The follg IPoS transfers ordered by Dte.
01. Shri.K.V.Sundar Rajan 1977, CPMG, Andhra posted as CPMG, Jharkhand.
02. Ms.Karuna Pillai 1979, CPMG, Gujarat posted as CPMG, Andhra.
Dte Memo No : 1-1 / 2009-SPG Dt. 27.08.10.
This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the IT Modernization Project - Handheld devices will be provided to all the Grameen Dak Sevak (GDS) Post Offices
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the IT Modernization Project – Phase-II proposal of the Department of Posts. The decision is to computerize all the Departmental and Grameen Dak Sevak (GDS) posts offices in the country. The approval has also been accorded for creation of IT infrastructure including establishment of Data Centre, Networking of the Departmental post offices, development of scalable, integrated and modular software for all the operations of the Department of Posts. The Project will be implemented over a three year period covering 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13.
The total expenditure involved in this project will be Rs.1877.20 crore and it will cover all the Post Offices throughout the country in all the State and Union Territories. The Department of Posts will be floating tenders for procurement of hardware and development of software. Pilots will be held in rural and urban post offices. The final roll out will be completed by September 2012.
Handheld devices will be provided to all the Grameen Dak Sevak (GDS) Post Offices in the rural areas and necessary software application developed. Banking solution will be implemented for the Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) scheme. Software Integration solutions will be developed for mail operations enabling tracking solutions for all registered and Speed Post articles.
The Postal Life Insurance services will be available in all the Post Offices including rural pot offices in the country through computers and rural ICT devices. Comprehensive training will be given to staff in Customer relations, application, IT management and system training skills.
Background: The Post Office presently handles 654 crore pieces of mail annually. POSB has a corpus fund of Rs.5,63,000 crore. Significant trends like liberalization and globalization; urbanization, increased demand for financial services, increased funding by government for weaker sections and rural sector, make it imperative that India Post develop new processes and supporting technology.
The total expenditure involved in this project will be Rs.1877.20 crore and it will cover all the Post Offices throughout the country in all the State and Union Territories. The Department of Posts will be floating tenders for procurement of hardware and development of software. Pilots will be held in rural and urban post offices. The final roll out will be completed by September 2012.
Handheld devices will be provided to all the Grameen Dak Sevak (GDS) Post Offices in the rural areas and necessary software application developed. Banking solution will be implemented for the Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) scheme. Software Integration solutions will be developed for mail operations enabling tracking solutions for all registered and Speed Post articles.
The Postal Life Insurance services will be available in all the Post Offices including rural pot offices in the country through computers and rural ICT devices. Comprehensive training will be given to staff in Customer relations, application, IT management and system training skills.
Background: The Post Office presently handles 654 crore pieces of mail annually. POSB has a corpus fund of Rs.5,63,000 crore. Significant trends like liberalization and globalization; urbanization, increased demand for financial services, increased funding by government for weaker sections and rural sector, make it imperative that India Post develop new processes and supporting technology.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
IP Induction training
IP Induction Training (Departmental) to be conducted at PTC, Mysore.
From 13.09.10 to 27.11.10 - 11 weeks.
Sl Name of Circle Seats allotted
1 Andhra 2
2 Karnataka 3
3 Kerala 1
4 Tamilnadu 9
5 Assam 1
6 Bihar 12
7 Jharkhand 2
8 MP 1
9 Orissa 2
10 West bengal 10
11 APS 5
Total 48
Source :
First meeting of the reconstituted Postal Departmental Council was held today [27.08.2010] at 11.00 Hrs
The first meeting of the reconstituted Postal Departmental Council was held today [27.08.2010] at 11.00 Hrs in the Committee Room of Dak Bhawan. The Secretary Department of Posts who is the Chairman of the JCM Departmental Council chaired the meeting. The Official Side was represented by the Postal Board Member Technology and Member Personnel and several DDGs and Directors.
The Staff Side was represented by the Staff Side Leader, Staff Side Secretary, Secretary General NFPE and FNPO, and other Members of Departmental Council.
135 items were in the agenda. Nearly up to 70 items were discussed in the meeting within the duration of the meeting. It was decided to hold another meeting within a very short duration to complete the remaining 65 items.
The Chairman in her introductory remarks welcomed the staff side members and requested the cooperation for the development of our services. She informed that the Cabinet has sanctioned a sum of Rupees 1800 crores for technological advancement of Postal Department including core banking and networking etc.
The Leader Staff Side thanked the Secretary for initiating the meetings of the Joint consultative Machinery and for taking speedy action on many issues as per the assurances of 12thJuly meeting. He pointed out the non-constitution of Regional Council JCM in some circles like Chhattisgarh and the non-holding of four monthly meetings in some circles and requested the intervention of the Secretary. The Chairman agreed to look into this matter. The Leader Staff Side also brought to the notice of the Chairman that despite the assurance on 12th July, the clarifications on implementation of MACP has not gone from Directorate especially on issues like liberalizing the benchmark conditions as well as the prevalence of several confusions in Circles on MACP Orders for of grant up gradation. The Chairman assured that a Committee headed by SPOs/SSPOs in each division may suo moto review of grading in the ACRs would be undertaken to facilitate grant of MACP to all except those who were punished under disciplinary proceedings. Orders for mitigating the grievances of the staff side in this regard will be issued by the Directorate. The Leader Staff Side also brought to the notice of the Chairman that in the Southern Region of Tamilnadu Circle wholesale closure of single handed post offices are ordered by the PMG,, even though Secretary Posts has already assured in the meeting of 12th July, 2010 that only relocation of offices would be resorted to and there will not be any closure. The Chairman assured positive intervention.
The Secretary Staff Side also thanked the Chairman for recommencement of JCM meetings and expressed his hope that this will continue and the periodicity of the JCM meetings would be maintained. He pointed out that the spirit of JCM is to maintain mutual consultations and therefore desired that the holding of regular meetings of JCM Departmental Council would be ensured.
Director SR, who is the Secretary of the JCM Departmental Council steered the discussions by taking up items one by one.
The following items were discussed and the decisions and trends on those items are as follows:
1. Cadre Restructuring for all Non-Gazetted Group B&C Cadres:
A Joint Committee is already constituted on this issue to finalise within three months i.e., before November, 2010.
2. Creation of System Administrators Cadre &
3. Computation of proper norms for work allotment to existing System Administrators and grant of certain essential amenities.
This is already referred to the above Cadre Restructuring Committee. Chariman assured that this Committee will also discuss all the 15 issues pertaining to System Administrators raised by the Staff Side.
4. Grant of officiating pay with all consequential benefits for staff officiated in HSG-I vacancies.
Necessary orders extending the benefit to such officials will be issued shortly.
5. Filling up of residual vacancies.
All the Circle Heads have already been directed to take action to fill up residual vacancies immediately.
6. Imparting training to non-matriculate Group D promoted to Postman / Mailguard or PA/SA cadres after 1.1.2006.
The issue was referred to MOF on 20.05.2010. The MOF has clarified only for the Group D who either died or retired from service in between 1.1.2006 and 29.08.2008. The MOF also clarified that the handicapped officials would be imparted with a separate training course. The issue of Group D promoted to Postmen or PA is again being referred to MOF. The Staff Side pointed out that even proper fixation of Grade Pay has not been done to TBOP and BCR Group D officials. The Chairman directed for issue of proper clarificatory orders immediately.
7. Irregular mention of PB slab for certain categories of staff in the MACP orders issued by the DoP.
Further corrigendum on this issue is expected shortly from DOPT.
8. Restoration and improvement of in-cadre promotion to Postmen/Mailguard and Multi skilled Employees Cadre.
As this is part of cadre restructuring this will be discussed by the Cadre Restructuring Committee.
9. Enhancement of Double duty and Holiday duty allowance for Postmen.
A separate committee to discuss the issues of Postmen to be formed as per the decision of 12th July meeting will go into this issue also.
10. Replacement of night halt allowance to Mail Overseers with TA/DA.
This issue will be considered based on the submissions of staff side.
11. Extraction of Data entry work from Postmen and Multi Skilled Employees.
So far as the Multi Skilled Employees are concerned the DOPT orders would be followed and the data entry work will be removed. Official Side pointed out that since the higher scales were granted to Postmen, data entry work related to delivery work may be entrusted to Postmen.
12. Increasing the number of chances to appear for LGO examination and revision of LGO exam syllabus.
The Official side stated that syllabus revision with objective type is under way. Increasing the number of chances by two more attempts will be considered only for those employees who have already exhausted all six chances. However, this concession will not be extended to other officials who have not yet exhausted all chances.
13. Irregular computation of working hours for Postmen in field units.
Work norms for speed post have already been finalized on 5.2.2010 and orders issued.
14. Revival of Cash handling allowance for Postmen.
The Official side did not agree to this on the grounds that the Postmen are granted with higher pay by the 6thCPC. However, on insistence by the Staff Side, the Official Side agreed to discuss in the Committee for Postmen issues.
15. Removal of minimum cyclable distance for grant of cycle maintenance allowance to Postmen/MSE.
The discrimination between the GDS and the Postmen/MSE was pointed out by the Staff Side. The Official Side agreed to consider this issue.
16. Eligibility to appear LGO Examination.
Agreed to reduce from three to two years while finalizing the amended recruitment rules of PA/SA.
17. Counting of Special Allowance for pay fixation case of PO&RMS Accountants.
The Staff Side pointed out that this issue had already been sorted out in other organisations like Railways. The Official Side agreed to verify with Railways and once again refer this issue to Nodal Ministry.
18. Request for discontinuance of the practice of obtaining fidelity / security bond from the employees handling cash.
The issue is under examination.
19. Non-drawal of HRA to the officiating SPMs working at offices having attached quarters.
For arrangement up to 90 days instructions were issued on 30.07.2010. Above 90 days Heads of Circle will be addressed once again reminding them of their powers to suspend the quarters enabling the officials to draw their due HRA for the officiating period.
20. Protection of pay of defunct scale of PO&RMS Accountants who opted for general line under Directorate letter No.2-22/88-PE.I dated 01.12.92.
The decision taken in respect of Natha Singh [Punjab Circle] will be extended to all such officials. Copy of Directorate order in this regard has been supplied.
21. Enhancement of SB incentive to PAs working in Savings Bank Branches.
The proposal for enhancement of SB Allowance was sent to MOF on 2.3.2010. The MOF sought some querries on 26.03.2010. Information is pending from Circles like Jharkhand, M.P, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan even after issue of four reminders. The reply will be sent at the earliest. Further the Official Side agreed to continue the SB Allowance in case of officials posted for successive tenures without insisting for another test.
22. Payment of honorarium / incentive for drawal of arrears on implementation of 6th CPC and GDS Committee.
Honorarium for 6th CPC was already issued. For drawal of GDS arrears, orders have been issued yesterday. The Staff Side insisted honorarium for pension related work. The Official Side agreed to finalize this shortly.
23. Stepping up of pay of senior official on par with juniors in case of anomaly arising out of fixation of pay on placement to TBOP / BCR scales clarifications.
The official side is not agreeable on the grounds that stepping up of pay does not apply in case of financial up gradations. However our demand for keeping the date of effect prospectively from the date of issue of orders only will be considered.
24.Revision of Cash Allowance to SPMs handling cash in the absence of Treasurers.
This was agreed to.
25. Anomaly in fixation of pay in respect of the officials promoted on 01.01.96 under BCR scheme.
The Chairman assured to reconsider their earlier decision based on the discussion made by the staff side.
26. Review of Short Duty Scheme introduced w.e.f. 14.08.2008.
Extending the hours of engagement of SDPAs is under examination.
27. Request to drop the confirmation examination.
This will be carried out at the time of finalization of Recruitment Rules which is under process.
28. Enhancing the limit of cash to be remitted through leather cash bag [LCB] and Special Messenger.
This will be revised.
29. Arbitrary and forcible allotment of staff quarters.
Orders have already been issued not to force any official to occupy staff quarters in lieu of rent free accommodation attached with the PO. The case of Rajasthan will be addressed by the Directorate suitably.
30.Non-posting of women employees where basic amenities are not available.
Detailed instructions were given earlier on 29.04.1998. The staff side pointed out some cases in Tamilnadu Circle on which the Chairman directed to cause suitable instructions to not to post women employees in such offices.
31. Upward revision of conveyance allowance to PRI[P].
Agreed to grant TA/DA apart from Conveyance Allowance in case the PRI[P]s are deputed beyond 16 KMs for any purpose.
32.Non-supply of statement of balance to the officials brought under the New Pension Scheme 2004.
It was agreed to by the official side to issue such information to concerned officials about the quantum of recoveries made from officials and remitted to CRA [Central Regulatory Authority].
33. Conveyance of cash with Police escort – Problems thereon.
All Circles Head are empowered to engage armed guard or Ex-Servicemen based on requirements. Instructions will be reiterated. Providing for insurance to cash remittances other than through the LCB will be considered.
34. Discontinuance of Medical facilities availed from Ispat General Hospital [IGH]Rourkela in Orissa Circle.
Chief PMG Orissa will be addressed to issue identity card to all Postal Employees for taking outdoor treatment without any prepayment.
35. Fixing work norms to RPLI Work at BOs/SOs – Request immediate orders.
The Official Side contended that providing work norms would result in cessation of incentive granted to GDS. The Staff Side pointed out that incentive is being granted while work norms exist in other areas for other staff, why this should be done. The staff side requested to work out work norms as recommended by Nataraja Murti Committee while continuing the grant of incentives. The Official Side agreed to consider this issue.
36.Fixing of uniform rate of incentive for computerized work in POs.
Heads of Circle are in a better position to assess the pending work and fix the incentive.
37. Officiating arrangement in Group B posts earmarked for General Line.
The Official Side did not agree to this proposal.
38. Introduction of new system of bag numbering.
Reports from 18 circles are received. The situation is under review.
39. Non-grant of Special Allowance to unqualified Accountants.
Orders will be reiterated for granting special allowance to unqualified Accountants. The staff side pointed out that since the MACP is only a financial up gradation without any change of status, the grant of special allowance to continue to all such officials. The Official side agreed to this.
40. Incentive Scheme for the Post Offices retailing mutual funds and Bonds along with funds for marketing & publicity and suggested strategies.
Pending incentive bills will be cleared.
41. Ensuring the standard of residential accommodation to the SPMs provided with attached quarters.
Orders will be reiterated.
42. Enhancement of financial powers of HSG-I, HSG-II and LSG Postmasters.
This is under examination.
43. Budgetary allotment for computer advance.
1.56 Crores has been approved under RE. Request for further allotment will be placed. A percentage of allotment will be fixed for Group C cadre.
44. Fixing norms / Time factors to PSDs, CSDs and Creation of establishment.
The Staff Side requested for creation and filling up of posts as per the standards fixed. The Official Side agreed to examine this.
45. More Bonus in respect of PLI Policies taken by the Departmental Employees.
The Official Side was not in favour of the demand. However after discussion, the Chairman agreed to consider the issue.
46. Payment of special allowance for the staff working on MPCMs.
To avoid recovery from a retrospective date, the Official Side agreed to issue suitable instructions.
47. Grant of Tribal Area Allowance to the employees serving in the tribal area of Igdapuri and other places of Nasik District.
The nodal ministries rejected the proposal sent by the DoP.
48. Grant of financial assistance & relaxation of rules in granting special disability leave to victims of terrorists / bomb blast.
Pending cases like Bhubaneshwar have been settled.
49. Grant of Road Mileage Allowance to the staff entrusted with the work of clearance of cheques.
This will be considered.
50. Unilateral decision to close down Foreign Post Offices.
No decision to close down foreign post offices have been taken.
51. Stop harassing staff on contributory factors for simple and flimsy reasons by misusing the provision of 'unbecoming of Government Servant' deviating the ruling contained in Volume III, FHB etc.
Instructions in this regard are being issued. The Staff Side insisted that the pending cases of TPF of Bhimavaram, PPF of Mysore, and other cases for speedy settlement.
52. Recovery of alleged over payment of pay and allowances to Postmen on account of fixation from the officials of accounts branches of HPOs.
The Staff Side pointed out that while the issue is still before the Court, no recovery shall be made from the staff of Accounts Branches. The Chairman agreed to stop recovery till the finalisation of court cses. This will apply to recovery of over payment of Bonus ceiling case for GDS also.
53. Enhancement of honorarium to RD premature cases.
Since the earlier order was made only in 1996 [and not 2006 as mentioned in the official side note] as pointed out by the Staff Side, the Official Side agreed to review the same.
54. Counting of Special Allowance for pay fixation - case of PO&RMS Accountants.
Since the TBOP/BCR is only considered as up gradation and not regular promotion, the Staff side insisted that counting of Special Allowance for fixation should have been continued. The Official Side will consider this aspect.
55. Drawal of Pay to senior BCR officials in HSG-I post as the pay scales of HSG-II and BCR is one and the same and settlement of earlier officiating cases of Tamilnadu, West Bengal and other circles as one time measure.
Officiating pay will be considered.
56. Tenure posting of officials in single and double handed post offices – request to withdraw the conditions.
Official Side agreed to amend the order to mitigate the grievance of staff.
57. Enhancement of honorarium for engaging the officials in departmental exminations.
The official side stated that honorarium is indeed very nominal and requires to be revised. A decision will be taken.
58. Restriction in posting of SPM due to minor penalties / CR entries.
The official side stated that the entire issue is under review and revised orders will be issued.
59. Allowing to appear in the Departmental Examination like IPOs – case of physically handicapped officials.
Allowing the handicapped officials to appear for Departmental examinations in IPOs [without any quota] will be favourably considered.
60. Fixed conveyance allowance to marketing executives.
A mechanism will be worked out to compensate the actual expenses incurred by the marketing executives on account of TA.
61. Revision of FSC.
It is in the final stage and orders will be issued shortly.
62. Enhancement of Split duty allowance.
Secretary [P] approved a proposal for referring the matter to Department of Expenditure, MOF for doubling the existing rates of split duty allowance.
63. Transfer of all HSG-I posts to General Line.
It will be addressed by amending the recruitment rules which are at present under consideration with DOPT.
64. Denial of ROHSC claim for emergent treatment due to non- circulation of Health Ministry OMs.
Agreed to circulate the two orders pointed out by the staff side.
65. Payment of honorarium to supervisors & staff of divisional offices for processing of PLI and RPLI proposals.
Agreed to grant incentive to PLI/RPLI proposals instead of treating it as honorarium.
66. Providing administrative power to grant leave to staff by HSG-I Postmasters.
This will be examined.
67. Grant of OTA/Excess duty allowance to the SPMs working in Single and Double handed offices.
This will be discussed further.
68. Counting the training period for benefits of promotion under TBOP/ BCR Scheme.
This will be recommended to DOPT.
69.Granting service benefits to erstwhile RTP candidates deputed to APS.
Orders have been issued.
70. Creating HSG-I posts in MMS.
Agreed to examine redeployment of HSG-I in MMS together with redeployment of HSG-II in Delhi RMS.
At this point, the meeting came to an end with the acceptance of the staff side request for fixing another date shortly for the JCM meeting to discuss the remaining items in the agenda. The Chairman agreed to convene the meeting at the earliest say within ten days.
The Staff Side was represented by the Staff Side Leader, Staff Side Secretary, Secretary General NFPE and FNPO, and other Members of Departmental Council.
135 items were in the agenda. Nearly up to 70 items were discussed in the meeting within the duration of the meeting. It was decided to hold another meeting within a very short duration to complete the remaining 65 items.
The Chairman in her introductory remarks welcomed the staff side members and requested the cooperation for the development of our services. She informed that the Cabinet has sanctioned a sum of Rupees 1800 crores for technological advancement of Postal Department including core banking and networking etc.
The Leader Staff Side thanked the Secretary for initiating the meetings of the Joint consultative Machinery and for taking speedy action on many issues as per the assurances of 12thJuly meeting. He pointed out the non-constitution of Regional Council JCM in some circles like Chhattisgarh and the non-holding of four monthly meetings in some circles and requested the intervention of the Secretary. The Chairman agreed to look into this matter. The Leader Staff Side also brought to the notice of the Chairman that despite the assurance on 12th July, the clarifications on implementation of MACP has not gone from Directorate especially on issues like liberalizing the benchmark conditions as well as the prevalence of several confusions in Circles on MACP Orders for of grant up gradation. The Chairman assured that a Committee headed by SPOs/SSPOs in each division may suo moto review of grading in the ACRs would be undertaken to facilitate grant of MACP to all except those who were punished under disciplinary proceedings. Orders for mitigating the grievances of the staff side in this regard will be issued by the Directorate. The Leader Staff Side also brought to the notice of the Chairman that in the Southern Region of Tamilnadu Circle wholesale closure of single handed post offices are ordered by the PMG,, even though Secretary Posts has already assured in the meeting of 12th July, 2010 that only relocation of offices would be resorted to and there will not be any closure. The Chairman assured positive intervention.
The Secretary Staff Side also thanked the Chairman for recommencement of JCM meetings and expressed his hope that this will continue and the periodicity of the JCM meetings would be maintained. He pointed out that the spirit of JCM is to maintain mutual consultations and therefore desired that the holding of regular meetings of JCM Departmental Council would be ensured.
Director SR, who is the Secretary of the JCM Departmental Council steered the discussions by taking up items one by one.
The following items were discussed and the decisions and trends on those items are as follows:
1. Cadre Restructuring for all Non-Gazetted Group B&C Cadres:
A Joint Committee is already constituted on this issue to finalise within three months i.e., before November, 2010.
2. Creation of System Administrators Cadre &
3. Computation of proper norms for work allotment to existing System Administrators and grant of certain essential amenities.
This is already referred to the above Cadre Restructuring Committee. Chariman assured that this Committee will also discuss all the 15 issues pertaining to System Administrators raised by the Staff Side.
4. Grant of officiating pay with all consequential benefits for staff officiated in HSG-I vacancies.
Necessary orders extending the benefit to such officials will be issued shortly.
5. Filling up of residual vacancies.
All the Circle Heads have already been directed to take action to fill up residual vacancies immediately.
6. Imparting training to non-matriculate Group D promoted to Postman / Mailguard or PA/SA cadres after 1.1.2006.
The issue was referred to MOF on 20.05.2010. The MOF has clarified only for the Group D who either died or retired from service in between 1.1.2006 and 29.08.2008. The MOF also clarified that the handicapped officials would be imparted with a separate training course. The issue of Group D promoted to Postmen or PA is again being referred to MOF. The Staff Side pointed out that even proper fixation of Grade Pay has not been done to TBOP and BCR Group D officials. The Chairman directed for issue of proper clarificatory orders immediately.
7. Irregular mention of PB slab for certain categories of staff in the MACP orders issued by the DoP.
Further corrigendum on this issue is expected shortly from DOPT.
8. Restoration and improvement of in-cadre promotion to Postmen/Mailguard and Multi skilled Employees Cadre.
As this is part of cadre restructuring this will be discussed by the Cadre Restructuring Committee.
9. Enhancement of Double duty and Holiday duty allowance for Postmen.
A separate committee to discuss the issues of Postmen to be formed as per the decision of 12th July meeting will go into this issue also.
10. Replacement of night halt allowance to Mail Overseers with TA/DA.
This issue will be considered based on the submissions of staff side.
11. Extraction of Data entry work from Postmen and Multi Skilled Employees.
So far as the Multi Skilled Employees are concerned the DOPT orders would be followed and the data entry work will be removed. Official Side pointed out that since the higher scales were granted to Postmen, data entry work related to delivery work may be entrusted to Postmen.
12. Increasing the number of chances to appear for LGO examination and revision of LGO exam syllabus.
The Official side stated that syllabus revision with objective type is under way. Increasing the number of chances by two more attempts will be considered only for those employees who have already exhausted all six chances. However, this concession will not be extended to other officials who have not yet exhausted all chances.
13. Irregular computation of working hours for Postmen in field units.
Work norms for speed post have already been finalized on 5.2.2010 and orders issued.
14. Revival of Cash handling allowance for Postmen.
The Official side did not agree to this on the grounds that the Postmen are granted with higher pay by the 6thCPC. However, on insistence by the Staff Side, the Official Side agreed to discuss in the Committee for Postmen issues.
15. Removal of minimum cyclable distance for grant of cycle maintenance allowance to Postmen/MSE.
The discrimination between the GDS and the Postmen/MSE was pointed out by the Staff Side. The Official Side agreed to consider this issue.
16. Eligibility to appear LGO Examination.
Agreed to reduce from three to two years while finalizing the amended recruitment rules of PA/SA.
17. Counting of Special Allowance for pay fixation case of PO&RMS Accountants.
The Staff Side pointed out that this issue had already been sorted out in other organisations like Railways. The Official Side agreed to verify with Railways and once again refer this issue to Nodal Ministry.
18. Request for discontinuance of the practice of obtaining fidelity / security bond from the employees handling cash.
The issue is under examination.
19. Non-drawal of HRA to the officiating SPMs working at offices having attached quarters.
For arrangement up to 90 days instructions were issued on 30.07.2010. Above 90 days Heads of Circle will be addressed once again reminding them of their powers to suspend the quarters enabling the officials to draw their due HRA for the officiating period.
20. Protection of pay of defunct scale of PO&RMS Accountants who opted for general line under Directorate letter No.2-22/88-PE.I dated 01.12.92.
The decision taken in respect of Natha Singh [Punjab Circle] will be extended to all such officials. Copy of Directorate order in this regard has been supplied.
21. Enhancement of SB incentive to PAs working in Savings Bank Branches.
The proposal for enhancement of SB Allowance was sent to MOF on 2.3.2010. The MOF sought some querries on 26.03.2010. Information is pending from Circles like Jharkhand, M.P, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan even after issue of four reminders. The reply will be sent at the earliest. Further the Official Side agreed to continue the SB Allowance in case of officials posted for successive tenures without insisting for another test.
22. Payment of honorarium / incentive for drawal of arrears on implementation of 6th CPC and GDS Committee.
Honorarium for 6th CPC was already issued. For drawal of GDS arrears, orders have been issued yesterday. The Staff Side insisted honorarium for pension related work. The Official Side agreed to finalize this shortly.
23. Stepping up of pay of senior official on par with juniors in case of anomaly arising out of fixation of pay on placement to TBOP / BCR scales clarifications.
The official side is not agreeable on the grounds that stepping up of pay does not apply in case of financial up gradations. However our demand for keeping the date of effect prospectively from the date of issue of orders only will be considered.
24.Revision of Cash Allowance to SPMs handling cash in the absence of Treasurers.
This was agreed to.
25. Anomaly in fixation of pay in respect of the officials promoted on 01.01.96 under BCR scheme.
The Chairman assured to reconsider their earlier decision based on the discussion made by the staff side.
26. Review of Short Duty Scheme introduced w.e.f. 14.08.2008.
Extending the hours of engagement of SDPAs is under examination.
27. Request to drop the confirmation examination.
This will be carried out at the time of finalization of Recruitment Rules which is under process.
28. Enhancing the limit of cash to be remitted through leather cash bag [LCB] and Special Messenger.
This will be revised.
29. Arbitrary and forcible allotment of staff quarters.
Orders have already been issued not to force any official to occupy staff quarters in lieu of rent free accommodation attached with the PO. The case of Rajasthan will be addressed by the Directorate suitably.
30.Non-posting of women employees where basic amenities are not available.
Detailed instructions were given earlier on 29.04.1998. The staff side pointed out some cases in Tamilnadu Circle on which the Chairman directed to cause suitable instructions to not to post women employees in such offices.
31. Upward revision of conveyance allowance to PRI[P].
Agreed to grant TA/DA apart from Conveyance Allowance in case the PRI[P]s are deputed beyond 16 KMs for any purpose.
32.Non-supply of statement of balance to the officials brought under the New Pension Scheme 2004.
It was agreed to by the official side to issue such information to concerned officials about the quantum of recoveries made from officials and remitted to CRA [Central Regulatory Authority].
33. Conveyance of cash with Police escort – Problems thereon.
All Circles Head are empowered to engage armed guard or Ex-Servicemen based on requirements. Instructions will be reiterated. Providing for insurance to cash remittances other than through the LCB will be considered.
34. Discontinuance of Medical facilities availed from Ispat General Hospital [IGH]Rourkela in Orissa Circle.
Chief PMG Orissa will be addressed to issue identity card to all Postal Employees for taking outdoor treatment without any prepayment.
35. Fixing work norms to RPLI Work at BOs/SOs – Request immediate orders.
The Official Side contended that providing work norms would result in cessation of incentive granted to GDS. The Staff Side pointed out that incentive is being granted while work norms exist in other areas for other staff, why this should be done. The staff side requested to work out work norms as recommended by Nataraja Murti Committee while continuing the grant of incentives. The Official Side agreed to consider this issue.
36.Fixing of uniform rate of incentive for computerized work in POs.
Heads of Circle are in a better position to assess the pending work and fix the incentive.
37. Officiating arrangement in Group B posts earmarked for General Line.
The Official Side did not agree to this proposal.
38. Introduction of new system of bag numbering.
Reports from 18 circles are received. The situation is under review.
39. Non-grant of Special Allowance to unqualified Accountants.
Orders will be reiterated for granting special allowance to unqualified Accountants. The staff side pointed out that since the MACP is only a financial up gradation without any change of status, the grant of special allowance to continue to all such officials. The Official side agreed to this.
40. Incentive Scheme for the Post Offices retailing mutual funds and Bonds along with funds for marketing & publicity and suggested strategies.
Pending incentive bills will be cleared.
41. Ensuring the standard of residential accommodation to the SPMs provided with attached quarters.
Orders will be reiterated.
42. Enhancement of financial powers of HSG-I, HSG-II and LSG Postmasters.
This is under examination.
43. Budgetary allotment for computer advance.
1.56 Crores has been approved under RE. Request for further allotment will be placed. A percentage of allotment will be fixed for Group C cadre.
44. Fixing norms / Time factors to PSDs, CSDs and Creation of establishment.
The Staff Side requested for creation and filling up of posts as per the standards fixed. The Official Side agreed to examine this.
45. More Bonus in respect of PLI Policies taken by the Departmental Employees.
The Official Side was not in favour of the demand. However after discussion, the Chairman agreed to consider the issue.
46. Payment of special allowance for the staff working on MPCMs.
To avoid recovery from a retrospective date, the Official Side agreed to issue suitable instructions.
47. Grant of Tribal Area Allowance to the employees serving in the tribal area of Igdapuri and other places of Nasik District.
The nodal ministries rejected the proposal sent by the DoP.
48. Grant of financial assistance & relaxation of rules in granting special disability leave to victims of terrorists / bomb blast.
Pending cases like Bhubaneshwar have been settled.
49. Grant of Road Mileage Allowance to the staff entrusted with the work of clearance of cheques.
This will be considered.
50. Unilateral decision to close down Foreign Post Offices.
No decision to close down foreign post offices have been taken.
51. Stop harassing staff on contributory factors for simple and flimsy reasons by misusing the provision of 'unbecoming of Government Servant' deviating the ruling contained in Volume III, FHB etc.
Instructions in this regard are being issued. The Staff Side insisted that the pending cases of TPF of Bhimavaram, PPF of Mysore, and other cases for speedy settlement.
52. Recovery of alleged over payment of pay and allowances to Postmen on account of fixation from the officials of accounts branches of HPOs.
The Staff Side pointed out that while the issue is still before the Court, no recovery shall be made from the staff of Accounts Branches. The Chairman agreed to stop recovery till the finalisation of court cses. This will apply to recovery of over payment of Bonus ceiling case for GDS also.
53. Enhancement of honorarium to RD premature cases.
Since the earlier order was made only in 1996 [and not 2006 as mentioned in the official side note] as pointed out by the Staff Side, the Official Side agreed to review the same.
54. Counting of Special Allowance for pay fixation - case of PO&RMS Accountants.
Since the TBOP/BCR is only considered as up gradation and not regular promotion, the Staff side insisted that counting of Special Allowance for fixation should have been continued. The Official Side will consider this aspect.
55. Drawal of Pay to senior BCR officials in HSG-I post as the pay scales of HSG-II and BCR is one and the same and settlement of earlier officiating cases of Tamilnadu, West Bengal and other circles as one time measure.
Officiating pay will be considered.
56. Tenure posting of officials in single and double handed post offices – request to withdraw the conditions.
Official Side agreed to amend the order to mitigate the grievance of staff.
57. Enhancement of honorarium for engaging the officials in departmental exminations.
The official side stated that honorarium is indeed very nominal and requires to be revised. A decision will be taken.
58. Restriction in posting of SPM due to minor penalties / CR entries.
The official side stated that the entire issue is under review and revised orders will be issued.
59. Allowing to appear in the Departmental Examination like IPOs – case of physically handicapped officials.
Allowing the handicapped officials to appear for Departmental examinations in IPOs [without any quota] will be favourably considered.
60. Fixed conveyance allowance to marketing executives.
A mechanism will be worked out to compensate the actual expenses incurred by the marketing executives on account of TA.
61. Revision of FSC.
It is in the final stage and orders will be issued shortly.
62. Enhancement of Split duty allowance.
Secretary [P] approved a proposal for referring the matter to Department of Expenditure, MOF for doubling the existing rates of split duty allowance.
63. Transfer of all HSG-I posts to General Line.
It will be addressed by amending the recruitment rules which are at present under consideration with DOPT.
64. Denial of ROHSC claim for emergent treatment due to non- circulation of Health Ministry OMs.
Agreed to circulate the two orders pointed out by the staff side.
65. Payment of honorarium to supervisors & staff of divisional offices for processing of PLI and RPLI proposals.
Agreed to grant incentive to PLI/RPLI proposals instead of treating it as honorarium.
66. Providing administrative power to grant leave to staff by HSG-I Postmasters.
This will be examined.
67. Grant of OTA/Excess duty allowance to the SPMs working in Single and Double handed offices.
This will be discussed further.
68. Counting the training period for benefits of promotion under TBOP/ BCR Scheme.
This will be recommended to DOPT.
69.Granting service benefits to erstwhile RTP candidates deputed to APS.
Orders have been issued.
70. Creating HSG-I posts in MMS.
Agreed to examine redeployment of HSG-I in MMS together with redeployment of HSG-II in Delhi RMS.
At this point, the meeting came to an end with the acceptance of the staff side request for fixing another date shortly for the JCM meeting to discuss the remaining items in the agenda. The Chairman agreed to convene the meeting at the earliest say within ten days.
General Secretary has sought periodical meeting with Secretary (Posts) to discuss the following matters:
Agenda for the periodical Meeting Item No. 01: -
Upgradation of Grade Pay of Inspector Posts from Rs 4200/- to Rs 4600/- w.e.f 01.01.2006
It was noted by the VI CPC in para 2.2.19 that “a large number of anomalies were created due to the placement of Inspectors/ equivalent posts in CBDT/ CBEC and Assistants/ Personal Assistants of CSS/ CSSS in the scale of Rs 6500- 200- 10500. The scales of Rs 5500-175-9000 and Rs 6500-200-10500, in any case, had to be merged to resolve these anomalies.”
It was recommended by the VI CPC in para 7.15.13 that “ The posts of Inspectors and equivalent exist in CBDE as well as CBEC. The fifth CPC had recommended the scale of Rs 5500-9000 for these posts. The pay scale of these posts was, however, upgraded to Rs 6500-10500. Demands have been received from other posts existing in the scale of Rs 5500-9000 in these two boards seeking similar dispensation. The Commissioner has recommended merger of the pay scales of Rs 5000-8000, Rs 5500-9000 and Rs 6500-10500 which will automatically meet this demand. Hence, no specific recommendation on demands seeking such upgradation is being made.”
Above recommendations of the Sixth CPC were accepted by the Govt of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide Resolution dated 29th August 2008.
Now again, anomaly has been created by the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) by revising the Grade Pay of Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC w. e. f. 01-01-2006. Hence, Grade Pay of Inspector, Posts should also be revised from Rs 4200 to Rs 4600 w.e.f 01.01.2006.
Item No. 02: -
Holding of DPC for regular promotion in PS Group ‘B’ cade for the year 2010 & 2011
Above matter was taken up by the Association vide letter no. CHQ/ AIA/ 06/ 2010 dated 06.07.2010 which was acknowledged by the Department vide No. 104/ SR/ Union/ 10 dated 08.07.2010.
Postal Directorate has called for ACRs and vigilance clearance reports from all Circles for the year 2010 only and no action has been initiated by the Postal Directorate so far for the year 2011. Hence, it is requested to kindly finalize the DPC for year 2010 at the earliest and initiate action for holding of DPC for the year 2011.
Item No. 03:-
Non- counting of promotion earned through examination in MACP scheme
Memos issued by various Circles have revealed that promotion earned through examination has been counted while granting II/ III ACP to Inspectors/ ASPs. Many ASPs have not been granted III ACP due to entry in service in Postman/ Mail Guard/ PA/ SA cadre or grant of TBOP before promotion in to Inspector, Posts cadre. If, their promotion earned through examination is ignored, they will get III ACP on completion of 10 years continuous service in ASP Grade. Many officers are working continuously as ASP for a period of more than 10 years and have not got any promotion. Hence, the case may be taken up with the Nodal Department.
Upgradation of Grade Pay of Inspector Posts from Rs 4200/- to Rs 4600/- w.e.f 01.01.2006
It was noted by the VI CPC in para 2.2.19 that “a large number of anomalies were created due to the placement of Inspectors/ equivalent posts in CBDT/ CBEC and Assistants/ Personal Assistants of CSS/ CSSS in the scale of Rs 6500- 200- 10500. The scales of Rs 5500-175-9000 and Rs 6500-200-10500, in any case, had to be merged to resolve these anomalies.”
It was recommended by the VI CPC in para 7.15.13 that “ The posts of Inspectors and equivalent exist in CBDE as well as CBEC. The fifth CPC had recommended the scale of Rs 5500-9000 for these posts. The pay scale of these posts was, however, upgraded to Rs 6500-10500. Demands have been received from other posts existing in the scale of Rs 5500-9000 in these two boards seeking similar dispensation. The Commissioner has recommended merger of the pay scales of Rs 5000-8000, Rs 5500-9000 and Rs 6500-10500 which will automatically meet this demand. Hence, no specific recommendation on demands seeking such upgradation is being made.”
Above recommendations of the Sixth CPC were accepted by the Govt of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide Resolution dated 29th August 2008.
Now again, anomaly has been created by the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) by revising the Grade Pay of Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC w. e. f. 01-01-2006. Hence, Grade Pay of Inspector, Posts should also be revised from Rs 4200 to Rs 4600 w.e.f 01.01.2006.
Item No. 02: -
Holding of DPC for regular promotion in PS Group ‘B’ cade for the year 2010 & 2011
Above matter was taken up by the Association vide letter no. CHQ/ AIA/ 06/ 2010 dated 06.07.2010 which was acknowledged by the Department vide No. 104/ SR/ Union/ 10 dated 08.07.2010.
Postal Directorate has called for ACRs and vigilance clearance reports from all Circles for the year 2010 only and no action has been initiated by the Postal Directorate so far for the year 2011. Hence, it is requested to kindly finalize the DPC for year 2010 at the earliest and initiate action for holding of DPC for the year 2011.
Item No. 03:-
Non- counting of promotion earned through examination in MACP scheme
Memos issued by various Circles have revealed that promotion earned through examination has been counted while granting II/ III ACP to Inspectors/ ASPs. Many ASPs have not been granted III ACP due to entry in service in Postman/ Mail Guard/ PA/ SA cadre or grant of TBOP before promotion in to Inspector, Posts cadre. If, their promotion earned through examination is ignored, they will get III ACP on completion of 10 years continuous service in ASP Grade. Many officers are working continuously as ASP for a period of more than 10 years and have not got any promotion. Hence, the case may be taken up with the Nodal Department.
PLI/RPLI premium can be paid anywhere in the Country without transfer of the policy file.
As per the existing provisions, PLI premium can be paid at any Post offices in the Circle from which the Postal Life Insurance policy was procured. RPLI premium can be paid only at the post offices from where the policy was procured. However there was provision to make payment of premium in Post offices in other Circles in the case of PLI and in other post offices in the case of RPLI only after transfer of policy which is a cumbersome process and time consuming. (The file concerned should be transferred to the Circle in case of PLI or Region in the case of RPLI. The insurant will be informed about the transfer and the insurant should show the letter of transfer to the new post office for accepting the premium. Then only, the premium will be accepted).
Now PLI Directorate has permitted all the computerised post offices in the Country to accept PLI or RPLI premium without transfer of policy. It is a welcome issue. There will be remarkable decrease in the paper work and the insurants will be benefited.
However, the counter PAs should collect the premium with proper care to enter correct policy number without mistake as there will be no online validation of the policy number. In case, the policy number is entered incorrect, the premium will still be accepted by the system, but will be kept as 'Unposted'.
Now PLI Directorate has permitted all the computerised post offices in the Country to accept PLI or RPLI premium without transfer of policy. It is a welcome issue. There will be remarkable decrease in the paper work and the insurants will be benefited.
However, the counter PAs should collect the premium with proper care to enter correct policy number without mistake as there will be no online validation of the policy number. In case, the policy number is entered incorrect, the premium will still be accepted by the system, but will be kept as 'Unposted'.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Distance & e-Learning for Central Govt. Employees
Department of Personnel and Training and Indira Gandhi National Open University have come together and signed a MoU for offering Distance & E- Learning Programmes to Central Government employees.
The Central Government employees can now enrol for a wide spectrum of Distance & E-Learning Programmes offered by IGNOU and get their fees reimbursed on successfully completing the programmes.
The Central Government employees can now enrol for a wide spectrum of Distance & E-Learning Programmes offered by IGNOU and get their fees reimbursed on successfully completing the programmes.
Postal dept introduces special Rakhi envelopes
LUDHIANA: To ensure timely delivery of Rakhis, the postal department is making a special arrangements, including Rakhi envelopes to separate letter boxes, in order to tackle the rush.
Made of durable and water-proof material, Rakhi envelopes, available in size 11 cm x 22 cm, are available at five post offices in the city. But they are light enough to keep the mail within the basic weight limit as far as possible.
Available in attractive designs pre-gummed with a peel-off strip mechanism for easy sealing, these envelopes are available at a price of Rs 10 each and customer has to use extra stamps along with this envelope as per weight.
Sources said to ensure the speedy delivery, the circle had made special arrangements for collection of the envelopes through postmen, through special letterboxes at important post offices. While special arrangement for sorting and transmission had been also made by engaging extra staff. These post offices had been placed at Miller Ganj post office, head post office, Focal Point post office and Central post office.
Senior superintendent JR Nur said that the envelopes were being introduced with the motive to identify the Rakhi envelopes with the normal mails so that Rakhis could be delivered safely and on time.
Made of durable and water-proof material, Rakhi envelopes, available in size 11 cm x 22 cm, are available at five post offices in the city. But they are light enough to keep the mail within the basic weight limit as far as possible.
Available in attractive designs pre-gummed with a peel-off strip mechanism for easy sealing, these envelopes are available at a price of Rs 10 each and customer has to use extra stamps along with this envelope as per weight.
Sources said to ensure the speedy delivery, the circle had made special arrangements for collection of the envelopes through postmen, through special letterboxes at important post offices. While special arrangement for sorting and transmission had been also made by engaging extra staff. These post offices had been placed at Miller Ganj post office, head post office, Focal Point post office and Central post office.
Senior superintendent JR Nur said that the envelopes were being introduced with the motive to identify the Rakhi envelopes with the normal mails so that Rakhis could be delivered safely and on time.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Postings and Transfers
Shri A Koragappa Naik, ASP, Mail Business Center, Manipal has been posted to the post of Supdt. of Post Offices, Udupi on ad-hoc basis. Shri A Koragappa Naik has assumed the charge on 13-08-2010.
Shri G Y Kurugude, SPOs, Udupi is now posted as SPOs, Hassan.
Shri L Manjunath, SPOs, Hassan is now posted as Supdt, PSD, Arsikere.
Association wishes them good luck.
Shri G Y Kurugude, SPOs, Udupi is now posted as SPOs, Hassan.
Shri L Manjunath, SPOs, Hassan is now posted as Supdt, PSD, Arsikere.
Association wishes them good luck.
Supplementary list of PS Group B Promotion for the vacancy year 2009.
Postal Directorate has issued orders promoting 21 IP line officers to PS Group B grade. Copy of the order is furnished below:
Copy of DG Posts Order No. 9-81/2009-SPG dated 13.08.2010.
Subject : Promotion and posting in Postal Service Group ‘B’ grade for the vacancy year 2009.
The Director General (Posts) is pleased to appoint the following Inspector’s line officials on regular basis in Postal Service Group ‘B’ grade in the scale of PB-2, Rs 9300-34800/- with Grade Pay 4800/- with effect from the date of assumption of charge and until further orders.
2. The officers on promotion to Postal Service Group ‘B’ grade are allotted to the Circles mentioned against each:
Sl. No. Name of the officer
S/Shri Whether SC/ST Circle Circle allotted
Copy of DG Posts Order No. 9-81/2009-SPG dated 13.08.2010.
Subject : Promotion and posting in Postal Service Group ‘B’ grade for the vacancy year 2009.
The Director General (Posts) is pleased to appoint the following Inspector’s line officials on regular basis in Postal Service Group ‘B’ grade in the scale of PB-2, Rs 9300-34800/- with Grade Pay 4800/- with effect from the date of assumption of charge and until further orders.
2. The officers on promotion to Postal Service Group ‘B’ grade are allotted to the Circles mentioned against each:
Sl. No. Name of the officer
S/Shri Whether SC/ST Circle Circle allotted
The IT Project Phase-II is expected to be completed by September 2012
[ The Government proposes to modernize and upgrade all the post offices across the country. In the Eleventh Five Year Plan, the Department of Telecommunications has an approved project for Computerization & Networking of post offices (upto double handed level). Under this project 12604 post offices have been computerized and the process for computerization of the rest of the double handed post offices and networking them is under progress.
The Department has proposed its IT Project Phase-II with an overall outlay of Rs.1877.2 crores to be incurred in the FY 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 (upto September 2012). The project envisages building up of a comprehensive IT solution for all the operations in a Post Office, Postal, Banking, Insurance, Retail operations and the required infrastructure for the computerization and networking of all the post offices in the country.
The Department has also launched Project Arrow in identified post offices for upgrading the “core operational areas and “look and feel” of Post Offices for modernisation of Post Offices in the country. So far 1,000 Post Offices from 22 Postal Circles have been upgraded and modernised under the scheme. Another 510 post offices across the country are being covered in 2010-11.
330.47 crores has been utilized for computerization of 12604 post offices and funds to the extent of Rs. 146 crores has been utilised for covering post offices under Project Arrow. During 2010-11 Rs. 84 crores has been earmarked for Project Arrow, in mostly rural and semi-urban areas. Total outlay proposed for Department’s IT project Phase-II is Rs. 1877.2 Crores. Rural ICT solution is proposed for electronically linking of all rural post offices under the project proposal. The solution would provide for supply of appropriate rural ICT devices, rural connectivity & applications to rural population for services including postal, saving bank, postal life insurance and other related operations including MGNREGA wage distribution.
The IT Project Phase-II is expected to be completed by September 2012. Subject to availability of Plan Funds, departmental post offices will be covered under Project Arrow in a phased manner.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Communications & Information Technology, Shri Sachin Pilot in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.
The Department has proposed its IT Project Phase-II with an overall outlay of Rs.1877.2 crores to be incurred in the FY 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 (upto September 2012). The project envisages building up of a comprehensive IT solution for all the operations in a Post Office, Postal, Banking, Insurance, Retail operations and the required infrastructure for the computerization and networking of all the post offices in the country.
The Department has also launched Project Arrow in identified post offices for upgrading the “core operational areas and “look and feel” of Post Offices for modernisation of Post Offices in the country. So far 1,000 Post Offices from 22 Postal Circles have been upgraded and modernised under the scheme. Another 510 post offices across the country are being covered in 2010-11.
330.47 crores has been utilized for computerization of 12604 post offices and funds to the extent of Rs. 146 crores has been utilised for covering post offices under Project Arrow. During 2010-11 Rs. 84 crores has been earmarked for Project Arrow, in mostly rural and semi-urban areas. Total outlay proposed for Department’s IT project Phase-II is Rs. 1877.2 Crores. Rural ICT solution is proposed for electronically linking of all rural post offices under the project proposal. The solution would provide for supply of appropriate rural ICT devices, rural connectivity & applications to rural population for services including postal, saving bank, postal life insurance and other related operations including MGNREGA wage distribution.
The IT Project Phase-II is expected to be completed by September 2012. Subject to availability of Plan Funds, departmental post offices will be covered under Project Arrow in a phased manner.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Communications & Information Technology, Shri Sachin Pilot in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.
Reservation in promotion - Treatment of SC ST candidates
For latest news on Reservation in promotion - Treatment of SCIST candidates
promoted on their own merit. please follow the link
promoted on their own merit. please follow the link
Filing of CAT case in Bangalore
On behalf of the Circle Association, Sri Jayanth Kumar, Sri Gopal Naik and Sri Joseph Rodrigues(IPs)met the Advocate Sri Phadke on 20-07-2010 Tuesday in Bangalore to discuss about filing of CAT case in Bangalore. We have placed before the learned advocate the following issues.
1. The previous Hon CAT Bangalore verdict.
2. The 6th CPC recommendations about upgradation of IPs on par with other Inspectors in CBDT and Income Taxes
3. The upgradation of grade pay of Inspectors in CBDT and Income Taxes
4. The Proposal of the Association regarding agreeing for merger of IP and ASP cadre
5. The details of the CAT case filed in Ernakulam bench Kerala regarding grade pay upgradation
6. The loss of fixation benefits to IPs as on 01-01-2006
The advocate opined that this is a fit case for getting the justice as similar cases in other depts. were set right by those depts after approaching CAT. Advocate informed us that Grade I and Grade II officers in Military Engineering Service (MES dept under Defense) filed a case through him and their grade pay was upgraded by merging the above two cadres. He is hopeful of getting justice under fixation of pay in our case also.
Regarding the subjudice and prejudice for proposed merger issue of the department in view of CAT case filed by IP of Kerala circle-
The advocate opined that court will never bar any welfare measure being taken up by the dept unless court issues directives from restraining to take such specific action. These may be one of the reasons of our dept officers to prolong and evade benefits to our cadre. The GS will be addressed to handle this issue at Directorate and convince the officers.
The CAT case filed in Ernakulam bench is regarding the grade pay issue on par with inspectors of other department who recruited together (direct IPs) and if judgment comes in our favour all will get grade pay w.e.f 01-01-2006. But what about fixation of pay as on 1-1-06?.
The recommendation of upgradation of pay of IPs is reproduced below…
Inspector (Posts) 7.6.14
Postal Inspectors in Department of Posts have demanded a
higher pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 on par with Inspectors and
analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of Central
Secretariat Service (CSS) on the ground that they are recruited
through the same examination. The Commission is recommending
the merger of pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-
10500 which will automatically bring Inspector (Posts) on par with
Assistants in CSS/Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and
CBEC. With this upgradation, Inspector (Posts) shall come to lie in an identical pay scale as that of their promotion post of Assistant Superintendent (Posts) [ASPOs]. ASPOs shall, accordingly, beplaced in the next higher pay scale of Rs.7450-11500 corresponding band PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4600.
As per the above recommendation, the pay scales of IPs should be upgraded to Rs.6500/- as on 01-01-2006 for those who have not already crossed basic pay of Rs.6500/- and pay should be fixed assuming that he is drawing pay of Rs.6500/-.
The above fact was brought before the advocate and he suggested to file a CAT case and he assured to deliver the justice.
Regarding the fee, the advocate informed that it depends on the number people benefiting from the issue and quantum of benefit.
The advocate is expecting minimum of lakh for filing the case.
We may get financial assistance from our association up to Rs.20,000/_(to be discussed) and remaining amount may have to contributed and collected from junior IPs who are getting benefits from this. Each may have to contribute Rs.3000/- to file the case .
As amount to be collected is huge it is proposed to have a discussion with like minded IPs and come to a conclusion.
All are requested to give their valuable opinion on the above issues for taking further course of action. Send your opinion to
Inputs from
Joseph Rodrigues
Jayanth Kumar
Gopal Naik
1. The previous Hon CAT Bangalore verdict.
2. The 6th CPC recommendations about upgradation of IPs on par with other Inspectors in CBDT and Income Taxes
3. The upgradation of grade pay of Inspectors in CBDT and Income Taxes
4. The Proposal of the Association regarding agreeing for merger of IP and ASP cadre
5. The details of the CAT case filed in Ernakulam bench Kerala regarding grade pay upgradation
6. The loss of fixation benefits to IPs as on 01-01-2006
The advocate opined that this is a fit case for getting the justice as similar cases in other depts. were set right by those depts after approaching CAT. Advocate informed us that Grade I and Grade II officers in Military Engineering Service (MES dept under Defense) filed a case through him and their grade pay was upgraded by merging the above two cadres. He is hopeful of getting justice under fixation of pay in our case also.
Regarding the subjudice and prejudice for proposed merger issue of the department in view of CAT case filed by IP of Kerala circle-
The advocate opined that court will never bar any welfare measure being taken up by the dept unless court issues directives from restraining to take such specific action. These may be one of the reasons of our dept officers to prolong and evade benefits to our cadre. The GS will be addressed to handle this issue at Directorate and convince the officers.
The CAT case filed in Ernakulam bench is regarding the grade pay issue on par with inspectors of other department who recruited together (direct IPs) and if judgment comes in our favour all will get grade pay w.e.f 01-01-2006. But what about fixation of pay as on 1-1-06?.
The recommendation of upgradation of pay of IPs is reproduced below…
Inspector (Posts) 7.6.14
Postal Inspectors in Department of Posts have demanded a
higher pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 on par with Inspectors and
analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of Central
Secretariat Service (CSS) on the ground that they are recruited
through the same examination. The Commission is recommending
the merger of pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-
10500 which will automatically bring Inspector (Posts) on par with
Assistants in CSS/Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and
CBEC. With this upgradation, Inspector (Posts) shall come to lie in an identical pay scale as that of their promotion post of Assistant Superintendent (Posts) [ASPOs]. ASPOs shall, accordingly, beplaced in the next higher pay scale of Rs.7450-11500 corresponding band PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4600.
As per the above recommendation, the pay scales of IPs should be upgraded to Rs.6500/- as on 01-01-2006 for those who have not already crossed basic pay of Rs.6500/- and pay should be fixed assuming that he is drawing pay of Rs.6500/-.
The above fact was brought before the advocate and he suggested to file a CAT case and he assured to deliver the justice.
Regarding the fee, the advocate informed that it depends on the number people benefiting from the issue and quantum of benefit.
The advocate is expecting minimum of lakh for filing the case.
We may get financial assistance from our association up to Rs.20,000/_(to be discussed) and remaining amount may have to contributed and collected from junior IPs who are getting benefits from this. Each may have to contribute Rs.3000/- to file the case .
As amount to be collected is huge it is proposed to have a discussion with like minded IPs and come to a conclusion.
All are requested to give their valuable opinion on the above issues for taking further course of action. Send your opinion to
Inputs from
Joseph Rodrigues
Jayanth Kumar
Gopal Naik
Bimonthly meeting with service Unions - N K Region on 30.08.2010.
Circle Secretary
All India Association of Inspectors Posts
&Assistant Superintendents of Posts
Karnataka Circle &
Asst Supdt of Pos (HQ)
@ o/o SSPOs Mangalore Division
Mangalore 575 002
The Postmaster General
North Karnataka Region
Dharwad 580 001
Respected Sir,
Sub: --Bimonthly meeting with service Unions –reg
Ref: RO letter No NKR/WLF-1/Union?dlgs/2010 dated 06.08.2010
The following agenda for the bimonthly meeting notified for the meeting scheduled to be held on 30.08.2010.
1. Lap-top provided to the sub divisional heads with pre-loaded MS office 2010 trial version instead of MS Office 2007 Standard Edition as required under Directorate purchase order. The Anti-virus CD also not supplied with the Laptop as a 3 year validity Antivirus is to be supplied as per the purchase order.
a. The MS office 2010trial version now stopped working. Hence necessary action may please be taken.
b. The antivirus licensed CD also required as it is required in case the Laptops require formatting due to virus attack
2. Providing mobile hand set to all sub divisional heads.
3. Non-consideration of request of choice of place in respect of adhoc ASPOs
4. Granting of Road mileage to the extent of 300 K.M Per month to all sub divisional heads.
5. Recovery of HRA for non-occupation of earmarked quarters by the IP Kushtagi (Gadag division).
6. Release of pending TA bills and RPLI incentive bills of IP/ASPOs
7. CBS work is being attached to the IP/ASPOs of the concerned sub division to monitor reconciliation work in r/o SB/RD accounts due to this, the inspection works and other office works like primary duty of IPs/ASPOs or day to day work is pending.
The following officers will attend the meeting and the arrangements may be made to relieve the officers to attend the meeting.
1. Sri Dinesh Khare SPOs Mandya Division and President of IPASP Association
2. Sri Naveen Chandar ASP (HQ) Mangalore Division and Circle Secretary of IPASP Association
3. Sri Manjunath Hubballi IP Ranebennur Sub Division Haveri Division
4. Sri G D Bhat ASP BD RO NK Region
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
(Naveen Chandar)
Circle Secretary
All India Association of Inspectors Posts
&Assistant Superintendents of Posts
Karnataka Circle &
Asst Supdt of Pos (HQ)
@ o/o SSPOs Mangalore Division
Mangalore 575 002
The Postmaster General
North Karnataka Region
Dharwad 580 001
Respected Sir,
Sub: --Bimonthly meeting with service Unions –reg
Ref: RO letter No NKR/WLF-1/Union?dlgs/2010 dated 06.08.2010
The following agenda for the bimonthly meeting notified for the meeting scheduled to be held on 30.08.2010.
1. Lap-top provided to the sub divisional heads with pre-loaded MS office 2010 trial version instead of MS Office 2007 Standard Edition as required under Directorate purchase order. The Anti-virus CD also not supplied with the Laptop as a 3 year validity Antivirus is to be supplied as per the purchase order.
a. The MS office 2010trial version now stopped working. Hence necessary action may please be taken.
b. The antivirus licensed CD also required as it is required in case the Laptops require formatting due to virus attack
2. Providing mobile hand set to all sub divisional heads.
3. Non-consideration of request of choice of place in respect of adhoc ASPOs
4. Granting of Road mileage to the extent of 300 K.M Per month to all sub divisional heads.
5. Recovery of HRA for non-occupation of earmarked quarters by the IP Kushtagi (Gadag division).
6. Release of pending TA bills and RPLI incentive bills of IP/ASPOs
7. CBS work is being attached to the IP/ASPOs of the concerned sub division to monitor reconciliation work in r/o SB/RD accounts due to this, the inspection works and other office works like primary duty of IPs/ASPOs or day to day work is pending.
The following officers will attend the meeting and the arrangements may be made to relieve the officers to attend the meeting.
1. Sri Dinesh Khare SPOs Mandya Division and President of IPASP Association
2. Sri Naveen Chandar ASP (HQ) Mangalore Division and Circle Secretary of IPASP Association
3. Sri Manjunath Hubballi IP Ranebennur Sub Division Haveri Division
4. Sri G D Bhat ASP BD RO NK Region
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
(Naveen Chandar)
Workshop conducted at Belgaum regarding workshop on training the trainers
Workshop conducted at Belgaum regarding workshop on training the trainers.
Contributed by Manjunatha Hubballi
Exemplary Investigation work
We are Happy to inform that the following Officers of our cadre have been awarded with a cash prize of Rs 5000 for their exemplary Investigation work and recovery of amount to the tune of more than Rs 40 lakh in Kadugodi fraud case under Bangalore East Division
1. Sri Laxmi Prasad ASP Vigilance SK Region Bangalore
2. Sri Laxmi Keshava ASP Vigilance CO Bangalore
3. Sri R Krishnan ASP Bangalore City RMS
Association wholeheartedly congratulate the officers on this occasion
Circle Secretary and President
1. Sri Laxmi Prasad ASP Vigilance SK Region Bangalore
2. Sri Laxmi Keshava ASP Vigilance CO Bangalore
3. Sri R Krishnan ASP Bangalore City RMS
Association wholeheartedly congratulate the officers on this occasion
Circle Secretary and President
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
PLI/RPLI premium can be deposited in any post office in India.
Copy of PLI Directorate no 27-02/2010-LI dated 3.8.2010
The facility has now been provided to the PLI/RPLI customers to pay the premium anywhere in the country. They can now approach any Head Post Office or Sub Post Office to pay the premium. In the computerized Head Post Office/Sub Post Offices, if the particular policy number does not exist in the record of the HO, the system shall ask if the new policy number is to be added to the list. On choosing the option of ‘Yes’ the premium is accepted. Such policy numbers when added shall become part of the data of that post office and shall be circulated in the schedule of the month in which premium is deposited. The schedule shall be uploaded in the prescribed manner as is being done now. On uploading the schedule, the premium of such policies shall get posted in the respective KLC.
The facility to customers to pay premium anywhere shall do away the need for transfer of case file of policies from one Circle to another for the purpose of paying the premium. The case files may be transferred in accordance with existing instructions. This shall help in reducing the lapsation of policies.
The facility has now been provided to the PLI/RPLI customers to pay the premium anywhere in the country. They can now approach any Head Post Office or Sub Post Office to pay the premium. In the computerized Head Post Office/Sub Post Offices, if the particular policy number does not exist in the record of the HO, the system shall ask if the new policy number is to be added to the list. On choosing the option of ‘Yes’ the premium is accepted. Such policy numbers when added shall become part of the data of that post office and shall be circulated in the schedule of the month in which premium is deposited. The schedule shall be uploaded in the prescribed manner as is being done now. On uploading the schedule, the premium of such policies shall get posted in the respective KLC.
The facility to customers to pay premium anywhere shall do away the need for transfer of case file of policies from one Circle to another for the purpose of paying the premium. The case files may be transferred in accordance with existing instructions. This shall help in reducing the lapsation of policies.
DA from July 10
Expected DA from July 2010 may be 44 %.
Increase 9 %.
Source : Swamysnews Aug 10 issue.
Increase 9 %.
Source : Swamysnews Aug 10 issue.
Broad Band Connection to Sub Divisions news from
Broad Band Connection to Sub Divisions
On 09.08.2010 Directorate has allotted fund @Rs.2500/- for each Sub-Division for provision of broadband connection. Instruction has been issued by Directorate to utlise the amount by 31.08.2010. 1914 Sub-Divisions across the country will be covered under the provision. We can demand for mobile internet.
On 09.08.2010 Directorate has allotted fund @Rs.2500/- for each Sub-Division for provision of broadband connection. Instruction has been issued by Directorate to utlise the amount by 31.08.2010. 1914 Sub-Divisions across the country will be covered under the provision. We can demand for mobile internet.
GovernmentIndia Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(SR Section)
Dak Bhawan Parliament Street
New Delhi – 110001
No. 1/4/2010-SR Dated – 6th August, 2010
Subject: - Secretary (P)’s meeting with Postal Joint Council of Action on 12.07.2010 – Item No. 6 – Cadre Restructuring of Group ‘C’ employees, other than Accounts Cadres – Constitution of a Committee
This has reference to minutes of Secretary (P)’s meeting dated 12.07.2010 circulated vide No. 08/02/2010-SR dated 14.07.2010 on the above-mentioned subject.
2. As per decision taken in regard to item No 6,dealing with cadre restructuring of Group C employees,other than Accounts cadres, a committee comprising the following is constituted to examine the issue.
DDG (Estt)- Charman
Official Side
Director (SPN)
Staff Side
Shri. K. V. Sridharan, GS, AIPEUG – ‘C’
Shri. Giri Raj Singh, GS, AIRMS & MMS EU Group ‘C’
Shri. D. Kishan Rao, GS, NAPE Gr. ‘C’
Shri. D. Theagarajan, General Secretary of National Union of RMS & MMS Group ‘C’ will attend the meetings of the Committee as an observer.
3. The Committee will submit its report within 3 months of its formation.
(Subhash Chander)
Director (SR & Legal)
GovernmentIndia Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(SR Section)
Dak Bhawan Parliament Street
New Delhi – 110001
No. 1/4/2010-SR Dated – 6th August, 2010
Subject: - Secretary (P)’s meeting with Postal Joint Council of Action on 12.07.2010 – Item No. 6 – Cadre Restructuring of Group ‘C’ employees, other than Accounts Cadres – Constitution of a Committee
This has reference to minutes of Secretary (P)’s meeting dated 12.07.2010 circulated vide No. 08/02/2010-SR dated 14.07.2010 on the above-mentioned subject.
2. As per decision taken in regard to item No 6,dealing with cadre restructuring of Group C employees,other than Accounts cadres, a committee comprising the following is constituted to examine the issue.
DDG (Estt)- Charman
Official Side
Director (SPN)
Staff Side
Shri. K. V. Sridharan, GS, AIPEUG – ‘C’
Shri. Giri Raj Singh, GS, AIRMS & MMS EU Group ‘C’
Shri. D. Kishan Rao, GS, NAPE Gr. ‘C’
Shri. D. Theagarajan, General Secretary of National Union of RMS & MMS Group ‘C’ will attend the meetings of the Committee as an observer.
3. The Committee will submit its report within 3 months of its formation.
(Subhash Chander)
Director (SR & Legal)
Belated news updated at
Latest Position about Grade Pay to IP
Visited Postal Directorate on 03.08.10 along with Shri.S.Ravi former CHQ Treasurer and met Director General (Posts) , DDG (Est.) and DDG(P) and had discussion on merger of posts of IP & ASP and revision of higher Grade Pay to IP. The file is with Joint Secretary & FA. The file will be put up to Postal Services Board after clearance by JS& FA.
Supplementary DPC for Group B
Supplementary DPC for promotion to PS Group B for the year 2009 has been held on 23.7.2010. Promotion cum allotment orders for around 22 IP/ASP is likely to be issued very soon.
IP/PS Group B examination result
The result of IP exam held on 3 - 5.1.2010 is expected by the end of this month. After announcement of IP result, It will take another few months for release of Group B examination result.
Induction Training for Surplus qualified IPs & Direct IPs
Lists of Surplus IP qualified candidates for the year 2008 and additional qualified candidates for the year 2007 have been released by the Directorate. Induction training for these candidates will be started during the month of October 2010.
Circle News
The Circle Conference of Maharashtra Circle was held at Nagpur on 3 & 4 .7.2010. GS attended the conference. Shri. Mukund Badwe, Offg. AD(Estt & Mail), R.O. Mumbai and Shri. Vilas Ingale ASP(Phil), C.O. Mumbai have been elected as Circle President and Circle Secretary respectively. CHQ congratulate the new Circle Body and extends its full co-operation.
The 39th Circle conference of Tamilnadu circle was held at Thanjavur on 5 & 6.8.2010. GS attended the conference. Shri.M.Balakrishnan, ASP, R.O, Madurai and Shri. S. Rajendra Babu ASP, Salem East Sub Dn. have been unanimously elected as Circle President & Circle Secretary respectively. G.S congratulates the newly elected Circle Body and extends its full co-operation
Contact address of Shri Roop Chand,General Secretary
All India Association of IPs/ASPs
E mail ID :
Office Address: ASP, Speed Post Centre, New Delhi-110001.
CHQ Address: Qtr.No.12, P&T Colony, Khurshid Square, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054.
Visited Postal Directorate on 03.08.10 along with Shri.S.Ravi former CHQ Treasurer and met Director General (Posts) , DDG (Est.) and DDG(P) and had discussion on merger of posts of IP & ASP and revision of higher Grade Pay to IP. The file is with Joint Secretary & FA. The file will be put up to Postal Services Board after clearance by JS& FA.
Supplementary DPC for Group B
Supplementary DPC for promotion to PS Group B for the year 2009 has been held on 23.7.2010. Promotion cum allotment orders for around 22 IP/ASP is likely to be issued very soon.
IP/PS Group B examination result
The result of IP exam held on 3 - 5.1.2010 is expected by the end of this month. After announcement of IP result, It will take another few months for release of Group B examination result.
Induction Training for Surplus qualified IPs & Direct IPs
Lists of Surplus IP qualified candidates for the year 2008 and additional qualified candidates for the year 2007 have been released by the Directorate. Induction training for these candidates will be started during the month of October 2010.
Circle News
The Circle Conference of Maharashtra Circle was held at Nagpur on 3 & 4 .7.2010. GS attended the conference. Shri. Mukund Badwe, Offg. AD(Estt & Mail), R.O. Mumbai and Shri. Vilas Ingale ASP(Phil), C.O. Mumbai have been elected as Circle President and Circle Secretary respectively. CHQ congratulate the new Circle Body and extends its full co-operation.
The 39th Circle conference of Tamilnadu circle was held at Thanjavur on 5 & 6.8.2010. GS attended the conference. Shri.M.Balakrishnan, ASP, R.O, Madurai and Shri. S. Rajendra Babu ASP, Salem East Sub Dn. have been unanimously elected as Circle President & Circle Secretary respectively. G.S congratulates the newly elected Circle Body and extends its full co-operation
Contact address of Shri Roop Chand,General Secretary
All India Association of IPs/ASPs
E mail ID :
Office Address: ASP, Speed Post Centre, New Delhi-110001.
CHQ Address: Qtr.No.12, P&T Colony, Khurshid Square, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054.
Reduction of staff under TBOP/BCR schemes stands withdrawn w.e.f 01.09.2008 consequent upon implementation of MACP
Copy of letter No. 25-5/2010-PE.I dated 19.07.2010 of Department of Posts:-
Sub: - Reduction of staff under TBOP/BCR schemes stands withdrawn w.e.f 01.09.2008 consequent upon implementation of MACP.
The undersigned is directed clarify the position in respect of reduction of staff under TBOP/BCR schemes w.e.f 01.09.2008 during periodical Establishment Reviews consequent upon implementation of MACP and withdrawal of TBOP/BCR Schemes as under:
“Consequent on implementation of time Bound One Promotion (TBOP) Scheme and Biennial Cadre Review (BCR) Scheme, Department of Posts had imposed cuts of 5% in operative staff and 15% in supervisory staff w.e.f 30.11.1983 under TBOP Scheme and later on, additional cuts of 1% in operative staff and 5% in supervisory staff were introduced w.e.f. 01.10.1991 under BCR Scheme. These cuts were introduced as measure of matching savings to offset the financial implications on account of grant of financial upgradations to staff and for obtaining additional productivity. The number of posts reduced under this matching savings/productivity provisions were kept in view at the time of periodical reviews or establishment of augmentation proposals
The said TBOP and BCR Schemes have now been withdrawn w.e.f 01.09.20087 consequent upon implementation of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACP). Consequently, the number of operative/supervisory posts existing as on 01.09.2008 will be taken into consideration for the purpose of periodical reviews or augmentation proposals of Post Offices establishment. Thus, provisions relating to reduction of staff under TBOP/BCR Schemes stand also withdrawn w.e.f 01.09.2008.”
This issues with the approval of Secretary (P)
(Raj Kumar)
Director (Estt. & DE)
Sub: - Reduction of staff under TBOP/BCR schemes stands withdrawn w.e.f 01.09.2008 consequent upon implementation of MACP.
The undersigned is directed clarify the position in respect of reduction of staff under TBOP/BCR schemes w.e.f 01.09.2008 during periodical Establishment Reviews consequent upon implementation of MACP and withdrawal of TBOP/BCR Schemes as under:
“Consequent on implementation of time Bound One Promotion (TBOP) Scheme and Biennial Cadre Review (BCR) Scheme, Department of Posts had imposed cuts of 5% in operative staff and 15% in supervisory staff w.e.f 30.11.1983 under TBOP Scheme and later on, additional cuts of 1% in operative staff and 5% in supervisory staff were introduced w.e.f. 01.10.1991 under BCR Scheme. These cuts were introduced as measure of matching savings to offset the financial implications on account of grant of financial upgradations to staff and for obtaining additional productivity. The number of posts reduced under this matching savings/productivity provisions were kept in view at the time of periodical reviews or establishment of augmentation proposals
The said TBOP and BCR Schemes have now been withdrawn w.e.f 01.09.20087 consequent upon implementation of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACP). Consequently, the number of operative/supervisory posts existing as on 01.09.2008 will be taken into consideration for the purpose of periodical reviews or augmentation proposals of Post Offices establishment. Thus, provisions relating to reduction of staff under TBOP/BCR Schemes stand also withdrawn w.e.f 01.09.2008.”
This issues with the approval of Secretary (P)
(Raj Kumar)
Director (Estt. & DE)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Reply statement has been filed by the CPMG, Kerala Circle (3rd respondent) on behalf of the respondents, on 28.07.2010. A co
The Department as usual has opposed the OA and stated that the IPs are not eligible to get GP of Rs.4600/-.
The reply statement filed is not at all acceptable. The Dept. has made mainly two points :
1. Inspector of Posts were not in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006.
This can not be accepted as pay scale of Inspector post were upgraded in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006. The second point is that, how the Assistants in CSS are given GP of Rs.4600, eventhough they were at pre-revised Pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 as on 01.01.2006 and were upgraded in Rs.6500-10500 only in Sept'2006. More over Assistants in AFHQ were in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 and even though they got GP of Rs.4600 vide MOF OM dated 16.11.2009.
2. There is hiearchical problem because of ASPOs.
In the Reply, it is stated that there is no intermediate post between Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC and their Suerindents(GP Rs.4800) and also between Assistant grade and section officers(GP Rs.4800)
It is to mention that there are many posts, which are promotional and are in the same grade pay in the same pay band, then why the Inspector Posts and ASPOs cannot be at the same grade pay.
In Defence Accounts Dept.
Sr. Accounts officer and ACDA (Asst. controller of Defence Accounts) - GP Rs.5400 in PB-3
Min. of Defence (Civilian):
Asst. foreman and Foreman - GP Rs.4600 in PB-2,
Assistant and Office Superintendent - GP Rs.4200 in PB-2
There may be some other posts also in the same grade pay, which will be checked before filing the rejoinder.
Even after all going through all these facts, if the Department is not agreed for the same grade pay for IPOs and ASPOs, the merger may be done, as the consent letter already given by the Association. But if the merger is done, it should be given effect from 01.01.2006 only and all the benefits already given to Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC should be allowed to Postal Inspectors also.
Your valuable suggestions are required in this case and send to permanand kumar 09349049801
Updated by GS, IRM / ASRM Association
The reply statement filed is not at all acceptable. The Dept. has made mainly two points :
1. Inspector of Posts were not in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006.
This can not be accepted as pay scale of Inspector post were upgraded in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 as on 01.01.2006. The second point is that, how the Assistants in CSS are given GP of Rs.4600, eventhough they were at pre-revised Pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 as on 01.01.2006 and were upgraded in Rs.6500-10500 only in Sept'2006. More over Assistants in AFHQ were in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 and even though they got GP of Rs.4600 vide MOF OM dated 16.11.2009.
2. There is hiearchical problem because of ASPOs.
In the Reply, it is stated that there is no intermediate post between Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC and their Suerindents(GP Rs.4800) and also between Assistant grade and section officers(GP Rs.4800)
It is to mention that there are many posts, which are promotional and are in the same grade pay in the same pay band, then why the Inspector Posts and ASPOs cannot be at the same grade pay.
In Defence Accounts Dept.
Sr. Accounts officer and ACDA (Asst. controller of Defence Accounts) - GP Rs.5400 in PB-3
Min. of Defence (Civilian):
Asst. foreman and Foreman - GP Rs.4600 in PB-2,
Assistant and Office Superintendent - GP Rs.4200 in PB-2
There may be some other posts also in the same grade pay, which will be checked before filing the rejoinder.
Even after all going through all these facts, if the Department is not agreed for the same grade pay for IPOs and ASPOs, the merger may be done, as the consent letter already given by the Association. But if the merger is done, it should be given effect from 01.01.2006 only and all the benefits already given to Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC should be allowed to Postal Inspectors also.
Your valuable suggestions are required in this case and send to permanand kumar 09349049801
Updated by GS, IRM / ASRM Association
Govt may bank on post offices for financial inclusion - Economic Times
NEW DELHI: The neighbourhood post office may soon become a full-fledged bank as the government could facilitate a bank licence for India Post as part of a multi-pronged strategy to achieve greater financial inclusion.
The Reserve Bank of India is expected to soon come out with draft guidelines on licences to new banks.
“India Post is a strong contender for banking license given its spread across the country,” said a finance ministry official.
The postal department already works as a quasi bank, providing a host of savings products, postal life insurance, pension payments and money transfer services through its 1.55 lakh branches, more than any other bank.
It, however, does not provide credit, the most important bit of financial inclusion. A banking licence will help fill that gap enabling the delivery of modern banking facilities in areas lacking access to financial products, credit and savings.
The department is expected to soon seek the required clearances from the Postal Services Board to expedite the process.
The Department of Post has already hired international consultancy firm Accenture to modernise the post offices across the country, which will also help create infrastructure for banking services.
“Once the infrastructure in place, we will able to assess if we need to rope in another player or not and accordingly get clearances from the RBI,” said an official with the Department of Post, adding that a Cabinet approval will also be required before commencing operations.
The idea of the Department of Post evolving into a bank has been around for a while. In 2006, India Post had even decided to appoint consultants to chalk out a regime for the transformation.
“There was a proposal to set up a bank with an initial capital of Rs 1,000 crore. The bank was to be set up as a subsidiary with the postal department holding a 51% stake in it,” said the finance ministry official.
More recently, the idea of a banking licence for India post was discussed in the inter-ministerial committee for financial inclusion, said an official of the Postal Services Board adding that the organisation was keen to provide banking services.
It is already working on core banking solution (CBS) for nearly 4,000 of its branches, which will allow customers to operate their accounts from any of the networked branches. The department has provided for Rs 106 crore towards development of CBS software.
Both the government and RBI have indicated that financial inclusion will be major criteria for giving new banking licences. “The final decision on granting a new licence will be taken by RBI. It will be a consultative decision as India Post is a government arm,” the official said.
A government committee on financial inclusion had also recommended that “India Post, with its ubiquitous reach should actively position itself to offer a low-cost, light-weight bank account to anyone enrolling for a Unique Identity Number.”
As per the committee report, nearly 16 crore people use India Post to save Rs 3,23,781 crore as on March 31, 2007. Out of this, deposits in savings bank account alone is Rs 16,789 crore, which makes a strong case for India Post to deepen the level of financial transactions and offer banking services to the rural population.
The Thirteenth Finance Commission has even proposed a budget of Rs 3,000 crore to be used for delivering an incentive of Rs 100 into the bank account of each BPL resident who enrolls for the UID Project.
Source : Economic Times
The Reserve Bank of India is expected to soon come out with draft guidelines on licences to new banks.
“India Post is a strong contender for banking license given its spread across the country,” said a finance ministry official.
The postal department already works as a quasi bank, providing a host of savings products, postal life insurance, pension payments and money transfer services through its 1.55 lakh branches, more than any other bank.
It, however, does not provide credit, the most important bit of financial inclusion. A banking licence will help fill that gap enabling the delivery of modern banking facilities in areas lacking access to financial products, credit and savings.
The department is expected to soon seek the required clearances from the Postal Services Board to expedite the process.
The Department of Post has already hired international consultancy firm Accenture to modernise the post offices across the country, which will also help create infrastructure for banking services.
“Once the infrastructure in place, we will able to assess if we need to rope in another player or not and accordingly get clearances from the RBI,” said an official with the Department of Post, adding that a Cabinet approval will also be required before commencing operations.
The idea of the Department of Post evolving into a bank has been around for a while. In 2006, India Post had even decided to appoint consultants to chalk out a regime for the transformation.
“There was a proposal to set up a bank with an initial capital of Rs 1,000 crore. The bank was to be set up as a subsidiary with the postal department holding a 51% stake in it,” said the finance ministry official.
More recently, the idea of a banking licence for India post was discussed in the inter-ministerial committee for financial inclusion, said an official of the Postal Services Board adding that the organisation was keen to provide banking services.
It is already working on core banking solution (CBS) for nearly 4,000 of its branches, which will allow customers to operate their accounts from any of the networked branches. The department has provided for Rs 106 crore towards development of CBS software.
Both the government and RBI have indicated that financial inclusion will be major criteria for giving new banking licences. “The final decision on granting a new licence will be taken by RBI. It will be a consultative decision as India Post is a government arm,” the official said.
A government committee on financial inclusion had also recommended that “India Post, with its ubiquitous reach should actively position itself to offer a low-cost, light-weight bank account to anyone enrolling for a Unique Identity Number.”
As per the committee report, nearly 16 crore people use India Post to save Rs 3,23,781 crore as on March 31, 2007. Out of this, deposits in savings bank account alone is Rs 16,789 crore, which makes a strong case for India Post to deepen the level of financial transactions and offer banking services to the rural population.
The Thirteenth Finance Commission has even proposed a budget of Rs 3,000 crore to be used for delivering an incentive of Rs 100 into the bank account of each BPL resident who enrolls for the UID Project.
Source : Economic Times
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