This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Supply of laptop to Divisional Heads
Postal Directorate vide its No.40-13/2010-Tech dated 19.10.2010 has placed supply orders with vendors for supply of Computer Notebook (Laptops) to Divisional Heads.
IPS movements
The following IPS transfer orders issued by Dte.
01. Ms.Sandhya Rani 1987, PMG, South Karnataka Region posted as PMG (BD, Tech & Mktg), Hyderabad against vacant post.
02. Shri.Charles Lobo 1987, PMG (MM), Mumbai posted as PMG, South Karnataka Region.
Dte Memo No : 1-2 / 2009-SPG Dt. 25.10.10
Association conveys best wishes to both officers.
01. Ms.Sandhya Rani 1987, PMG, South Karnataka Region posted as PMG (BD, Tech & Mktg), Hyderabad against vacant post.
02. Shri.Charles Lobo 1987, PMG (MM), Mumbai posted as PMG, South Karnataka Region.
Dte Memo No : 1-2 / 2009-SPG Dt. 25.10.10
Association conveys best wishes to both officers.
Direct Recruit Inspectors of Posts- SSC Examination-2008
270 candidates have been allocated to various Postal Circles vide Postal Directorate No. 7-26/2010 which can be downloaded from helpdesk
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Postal Life insurance and Rural Postal Life Insurance - Interesting Facts
The corpus of POLIF & RPOLIF stood at Rs. 14,152.59 crore and Rs. 3994.36 crore on 31st March, 2009. Till 31st March, 2009, these funds were earning an interest of 8% under the Special Deposit Scheme from the Ministry of Finance. Cabinet had approved Operationalisation of investment of POLIF & RPOLIF through two fund Managers, SBI Mutual Fund and UTI Asset Management Co. under the nondiscretionary mode in December, 2007. With the signing of the agreement by the Department with the two Fund Managers, the wheels were set in motion for the investment of net accretion to the POLIF & RPOLIF. The investment of net accretions started in November, 2009 and till date Rs. 425 Crores has been invested. The investment of funds is being carried out in accordance with the IRDA guidelines. Investment Board headed by Member (PLI) as Chairman overseas the investment function. The day- today activities of investment are carried out by the investment Division at Mumbai headed by the Chief Investment Officer. Only net accretions to the funds after 31.10.2009 are being invested presently. POLIF/ RPOLIF corpus as on 31.10.2009 will be converted into dated Government securities.
Source: Annual Report 2009-2010 Page 43
PREMIUM, postal services, such as business mails, logistic post and speed post, will get expensive as the government looks for ways to bring down the deficit of the postal department, which is running into thousands of crores. The department of posts (DoP) is considering a market based pricing for many of its products that do not have a social dimension to them to reduce the government subsidy. The idea is to have a sustainable costing and pricing mechanism for postal products and services, even as services are kept affordable for the common man, "said government official in the department of telecommunications and information technology.
The department plans to get the new tariff structure in place before the budget session of Parliament next year and has decided to commission a study by a private consultant to freeze the proposal quickly.
Tariffs for products, such as post cards and inland letters that are used by the poor are not likely to be raised.
Post cards cost 50 paisa each while an unregistered inland letter costs Rs.2.50, well below what it takes DoP to deliver them. According to estimates , India Posts tariff is 70% cheaper for domestic destinations and 30% cheaper for international destinations , when compared to the tariff charged by private courier agencies .As per estimates, the department is expected to generate revenues of Rs.6956 crore, way below its working expenses of more than Rs. 10552 crore.
The Economic Times, New Delhi, 05th October, 2010.
Latest Position on Important Issues
Shri. Jayanth Kumar, IP Karanataka Circle visited Dak Bhawan and met with various officers to ascertain present position in respect of below mentioned issues.
1. Revision of Grade Pay for IP:
File is still pending in the Establishment Division of the Directorate. Recruitment Rules of Income Tax Officers in CBDT and Superintendents in CBEC are required for further processing the case. Members may please help the CHQ to procure the same so that it could be submitted to the Department.
2. Result of PS Group B exam :
It is likely to be announced by the end of November 2010 or first week of December 2010.
3. PS Group B DPC for the year 2010:
It is likely to be held in November 2010. Exact date of DPC is yet to be fixed.
4. Outsourcing of examinations:
It is likely to be finalized by January 2011. All examinations are likely to be conducted on objective type.
5. Revision of Honorarium of Invigilators for departmental examinations.
Case is under consideration by the department. Department is in the process of collecting information on amount being paid for invigilators by the SSC/UPSC. Information from the UPSC is awaited. Members may please help the CHQ to procure the rates being paid by SSC/UPSC so that it could be shared with the Department.
6. Revision of Fixed stationery charges for the Sub Division:
File is reported to be sent to Finance Ministry for concurrence.
Deputation of ASPs and IPs to the Department.
Postal Directorate has called for applications for deputation of ASPs and IPs to the Department vide no. 4-1/2010-SPB-II dated 12-10-2010
Sub:- Deputation of ASPs and IPs to the Department.
Services of ASPs and IPs are required in the Directorate. It is, therefore, requested that only such ASPs and IPs, who are willing to be deputed in the Directorate and have cleared their probation period and are not due for promotion with in the next two years, may submit their applications to their respective Circles for necessary action. An advance copy of the application may be sent to the Directorate by the applicants.
Asstt. Director General(SPN)
Sub:- Deputation of ASPs and IPs to the Department.
Services of ASPs and IPs are required in the Directorate. It is, therefore, requested that only such ASPs and IPs, who are willing to be deputed in the Directorate and have cleared their probation period and are not due for promotion with in the next two years, may submit their applications to their respective Circles for necessary action. An advance copy of the application may be sent to the Directorate by the applicants.
Asstt. Director General(SPN)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Modified instructions on Recruitment of GDS thro Employment Exchange - Clarification of term "Effective No. of Candidates"
The Dte instructions reg "Effective No. of Candidates" for GDS Recruitment is reproduced below. Dte Memo No. 19-27 / 2010-GDS Dt. 07.10.10.
Modified instructions on Recruitment of GDS thro Employment Exchange - Clarification of term "Effective No. of Candidates"
Attention of all concerned is invited to Para 3 of this Dte Order No. 19-4 / 97-ED & Trg Dt 19.08.98 which provided that "in case the notification and public advertisement so issued fail to elicit any response within the stipulated date or if the effective number of candidates applied for the post is less than 3, the vacancies will be re-notified to the Employment Exchange & fresh advertisement issued calling for nominations etc within 15 days"
2. The term "effective No. of candidates / applications" has undergone judicial scrutiny by CAT, Hyderabad in OA No. 516 / 2009 in the mater of Shri.Chennuri Raju vs Union of India & relying on judgement of High Court of Madras in WP No. 22500 & 20422 / 1999 in similar case CAT, Hyderabad has held in its judgement on 15.06.10 that "three effective applications mean three applications should be received and even if one of the candidates amongst the three applicants is eligible, the selection should be finalized"
3. The issue has been considered in this Dte in the light of the aforesaid judgement and i am directed to convey that term "effective No. of Candidates" finding a mention in the order of this Dte ibid may be interpreted to mean that three applications from the different candidates should be received and even if one of the candidates amongst the three applicants is found eligible, the selection should be finalized in conformity with the interpretation as referred to in Para 2 above.
Dte Memo No : 19-27 / 2010-GDS Dt. 07.10.10.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
PREMIUM, postal services, such as business mails, logistic post and speed post, will get expensive as the government looks for ways to bring down the deficit of the postal department, which is running into thousands of crores. The department of posts (DoP) is considering a market based pricing for many of its products that do not have a social dimension to them to reduce the government subsidy. The idea is to have a sustainable costing and pricing mechanism for postal products and services, even as services are kept affordable for the common man, "said government official in the department of telecommunications and information technology.
The department plans to get the new tariff structure in place before the budget session of Parliament next year and has decided to commission a study by a private consultant to freeze the proposal quickly.
Tariffs for products, such as post cards and inland letters that are used by the poor are not likely to be raised.
Post cards cost 50 paisa each while an unregistered inland letter costs Rs.2.50, well below what it takes DoP to deliver them. According to estimates , India Posts tariff is 70% cheaper for domestic destinations and 30% cheaper for international destinations , when compared to the tariff charged by private courier agencies .As per estimates, the department is expected to generate revenues of Rs.6956 crore, way below its working expenses of more than Rs. 10552 crore.
The Economic Times, New Delhi, 05th October, 2010.
The department plans to get the new tariff structure in place before the budget session of Parliament next year and has decided to commission a study by a private consultant to freeze the proposal quickly.
Tariffs for products, such as post cards and inland letters that are used by the poor are not likely to be raised.
Post cards cost 50 paisa each while an unregistered inland letter costs Rs.2.50, well below what it takes DoP to deliver them. According to estimates , India Posts tariff is 70% cheaper for domestic destinations and 30% cheaper for international destinations , when compared to the tariff charged by private courier agencies .As per estimates, the department is expected to generate revenues of Rs.6956 crore, way below its working expenses of more than Rs. 10552 crore.
The Economic Times, New Delhi, 05th October, 2010.
IndiaPost gets IRDA nod to sell insurance policies
India’s largest distribution network with 1.55 lakh offices has been thrown open to the insurance industry with the industry regulator allowing IndiaPost to sell policies of multiple insurance companies.
This opens a new distribution channel for insurers who have been desperately trying to poach bank distributors from rivals to increase their reach.
Insurers now expect a battle for prime circles, given that the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) has limited the number of companies that each postal circle can tie up with.
The revised guidelines allow each of the 22 circles of Indiapost to act as a corporate agent of two non-life insurers, two life insurance companies, one agricultural insurance company and one stand alone health insurance company. The regulator has however barred IndiaPost from selling customer data to insurance companies under some referral arrangement.
In its revised guidelines released last week, IRDA said, “Each circle of India post should be treated as a separate unit in order to grant independent corporate agent licence with various insurers.
However the Head of ‘Circle’ may approach IRDA for prior approval of further division in the ‘Circle’ as separate units, in the case of metropolitan areas, to obtain licence to act as corporate agent, in view of the large population under the circle,” said IRDA in its circular.
IRDA has said that the head of the circle would be deemed to be the corporate insurance executive (CIE) — the key executive responsible for all insurance agency dealings.
“Also, all the permanent employees of the India Post having an educational qualification of 10+2 or equivalent shall be deemed to be complying with the relevant provisions regarding requirements of minimum educational qualification, training and examinations prescribed for ‘Specified Persons’.
In this regard, India Post shall take necessary steps to impart required training to its permanent employees to be designated as ‘Specified Persons’ within a period of one year from commencement of corporate agency, IRDA said.
Corporate agency guidelines prevent banks from selling products of two competing firms.
Given the limited number of banks, insurance companies have been struggling to find low-cost institutional distributors with a pan-India reach.
The dispensation will also give the department of posts a new revenue stream. The postal department which had ambitions of becoming major distributors of financial products stopped selling mutual funds of most companies after a ban on front-loads resulted in commissions disappearing.
This opens a new distribution channel for insurers who have been desperately trying to poach bank distributors from rivals to increase their reach.
Insurers now expect a battle for prime circles, given that the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) has limited the number of companies that each postal circle can tie up with.
The revised guidelines allow each of the 22 circles of Indiapost to act as a corporate agent of two non-life insurers, two life insurance companies, one agricultural insurance company and one stand alone health insurance company. The regulator has however barred IndiaPost from selling customer data to insurance companies under some referral arrangement.
In its revised guidelines released last week, IRDA said, “Each circle of India post should be treated as a separate unit in order to grant independent corporate agent licence with various insurers.
However the Head of ‘Circle’ may approach IRDA for prior approval of further division in the ‘Circle’ as separate units, in the case of metropolitan areas, to obtain licence to act as corporate agent, in view of the large population under the circle,” said IRDA in its circular.
IRDA has said that the head of the circle would be deemed to be the corporate insurance executive (CIE) — the key executive responsible for all insurance agency dealings.
“Also, all the permanent employees of the India Post having an educational qualification of 10+2 or equivalent shall be deemed to be complying with the relevant provisions regarding requirements of minimum educational qualification, training and examinations prescribed for ‘Specified Persons’.
In this regard, India Post shall take necessary steps to impart required training to its permanent employees to be designated as ‘Specified Persons’ within a period of one year from commencement of corporate agency, IRDA said.
Corporate agency guidelines prevent banks from selling products of two competing firms.
Given the limited number of banks, insurance companies have been struggling to find low-cost institutional distributors with a pan-India reach.
The dispensation will also give the department of posts a new revenue stream. The postal department which had ambitions of becoming major distributors of financial products stopped selling mutual funds of most companies after a ban on front-loads resulted in commissions disappearing.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Dept of Posts wants IRDA to regulate its insurance plans
NEW DELHI: In a first significant step towards consolidating similar financial products under one regulator, the department of posts (DoP) is exploring the option of handing over the regulation of its insurance products to the sector regulator, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), a move prompted by the ugly spat between the insurance regulator and the stock market watchdog, Securities and Exchange Board Of India (SEBI), over the regulation of unit-linked insurance products (ULIPs).
The DoP has sought the law ministry's opinion on whether the insurance schemes run by it could be brought under the regulatory ambit of the IRDA. It has also proposed to create a corporate entity to handle the schemes.
The decision to refer the matter to the law ministry was taken after the IRDA expressed its inability to regulate financial activities of the government (the DoP), which controls the insurance business of India Post, a government official told ET
The finance ministry has favoured setting up of a corporate-like identity to handle India Post's insurance business that can be regulated under IRDA norms, said the official, requesting anonymity. While the IRDA is not opposed to the idea, it wants greater clarity on the matter as it will require changes to the legal framework that govern the insurance policies of the postal department.
The opinion of the law ministry could pave the way for bringing the insurance business of the postal department under the IRDA's jurisdiction. The department, which sells policies under the postal life insurance and rural postal life insurance schemes, acts within the framework of the Insurance Act. The IRDA has also pointed out that with the premium calculations of the postal department not on an actuarial basis, the postal life insurance schemes could be notching up serious deficits.
The postal department feels that an IRDA-regulated framework will allow it to make the scheme more flexible. The DoP, which acts as an agent of the finance ministry for its insurance schemes, lacks autonomy required to introduce new schemes or even providing attractive discounts to lure customers.
"The department is required to seek direction from the finance ministry for all policy matters like extension of scope to cover other clients and introduction of new products," said an official with the ministry of telecommunications and IT.
Even as the debate on regulatory control of postal life insurance goes on, the department has also requested for greater autonomy to its insurance schemes as it looks to expand its financial services business. "Corporatisation of the life insurance business will enable the postal department to compete with private insurance players on a level playing field," said the postal department official.
Private players have welcomed the move. "The move will help bring consistency in norms and activity pertaining to life insurance business," said Kapil Mehta, MD & CEO of DLF Pramerica Life Insurance Company of India. He added that the proposal , when implemented, will provide the postal department a level playing field as regards right products and schemes into the rural segment, which has been the primary focus for private players as well.
Source : The Economic Times, New Delhi, 08th October, 2010
Guidelines on Air Travel on Tours/LTC - Clarifications with regard to purchase of Air Tickets through auhorised agents for travel by Airlines other than Indian Airlines.
Grant of Permission for treatment in any of the hospitals - Department circulated Ministry of Health and Family Welfare OM dated 28.3.2000
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Congratulations - IP examination 2009
It is very happy to note that many candidates from Karnataka Circle are successful in the IP examination 2009. The Association congratulates all the successful candidates and extends a warm welcome to the cadre.
Circle secretary
It is very happy to note that many candidates from Karnataka Circle are successful in the IP examination 2009. The Association congratulates all the successful candidates and extends a warm welcome to the cadre.
Circle secretary
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Orders for payment of PLB for Postal Employees have been issued
The Orders for payment of PLB for Postal Employees have been issued today evening. It will be 60 Days. The maximum ceiling will be Rs.3500/- for Regular Employees; Rs.2500/- for GDS; and Rs.1200/- for Casual including Temporary Status Casual Labourers.
The Order Number.26-04/2010-PAP Dated 1.10.2020.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Flash News about IP Result
According to reliable sources the IP results will be announced by Friday 01.10.2010; but the latest update is that it is resheduled to Monday i.e 04-10-2010.
Recommendation of higher-grade pay by the Directorate to IPs information obtained through RTI
The information obtained by one of our colleague through RTI regarding recommendation of higher grade pay by the Directorate to IPs and the same returned by Finance Ministry for the information of our members. Now, any prudent individual can assess the view of the Dept in recommending higher grade pay for IPs on one side and the contents of the rejoinder submitted to Hon CAT Ernakulam. We hope the Hon court will deliver us justice
Recommendation of higher grade pay by the Directorate to IPs information obtained through RTI
The information obtained by one of our colleague through RTI regarding recommendation of higher grade pay by the Directorate to IPs and the same returned by Finance Ministry for the information of our members. Now, any prudent individual can assess the view of the Dept in recommending higher grade pay for IPs on one side and the contents of the rejoinder submitted to Hon CAT Ernakulam. We hope the Hon court will deliver us justice.
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