlessly across the net work.
Currently there are 56 stand-alone applications. India Post 2012 intends to build a core set of integrated application covering key functions as Mail operations Retail, e-commerce operation, Logistics and warehousing, Postal Banking, Financial Services, Postal Life Insurance, Finance HR and customer interaction channels etc. ICT solution to computerize the BOs will be envisaged.
EXPECTED DA W.E.F. 01-01-2011
Central Government employees received 10% DA in addition to 35% earlier,which now stands at 45%.They got the payment as two months arrears for July and August. DA for September was calculated in their regular monthly payments.Through this hike, employees got an increase of Rs700 to Rs900 in their monthly salaries. There was no such increase before this.Let us see some of the reasons.
The main reason behind announcing DA is due to increase of prices in essential commodities.’Labour Bureau’-which is under the Central Government takes the statistics of the prices of essential commodities in selected cities and this process is known as AICPIN -i.e.- All India Consumer Price Index. DA is calculated only as per the AICPIN.
Regarding next instalment of DA which is to be announced from Jan 2011,numerous speculations are pouring in. DA percentage will be calculated as per the AICPIN from September 2010 to December 2010.Suppose the AICPIN stands at 179 points or more,there are chances of getting 50% DA from Jan 2011.
Any way let us assume that the DA will surely cross the 50% which will enable increases in some allowances.
Children Education Allowance,Child Care Allowance,Washing Allowance,Cycle Allowance,Cash Handling Allowance,Conveyance Allowance,Split Duty Allowance will also be increased.
Source : All India Association of IPs/ASPs
news from Postal Inspectors Blog for Grade Pay Hike
OA No. 381/2010 - Present status
Our case OA No.381/10, which was posted today could not be heard as only one bench functioned today. The next date of posting will be known within a day or two. Moreover, the Respondents have not filed the reply to the Additional Rejoinder till today. Perhaps Respondent may request one or two week time before the Tribunal to reply the same. Further progress will be intimated shortly.
Our case OA No.381/10, which was posted today could not be heard as only one bench functioned today. The next date of posting will be known within a day or two. Moreover, the Respondents have not filed the reply to the Additional Rejoinder till today. Perhaps Respondent may request one or two week time before the Tribunal to reply the same. Further progress will be intimated shortly.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
News at
A Massive Recruitment process in Department of Posts concludes.
A massive recruitment process of Recruitment of around 16000 Postal Assistants in the Department of Posts is nearing completion. This was unique exercise executed by the officials and Officers of the Department of Posts. There is great resentment with regard to retrograde / insignificant amount of compensation payable to the invigilators / supervisors in lieu of duties performed in examination amongst a large section of officials and officers who performed invigilator duties and supervised the examination. Considering the magnitude of the exercise and promptness in declaration of results.
A massive recruitment process of Recruitment of around 16000 Postal Assistants in the Department of Posts is nearing completion. This was unique exercise executed by the officials and Officers of the Department of Posts. There is great resentment with regard to retrograde / insignificant amount of compensation payable to the invigilators / supervisors in lieu of duties performed in examination amongst a large section of officials and officers who performed invigilator duties and supervised the examination. Considering the magnitude of the exercise and promptness in declaration of results.
Enhancement of House Building Advance based on 6CPC scales and sanction of additional Amount
The Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, has decided that their Office Memorandum dated 27.11.2008 on House Building Advance will take effect from 1st January 2006.
Accordingly, the Ministry has decided that in respect of Loans sanctioned between 1.1.2006 till 27.11.2008, the Eligibility may be worked based on pay in the pay bands and differential amount between this and amount earlier sanctioned may be sanctioned to the Officers. This is subject to the following conditions :
a) the Entire amount sanctioned earlier should not have been drawn;
b) there will be no deviation from approved plan for which original loan was sanctioned. However,revised cost on the same plan can be considered.
c) Actual entitlement shall be worked out based on formula contained in Office Memorandum dated 17-10-2000.
d) the entire amount of advance and interest shall be recovered before retirement of Government Servant.
e) The Ceiling of Rs. 7.50 Lakhs and 1.80 Lakhs respectively shall remain unchanged.
f) Supplementary Mortgage Deed, Personal Bond and Sureties will be drawn and
executed at the expense of the loanee.
g) The applications for enhancement/differential loan shall be submitted within 6 months of this Order, that is, on or before 13.01.2011.
h) Enhancement shall be granted only once for each employee.
For further details, download Office Memorandum dated 14.07.2010.
Accordingly, the Ministry has decided that in respect of Loans sanctioned between 1.1.2006 till 27.11.2008, the Eligibility may be worked based on pay in the pay bands and differential amount between this and amount earlier sanctioned may be sanctioned to the Officers. This is subject to the following conditions :
a) the Entire amount sanctioned earlier should not have been drawn;
b) there will be no deviation from approved plan for which original loan was sanctioned. However,revised cost on the same plan can be considered.
c) Actual entitlement shall be worked out based on formula contained in Office Memorandum dated 17-10-2000.
d) the entire amount of advance and interest shall be recovered before retirement of Government Servant.
e) The Ceiling of Rs. 7.50 Lakhs and 1.80 Lakhs respectively shall remain unchanged.
f) Supplementary Mortgage Deed, Personal Bond and Sureties will be drawn and
executed at the expense of the loanee.
g) The applications for enhancement/differential loan shall be submitted within 6 months of this Order, that is, on or before 13.01.2011.
h) Enhancement shall be granted only once for each employee.
For further details, download Office Memorandum dated 14.07.2010.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
News from Central Working Committee Meeting
Central Working Committee meeting of the Association will be held at Panchal Bhawan, Near Shakti Dwar, Main Gate of Ambaji Temple, AMBAJI, Distt. Banaskantha (Guj.) on 16th &17th December, 2010.
Notification has been issued and being sent to all concerned.
All Circle Secretaries & CHQ Office Bearers are requested to get their Tickets booked. All coming from North may drop at ABU ROAD Railway Station. Ambaji is only 30 KMs from here.
All coming from South may drop at Ahmedabad. Direct Bus Service is available from here. For more details, please contact Circle Secretary, Gujarat Circle at the following address.
Shri M.R.Desai
Dy. Chief Postmaster
Ahmedabad GPO
Notification has been issued and being sent to all concerned.
All Circle Secretaries & CHQ Office Bearers are requested to get their Tickets booked. All coming from North may drop at ABU ROAD Railway Station. Ambaji is only 30 KMs from here.
All coming from South may drop at Ahmedabad. Direct Bus Service is available from here. For more details, please contact Circle Secretary, Gujarat Circle at the following address.
Shri M.R.Desai
Dy. Chief Postmaster
Ahmedabad GPO
Friday, November 12, 2010
The central government employees received 10% DA in addition to 35% earlier,which now stands at 45%.They got the payment as two months arrears for July and August.The DA for September was calculated in their regular monthly payments.Through this hike, employees got an increase of Rs700 to Rs900 in their monthly salaries. There was no such increase before this.Let us see some of the reasons.
The main reason behind announcing DA is due to the increase of prices in essential commodities.’Labour Bureau’-which is under the central government takes the statistics of the prices of essential commodities in selected cities and this process is known as AICPIN -i.e.- All India Consumer Price Index. DA is calculated only as per the AICPIN.
Regarding the next instalment of DA which is to be announced from Jan 2011,numerous speculations are pouring in.The DA percentage will be calculated as per the AICPIN from September 2010 to December 2010.Suppose the AICPIN stands at 179 points or more,there are chances of getting 10% DA from Jan 2011.
Any way let us assume that the DA will surely cross the 50% benchmark which will enable increase in some allowances.
Children Education Allowance,Child Care Allowance,Washing Allowance,Cycle Allowance,Cash Handling Allowance,Conveyance Allowance,Split Duty Allowance will be increased by 25%.
Posted by Hari Prasad Sharma at 11:22 AM IPO/ASPOs Association Rajasthan
The main reason behind announcing DA is due to the increase of prices in essential commodities.’Labour Bureau’-which is under the central government takes the statistics of the prices of essential commodities in selected cities and this process is known as AICPIN -i.e.- All India Consumer Price Index. DA is calculated only as per the AICPIN.
Regarding the next instalment of DA which is to be announced from Jan 2011,numerous speculations are pouring in.The DA percentage will be calculated as per the AICPIN from September 2010 to December 2010.Suppose the AICPIN stands at 179 points or more,there are chances of getting 10% DA from Jan 2011.
Any way let us assume that the DA will surely cross the 50% benchmark which will enable increase in some allowances.
Children Education Allowance,Child Care Allowance,Washing Allowance,Cycle Allowance,Cash Handling Allowance,Conveyance Allowance,Split Duty Allowance will be increased by 25%.
Posted by Hari Prasad Sharma at 11:22 AM IPO/ASPOs Association Rajasthan
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Heart Felt Condolences
Sri A Choma Naik Superintendent CSD Bangalore expired
on 10-11-2010 due to prolonged illness. The funeral will
be held in his native PERLA near Kasargod on 11.11.2010
Sri A Choma Naik, previously worked as AD Mumbai GPO,
AD PLI Bangalore. While working as Assistant Superintendent
of Post Offices Mangalore East Sub Division in Mangalore,
he wholeheartedly contributed to the IPASP Association
activities. During the Circle conference and for conducting
ALL INDIA Association (CHQ) CWC meet held in Mangalore,
Sri Naik, as a senior member, has taken lot of initiatives. We
are deeply saddened by his death. We shall always cherish his
contribution to the Association and we shall take inspiration
from his good deeds.
We convey our deep felt condolences to his family.
Heart felt condolences from
The President, Circle Secretary, Office bearers and all
members All India Association of IPASPOs Karnataka Circle Branch
on 10-11-2010 due to prolonged illness. The funeral will
be held in his native PERLA near Kasargod on 11.11.2010
Sri A Choma Naik, previously worked as AD Mumbai GPO,
AD PLI Bangalore. While working as Assistant Superintendent
of Post Offices Mangalore East Sub Division in Mangalore,
he wholeheartedly contributed to the IPASP Association
activities. During the Circle conference and for conducting
ALL INDIA Association (CHQ) CWC meet held in Mangalore,
Sri Naik, as a senior member, has taken lot of initiatives. We
are deeply saddened by his death. We shall always cherish his
contribution to the Association and we shall take inspiration
from his good deeds.
We convey our deep felt condolences to his family.
Heart felt condolences from
The President, Circle Secretary, Office bearers and all
members All India Association of IPASPOs Karnataka Circle Branch
Monday, November 8, 2010
Permanand Kumar and another : Applicants
Union of India and others : Respondents
1. The averments made and contentions raised in the Reply Statement filed on behalf of the respondents in so far as they are contrary to or inconsistent with the facts stated hereunder are incorrect, untrue and hence denied.
2. With reference to the averments in paragraph 2 it is submitted that it is not correct to say that the applicants made misleading statements in the rejoinder statement. It is submitted that the applicant stated only true and correct facts in the rejoinder statement and the averments to the contrary are emphatically denied. It is submitted that it is evident from Paragraph 10.43 of Annexure R-1 4th CPC recommendations, the higher pay scale for Inspector of Posts was considered on the basis of arduous nature of duties attached to the post of Inspector of Posts. However, the 4th CPC recommended the scale of pay of Rs.1400-2300 for the reason that there was no direct recruitment in the cadre of Inspector of Post at that time. But the 4th CPC recommended that as and when the direct recruitment is introduced in the cadre of IPO, the Government may examine the pay scale which would then be suitable for these posts. The 4th CPC found parity of employment with the Inspectors of other Departments like Central Excise, Customs etc. Therefore, there is no question of recommending the scale of pay of Rs.1640-2900 by the 4th CPC as the same was left to the Department at the time of introducing direct recruitment to the cadre of Inspector Posts. The averments to the effect that the 4th CPC did not equate the Inspector Posts with analogous posts in other Central Organisation like CBDT/CBEC is opposed to facts and hence stoutly denied. It is submitted that on the basis of the recommendation of 4th & 5th CPC the direct recruitment element was introduced at the level of Inspector Posts. It is a fact that in Annexure A-4 Recruitment Rule the scale of pay is shown as Rs.5500–9000. However, it is worthy to note that as on the date of issuance of Annexure A-4 Recruitment Rules, the pay scales of Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS were also Rs.5500-9000.
3. With regard to the averments in paragraph 3, it is submitted that 6th CPC in Para 7.6.14 upgraded the pay scale of Inspector of Posts to Rs.6500-10500 to maintain parity among Inspectors in CBDT/ CBEC and Assistant in CSS, which was recognised by the 5th CPC. Since 6th CPC recommendations were implemented with effect from 01.01.2006, the scale of pay of Rs.6500-10500 was granted to Inspector of Posts with effect from 01.01.2006 only and not from an earlier date. The respondents have admitted that the 6th CPC had recommended the upgradation of the pay scale of Inspector Posts to Rs.6500-10500 to remove the disparity. Even after admitting the fact, the respondents are again trying to continue the disparity which was recommended to be set right by the 6th Central Pay Commission. The scale of pay prior to 01-01-2006 is immaterial for the reason that the pay revision was effected with effect from 01-01-2006 and as on 01-01-2006 the Inspector of Posts and other equated categories are in the same pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500. Therefore, the Inspector of Posts are entitled to the grade pay of Rs. 4600/- granted to other equated categories. It is not the case of the applicants that they are first to be equated with the other categories and to grant the Grade Pay of other category, but it is the specific case of the applicants that they are equated with the Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and Assistants of Central Secretariat Service and therefore, they are entitled to the same Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- granted to the other equated categories.
4. With reference to the averments in paragraph 4 and 5, it is submitted that the respondents have admitted that the pay scales recommended by the 5th CPC & 6th CPC and accepted by the Government for Inspector Posts, Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS were the same. It is submitted that 6th Central Pay Commission in the Para 3.1.3 recommended to maintain parity with the similarly placed personnel employed in field offices and the Secretariat. In the recommendation it was clearly mentioned that this parity would need to be absolute upto the grade of Assistants and beyond that, it may mot be possible or even justified to maintain complete parity because the hierarchy and carrier progression would need to be different taking in view of functional consideration and relativity across the board. A true extract of the Para 3.1.3 of 6th CPC is produced herewith and marked as Annexure A-20. The said recommendation was accepted by the Government and was acknowledged in Para 4 of Annexure A-11 OM dated 16.11.2009. The averment to the effect that by the issuance of OM dated 13.11.2009 and 16.11.2009, the grade pay of officials in pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 underwent a change i.e to grade pay of Rs 4600 is not correct as the Assistants in the Central Secretariat were in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 as on 01.01.2006 as evidenced by Annexure A-6. The Department of Posts submitted proposal to the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance for extending the benefit of OM dated 13.11.09 and 16.11.09 clearly stating that pay scale of Inspector Posts was Rs.6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006 and that the parity agreed to in the pay scales of Inspector Posts with Assistants(CSS) and Inspectors CBDT/CBEC has been disturbed. It was categorically mentioned that Inspector Posts were holders of pay scale of Rs.9300-34800(Pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500) in the light of recommendation of 6th CPC in para 7.6.14 placing Inspector Posts at par with Assistants and Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and as such they are entitled to the revised grade pay of Rs.4600 at par with Inspectors CBDT/CBEC and Assistants. A photocopy of the Proposal made by the Department and the reply given by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, furnished under the Right to Information Act as per letter dated 14-09-2010 is produced herewith and marked as Annexure A-21. From Annexure A-21, it is evident that the combined proposal was made by the Department of Posts for Grade pay of Inspector Posts, Assistant Superintendent of Posts and Superintendents of Posts demanding Grade pay of Rs.4600, Rs.4800 and Rs.5400 respectively, whereas the justification was only for Inspector Posts. The averments of the Respondents that the proposal was not agreed to by the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance for the reason that Inspector Posts were not in the Pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006 is opposed to facts. In the reply given against the proposal, the Department of Expenditure has stated that prior to 01.01.2006, the Pay scale of Inspector Posts was Rs.5500-10500 and not as on 01-01-2006 as is evident from the reply in Annexure A-21.
5. With regard to the averments in paragraph 6, it is submitted that 5th CPC had given equal scale of pay of Rs.5500-9000 to Inspector Posts and Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC. Ministry of Finance as per Annexure A-5 OM dated 21.04.2004 had upgraded the pay scale of Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC to Rs.6500-10500, whereas no such upgradation was given to Inspector Posts. Against this disparity, some Inspector Posts of Karnataka Circle approached Hon’ble CAT, Bangalore Bench and filed OAs No. 424/2006 and 211/2007 and the above O.A’s were disposed of by Order dated 27-07-2007. In paragraph 4 of the above Order dated 27-07-2007 the Hon’ble Tribunal has categorically observed that
“ After hearing the counsel for the parties at length we note that the first respondent (Department of Posts) has not made any effort to ascertain the circumstances under which the pay scales of officers under CBDT and CBEC including the post of Inspectors has been revised. No reasons are also forthcoming in the Annexure A3 order for revising the pay scales of Inspector of Income Tax. It was for the first respondent(DOP), before taking the decision on the representations made by the Inspector of Posts seeking parity, to ascertain from the CBDT the circumstances under which the pay scales of Income Tax Inspectors were revised from Rs.5500-9000 recommended by V Pay commission and sanctioned by the Government, to Rs.6500-10500. This does not appear to have been done.”
It is submitted that as the 6th Central Pay commission was already constituted to set right the anomalies and had not given its report, Hon’ble CAT had directed the applicants/respondents to produce a copy of the Order along with the representation to be made before the 6th CPC for information. A true copy of the Order of the Hon’ble CAT, Bangalore Bench in O.A No. 424/2006 and connected case dated 27.07.2007 is produced herewith and marked as Annexure A-22. Accordingly the matter was taken up before the 6th CPC and the anomaly was set right by the 6th CPC by recommending pay parity to Inspector Posts with Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC. The fact that the pay scale of the Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC were upgraded to Rs. 6500-10500 with effect from 21-04-2004 is not all a ground for discriminating the Inspector of Posts after recognising parity with the other analogous posts. The averments to the contrary are emphatically denied.
6. With reference to the averments in paragraph 7 and 8, it is submitted that the role and responsibilities of the cadres of Inspector Posts, Inspector CBDT/CBEC and Assistant in CSS were considered by expert bodies namely the 5th & 6th CPC and recommended parity with Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC. In the reply given by the Ministry of Finance against the proposal of Department of Posts, it was stated that Inspector Posts were in the pay scale of Rs.5500-10500 prior to 01.01.2006 hiding the fact that as on 01.01.2006, the pay scale was upgraded to Rs.6500.10500, which has been accepted by the respondents in Para 8. The contention of the respondents that the granting of Grade pay of Rs.4600 to the inspector Posts would mean that the Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent have to be kept in the same Grade Pay Rs.4600 OR to revise the Grade pay of ASP, which would have a chain reaction on PS Group ‘B’, Junior Time Scale & Senior Time Scale and which tend to disturb the horizontal and vertical relativity is whimsical. Even if the Grade Pay of both Inspector of Posts and Assistant Superintendent of Posts Office are in the same Grade Pay that by itself would not create any difficulty for the reason that in other Departments also the grade pay of feeder category and promotion post are allowed as one and the same as given in the illustrations furnished by the applicants in the rejoinder statement. The respondents have admitted that the illustrations given with respect to two promotional posts in the same grade pay are correct. Hence, The Inspector Posts and ASPOs may be placed in the same grade pay of Rs.4600 and this will not have any cascading effect of any other cadre of the DOP and other Central Govt. Organisations. The All India Association has already given the consent to place Inspector Posts and ASPOs in the same grade pay Of Rs.4600 as per their letter dated 24-06-2010. A photocopy of the above letter dated 24.06.10 submitted to the 2nd respondent-Director General, Department of Posts by the General Secretary, All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent Posts is produced herewith and marked as Annexure A-23. Therefore, it will not lie on the mouth of the respondents to contend that since the ASPO’s are in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- that grade pay cannot be granted to the Inspector Posts and the said contention is entirely untenable.
7. With regard to the averments in paragraph 9, it is submitted that as per Annexure A-11, it was clarified by the Ministry of Finance that in case of upgradation of Posts as a result of recommendation of 6th CPC, the grade pay corresponding to the upgraded post should be given. Ministry of Finance as per Annexure A-9 OM dated 13.11.2009, revised the grade pay corresponding to pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 to Rs.4600. It is evident from the Para 7.6.14 of 6th CPC and as accepted by the respondents, that the pay scale of Inspector Posts was upgraded to pre-revised scale of Rs.6500-10500 w.e.f 01.01.2006. Therefore, the Inspector of Posts are entitled to the Grade pay of Rs.4600 with effect from 01-01-2006 as in the case of Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC. Annexure A-19 is attached with the rejoinder statement and the averments to the contrary are denied.
8. With reference to the averments in paragraph Para 10 and 11, it is submitted that the matter related to role, functional responsibilities, hierarchical structures and recruitment rules etc. have already been considered by the 5th & 6th CPC and recommended parity to Inspector Posts with Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS. Parity recommended by the pay commission cannot be ignored after accepting the recommendations of the Central Pay Commission. As far as the hierarchical structure is concerned, it is worthy to note that Inspector Posts are the feeder cadre for promotion to Superintendent of Posts, similar to those Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and CSS. Inspectors and Assistants are the feeder cadre for promotion to the posts of Superintendent and Section Officer respectively. Even though an Inspector of Post is promoted as ASPOs based on his seniority in the cadre of Inspector, for promotion to the post of Superintendent the feeder post is Inspector of Post and the seniority is reckoned only from the date of promotion/appointment to the cadre of Inspector of Posts and not from the date of promotion as ASPOs. Therefore, the existence of the post ASPOs between the cadre of Inspector and Superintendent is irrelevant, immaterial and inconsequential for granting of the Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- to the Inspector. The same has been agreed to by the Association in Annexure A-23. Moreover, Inspector Posts coming under Group ‘B’ Non gazetted should not be given lesser grade pay than that of Group ’C’ posts which is lower in the hierarchical structure.
9. With regard to the averments in Paragraph 12 it is submitted that it is evident from Annexure A-21 that the combined proposal was sent by the Department Of Posts to Ministry of Finance, for Grade pay of Inspector Posts, Assistant Superintendent of Posts and Superintendents of Posts demanding Grade pay of Rs.4600, Rs.4800 and Rs.5400 respectively, whereas the justification was only for Inspector Posts. The reasons furnished by the Ministry of Finance for rejecting the proposal are also not correct. The respondents are stating that the Inspector Posts cannot be compared with the post of Assistant of CSS / Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC even after admitting the fact that the pay scales recommended by the 5th CPC & 6th CPC and accepted by the Government for Inspector Posts, Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS are the same and Pay scale of Inspector Posts was upgraded to Rs.6500-10500 by the 6th Central Pay Commission to remove the disparity. The respondents are trying to establish the parity among the Group ’B’ posts of the Department of Posts and CBDT/CBEC & CSS, which were at the different scale of pay before the 6th CPC. The pay scale of Section Officers of CSS before the 6th CPC was Rs.6500-10500 whereas the pay scale of Superintendent of Posts was Rs.7500-12000. Further, the averment of the respondents that only Group ’B’ posts in Department of posts are comparable to those of Group ‘B’ posts in CSS/CBEC/CBDT, is against the recommendation of the 6th Central Pay Commission in Para 3.1.3 of Annexure A-20 and accepted by the Government, wherein it is stated that the parity would need to be absolute upto the grade of Assistant and beyond this it might not possible or even justified to grant complete parity. The respondents have admitted that only the expert body like Pay Commission and Nodal Department are competent to take decision on such matters. 5th and 6th CPC had already recommended parity to Inspector posts with Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS and therefore, the respondents cannot be permitted to raise contentions against the recommendations of the Commission. The averment of the respondents that the above OA is bad for non-joinder of the necessary parties is totally misconceived. The above averments is made by the deponent casually without any basis. The deponent failed to note the fact that the Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure which is the nodal Ministry is arrayed as the first respondent in the O.A. It is submitted that the Pay Commission is not a necessary party in the O.A. As it is not involved in the lis.
All contentions raised in the Additional Reply Statement are devoid of any force or merit and are liable to be rejected out right. The applicant is entitled to all the reliefs prayed for in the Original Application and the above Original Application is only to be allowed with costs.
Permanand Kumar and another : Applicants
Union of India and others : Respondents
1. The averments made and contentions raised in the Reply Statement filed on behalf of the respondents in so far as they are contrary to or inconsistent with the facts stated hereunder are incorrect, untrue and hence denied.
2. With reference to the averments in paragraph 2 it is submitted that it is not correct to say that the applicants made misleading statements in the rejoinder statement. It is submitted that the applicant stated only true and correct facts in the rejoinder statement and the averments to the contrary are emphatically denied. It is submitted that it is evident from Paragraph 10.43 of Annexure R-1 4th CPC recommendations, the higher pay scale for Inspector of Posts was considered on the basis of arduous nature of duties attached to the post of Inspector of Posts. However, the 4th CPC recommended the scale of pay of Rs.1400-2300 for the reason that there was no direct recruitment in the cadre of Inspector of Post at that time. But the 4th CPC recommended that as and when the direct recruitment is introduced in the cadre of IPO, the Government may examine the pay scale which would then be suitable for these posts. The 4th CPC found parity of employment with the Inspectors of other Departments like Central Excise, Customs etc. Therefore, there is no question of recommending the scale of pay of Rs.1640-2900 by the 4th CPC as the same was left to the Department at the time of introducing direct recruitment to the cadre of Inspector Posts. The averments to the effect that the 4th CPC did not equate the Inspector Posts with analogous posts in other Central Organisation like CBDT/CBEC is opposed to facts and hence stoutly denied. It is submitted that on the basis of the recommendation of 4th & 5th CPC the direct recruitment element was introduced at the level of Inspector Posts. It is a fact that in Annexure A-4 Recruitment Rule the scale of pay is shown as Rs.5500–9000. However, it is worthy to note that as on the date of issuance of Annexure A-4 Recruitment Rules, the pay scales of Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS were also Rs.5500-9000.
3. With regard to the averments in paragraph 3, it is submitted that 6th CPC in Para 7.6.14 upgraded the pay scale of Inspector of Posts to Rs.6500-10500 to maintain parity among Inspectors in CBDT/ CBEC and Assistant in CSS, which was recognised by the 5th CPC. Since 6th CPC recommendations were implemented with effect from 01.01.2006, the scale of pay of Rs.6500-10500 was granted to Inspector of Posts with effect from 01.01.2006 only and not from an earlier date. The respondents have admitted that the 6th CPC had recommended the upgradation of the pay scale of Inspector Posts to Rs.6500-10500 to remove the disparity. Even after admitting the fact, the respondents are again trying to continue the disparity which was recommended to be set right by the 6th Central Pay Commission. The scale of pay prior to 01-01-2006 is immaterial for the reason that the pay revision was effected with effect from 01-01-2006 and as on 01-01-2006 the Inspector of Posts and other equated categories are in the same pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500. Therefore, the Inspector of Posts are entitled to the grade pay of Rs. 4600/- granted to other equated categories. It is not the case of the applicants that they are first to be equated with the other categories and to grant the Grade Pay of other category, but it is the specific case of the applicants that they are equated with the Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and Assistants of Central Secretariat Service and therefore, they are entitled to the same Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- granted to the other equated categories.
4. With reference to the averments in paragraph 4 and 5, it is submitted that the respondents have admitted that the pay scales recommended by the 5th CPC & 6th CPC and accepted by the Government for Inspector Posts, Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS were the same. It is submitted that 6th Central Pay Commission in the Para 3.1.3 recommended to maintain parity with the similarly placed personnel employed in field offices and the Secretariat. In the recommendation it was clearly mentioned that this parity would need to be absolute upto the grade of Assistants and beyond that, it may mot be possible or even justified to maintain complete parity because the hierarchy and carrier progression would need to be different taking in view of functional consideration and relativity across the board. A true extract of the Para 3.1.3 of 6th CPC is produced herewith and marked as Annexure A-20. The said recommendation was accepted by the Government and was acknowledged in Para 4 of Annexure A-11 OM dated 16.11.2009. The averment to the effect that by the issuance of OM dated 13.11.2009 and 16.11.2009, the grade pay of officials in pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 underwent a change i.e to grade pay of Rs 4600 is not correct as the Assistants in the Central Secretariat were in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 as on 01.01.2006 as evidenced by Annexure A-6. The Department of Posts submitted proposal to the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance for extending the benefit of OM dated 13.11.09 and 16.11.09 clearly stating that pay scale of Inspector Posts was Rs.6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006 and that the parity agreed to in the pay scales of Inspector Posts with Assistants(CSS) and Inspectors CBDT/CBEC has been disturbed. It was categorically mentioned that Inspector Posts were holders of pay scale of Rs.9300-34800(Pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500) in the light of recommendation of 6th CPC in para 7.6.14 placing Inspector Posts at par with Assistants and Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and as such they are entitled to the revised grade pay of Rs.4600 at par with Inspectors CBDT/CBEC and Assistants. A photocopy of the Proposal made by the Department and the reply given by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, furnished under the Right to Information Act as per letter dated 14-09-2010 is produced herewith and marked as Annexure A-21. From Annexure A-21, it is evident that the combined proposal was made by the Department of Posts for Grade pay of Inspector Posts, Assistant Superintendent of Posts and Superintendents of Posts demanding Grade pay of Rs.4600, Rs.4800 and Rs.5400 respectively, whereas the justification was only for Inspector Posts. The averments of the Respondents that the proposal was not agreed to by the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance for the reason that Inspector Posts were not in the Pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006 is opposed to facts. In the reply given against the proposal, the Department of Expenditure has stated that prior to 01.01.2006, the Pay scale of Inspector Posts was Rs.5500-10500 and not as on 01-01-2006 as is evident from the reply in Annexure A-21.
5. With regard to the averments in paragraph 6, it is submitted that 5th CPC had given equal scale of pay of Rs.5500-9000 to Inspector Posts and Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC. Ministry of Finance as per Annexure A-5 OM dated 21.04.2004 had upgraded the pay scale of Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC to Rs.6500-10500, whereas no such upgradation was given to Inspector Posts. Against this disparity, some Inspector Posts of Karnataka Circle approached Hon’ble CAT, Bangalore Bench and filed OAs No. 424/2006 and 211/2007 and the above O.A’s were disposed of by Order dated 27-07-2007. In paragraph 4 of the above Order dated 27-07-2007 the Hon’ble Tribunal has categorically observed that
“ After hearing the counsel for the parties at length we note that the first respondent (Department of Posts) has not made any effort to ascertain the circumstances under which the pay scales of officers under CBDT and CBEC including the post of Inspectors has been revised. No reasons are also forthcoming in the Annexure A3 order for revising the pay scales of Inspector of Income Tax. It was for the first respondent(DOP), before taking the decision on the representations made by the Inspector of Posts seeking parity, to ascertain from the CBDT the circumstances under which the pay scales of Income Tax Inspectors were revised from Rs.5500-9000 recommended by V Pay commission and sanctioned by the Government, to Rs.6500-10500. This does not appear to have been done.”
It is submitted that as the 6th Central Pay commission was already constituted to set right the anomalies and had not given its report, Hon’ble CAT had directed the applicants/respondents to produce a copy of the Order along with the representation to be made before the 6th CPC for information. A true copy of the Order of the Hon’ble CAT, Bangalore Bench in O.A No. 424/2006 and connected case dated 27.07.2007 is produced herewith and marked as Annexure A-22. Accordingly the matter was taken up before the 6th CPC and the anomaly was set right by the 6th CPC by recommending pay parity to Inspector Posts with Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC. The fact that the pay scale of the Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC were upgraded to Rs. 6500-10500 with effect from 21-04-2004 is not all a ground for discriminating the Inspector of Posts after recognising parity with the other analogous posts. The averments to the contrary are emphatically denied.
6. With reference to the averments in paragraph 7 and 8, it is submitted that the role and responsibilities of the cadres of Inspector Posts, Inspector CBDT/CBEC and Assistant in CSS were considered by expert bodies namely the 5th & 6th CPC and recommended parity with Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC. In the reply given by the Ministry of Finance against the proposal of Department of Posts, it was stated that Inspector Posts were in the pay scale of Rs.5500-10500 prior to 01.01.2006 hiding the fact that as on 01.01.2006, the pay scale was upgraded to Rs.6500.10500, which has been accepted by the respondents in Para 8. The contention of the respondents that the granting of Grade pay of Rs.4600 to the inspector Posts would mean that the Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent have to be kept in the same Grade Pay Rs.4600 OR to revise the Grade pay of ASP, which would have a chain reaction on PS Group ‘B’, Junior Time Scale & Senior Time Scale and which tend to disturb the horizontal and vertical relativity is whimsical. Even if the Grade Pay of both Inspector of Posts and Assistant Superintendent of Posts Office are in the same Grade Pay that by itself would not create any difficulty for the reason that in other Departments also the grade pay of feeder category and promotion post are allowed as one and the same as given in the illustrations furnished by the applicants in the rejoinder statement. The respondents have admitted that the illustrations given with respect to two promotional posts in the same grade pay are correct. Hence, The Inspector Posts and ASPOs may be placed in the same grade pay of Rs.4600 and this will not have any cascading effect of any other cadre of the DOP and other Central Govt. Organisations. The All India Association has already given the consent to place Inspector Posts and ASPOs in the same grade pay Of Rs.4600 as per their letter dated 24-06-2010. A photocopy of the above letter dated 24.06.10 submitted to the 2nd respondent-Director General, Department of Posts by the General Secretary, All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent Posts is produced herewith and marked as Annexure A-23. Therefore, it will not lie on the mouth of the respondents to contend that since the ASPO’s are in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- that grade pay cannot be granted to the Inspector Posts and the said contention is entirely untenable.
7. With regard to the averments in paragraph 9, it is submitted that as per Annexure A-11, it was clarified by the Ministry of Finance that in case of upgradation of Posts as a result of recommendation of 6th CPC, the grade pay corresponding to the upgraded post should be given. Ministry of Finance as per Annexure A-9 OM dated 13.11.2009, revised the grade pay corresponding to pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 to Rs.4600. It is evident from the Para 7.6.14 of 6th CPC and as accepted by the respondents, that the pay scale of Inspector Posts was upgraded to pre-revised scale of Rs.6500-10500 w.e.f 01.01.2006. Therefore, the Inspector of Posts are entitled to the Grade pay of Rs.4600 with effect from 01-01-2006 as in the case of Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC. Annexure A-19 is attached with the rejoinder statement and the averments to the contrary are denied.
8. With reference to the averments in paragraph Para 10 and 11, it is submitted that the matter related to role, functional responsibilities, hierarchical structures and recruitment rules etc. have already been considered by the 5th & 6th CPC and recommended parity to Inspector Posts with Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS. Parity recommended by the pay commission cannot be ignored after accepting the recommendations of the Central Pay Commission. As far as the hierarchical structure is concerned, it is worthy to note that Inspector Posts are the feeder cadre for promotion to Superintendent of Posts, similar to those Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC and CSS. Inspectors and Assistants are the feeder cadre for promotion to the posts of Superintendent and Section Officer respectively. Even though an Inspector of Post is promoted as ASPOs based on his seniority in the cadre of Inspector, for promotion to the post of Superintendent the feeder post is Inspector of Post and the seniority is reckoned only from the date of promotion/appointment to the cadre of Inspector of Posts and not from the date of promotion as ASPOs. Therefore, the existence of the post ASPOs between the cadre of Inspector and Superintendent is irrelevant, immaterial and inconsequential for granting of the Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- to the Inspector. The same has been agreed to by the Association in Annexure A-23. Moreover, Inspector Posts coming under Group ‘B’ Non gazetted should not be given lesser grade pay than that of Group ’C’ posts which is lower in the hierarchical structure.
9. With regard to the averments in Paragraph 12 it is submitted that it is evident from Annexure A-21 that the combined proposal was sent by the Department Of Posts to Ministry of Finance, for Grade pay of Inspector Posts, Assistant Superintendent of Posts and Superintendents of Posts demanding Grade pay of Rs.4600, Rs.4800 and Rs.5400 respectively, whereas the justification was only for Inspector Posts. The reasons furnished by the Ministry of Finance for rejecting the proposal are also not correct. The respondents are stating that the Inspector Posts cannot be compared with the post of Assistant of CSS / Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC even after admitting the fact that the pay scales recommended by the 5th CPC & 6th CPC and accepted by the Government for Inspector Posts, Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS are the same and Pay scale of Inspector Posts was upgraded to Rs.6500-10500 by the 6th Central Pay Commission to remove the disparity. The respondents are trying to establish the parity among the Group ’B’ posts of the Department of Posts and CBDT/CBEC & CSS, which were at the different scale of pay before the 6th CPC. The pay scale of Section Officers of CSS before the 6th CPC was Rs.6500-10500 whereas the pay scale of Superintendent of Posts was Rs.7500-12000. Further, the averment of the respondents that only Group ’B’ posts in Department of posts are comparable to those of Group ‘B’ posts in CSS/CBEC/CBDT, is against the recommendation of the 6th Central Pay Commission in Para 3.1.3 of Annexure A-20 and accepted by the Government, wherein it is stated that the parity would need to be absolute upto the grade of Assistant and beyond this it might not possible or even justified to grant complete parity. The respondents have admitted that only the expert body like Pay Commission and Nodal Department are competent to take decision on such matters. 5th and 6th CPC had already recommended parity to Inspector posts with Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS and therefore, the respondents cannot be permitted to raise contentions against the recommendations of the Commission. The averment of the respondents that the above OA is bad for non-joinder of the necessary parties is totally misconceived. The above averments is made by the deponent casually without any basis. The deponent failed to note the fact that the Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure which is the nodal Ministry is arrayed as the first respondent in the O.A. It is submitted that the Pay Commission is not a necessary party in the O.A. As it is not involved in the lis.
All contentions raised in the Additional Reply Statement are devoid of any force or merit and are liable to be rejected out right. The applicant is entitled to all the reliefs prayed for in the Original Application and the above Original Application is only to be allowed with costs.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Snippets from IP/ASP Punjab WebSite
Why planning is required!!!!
I received a Superb mail from my friend which is a Good example--why planning is required...* * Read it........*
One Night 4 college students were playing till late night and could not study for the test which was scheduled for the next day.
In the morning they thought of a plan. They made themselves look as dirty with grease and dirt. They then went up to the Dean and said that they had gone out to a wedding last night and on their return the tire of their car burst and they had to push the car all the way back and that they were in no condition to appear for the test.
So the Dean said they could have the re-test after 3 days. They thanked him and said they would be ready by that time. On the third day they appeared before the Dean. The Dean said that as this was a Special Condition Test, all four were required to sit in separate classrooms for the test... They all agreed as they had prepared well in the last 3 days.
The Test consisted of 2 questions with a total of 100 Marks.
Q.1. Your Name............................ (2 MARKS)
Q.2. which tire burst? (98 MARKS)
a) Front Left
b) Front Right
c) Back Left
d) Back Right.....!!!
True story from IIT Bombay ...Batch 1992*
जो कल करना बो आज कर जो आज करना बो अब्ब करI
Taking a cue from the above strory/example I ,along with my members, am planning to meet top political leader from Chandigarh to discuss our pay scale issue and ask them to pursue my earlier memorandum and take it up at appropriate level.I will update the result of meeting on SUNDAY evening so keep visiting this blog for updates.
I received a Superb mail from my friend which is a Good example--why planning is required...* * Read it........*
One Night 4 college students were playing till late night and could not study for the test which was scheduled for the next day.
In the morning they thought of a plan. They made themselves look as dirty with grease and dirt. They then went up to the Dean and said that they had gone out to a wedding last night and on their return the tire of their car burst and they had to push the car all the way back and that they were in no condition to appear for the test.
So the Dean said they could have the re-test after 3 days. They thanked him and said they would be ready by that time. On the third day they appeared before the Dean. The Dean said that as this was a Special Condition Test, all four were required to sit in separate classrooms for the test... They all agreed as they had prepared well in the last 3 days.
The Test consisted of 2 questions with a total of 100 Marks.
Q.1. Your Name............................ (2 MARKS)
Q.2. which tire burst? (98 MARKS)
a) Front Left
b) Front Right
c) Back Left
d) Back Right.....!!!
True story from IIT Bombay ...Batch 1992*
जो कल करना बो आज कर जो आज करना बो अब्ब करI
Taking a cue from the above strory/example I ,along with my members, am planning to meet top political leader from Chandigarh to discuss our pay scale issue and ask them to pursue my earlier memorandum and take it up at appropriate level.I will update the result of meeting on SUNDAY evening so keep visiting this blog for updates.
News form IP/ASP Punjab WebSite
Today I have detailed discussion with my friends in Chandigarh through whom memorandum for pay parity with Hon’ble Minister was submitted in May 2010. The result of discussion reveals that only mounting pressure from all spheres can bring fruitful results. But unfortunately there is hardly any leader in our cadre who may watch our interest above his own and build up pressure with the department. However as per information gathered our pay parity case is still alive and there are full chances of good results for all the cadres in the hierarchy. Now only option with the department is to recommend GP OF Rs.4600/- to IP and 4800/- to ASP and 5400/- to SPOs before submission of file to MOF . Once this file is cleared by our department we will escalate pressure with MOF to accept our genuine demand for which I have received assurance from my friend circle. I am requesting all Circle Secretaries to explore similar possibilities in their field also. Hoping for the best.
Today I have detailed discussion with my friends in Chandigarh through whom memorandum for pay parity with Hon’ble Minister was submitted in May 2010. The result of discussion reveals that only mounting pressure from all spheres can bring fruitful results. But unfortunately there is hardly any leader in our cadre who may watch our interest above his own and build up pressure with the department. However as per information gathered our pay parity case is still alive and there are full chances of good results for all the cadres in the hierarchy. Now only option with the department is to recommend GP OF Rs.4600/- to IP and 4800/- to ASP and 5400/- to SPOs before submission of file to MOF . Once this file is cleared by our department we will escalate pressure with MOF to accept our genuine demand for which I have received assurance from my friend circle. I am requesting all Circle Secretaries to explore similar possibilities in their field also. Hoping for the best.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
DA Calculation based on Consumer Price Index for the month of September 2010
The All India Consumer Price Index number for (Industrial Workers) (Base 2001=100) for the month of Sep 2010 is 179 as announced by Statistics Department, Labour, Government of India.
Based on this index, expected increase from January 2011 is not less than 6%.
Based on this index, expected increase from January 2011 is not less than 6%.
Revision in rates of remuneration for performing duty as Invigilators in the examinations
The Director General
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
No. CHQ/IPASP/011/2010 dated 01.11.2010
Sub-Revision in rates of remuneration for performing duty as Invigilators in the examinations
Respected Madam,
Your goodself is well aware that Inspector, Posts cadre is having important role in each and every examination conducted by the Department either on working days or Sundays/Holidays. Generally, most of examinations are conducted on Sundays without any compensatory off to our cadre. Work related to examination is an arduous nature of duty and is assigned to one’s own duty/work. At present, IPs/ASPs engaged for examination duties are being paid honorarium of Rs.20/- for single duty and Rs.40/- for full day duty. These rates were fixed by the Department in the year 1972 and a period of more than 38 years has since been elapsed but no revision has been carried out whereas SSC/UPSC are revising these rates periodically. At present, SSC is paying Rs.250/- for single duty & Rs.300/- for full day duty and UPSC is paying Rs.350/- per day to Group B officers.
In view of above facts, it is urged that rates of remuneration may kindly be revised immediately atleast at par with the rates being paid by SSC. In the meanwhile, orders may kindly be issued for grant of compensatory off to all IPs/ASPs engaged in upcoming examination for Direct Recruitment to the cadre of PA/SA scheduled to be held on 14-11-2010 throughout India.
An early positive action along with a line in reply will be highly appreciated.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Farewell Message
Ms Sandhya Rani, PMG, S K Region is reliving the office on 02-11-2010.
Madam has called CS over phone and conveyed best wishes and thanks to all the members of IP ASP Association for their co-operation and support.
This is first time when an officer of PMG Status has conveyed their farewell messages to the Association. Indeed we need to learn a lot from Madam, on how to be professional in our work and our approach.
It's time for us to look back with pride and satisfaction on years well lived.
"Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes"
We wish the madam, best wishes and success in all endeavors.
President & Circle Secretary, IP ASP Asson, Karnataka
Madam has called CS over phone and conveyed best wishes and thanks to all the members of IP ASP Association for their co-operation and support.
This is first time when an officer of PMG Status has conveyed their farewell messages to the Association. Indeed we need to learn a lot from Madam, on how to be professional in our work and our approach.
It's time for us to look back with pride and satisfaction on years well lived.
"Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes"
We wish the madam, best wishes and success in all endeavors.
President & Circle Secretary, IP ASP Asson, Karnataka
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