A copy of the clarification issued by Finance Ministry regarding fixation of pay of Assitants / PAs of Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry may please be seen. They were granted 4600 GP by the pay commission on upgradation of their scale.
It is stated in the clarification that, those who are prmoted to the above cadre after 1/1/2006 and if they opt to fix their pay on the date of their promotion, their pay will be fixed with reference to the fitment table of 7450/-.
Subsequently in a clarification sought under RTI by another ministry, it was calrified by finance ministry that, the fixation formula referred in the letter is application to all Ministries.
Are we not eligible for that.... ??? We have to demand for it and get our pay fixed
based on the fitment table of Rs.7450/
This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to : ipaspkarnataka@gmail.com

Saturday, July 31, 2010
Filling up of the posts of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants by direct recruitment for the years 2009 & 2010
Department issued orders vide memo no 60-9/2010 SPB dated 22.07.2010 for filling up the posts of PA/SA for the vacancies arising during 2009 and 2010 and directed all the circles to finalize the entire list on or before 16.12.2010
Last date for
• Issuing advertisement thro news paper 20.08.2010
• Recipt of application 05.10.2010
• Written exam 14.11.2010
• Declaration of Final Result 16.12.2010
Last date for
• Issuing advertisement thro news paper 20.08.2010
• Recipt of application 05.10.2010
• Written exam 14.11.2010
• Declaration of Final Result 16.12.2010
10% Increase in DA - Calculation based on the consumer price index of June2010 (174 Points)
The All India Consumer Price Index number for (Industrial Workers) (Base 2001=100) for the month of June 2010 is 174 as announced by Statistics Department, Labour, Government of India.
Based on this index, there is an increase of 10% in the DA . Present DA rate from 1.1.2010 is 35%. Increase with effect from July 2010 is 10%.
Month All India Index % of increase
Nov 2008 148 21.44
Dec 2008 147 22.38
Jan 2009 148 23.39
Feb 2009 148 24.32
Mar 2009 148 25.12
Apr 2009 150 25.98
May 2009 151 26.84
Jun 2009 153 27.78
Jul 2009 160 29.00
Aug 2009 162 30.23
Sep 2009 163 31.45
Oct 2009 165 32.67
Nov 2009 168 34.11
Dec 2009 169 35.70
Jan 2010 172 37.43
Feb 2010 170 39.01
Mar 2010 170 40.59
Apr 2010 170 42.03
May 2010 172 43.54
Jun 2010 174 45.06
Source : Labour Bureau
Based on this index, there is an increase of 10% in the DA . Present DA rate from 1.1.2010 is 35%. Increase with effect from July 2010 is 10%.
Month All India Index % of increase
Nov 2008 148 21.44
Dec 2008 147 22.38
Jan 2009 148 23.39
Feb 2009 148 24.32
Mar 2009 148 25.12
Apr 2009 150 25.98
May 2009 151 26.84
Jun 2009 153 27.78
Jul 2009 160 29.00
Aug 2009 162 30.23
Sep 2009 163 31.45
Oct 2009 165 32.67
Nov 2009 168 34.11
Dec 2009 169 35.70
Jan 2010 172 37.43
Feb 2010 170 39.01
Mar 2010 170 40.59
Apr 2010 170 42.03
May 2010 172 43.54
Jun 2010 174 45.06
Source : Labour Bureau
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Core banking services at post offices - information given by the Minister of State for Communications &Information Technology
There is a proposal to introduce Core Banking Solution (CBS) in 4,000 post offices for ensuring “anytime, anywhere and any branch banking” in these 4000 post offices. There is a financial outlay of Rs.106 crores for development of CBS software, customer relations management, training,project management unit, centralised back office etc. during the 11th Five Year Plan. The project aims at provision of delivery channels like ATM, internet, phone and mobile banking services besides streamlining the existing operations of savings schemes /savings certificates. Till now, 117 officers have been imparted CBS appreciation training and 60 operative officials have attended workshop on Core Banking.
Government has also taken the following steps to make the post offices a profitable organization:
Modernize mail operations through improved transmission of mails, parcel and logistics between major cities, setting up of automatic mail processing centres for faster processing of mails and rationalization of the existing mail network.
Induction of technology in speed post network and financial services so as to increase the efficiency of operations.
Leveraging the postal network to provide various utility services.
Utilizing technology for improving productivity in post offices.
Imparting need based training to all staff.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Communications &Information Technology, Shri Gurudas Kamat in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
Government has also taken the following steps to make the post offices a profitable organization:
Modernize mail operations through improved transmission of mails, parcel and logistics between major cities, setting up of automatic mail processing centres for faster processing of mails and rationalization of the existing mail network.
Induction of technology in speed post network and financial services so as to increase the efficiency of operations.
Leveraging the postal network to provide various utility services.
Utilizing technology for improving productivity in post offices.
Imparting need based training to all staff.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Communications &Information Technology, Shri Gurudas Kamat in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
Adopt tech for bank a/cs, India Post told
NEW DELHI: An inter-ministerial committee on financial inclusion has recommended structural changes in the operation of postal savings bank (POSB) accounts as it asked the department of posts to create a wider technological platform, a move that will take its low-cost banking services to the rural unbanked population.
To counter heavy infrastructure cost that has often come in way of greater financial reach, the expert committee has asked India Post to enter into arrangements with IT vendors under public-private partnership mode to create a platform wherein it can operate a core banking solution (CBS) platform.
It proposed that the department, with its network of over 1.55 lakh branches, should deliver no-frills accounts and take them to a large section of the population that are not properly covered by banks and financial institutions. Commercial banks that host no-frill accounts on a traditional CBS find it expensive as it involves high fixed costs for software licenses and hardware.
The system for issuing and managing POSB accounts should be modernized by implementing a customised and scalable lightweight technology solution, the committee has suggested, adding that the IT provider may charge a low price per transaction to the department for its services.
"With the transaction costs getting very high for taking financial services to the rural areas, such technological collaboration with institutions which have an embedded infrastructure helps in bringing costs down," said Rana Kapoor, managing director, Yes Bank.
To further the need of greater financial inclusion, the department has been asked to open up its technological interface to micro finance institutions, mutual fund, insurance companies as well as interested telecom operators to reach out to the excluded rural and urban class.
India Post can deploy this infrastructure in elegant ways to become a market leader in micro loans to the poor for emergencies. It will be able to offer much cheaper loans to its customer by harnessing the power of technology and innovative product design.
The Thirteenth Finance Commission has proposed a budget of Rs 3,000 crore to be used for delivering an incentive of Rs 100 into the bank account of each BPL resident who enrols for a UID. "India Post, with its ubiquitous reach should actively position itself to offer a low cost lightweight bank account to anyone enrolling for a UID," the committee said in its report.
To counter heavy infrastructure cost that has often come in way of greater financial reach, the expert committee has asked India Post to enter into arrangements with IT vendors under public-private partnership mode to create a platform wherein it can operate a core banking solution (CBS) platform.
It proposed that the department, with its network of over 1.55 lakh branches, should deliver no-frills accounts and take them to a large section of the population that are not properly covered by banks and financial institutions. Commercial banks that host no-frill accounts on a traditional CBS find it expensive as it involves high fixed costs for software licenses and hardware.
The system for issuing and managing POSB accounts should be modernized by implementing a customised and scalable lightweight technology solution, the committee has suggested, adding that the IT provider may charge a low price per transaction to the department for its services.
"With the transaction costs getting very high for taking financial services to the rural areas, such technological collaboration with institutions which have an embedded infrastructure helps in bringing costs down," said Rana Kapoor, managing director, Yes Bank.
To further the need of greater financial inclusion, the department has been asked to open up its technological interface to micro finance institutions, mutual fund, insurance companies as well as interested telecom operators to reach out to the excluded rural and urban class.
India Post can deploy this infrastructure in elegant ways to become a market leader in micro loans to the poor for emergencies. It will be able to offer much cheaper loans to its customer by harnessing the power of technology and innovative product design.
The Thirteenth Finance Commission has proposed a budget of Rs 3,000 crore to be used for delivering an incentive of Rs 100 into the bank account of each BPL resident who enrols for a UID. "India Post, with its ubiquitous reach should actively position itself to offer a low cost lightweight bank account to anyone enrolling for a UID," the committee said in its report.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A meeting was held to introduce the project on the Mail network optimization to the inions on 15th July 2010.The staff side representatives from NFPE.FNPO and General Secretaries of P3, R3 and R 4 participated in the meeting. The meeting was held under the Chairmanship of the Secretary Department of Posts. The Consultants from the MCkensey were also present.
During the presentation the the need for Network Review as a basis for significant increase in the volumes, revenues, and market share was emphasized.
External& internal Drivers Identified:
The declining mail volumes. Competition from Domestic and International players. Absence of regularization. Change in mail profile Customer demands are the External Drivers. Difficulties of existing network vis-à-vis change mail profile, Low level of IT induction in mail processing Low productivity, Delivery inconsistencies and visibility, Lack of customer focus were identified as internal Drivers
1 The need of a consultant on board:
To give focused attention to mail Operations with a fully dedicated team in project Mode To have external and objective perspective. To learn from best practices in Postal Services world wide .Mc kensey & Co appointed as the project Consultant as a 36 month long project
2. Recent initiatives in Mail operation- Plan Projects for Mail network Optimization
Setting up of Automated Mail processing Systems
Introduction of Freighter aircraft for carriage of mail for NE
Setting up of Mail Business Centers
National Address database management system -Popularization of PIN Codes
RFID in mail processing-GPS tracking in MMS vehicles- Mechanization of Delivery.
3. Deliverables & Time lines contained in the RPF
I Completion of the analysis of current network structure
Products and performance, review of customer requirements 0-3 months
II Finalization of the optimal scenario optimization objectives evaluation and prioritization of design options and definition of the target net work implementation project 0-6 Identification of appropriate technology costing exercise for the preferred technology options assistance in selection of technology service provider migration planning 3-9
Iv Finalization of process specification and blue print definition of key performance indicators and measurement systems, description roles and responsibilities along the mail business managerial set up ,development of training modu;es sequencing of implementation of defined processes, systems and structures 0-12 months
5.Roll out/implementation Pilots 12-18
6 Full Implementatiom 18-36
To get Core right by End-to-end net work optimization: Optimise India Post’s mail network from collection to delivery
Significant quality improvement Standardise and improve processes and reuce netweork complexity
Rigorous performance management: Establish an effective performance management structure using KPIs and regular reviews
To modernize the look and feel
Customers : Improve India post’s performance to make it more trustworthy and reliable for customers
Employees: Improve working conditions to make staff proud of being associated with India Post
Management: Significantly improve the management, s ability to steer a huge organization.
First start with a few products for big cities and thereafter Add more products for the same cities and finally expand to all products across India PLUS Early and broad involvement of circles and staff side-Constant Monitoring by the DIRECTORATE.
Speed post and International mails were first taken for the project and introduced in Six metros viz; Mumbai, Delhi,Kolkata ,Chennai,Bangalore,&Hyderabad.The project has brought significant improvements for the last six months and improvements were practically noticed in the process of speed Post articles in the SPC Bangalore.
Revamping the Speed post operations: The consultancy suggested the network design, right processes, network schedule, cut off times, processing windows for the speed post articles and it will be extended to the first class mail in order to ensure the maximum D+1 quality.
Easier Sorting; ensure minimum multiple handling. Less Work load: reduce no of bags & missorts between different locations Better equipment-Ease of working for staff at SPCs with new equipment. Higher throughput: Ensure higher processing with improved process design. Streamlined workflow-by having optimized inflow of mails in the processing centres.Prioritized processing: Ensure processing prioritorisation based on the time of the day for maximum connectivity; Keep everyone informed: Regular interaction and display of SPC s daily performance, Suggestions and feed back encouraged. Training& Incentives –Incentivise high performers and help all staff with newly developed trainings
Ensure 100% scan for both receipt and delivery. No article can enter or leave sorting area unless scanned .optimizing sorting cages ,Reducing multilevel sorting, Revising sorting logic(where necessary).
1.Transit analysis within city .Transit analysis across city, Time for leg of transit within city, Time for leg of transit across city. These are for measuring speed and reliability of processing of speed Post articles from booking to delivery
2.Scans compliance in the entire network, Scan analysis per leg of transit within city, Scan analysis per leg transit across city – Measures for each processing step whether articles got scanned as prescribed.
3.Percent of F-Scans in speed net vs F-Scans in IPS-Percent of F-Scans in IPS VS D-Scans in IPS. Share of Speed net Delivery scans ns IPS-scans (TBD)- Measures for International Inbound articles the efficiency of movement at every step before merger with Speed Post.
4. Articles processed per hour per FTE-staff Absenteeism-Share of bags without bag labels-Share of articles closed after cut-off time-Share of articles after cut-off time.-Share of missorted articles.-Share of articles with missing pin codes.-Share of articles not dispatched same set- Supports achieving better D+X and scan performance.
Introductory training for new recruits-Train the trainer training-Basic procedures and operations explanation.-KPI and quality Training-Basic Computer training-Enhanced Computer training-Speed net training-System administration Training- Supervisor training.-Customer Service training.
The consultant and the officers of the Department working on the project and decisions implemented by the Department. The consultancy made it clear that they are not for the survey and report. They will continue to support the managers of the Department in achieving the efficiency and to improve the service purily according to the iIndian Conditions and the Market.
The staff side invited the improvements made and apprehended that there is any hidden Agenda to reduce the staff or offices. The Secretary assured that the project is only to improve the services and the staff side will be consulted at every stage.
A meeting was held to introduce the project on the Mail network optimization to the inions on 15th July 2010.The staff side representatives from NFPE.FNPO and General Secretaries of P3, R3 and R 4 participated in the meeting. The meeting was held under the Chairmanship of the Secretary Department of Posts. The Consultants from the MCkensey were also present.
During the presentation the the need for Network Review as a basis for significant increase in the volumes, revenues, and market share was emphasized.
External& internal Drivers Identified:
The declining mail volumes. Competition from Domestic and International players. Absence of regularization. Change in mail profile Customer demands are the External Drivers. Difficulties of existing network vis-à-vis change mail profile, Low level of IT induction in mail processing Low productivity, Delivery inconsistencies and visibility, Lack of customer focus were identified as internal Drivers
1 The need of a consultant on board:
To give focused attention to mail Operations with a fully dedicated team in project Mode To have external and objective perspective. To learn from best practices in Postal Services world wide .Mc kensey & Co appointed as the project Consultant as a 36 month long project
2. Recent initiatives in Mail operation- Plan Projects for Mail network Optimization
Setting up of Automated Mail processing Systems
Introduction of Freighter aircraft for carriage of mail for NE
Setting up of Mail Business Centers
National Address database management system -Popularization of PIN Codes
RFID in mail processing-GPS tracking in MMS vehicles- Mechanization of Delivery.
3. Deliverables & Time lines contained in the RPF
I Completion of the analysis of current network structure
Products and performance, review of customer requirements 0-3 months
II Finalization of the optimal scenario optimization objectives evaluation and prioritization of design options and definition of the target net work implementation project 0-6 Identification of appropriate technology costing exercise for the preferred technology options assistance in selection of technology service provider migration planning 3-9
Iv Finalization of process specification and blue print definition of key performance indicators and measurement systems, description roles and responsibilities along the mail business managerial set up ,development of training modu;es sequencing of implementation of defined processes, systems and structures 0-12 months
5.Roll out/implementation Pilots 12-18
6 Full Implementatiom 18-36
To get Core right by End-to-end net work optimization: Optimise India Post’s mail network from collection to delivery
Significant quality improvement Standardise and improve processes and reuce netweork complexity
Rigorous performance management: Establish an effective performance management structure using KPIs and regular reviews
To modernize the look and feel
Customers : Improve India post’s performance to make it more trustworthy and reliable for customers
Employees: Improve working conditions to make staff proud of being associated with India Post
Management: Significantly improve the management, s ability to steer a huge organization.
First start with a few products for big cities and thereafter Add more products for the same cities and finally expand to all products across India PLUS Early and broad involvement of circles and staff side-Constant Monitoring by the DIRECTORATE.
Speed post and International mails were first taken for the project and introduced in Six metros viz; Mumbai, Delhi,Kolkata ,Chennai,Bangalore,&Hyderabad.The project has brought significant improvements for the last six months and improvements were practically noticed in the process of speed Post articles in the SPC Bangalore.
Revamping the Speed post operations: The consultancy suggested the network design, right processes, network schedule, cut off times, processing windows for the speed post articles and it will be extended to the first class mail in order to ensure the maximum D+1 quality.
Easier Sorting; ensure minimum multiple handling. Less Work load: reduce no of bags & missorts between different locations Better equipment-Ease of working for staff at SPCs with new equipment. Higher throughput: Ensure higher processing with improved process design. Streamlined workflow-by having optimized inflow of mails in the processing centres.Prioritized processing: Ensure processing prioritorisation based on the time of the day for maximum connectivity; Keep everyone informed: Regular interaction and display of SPC s daily performance, Suggestions and feed back encouraged. Training& Incentives –Incentivise high performers and help all staff with newly developed trainings
Ensure 100% scan for both receipt and delivery. No article can enter or leave sorting area unless scanned .optimizing sorting cages ,Reducing multilevel sorting, Revising sorting logic(where necessary).
1.Transit analysis within city .Transit analysis across city, Time for leg of transit within city, Time for leg of transit across city. These are for measuring speed and reliability of processing of speed Post articles from booking to delivery
2.Scans compliance in the entire network, Scan analysis per leg of transit within city, Scan analysis per leg transit across city – Measures for each processing step whether articles got scanned as prescribed.
3.Percent of F-Scans in speed net vs F-Scans in IPS-Percent of F-Scans in IPS VS D-Scans in IPS. Share of Speed net Delivery scans ns IPS-scans (TBD)- Measures for International Inbound articles the efficiency of movement at every step before merger with Speed Post.
4. Articles processed per hour per FTE-staff Absenteeism-Share of bags without bag labels-Share of articles closed after cut-off time-Share of articles after cut-off time.-Share of missorted articles.-Share of articles with missing pin codes.-Share of articles not dispatched same set- Supports achieving better D+X and scan performance.
Introductory training for new recruits-Train the trainer training-Basic procedures and operations explanation.-KPI and quality Training-Basic Computer training-Enhanced Computer training-Speed net training-System administration Training- Supervisor training.-Customer Service training.
The consultant and the officers of the Department working on the project and decisions implemented by the Department. The consultancy made it clear that they are not for the survey and report. They will continue to support the managers of the Department in achieving the efficiency and to improve the service purily according to the iIndian Conditions and the Market.
The staff side invited the improvements made and apprehended that there is any hidden Agenda to reduce the staff or offices. The Secretary assured that the project is only to improve the services and the staff side will be consulted at every stage.
DoP orders: For Day to Day reference.
The remuneration of Gramin Dak Sewaks engaged as substitutes in short term departmental vacancies of Postman, Mail Guards & Group D(future multi-skilled employees) is to be calculated on the basis of minimum of the pay in the respective revised pay band of the post plus grade pay concerned excluding HRA and Transport Allowance from 01.01.2006.
(Auth: Department of Posts letter No. 1-20/2008-PCC dated 27.03.2009)
All non-matriculate Group D will be granted the revised pay structure in the following manner:-
(i) Placement of all such employees initially in the corresponding -1S pay scale of Rs. 4440-7440 with appropriate grade pay Rs. 1300, Rs. 1400, Rs. 1600 and Rs. 1650 w.e.f. 01.01.2006.
(ii) Fixation of those employees, who already possess the revised minimum qualification of Matriculation or its equivalent, in PB-1 with grade pay of Rs. 1800 with effect from 01.01.2006.
(iii) Those employees who do not possess the prescribed minimum qualification would also be given the PB-1 with grade pay of Rs. 1800 after being given computer training to enhance their skill for which training division in Directorate would develop a module in basic data entry and circulate to Circles.
Divisional Superintendents/Controlling authorities are required to ensure imparting of training and issue of certificate about completion of prescribed training and getting recorded the same in the service book of the officials. All multi-skilled employees in pre-revised Group D Scales (PO & RMS Test Category, Administrative Offices Test Category, Unskilled, Semi-skilled & all non test category staff) in various pre-revised pay scales will be allowed Pay Band of Rs. 5200-20200 with grade pay of Rs. 1800 with effect from 01.01.2006. Group D employees have been given additions to their duties as specified in the order apart from their existing duties laid down in Rules 144 to 152 of Postal Manual Volume VI Part III.
(Auth: Department of Posts letter No. 1-20/2008-PCC dated 27.03.2009 read with Note 1 below Rule 7(1)(D) of CCS (RP) Rules,
(Auth: Department of Posts letter No. 1-20/2008-PCC dated 27.03.2009)
All non-matriculate Group D will be granted the revised pay structure in the following manner:-
(i) Placement of all such employees initially in the corresponding -1S pay scale of Rs. 4440-7440 with appropriate grade pay Rs. 1300, Rs. 1400, Rs. 1600 and Rs. 1650 w.e.f. 01.01.2006.
(ii) Fixation of those employees, who already possess the revised minimum qualification of Matriculation or its equivalent, in PB-1 with grade pay of Rs. 1800 with effect from 01.01.2006.
(iii) Those employees who do not possess the prescribed minimum qualification would also be given the PB-1 with grade pay of Rs. 1800 after being given computer training to enhance their skill for which training division in Directorate would develop a module in basic data entry and circulate to Circles.
Divisional Superintendents/Controlling authorities are required to ensure imparting of training and issue of certificate about completion of prescribed training and getting recorded the same in the service book of the officials. All multi-skilled employees in pre-revised Group D Scales (PO & RMS Test Category, Administrative Offices Test Category, Unskilled, Semi-skilled & all non test category staff) in various pre-revised pay scales will be allowed Pay Band of Rs. 5200-20200 with grade pay of Rs. 1800 with effect from 01.01.2006. Group D employees have been given additions to their duties as specified in the order apart from their existing duties laid down in Rules 144 to 152 of Postal Manual Volume VI Part III.
(Auth: Department of Posts letter No. 1-20/2008-PCC dated 27.03.2009 read with Note 1 below Rule 7(1)(D) of CCS (RP) Rules,
News item at http://ruralpostalemployees.blogspot.com
Non Payment/deliberate delay in payment of 60% arrears of TRCA to Gramin Dak Sevaks – cases of many divisions/Circles like Orissa,Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.
No. GDS/CHQ/41/8/2010 Dated: 26th July, 2010
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi 110001
Sub;- Non Payment/deliberate delay in payment of 60% arrears of TRCA to Gramin Dak Sevaks – cases of many divisions/Circles like Orissa,Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.
Ref. Directorate Letter No. 6-1/2009-PE II Dated 10.06.2010.
This Union is constrained to bring to your kind notice that the Directorate
Letter No. 6-1/2009-PE II Dated 10.06.2010 to make payment of 60% of TRCA to the Gramin Dak Sevaks by 15th July 2010 is yet to be implemented. Of course an undertaking has already been taken from the GDS for excess or short payment if any. Still divisional heads have not paid any heed to the orders of directorate e.g., Orissa, Maharashtra, Chattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar etc. Another plea is funds not available or in many divisions audit process is not completed. This shows negligence towards low paid Gramin Dak Sevak, so in many Circles resentment is mounting among the Gramin Dak Sevaks and the situation is likely to convert into agitation.
You are, therefore, requested to kindly intervene and cause needful action for early payment of 60% arrears TRCA to Gramin Dak Sevak issue necessary instructions to all concerned authorities.
Early action in this regard is highly appreciated
Yours Sincerly,
General Secretary
No. GDS/CHQ/41/8/2010 Dated: 26th July, 2010
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi 110001
Sub;- Non Payment/deliberate delay in payment of 60% arrears of TRCA to Gramin Dak Sevaks – cases of many divisions/Circles like Orissa,Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.
Ref. Directorate Letter No. 6-1/2009-PE II Dated 10.06.2010.
This Union is constrained to bring to your kind notice that the Directorate
Letter No. 6-1/2009-PE II Dated 10.06.2010 to make payment of 60% of TRCA to the Gramin Dak Sevaks by 15th July 2010 is yet to be implemented. Of course an undertaking has already been taken from the GDS for excess or short payment if any. Still divisional heads have not paid any heed to the orders of directorate e.g., Orissa, Maharashtra, Chattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar etc. Another plea is funds not available or in many divisions audit process is not completed. This shows negligence towards low paid Gramin Dak Sevak, so in many Circles resentment is mounting among the Gramin Dak Sevaks and the situation is likely to convert into agitation.
You are, therefore, requested to kindly intervene and cause needful action for early payment of 60% arrears TRCA to Gramin Dak Sevak issue necessary instructions to all concerned authorities.
Early action in this regard is highly appreciated
Yours Sincerly,
General Secretary
New Regulatory body to fix postal rates
New regulator on the cards for India Post and private courier firms would fix the tariffs for their services.
The government has comprehensively re-drafted an earlier Bill on postal regulation with a view to bringing the entire communication industry under a regulatory regime similar to the one for the telecoms sector.
As per the re-drafted Bill —the Post Office and Courier Services Bill, 2010—which was reviewed by FE, the courier firms would need to register themselves with the regulator—Postal Regulatory Authority of India (PRAI)— and adhere to a set of guidelines for quality of services framed by it.
The firms will also have to contribute to a Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) to enable delivery of postal services to financially unviable areas at affordable rates. However, the government has dropped the controversial provision in the original (2006) draft of the Bill which sought to bar private courier firms from carrying packets weighing below 500 gm. Also, in a departure from the original draft, which specified the fee structure for the players, the new Bill has left such matters for the regulator to decide.
The size of the Indian courier industry is over Rs 4,000 crore with major players being DHL, FedEx India and DTDC. As per the latest proposal, PRAI will have functions similar to that of telecom regulator Trai. It can suo motu recommend to the government policy measures on the entire gamut of the postal sector. On its part, the government can seek its recommendations on issues of importance. Once PRAI is constituted, all existing courier firms would have to register themselves with it for a 10-year period on payment of a fee.
The registration, of course, can be renewed once it expires. The regulator would set eligibility criteria for those wanting to enter the sector in the new regulated regime.
It would have powers to recommend to the government revocation of licenses of any firm which fails to meet the criteria set out by it. The government (read the department of post and a reinforced Postal Board) would retain the powers to make policies and provide licences.
A Postal Dispute Settlement and Appellate Tribunal would be set up to arbitrate on disputes between the industry and the regulator, the regulator and the government, industry and the government; and between industry players. Source:Financialexpress.com
The government has comprehensively re-drafted an earlier Bill on postal regulation with a view to bringing the entire communication industry under a regulatory regime similar to the one for the telecoms sector.
As per the re-drafted Bill —the Post Office and Courier Services Bill, 2010—which was reviewed by FE, the courier firms would need to register themselves with the regulator—Postal Regulatory Authority of India (PRAI)— and adhere to a set of guidelines for quality of services framed by it.
The firms will also have to contribute to a Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) to enable delivery of postal services to financially unviable areas at affordable rates. However, the government has dropped the controversial provision in the original (2006) draft of the Bill which sought to bar private courier firms from carrying packets weighing below 500 gm. Also, in a departure from the original draft, which specified the fee structure for the players, the new Bill has left such matters for the regulator to decide.
The size of the Indian courier industry is over Rs 4,000 crore with major players being DHL, FedEx India and DTDC. As per the latest proposal, PRAI will have functions similar to that of telecom regulator Trai. It can suo motu recommend to the government policy measures on the entire gamut of the postal sector. On its part, the government can seek its recommendations on issues of importance. Once PRAI is constituted, all existing courier firms would have to register themselves with it for a 10-year period on payment of a fee.
The registration, of course, can be renewed once it expires. The regulator would set eligibility criteria for those wanting to enter the sector in the new regulated regime.
It would have powers to recommend to the government revocation of licenses of any firm which fails to meet the criteria set out by it. The government (read the department of post and a reinforced Postal Board) would retain the powers to make policies and provide licences.
A Postal Dispute Settlement and Appellate Tribunal would be set up to arbitrate on disputes between the industry and the regulator, the regulator and the government, industry and the government; and between industry players. Source:Financialexpress.com
News item at http://irmassociation.blogspot.com/
Cadre Re-structuring for Class III Cadre
Department has sent a letter to two Federations stating that it would constitute a committee to consider re-structuring of Group C Employees.
The committee will consist of each 3 members from official side and staff side.After the receipt of confirmation letter from the federations, formal orders will be issued by the Department to consititute the committee.
What about IPOs/ASPOs and PSS Group B officers? we also already demanded to consititute a cadre re- structuring committee but Department yet consider it. A reminder will be issued to the Department shortely.
Still the Department is neglecting this cadre?
copy of the letter already addressed to the Member(P) is annexed.
CHQ 101/10 Dated 0404.02.2010
Member (P)
Dak Bhavan
New Delhi 110001
Respected madam,
SUB: Request for Constitution of Cadre Restructuring Committee – reg.
A kind reference is invited to the our letter of even no dated 28.09.2009 requesting for the constitution of a cadre restructuring committee for the cadres of IPO/ Assistant managers MMS
It is submitted that the income Tax Department and the Railway Department already constituted a cadre restructuring committee
The Promotional Avenue of IPO cadre is very meager. The 1983 batch is still waiting for their PSS Group B post.
Hence I request you to kindly constitute a cadre restructuring committee for the IPO line officials at the earliest.
Thanking You
Yours faithfully
General Secretary
Updated by GS, IRM / ASRM Association
Department has sent a letter to two Federations stating that it would constitute a committee to consider re-structuring of Group C Employees.
The committee will consist of each 3 members from official side and staff side.After the receipt of confirmation letter from the federations, formal orders will be issued by the Department to consititute the committee.
What about IPOs/ASPOs and PSS Group B officers? we also already demanded to consititute a cadre re- structuring committee but Department yet consider it. A reminder will be issued to the Department shortely.
Still the Department is neglecting this cadre?
copy of the letter already addressed to the Member(P) is annexed.
CHQ 101/10 Dated 0404.02.2010
Member (P)
Dak Bhavan
New Delhi 110001
Respected madam,
SUB: Request for Constitution of Cadre Restructuring Committee – reg.
A kind reference is invited to the our letter of even no dated 28.09.2009 requesting for the constitution of a cadre restructuring committee for the cadres of IPO/ Assistant managers MMS
It is submitted that the income Tax Department and the Railway Department already constituted a cadre restructuring committee
The Promotional Avenue of IPO cadre is very meager. The 1983 batch is still waiting for their PSS Group B post.
Hence I request you to kindly constitute a cadre restructuring committee for the IPO line officials at the earliest.
Thanking You
Yours faithfully
General Secretary
Updated by GS, IRM / ASRM Association
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
ಅಂಚೆಯಣ್ಣನಿಗೆ ಸೋಲೆಕ್ಷಾ
ಅಂಚೆಯಣ್ಣನಿಗೆ ಸೋಲೆಕ್ಷಾ
ಅಂಚೆಯಣ್ಣನಿಗೆ ಸೋಲೆಕ್ಷಾ ಸೌರಶಕ್ತಿಚಾಲಿತ ಮತ್ತು ಪೆಡಲ್ ಹೀಗೆ ಎರಡೂ ವಿಧದ ಬಳಕೆಯನ್ನು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಸಿರುವ,ಸೋಲೆಕ್ಷಾ ಎಂಬ ವಾಹನವನ್ನು ಇಂಡಿಯಾಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಪರೀಕ್ಷಾರ್ಥ ಬಳಕೆಗೆ ಆರಂಭಿಸಿದೆ.ಮೊದಲಿಗೆ ರಾಜಾಸ್ತಾನದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಿ,ಮುಂದೆ ಇತರೆಡೆಯೂ ಬಳಸುವ...
ಅಂಚೆಯಣ್ಣನಿಗೆ ಸೋಲೆಕ್ಷಾ
ಸೌರಶಕ್ತಿಚಾಲಿತ ಮತ್ತು ಪೆಡಲ್ ಹೀಗೆ ಎರಡೂ ವಿಧದ ಬಳಕೆಯನ್ನು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಸಿರುವ,ಸೋಲೆಕ್ಷಾ ಎಂಬ ವಾಹನವನ್ನು ಇಂಡಿಯಾಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಪರೀಕ್ಷಾರ್ಥ ಬಳಕೆಗೆ ಆರಂಭಿಸಿದೆ.ಮೊದಲಿಗೆ ರಾಜಾಸ್ತಾನದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಿ,ಮುಂದೆ ಇತರೆಡೆಯೂ ಬಳಸುವ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ನಿರ್ಧರಿಸಲಾಗುವುದಂತೆ.ಪಾರ್ಸೆಲ್,ಕಾಗದಪತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಹೇರಿಕೊಂಡು ಹೋಗಲು ಅನುಕೂಲಕರವಾಗುವಂತೆ ಇದನ್ನು ವಿನ್ಯಾಸಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ.ಸೌರಶಕ್ತಿಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸುವುದರಿಂದ ವಾಹನ ಪರಿಸರ ಮಾಲಿನ್ಯ ಉಂಟು ಮಾಡದು.ಪೆಡಲ್ ಮಾಡುವಾಗ,ಯಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ಶಕ್ತಿಯೂ ಜತೆಗೂಡುವುದರಿಂದ,ಕಡಿಮೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನ ಸಾಕಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.ಕೈನೆಟಿಕ್ ಮೋಟಾರ್ಸ್ ಮತ್ತು ಕೇಂದ್ರೀಯ ಯಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ಇಂಜಿನಿಯರಿಂಗ್ ಸಂಶೋಧನಾ ಸಂಸ್ಥೆಗಳು ಜತೆ ಸೇರಿ ಸೋಲೆಕ್ಷಾವನ್ನು ವಿನ್ಯಾಸಗೊಳಿಸಿವೆ.
Contributed by
Shrinath. B
Inspector Posts (C&PG)
Puttur (D.K.)- Division
Phone: 9980762909
ಅಂಚೆಯಣ್ಣನಿಗೆ ಸೋಲೆಕ್ಷಾ ಸೌರಶಕ್ತಿಚಾಲಿತ ಮತ್ತು ಪೆಡಲ್ ಹೀಗೆ ಎರಡೂ ವಿಧದ ಬಳಕೆಯನ್ನು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಸಿರುವ,ಸೋಲೆಕ್ಷಾ ಎಂಬ ವಾಹನವನ್ನು ಇಂಡಿಯಾಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಪರೀಕ್ಷಾರ್ಥ ಬಳಕೆಗೆ ಆರಂಭಿಸಿದೆ.ಮೊದಲಿಗೆ ರಾಜಾಸ್ತಾನದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಿ,ಮುಂದೆ ಇತರೆಡೆಯೂ ಬಳಸುವ...
ಅಂಚೆಯಣ್ಣನಿಗೆ ಸೋಲೆಕ್ಷಾ
ಸೌರಶಕ್ತಿಚಾಲಿತ ಮತ್ತು ಪೆಡಲ್ ಹೀಗೆ ಎರಡೂ ವಿಧದ ಬಳಕೆಯನ್ನು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಸಿರುವ,ಸೋಲೆಕ್ಷಾ ಎಂಬ ವಾಹನವನ್ನು ಇಂಡಿಯಾಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ಪರೀಕ್ಷಾರ್ಥ ಬಳಕೆಗೆ ಆರಂಭಿಸಿದೆ.ಮೊದಲಿಗೆ ರಾಜಾಸ್ತಾನದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಿ,ಮುಂದೆ ಇತರೆಡೆಯೂ ಬಳಸುವ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ನಿರ್ಧರಿಸಲಾಗುವುದಂತೆ.ಪಾರ್ಸೆಲ್,ಕಾಗದಪತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಹೇರಿಕೊಂಡು ಹೋಗಲು ಅನುಕೂಲಕರವಾಗುವಂತೆ ಇದನ್ನು ವಿನ್ಯಾಸಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ.ಸೌರಶಕ್ತಿಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸುವುದರಿಂದ ವಾಹನ ಪರಿಸರ ಮಾಲಿನ್ಯ ಉಂಟು ಮಾಡದು.ಪೆಡಲ್ ಮಾಡುವಾಗ,ಯಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ಶಕ್ತಿಯೂ ಜತೆಗೂಡುವುದರಿಂದ,ಕಡಿಮೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನ ಸಾಕಾಗುತ್ತದೆ.ಕೈನೆಟಿಕ್ ಮೋಟಾರ್ಸ್ ಮತ್ತು ಕೇಂದ್ರೀಯ ಯಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ಇಂಜಿನಿಯರಿಂಗ್ ಸಂಶೋಧನಾ ಸಂಸ್ಥೆಗಳು ಜತೆ ಸೇರಿ ಸೋಲೆಕ್ಷಾವನ್ನು ವಿನ್ಯಾಸಗೊಳಿಸಿವೆ.
Contributed by
Shrinath. B
Inspector Posts (C&PG)
Puttur (D.K.)- Division
Phone: 9980762909
Provision of Laptops to RMS sub divisions, ASPOs / IPs working in Divion Offices, ROs and CO and provision of Internet connection to Laptops
From To
Circle Secretary The Chief Postmaster General
All India Association of
Inspectors Posts & Karnataka Circle
Assistant Superintendents
of Posts Bangalore 560 001
Karnataka Circle &
Asst Supdt of Pos (HQ)
@ o/o SSPOs Mangalore Division
Mangalore 575 002
Respected Madam,
Sub: --Provision of Laptops to RMS sub divisions, ASPOs / IPs working in Divion Offices, ROs and CO and provision of Internet connection to Laptops-reg
I take this privilege to thank respected madam for providing good branded laptops and printers to postal sub divisions. During the Circle Working committee meeting held on 10.07.2010 members working in RMS Sub Divisons, Divisional offices, Regional Offices and Circle office felt that the laptops may also be supplied to them and a resolution was made in this regard to urge the administration. I would like to request Madam that laptops may also be supplied to RMS sub divisions and ASPO/ IPOs working in Division offices, Regional offices and Circle office which will enable them to discharge their duties more efficiently.
It is also requested that Internet connection ( 3G data card) to all the sub divisions may be provided
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Dated: 12.07.2010 (Naveen Chandar)
Circle Secretary The Chief Postmaster General
All India Association of
Inspectors Posts & Karnataka Circle
Assistant Superintendents
of Posts Bangalore 560 001
Karnataka Circle &
Asst Supdt of Pos (HQ)
@ o/o SSPOs Mangalore Division
Mangalore 575 002
Respected Madam,
Sub: --Provision of Laptops to RMS sub divisions, ASPOs / IPs working in Divion Offices, ROs and CO and provision of Internet connection to Laptops-reg
I take this privilege to thank respected madam for providing good branded laptops and printers to postal sub divisions. During the Circle Working committee meeting held on 10.07.2010 members working in RMS Sub Divisons, Divisional offices, Regional Offices and Circle office felt that the laptops may also be supplied to them and a resolution was made in this regard to urge the administration. I would like to request Madam that laptops may also be supplied to RMS sub divisions and ASPO/ IPOs working in Division offices, Regional offices and Circle office which will enable them to discharge their duties more efficiently.
It is also requested that Internet connection ( 3G data card) to all the sub divisions may be provided
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Dated: 12.07.2010 (Naveen Chandar)
Letter to GS
AIAIPASP/Kar/1-3 /2010 Dated 15.07.2010
Sri Roopochand
General Secretary
All India Association of Inspector Posts
and Assistant Superintendent Posts
New Delhi
Dear Comrade,
The Circle Working Committee of Karnataka circle was held on 10-07-2010. During the meeting our members have shown their anguish regarding clearing the proposal of merger of IP ASP cadre as approved by the last All India conference. The AIAIASP has already mentioned during the discussion on the issue on 05.04.2010 with the authorities in the Directorate that merger of IP & ASP cadres is acceptable in order to get GP of Rs.4600/- for the merged cadre. AIAIASP Karnataka Circle was hoping that the General Secretary would be doing something soon to get the aspirations of the IPs and ASPs fulfilled. But time passed by and hopes continued to remain unfulfilled. Impatience and lack of confidence in the Association must led to filing of a CAT in Kerala State Ernakulam Bench. Now as per information available on CHQ blog, action of the Department is stalled reportedly on the ground that the matter is sub judice. The plea is simply misleading as there is no order from any quarter restraining the Govt to upgrade the GP of IPs. This was the view expressed by the Director when the All India President Sri Dinesh Khare along with the GS met the Officers in the Directorate on 24-06-2010. This matter was confirmed by the President during our CWC meeting. I hope the Department is testing our patience and observing our suffering silently but is doing nothing worthwhile to address the issue with required amount of sincerity and promptitude.
The IPs and ASPs are helplessly waiting for the outcome of the CAT case in Ernakulam Bench which is filed by individual endeavour. The Department is repeating its old practice of showing no concern for IPs and ASPs. The cadre could do nothing when it was placed in equal status in Pay with TBOP officials in IV CPC. The cadre review was shelved even after getting Presidential sanction in 1989 for creation of 248 Gr. B posts. No cadre review has been done for IP cadre since 1981. There is no upgradation of GP of IPs so far on par with the analogous posts in other Departments and Ministries of the Department. Now with implementation of MACPS, the IPs have been virtually reduced to the status of Overseers of Mails in terms of GP. Instances of neglecting this cadre are many. On the other hand the responsibility and workload of IPs and ASPs are increasing day by day. Target of PLI/ RPLI and other business schemes for them have played havoc. Also in rise are the warnings, punishments and issue of notices for recovery of huge amount on account of contributory negligence for the cadre members.
The Department knows very well that there is no problem in getting various work extracted from this cadre even without conceding anything to them. So the Department treats this cadre accordingly. Take the case of other cadres, particularly, the Class-III, by contrast. The Govt. is very much obliged to negotiate with them even when it feels that it cannot simply meet many of their demands. The courtesy and the respect with which the Department treats Class-III Union functionaries is nowhere to be seen for the IP /ASP Association.
Going by its past behaviour the IP cadre will continue to suffer. Mr Samuel our erstwhile GS has worked a lot for getting something to this cadre but ultimately the grade pay issue was not resolved. After the All India Conference we thought that you, being stationed in Delhi and being a local officer will do something to this cadre. But during the CWC meeting our members expressed their displeasure that the GS is not at all pursuing the matter at the Directorate and get the things done. It is very much clear that the, matter may not be sub judice until the administration restrained from court to take the matters further. However the Hon CAT asked the Dept to respond in the case. Will you please find out what the reply given by the Dept to the Hon CAT.
Meanwhile, the DG during the address in the last conference asking us to put some political pressure on the Finance Ministry for the upgradation issue. We hope that you have got your own coterie and bring about required political pressure. We at our level would like to meet the Mr Veerappa Moily , the Hon Minister for Law during his next visit.
With this we sum up that our members have still faith in you but we want something positive should happen at the earliest so that we can at least be happy that we the supervisors are kept above the supervised in the Dept and feel that the administration is listening our plea and the cry of the grass root managers is finally heard by the administration.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
(Naveen Chandar)
Copy to:
All the Circle Secretaries for information
All India Association of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts,
Karnataka Circle
AIAIPASP/Kar/1-2 /2010
Dated 12.07.2010
Sri Roopochand
General Secretary
All India Association of Inspector Posts
and Assistant Superintendent Posts
New Delhi
Dear Comrade,
The Circle Working Committee of Karnataka circle was held on 10-07-2010. During the meeting our members have shown their anguish regarding clearing the proposal of merger of IP ASP cadre as approved by the last All India conference. The AIAIASP has already mentioned during the discussion on the issue on 05.04.2010 with the authorities in the Directorate that merger of IP & ASP cadres is acceptable in order to get GP of Rs.4600/- for the merged cadre. AIAIASP Karnataka Circle was hoping that the General Secretary would be doing something soon to get the aspirations of the IPs and ASPs fulfilled. But time passed by and hopes continued to remain unfulfilled. Impatience and lack of confidence in the Association must led to filing of a CAT in Kerala State Ernakulam Bench. Now as per information available on CHQ blog, action of the Department is stalled reportedly on the ground that the matter is sub judice. The plea is simply misleading as there is no order from any quarter restraining the Govt to upgrade the GP of IPs. This was the view expressed by the Director when the All India President Sri Dinesh Khare along with the GS met the Officers in the Directorate on 24-06-2010. This matter was confirmed by the President during our CWC meeting. I hope the Department is testing our patience and observing our suffering silently but is doing nothing worthwhile to address the issue with required amount of sincerity and promptitude.
The IPs and ASPs are helplessly waiting for the outcome of the CAT case in Ernakulam Bench which is filed by individual endeavour. The Department is repeating its old practice of showing no concern for IPs and ASPs. The cadre could do nothing when it was placed in equal status in Pay with TBOP officials in IV CPC. The cadre review was shelved even after getting Presidential sanction in 1989 for creation of 248 Gr. B posts. No cadre review has been done for IP cadre since 1981. There is no upgradation of GP of IPs so far on par with the analogous posts in other Departments and Ministries of the Department. Now with implementation of MACPS, the IPs have been virtually reduced to the status of Overseers of Mails in terms of GP. Instances of neglecting this cadre are many. On the other hand the responsibility and workload of IPs and ASPs are increasing day by day. Target of PLI/ RPLI and other business schemes for them have played havoc. Also in rise are the warnings, punishments and issue of notices for recovery of huge amount on account of contributory negligence for the cadre members.
The Department knows very well that there is no problem in getting various work extracted from this cadre even without conceding anything to them. So the Department treats this cadre accordingly. Take the case of other cadres, particularly, the Class-III, by contrast. The Govt. is very much obliged to negotiate with them even when it feels that it cannot simply meet many of their demands. The courtesy and the respect with which the Department treats Class-III Union functionaries is nowhere to be seen for the IP /ASP Association.
Going by its past behaviour the IP cadre will continue to suffer. Mr Samuel our erstwhile GS has worked a lot for getting something to this cadre but ultimately the grade pay issue was not resolved. After the All India Conference we thought that you, being stationed in Delhi and being a local officer will do something to this cadre. But during the CWC meeting our members expressed their displeasure that the GS is not at all pursuing the matter at the Directorate and get the things done. It is very much clear that the, matter may not be sub judice until the administration restrained from court to take the matters further. However the Hon CAT asked the Dept to respond in the case. Will you please find out what the reply given by the Dept to the Hon CAT.
Meanwhile, the DG during the address in the last conference asking us to put some political pressure on the Finance Ministry for the upgradation issue. We hope that you have got your own coterie and bring about required political pressure. We at our level would like to meet the Mr Veerappa Moily , the Hon Minister for Law during his next visit.
With this we sum up that our members have still faith in you but we want something positive should happen at the earliest so that we can at least be happy that we the supervisors are kept above the supervised in the Dept and feel that the administration is listening our plea and the cry of the grass root managers is finally heard by the administration.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
(Naveen Chandar)
Copy to:
All the Circle Secretaries for information
All India Association of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts,
Karnataka Circle
AIAIPASP/Kar/1-2 /2010
Dated 12.07.2010
Letter to CPMG from CS
AIAIPASP/Kar/1-4 /2010 Dated 12.07.2010
From To
Circle Secretary The Chief Postmaster General All India Association of
Inspectors Posts & Karnataka Circle
Assistant Superintendents
of Posts Bangalore 560 001
Karnataka Circle &
Asst Supdt of Pos (HQ)
@ o/o SSPOs Mangalore Division
Mangalore 575 002
Respected Madam,
Sub: --Recovery of amount on account of contributory negligence in fraud cases-reg
During the Circle Working Committee meeting held on 10-07-2010, the aggrieved officers of Karwar and Raichur divisions expressed disappointment stating that unreasonable amount is ordered for recovery from the officers who had worked in various capacities in the divisions when huge fraud took place at Binaga and Shaktinagar SOs. The IPs / ASPOs are given with huge targets for procuring business and many a time some posts of IPs / ASPOs being kept vacant due to various reasons and hence additional charges were thrust on IPs/ ASPOs. Under the circumstances it is natural that few minor lapses bound to happen and imposing IPs/ASPOs with recovery of loss in huge amount for such lapses will definitely demoralize them and hence affect their performance in the field. Instead it is kindly requested your benign self that the efforts may be made to recover the loss from the fraudulent person by attaching his / her property / belongings which may require some liaising with top bureaucratic level( especially in Revenue matters) or some legal expertise.
Hence it is kindly requested that the matter may please be perused and necessary orders may please be issued in this regard.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
(Naveen Chandar)
All India Association of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts,Karnataka Circle
Dinesh Khare[President]Supdt of POs Mandya Dn. Mandya(M) 94498 48120 Naveen Chandar[Circle Secretary]Asstt Supdt Posts (HQ) Mangalore Division, Mangalore(M) 94498 48923
Joseph Rodrigues[Circle Treasurer]Inspector PostsMangalore North Sub Division Mangalore(M) 94498 48935
From To
Circle Secretary The Chief Postmaster General All India Association of
Inspectors Posts & Karnataka Circle
Assistant Superintendents
of Posts Bangalore 560 001
Karnataka Circle &
Asst Supdt of Pos (HQ)
@ o/o SSPOs Mangalore Division
Mangalore 575 002
Respected Madam,
Sub: --Recovery of amount on account of contributory negligence in fraud cases-reg
During the Circle Working Committee meeting held on 10-07-2010, the aggrieved officers of Karwar and Raichur divisions expressed disappointment stating that unreasonable amount is ordered for recovery from the officers who had worked in various capacities in the divisions when huge fraud took place at Binaga and Shaktinagar SOs. The IPs / ASPOs are given with huge targets for procuring business and many a time some posts of IPs / ASPOs being kept vacant due to various reasons and hence additional charges were thrust on IPs/ ASPOs. Under the circumstances it is natural that few minor lapses bound to happen and imposing IPs/ASPOs with recovery of loss in huge amount for such lapses will definitely demoralize them and hence affect their performance in the field. Instead it is kindly requested your benign self that the efforts may be made to recover the loss from the fraudulent person by attaching his / her property / belongings which may require some liaising with top bureaucratic level( especially in Revenue matters) or some legal expertise.
Hence it is kindly requested that the matter may please be perused and necessary orders may please be issued in this regard.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely
(Naveen Chandar)
All India Association of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts,Karnataka Circle
Dinesh Khare[President]Supdt of POs Mandya Dn. Mandya(M) 94498 48120 Naveen Chandar[Circle Secretary]Asstt Supdt Posts (HQ) Mangalore Division, Mangalore(M) 94498 48923
Joseph Rodrigues[Circle Treasurer]Inspector PostsMangalore North Sub Division Mangalore(M) 94498 48935
Thursday, July 22, 2010
SMS Alerts to IPs & ASPs
We are regularly sending SMS Alerts to CUG Numbers of IPs & ASPs in Karnataka(Approximately 220 CUG Numbers).
If any mobile number is left out, kindly intimate the same by sending a mail to ipaspkarnataka@gmail.com
If any mobile number is left out, kindly intimate the same by sending a mail to ipaspkarnataka@gmail.com
News from IPASP Orissa Site
Of Grade Pay Issue of IPs
As the Govt. sits over the proposal of upgradation of GP of IPs taking CAT case (in OA No.381/2010 in Ernakulam Bench) as the pretext, the IPs and ASPs across the country helplessly wait and watch the development of the CAT case with keen interest. It is mentioned (vide link: http://aipif.blogspot.com/2010/07/our-cat-case-posted-on-260710-monday.html/ ) that the CAT case which was scheduled for hearing on 19.07.2010 is posted to 03.08.2010 for further hearing as the Counter Affidavit has not yet been filed by the Respondents.
As the facts stand, the applicant in the CAT case first resigned from the membership of the AIAIASP and then went ahead in filing the case with the support of like minded IPs across the country. Of course nothing can be done now by IP and ASP cadres except to wait for the outcome of CAT case. Several arguments have been advanced in favour and against the move of going to CAT on the issue. At this stage rationalization of past action will not help. It has to be viewed in the context of something in which both IP (whether direct or promotee) & ASP cadres have equal and undivided interest (as both will benefit from upgradation) and to deal with the case accordingly.
It is very much expected that the Govt. (which does not appear to be in a mood to accept the genuineness of the demand for upgradation of GP of IPs) will oppose the OA advancing same argument by which the upgradation proposals were returned earlier. Let us assume that the Govt. will repeat its stand that IP cadre is not comparable with Inspectors of CBDT / CBEC and Assistants in CSS because of the existence of ASP grade in between IP and PS Gr.B cadres. In such a situation there is need to mention from the applicants’ side that the AIAIASP has already expressed its willingness in writing to the Govt. for merger of IP and ASP cadres. And there is merit and justification for upgradation beyond doubt as the DOP has submitted the proposal to MOF not just once, but twice. The ball is, therefore, in the court of the Govt. to decide whether merger of IP and ASP cadres is necessary or not for granting the upgraded GP.
In retrospect it is observed that the DOP moved with the proposal for upgradation of GP of IPs so slowly that its motives in getting the proposal implemented appeared doubtful. The delay broke the patience and ultimately led to filing of CAT with individual effort as the Association did not think of fighting a legal battle as an entity or of supporting the move for filing CAT case as it was not sure of positive outcome through a legal battle, going by the past experience. The reality is that the interest of the entire IP and ASP cadres is now at stake though the AIAIASP has remained aloof of its involvement in the CAT case. The question is whether the entire IP and ASP cadre can still afford to remain aloof. If something goes wrong in the CAT case (God forbid it does not happen) how can AIAIASP wash its hand of the blame for it? So, will it not be appropriate to offer moral and material support to Mr. Permanand & Co. (it is hoped they will not spurn the offer) for going ahead with the legal battle effectively?
The Orissa Circle Branch of AIAIASP is of the opinion that the AIAIASP (CHQ) should give a serious thought to the issue before anything goes wrong and before it is too late.
NB: The line in italics is modified subsequently alongwith the last line of the posting.
As the Govt. sits over the proposal of upgradation of GP of IPs taking CAT case (in OA No.381/2010 in Ernakulam Bench) as the pretext, the IPs and ASPs across the country helplessly wait and watch the development of the CAT case with keen interest. It is mentioned (vide link: http://aipif.blogspot.com/2010/07/our-cat-case-posted-on-260710-monday.html/ ) that the CAT case which was scheduled for hearing on 19.07.2010 is posted to 03.08.2010 for further hearing as the Counter Affidavit has not yet been filed by the Respondents.
As the facts stand, the applicant in the CAT case first resigned from the membership of the AIAIASP and then went ahead in filing the case with the support of like minded IPs across the country. Of course nothing can be done now by IP and ASP cadres except to wait for the outcome of CAT case. Several arguments have been advanced in favour and against the move of going to CAT on the issue. At this stage rationalization of past action will not help. It has to be viewed in the context of something in which both IP (whether direct or promotee) & ASP cadres have equal and undivided interest (as both will benefit from upgradation) and to deal with the case accordingly.
It is very much expected that the Govt. (which does not appear to be in a mood to accept the genuineness of the demand for upgradation of GP of IPs) will oppose the OA advancing same argument by which the upgradation proposals were returned earlier. Let us assume that the Govt. will repeat its stand that IP cadre is not comparable with Inspectors of CBDT / CBEC and Assistants in CSS because of the existence of ASP grade in between IP and PS Gr.B cadres. In such a situation there is need to mention from the applicants’ side that the AIAIASP has already expressed its willingness in writing to the Govt. for merger of IP and ASP cadres. And there is merit and justification for upgradation beyond doubt as the DOP has submitted the proposal to MOF not just once, but twice. The ball is, therefore, in the court of the Govt. to decide whether merger of IP and ASP cadres is necessary or not for granting the upgraded GP.
In retrospect it is observed that the DOP moved with the proposal for upgradation of GP of IPs so slowly that its motives in getting the proposal implemented appeared doubtful. The delay broke the patience and ultimately led to filing of CAT with individual effort as the Association did not think of fighting a legal battle as an entity or of supporting the move for filing CAT case as it was not sure of positive outcome through a legal battle, going by the past experience. The reality is that the interest of the entire IP and ASP cadres is now at stake though the AIAIASP has remained aloof of its involvement in the CAT case. The question is whether the entire IP and ASP cadre can still afford to remain aloof. If something goes wrong in the CAT case (God forbid it does not happen) how can AIAIASP wash its hand of the blame for it? So, will it not be appropriate to offer moral and material support to Mr. Permanand & Co. (it is hoped they will not spurn the offer) for going ahead with the legal battle effectively?
The Orissa Circle Branch of AIAIASP is of the opinion that the AIAIASP (CHQ) should give a serious thought to the issue before anything goes wrong and before it is too late.
NB: The line in italics is modified subsequently alongwith the last line of the posting.
News from IPASP Orissa Site
Minutes of the Committee recommending MACP to IPs and ASPs in Orissa Circle is ready but it is not yet approved. A delegation of 7 IPs & ASPs of Circle Office led by the CS sought appointment with DPS(HQ) on the issue which is stuck up at the level of DPS(HQ). The CS and the Circle Treasurer met DPS(HQ) on 21.07.2010 and pleaded for approval of MACP orders by the acting Chief PMG as the case is delayed badly. DPS(HQ) mentioned that she wanted its approval by the 'regular' Chief PMG and advised the delegation to wait with patience till 'regular' Chief PMG returns from leave on 26.07.2010.
Information requestor to approach Appellate Authority (AA) before sending appeal to CIC
Follow the link for more information :
Not taking care to write/maintain CRs - Department failed to ensure fair and efficient career management for their employees- CIC Decision
Follow the link for more information :
Small Savings Interest may reduce - Government considereing to link with prevailing market rate.
The government is considering to deregulate interest rates on small savings schemes like public provident fund (PPF) and post office deposits, linking them to the prevailing interest rates in the markets.
The move will reduce returns on such schemes. At present, the interest rates on small savings schemes are fixed by the government, which are normally higher than the prevailing interest rates in the market. For example, the interest rate on PPF is 8%, which is tax-free, while that on the other similar instruments like bank deposits are lower.
The post-tax return on bank deposits is around 5.5% for those who fall in the highest tax bracket of 30%.
Towards this end, the government has set up a committee under the Reserve Bank of India deputy governor Shyamla Gopinath — to suggest the ways and means — for deregulating interest rates on small savings schemes. Small savings schemes mobilise huge amount of funds as they offer higher interest rates.
According to the Budget estimate, in 2010-11, these schemes may fetch Rs 50,300 crore, taking the total mobilisation to Rs 7,57,000 crore.
Funds mobilised under small savings schemes are disbursed to the central and state governments as debt. As the cost of the small savings funds are high, state governments pay higher interest rates (9.5%-10%) on the loans taken from these schemes compared to other sources in the market.
The 13th Finance Commission headed by former finance secretary Vijay Kelkar had suggested to bring down the interest rates on outstanding loans to 9% by the end of 2009-10.
But for this, the interest rates on small savings should also be brought down.
At the same time, according to the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, states cannot borrow from open market beyond 4% of their fiscal deficits. Therefore, states are not able to benefit from prevailing lower interest rates in the market and take higher-interest loans from small savings.
The committee will also examine the new investment opportunities for the funds mobilized under small savings schemes. At present, the funds could be invested only in the central and state governments special securities. Committee will also review the administrative arrangement including the cost of operation.
The move will reduce returns on such schemes. At present, the interest rates on small savings schemes are fixed by the government, which are normally higher than the prevailing interest rates in the market. For example, the interest rate on PPF is 8%, which is tax-free, while that on the other similar instruments like bank deposits are lower.
The post-tax return on bank deposits is around 5.5% for those who fall in the highest tax bracket of 30%.
Towards this end, the government has set up a committee under the Reserve Bank of India deputy governor Shyamla Gopinath — to suggest the ways and means — for deregulating interest rates on small savings schemes. Small savings schemes mobilise huge amount of funds as they offer higher interest rates.
According to the Budget estimate, in 2010-11, these schemes may fetch Rs 50,300 crore, taking the total mobilisation to Rs 7,57,000 crore.
Funds mobilised under small savings schemes are disbursed to the central and state governments as debt. As the cost of the small savings funds are high, state governments pay higher interest rates (9.5%-10%) on the loans taken from these schemes compared to other sources in the market.
The 13th Finance Commission headed by former finance secretary Vijay Kelkar had suggested to bring down the interest rates on outstanding loans to 9% by the end of 2009-10.
But for this, the interest rates on small savings should also be brought down.
At the same time, according to the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, states cannot borrow from open market beyond 4% of their fiscal deficits. Therefore, states are not able to benefit from prevailing lower interest rates in the market and take higher-interest loans from small savings.
The committee will also examine the new investment opportunities for the funds mobilized under small savings schemes. At present, the funds could be invested only in the central and state governments special securities. Committee will also review the administrative arrangement including the cost of operation.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Clarification on reimbursement of LTC-80 Fare
The Ministry of Finance has clarified that LTC-80 Rate available on the date of booking will be applicable for Air Travel by eligible Central Government employees.
This clarification has been given in connection with doubts raised by administrative authorities of various departments to the effect that whether LTC-80 Rate issued by Government Air Services viz Air India/Indian Air lines as on 1.12.2008 is to be applied for reimbursement of air travel fares for tours performed by Central government employees
Check this link http://gconnect.in/pages/circular_page/leave-ltc/ltc-80-fare-date-15-07-2010.pdf to download Office Memorandum F.No:19046/1/2008/E.IV dated 15-07-2010 issued by Ministry of Finance for more details
This clarification has been given in connection with doubts raised by administrative authorities of various departments to the effect that whether LTC-80 Rate issued by Government Air Services viz Air India/Indian Air lines as on 1.12.2008 is to be applied for reimbursement of air travel fares for tours performed by Central government employees
Check this link http://gconnect.in/pages/circular_page/leave-ltc/ltc-80-fare-date-15-07-2010.pdf to download Office Memorandum F.No:19046/1/2008/E.IV dated 15-07-2010 issued by Ministry of Finance for more details
IP Review Results of 2007 Examination held from 10-12 August 2007 - Directorate issued Marks
Postal Directorate declared IP results and Marks of the all candidates for the year 2007 Examination held from 10-12 August 2007 vide Memo No.A-34013/03/2007-DE(Pt.) dated 16/07/2010.
1. To get IP review Results for the year 2007
Click here -> http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B1mpMV2cswheYjZhYzVlYmUtNWU5Mi00M2NlLWExNzctM2JhOTc3MDA3NDIz&hl=en
2.To get the Marks of the candidates Circle wise
Click here -> http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B1mpMV2cswheYjZhYzVlYmUtNWU5Mi00M2NlLWExNzctM2JhOTc3MDA3NDIz&hl=en
1. To get IP review Results for the year 2007
Click here -> http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B1mpMV2cswheYjZhYzVlYmUtNWU5Mi00M2NlLWExNzctM2JhOTc3MDA3NDIz&hl=en
2.To get the Marks of the candidates Circle wise
Click here -> http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B1mpMV2cswheYjZhYzVlYmUtNWU5Mi00M2NlLWExNzctM2JhOTc3MDA3NDIz&hl=en
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Message from Sindhanur Sub Division
Hi Sir,
The HP laptop and Laser printer have supplied to my sub division and noticed that, the same have supplied to some of the sub divisions in Raichur, Gadag & Bagalkot divisions. Printers have already installed in most of the sub divisions.
This is for your kind information.
Inspector Posts
Sindhanur Sub Division.
The HP laptop and Laser printer have supplied to my sub division and noticed that, the same have supplied to some of the sub divisions in Raichur, Gadag & Bagalkot divisions. Printers have already installed in most of the sub divisions.
This is for your kind information.
Inspector Posts
Sindhanur Sub Division.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
CWC meeting dated 10-07-2010
The Inaugural function started at 1045hrs at Ainekidu Subramanya Co-Operative Sabha Bhavana, Near Subramanya Post Office, at Subramanya . Sri A K Balan SSPOs Puttur was the chief guest. Sri Dinesh Khare , Circle President as well as All India CHQ President presided over the function. Sri Lokanatha IP Sullia Sub Division welcomed the gathering and the guests. Sri Naveen Chandar CS addressed the members regarding the need of the CWC meeting. The Chief guest addressed the gathering with a key note “ Be in Union, Work for Union and work hard”. Sri Dinesh Khare was honoured during the function for being unanimously elected as CHQ President and later Sri Khare thanked all the members and especially the CS for canvasing for him to be the Presidential candidate with all the office bearers present during the All India Conference. He assured the august body that he will try to discharge the duties and fulfill the expectations of the members. Sri Dinesh ASP Puttur Sub Division proposed vote of thanks and Sri Shrinath IPO C Puttur compared the programme. Later the CWC meeting was held in the same venue with many discussions as per the agenda.
To discuss about present status of IP grade Pay revision taken up by the Dept and Circle Association’s further action in this regard.
After a marathon discussion on the issue it was resolved that: Sri Joseph Rodrigues Circle Treasurer may prepare a proposal and put it on blog for further updation after collecting the views of all the members.
To discuss about the CBS issues thrust on IP / ASPs
We can put up in the bi monthly meeting and prepare an agenda. Also date of meeting may be published in blog
To discuss about the MACP issues recommended by the 6th Pay Commission
It was resolved To ignore the promotions attained by IPOs / ASPOs by their own efforts. In other words entry into clerical cadre should be the criteria for considering promotion under MACP after 10, 20 and 30 years
To discuss about delay in holding Circle DPC for ASP promotion
CS informed that the CRs of eligible IPs have already been called by CO and that there are 10 vacancies to fill up from among IPOs. APMG staff assured that DPC will be held shortly. It was unanimously decided that the creation of panel at circle level for adhoc promotion to the cadre of ASPs, SPOs and JTS is not beneficial to the officers and hence members expressed opinion that instead of forming panel, volunteers should be called for each post whenever it falls vacant and the willing officials should only be posted against those posts and nobody should be compelled to accept adhoc promotion.
To discuss about the filling up of IP Vacancies / delay in issue of posting orders for surplus qualified IPs opted for other circles.
It was unanimously resolved that, the vacant posts of IPs may not be managed for longer period by entrusting additional charges. This will put IPOs in a disadvantageous position whenever frauds occur. This is fraught with risks of bearing additional responsibility for contributory negligence whenever frauds occur. This will demoralize the cadre. Therefore, managing of sub divisions by additional charge may be avoided and the willing officials should only be posted to officiate as IPOs in vacant positions.
To discuss about the Gr B Examination – implications of Hon Madras CAT order
No discussion as aggrieved party approached High court.
Revision of Inspection days depending on workload of BO / SOs and other issues relating to inspection questionnaire
It was suggested that, the department should be asked to provide following information to the association under RTI.
What are the norms for assessing work load of a sub divisional office?
When the last review of sub divisions was taken up and with what result.
How many posts of inspectors have been newly created for managing the sub divisions on account of increased work load since last 25 years.
How many CI posts have been abolished and copies of rulings/instructions on such abolitions including note sheets approving abolition may be supplied.
Supply of Laptops to Sub Divisions- Present status
It is resolved to urge the administration for supply of lap tops to RMS sub divisions also on par with postal sub divisions as the work involved in inspection and maintenance of records of RMS sub divisions are also on par with postal sub divisions. Hence, there should not discrimination for supply of lap tops to RMS sub divisions. Further, it was resolved that the supply of laptops to all inspecting officers i.e., ASP (HQ), ASP (R), IP(C) and IPs, ASPs working in Regional offices and circle offices should be expedited.
The officers provided with lap tops should also be supplied with data card for internet to enable faster communication and monitoring of e enabled services in the post offices under their jurisdiction.
To discuss about our stand on the Proposed Indefinite strike by our Sister unions
It was decided not to participate in the ensuing strike called by the sister unions with effect from 13-07-2010 in the absence of instructions from CHQ. Further it was resolved that, the administration should not force IPs and ASPOs to perform operative duties during the strike period.
Any other issues by the permission of Chair
Other issues
1) RPLI incentive - It is resolved to insist the department for payment of Rs. 50/- as incentive for having written confidential report. This should be paid irrespective of the amount of policy and also that it should be paid instantaneously after acceptance of the policy without depending on the incentive bills to be preferred by the BPMs/SPMs.
2) It is resolved to urge administration for supply of Swamy’s hand book, swamy’s news and also the latest copies of departmental volumes and manuals to all IPs and ASPs.
3) FSC- It is resolved that, the amount of FSC may be enhanced to Rs. 500/- per month. It is resolved to urge administration for payment of FSC to the sub divisional heads of RMS also on par with sub divisional heads of postal wing.
4) IO / PO honorarium - It is decided to urge administration that the incentive for IO / PO be enhanced and the based on some standards
5) In SO inspection questionnaire, it is mandatory to verify five TD pass books physically and to issue SB 46 notice to rest of the TD account holders. In the present set up, there are too many TD accounts opened in SOs. Therefore, the above procedure of verification is almost impossible and unscientific. Therefore, only five pass books for physical verification should be prescribed and not all the TD pass books.
6) It is resolved to insist upon giving full and detailed information for officials and public related to new business concept. In many cases, the schemes are introduced without any advance preparation like income generated from the scheme and returns to be gained from the point of view of general public and other important features of the scheme. Therefore, it is urged that the department should be ready with the details of the scheme which can be informative to the officials and the public before it is implemented.
7) Binaga fraud case, Karwar: The aggrieved officers of Karwar division expressed disappointment stating that unreasonable amount is ordered for recovery from the officers who had worked in various capacities in Karwar division when huge fraud took place at Binaga SO. The aggrieved officers urged for intervention of circle association to bring justice and to protect the officers involved in the office work from unnecessary risk of bringing them for contributory negligence. The CWC members urged for taking up the issue with concerned PMG and also with CPMG on this issue. Similarly, the CWC urged that circle association to write to Regional PMG and also to Chief PMG on the issue of recovery on account of contributory negligence in fraud cases of Karwar division and Raichur division, before meeting the concerned higher officers on this issue.
Finally the meeting ended at 1700 hrs.
To discuss about present status of IP grade Pay revision taken up by the Dept and Circle Association’s further action in this regard.
After a marathon discussion on the issue it was resolved that: Sri Joseph Rodrigues Circle Treasurer may prepare a proposal and put it on blog for further updation after collecting the views of all the members.
To discuss about the CBS issues thrust on IP / ASPs
We can put up in the bi monthly meeting and prepare an agenda. Also date of meeting may be published in blog
To discuss about the MACP issues recommended by the 6th Pay Commission
It was resolved To ignore the promotions attained by IPOs / ASPOs by their own efforts. In other words entry into clerical cadre should be the criteria for considering promotion under MACP after 10, 20 and 30 years
To discuss about delay in holding Circle DPC for ASP promotion
CS informed that the CRs of eligible IPs have already been called by CO and that there are 10 vacancies to fill up from among IPOs. APMG staff assured that DPC will be held shortly. It was unanimously decided that the creation of panel at circle level for adhoc promotion to the cadre of ASPs, SPOs and JTS is not beneficial to the officers and hence members expressed opinion that instead of forming panel, volunteers should be called for each post whenever it falls vacant and the willing officials should only be posted against those posts and nobody should be compelled to accept adhoc promotion.
To discuss about the filling up of IP Vacancies / delay in issue of posting orders for surplus qualified IPs opted for other circles.
It was unanimously resolved that, the vacant posts of IPs may not be managed for longer period by entrusting additional charges. This will put IPOs in a disadvantageous position whenever frauds occur. This is fraught with risks of bearing additional responsibility for contributory negligence whenever frauds occur. This will demoralize the cadre. Therefore, managing of sub divisions by additional charge may be avoided and the willing officials should only be posted to officiate as IPOs in vacant positions.
To discuss about the Gr B Examination – implications of Hon Madras CAT order
No discussion as aggrieved party approached High court.
Revision of Inspection days depending on workload of BO / SOs and other issues relating to inspection questionnaire
It was suggested that, the department should be asked to provide following information to the association under RTI.
What are the norms for assessing work load of a sub divisional office?
When the last review of sub divisions was taken up and with what result.
How many posts of inspectors have been newly created for managing the sub divisions on account of increased work load since last 25 years.
How many CI posts have been abolished and copies of rulings/instructions on such abolitions including note sheets approving abolition may be supplied.
Supply of Laptops to Sub Divisions- Present status
It is resolved to urge the administration for supply of lap tops to RMS sub divisions also on par with postal sub divisions as the work involved in inspection and maintenance of records of RMS sub divisions are also on par with postal sub divisions. Hence, there should not discrimination for supply of lap tops to RMS sub divisions. Further, it was resolved that the supply of laptops to all inspecting officers i.e., ASP (HQ), ASP (R), IP(C) and IPs, ASPs working in Regional offices and circle offices should be expedited.
The officers provided with lap tops should also be supplied with data card for internet to enable faster communication and monitoring of e enabled services in the post offices under their jurisdiction.
To discuss about our stand on the Proposed Indefinite strike by our Sister unions
It was decided not to participate in the ensuing strike called by the sister unions with effect from 13-07-2010 in the absence of instructions from CHQ. Further it was resolved that, the administration should not force IPs and ASPOs to perform operative duties during the strike period.
Any other issues by the permission of Chair
Other issues
1) RPLI incentive - It is resolved to insist the department for payment of Rs. 50/- as incentive for having written confidential report. This should be paid irrespective of the amount of policy and also that it should be paid instantaneously after acceptance of the policy without depending on the incentive bills to be preferred by the BPMs/SPMs.
2) It is resolved to urge administration for supply of Swamy’s hand book, swamy’s news and also the latest copies of departmental volumes and manuals to all IPs and ASPs.
3) FSC- It is resolved that, the amount of FSC may be enhanced to Rs. 500/- per month. It is resolved to urge administration for payment of FSC to the sub divisional heads of RMS also on par with sub divisional heads of postal wing.
4) IO / PO honorarium - It is decided to urge administration that the incentive for IO / PO be enhanced and the based on some standards
5) In SO inspection questionnaire, it is mandatory to verify five TD pass books physically and to issue SB 46 notice to rest of the TD account holders. In the present set up, there are too many TD accounts opened in SOs. Therefore, the above procedure of verification is almost impossible and unscientific. Therefore, only five pass books for physical verification should be prescribed and not all the TD pass books.
6) It is resolved to insist upon giving full and detailed information for officials and public related to new business concept. In many cases, the schemes are introduced without any advance preparation like income generated from the scheme and returns to be gained from the point of view of general public and other important features of the scheme. Therefore, it is urged that the department should be ready with the details of the scheme which can be informative to the officials and the public before it is implemented.
7) Binaga fraud case, Karwar: The aggrieved officers of Karwar division expressed disappointment stating that unreasonable amount is ordered for recovery from the officers who had worked in various capacities in Karwar division when huge fraud took place at Binaga SO. The aggrieved officers urged for intervention of circle association to bring justice and to protect the officers involved in the office work from unnecessary risk of bringing them for contributory negligence. The CWC members urged for taking up the issue with concerned PMG and also with CPMG on this issue. Similarly, the CWC urged that circle association to write to Regional PMG and also to Chief PMG on the issue of recovery on account of contributory negligence in fraud cases of Karwar division and Raichur division, before meeting the concerned higher officers on this issue.
Finally the meeting ended at 1700 hrs.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Holiday for C Wealth Games Delhi 14.10.10.
Government has decided to declare Thursday, the 14th October 2010, as a Holiday for Central Government Offices, including Central Public Sector Undertakings, located in Delhi/New Delhi on the occasion of Closing Ceremony of the Commonwealth Games-2010.
This holiday is notified in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (26 of 881).
Vide OM NO. 12/7/2009-JCA-2 dated 07-07-2010.
This holiday is notified in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (26 of 881).
Vide OM NO. 12/7/2009-JCA-2 dated 07-07-2010.
Option for fixation of pay in the new Scale
The date for option for fixation of pay in the revised scale has been extended up to 31/12/2010.
Initial option given can be changed if there is any benfefit in doing so.
The order may be downloaded fom the site mentioned below
Initial option given can be changed if there is any benfefit in doing so.
The order may be downloaded fom the site mentioned below
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
GS meets DDG(P) and DDG(Estt) in the Postal Directorate:
General Secretary alongwith Mr.S.Ravi former CHQ Treasurer met DDG(Estt) and requested to expedite the revision of Grade Pay to IP from Rs 4200 to 4600. DDG (Estt) informed that the case has become prejudice as some IP in Kerala Circle has filed a case for revision of Grade Pay before CAT Ernakulam. Now the Dte. has found a new reason to further delay the case.
DDG(P) was requested to finalise the DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Group B. A letter was given addressed to the DG. Copy of the same is furnished below:
Copy of CHQ letter No. CHQ/AIA/06/2010 dated 06.07.2010 addressed to DG Posts:
Sub: Holding of DPC for regular promotion in PS Group 'B' Cadre.
Ref: Postal Directorate letter No. 9-35/2010-SPG dated 26.05.10.
Respected Madam,
Postal Directorate has called for ACRs and vigilance clearance reports from all Circles for the year 2010 vide reference above. As per Model Calendar for DPCs vidde DOP&T O.M. No.22011/9/98-Estt.(D) dated 08.09.1998, the approved select panel for the vacancies of 2010 should have been oready by 31.12.2009. By this time in July 2010, the process of documentation for 2011 should have been on the verge of completion for holding DPC by 31.08.2010.
It is evident from the above that the process of DPC is not at all undertaken as per the prescribed guidelines of DOP&T (Nodal Department). Due to delay in holding of DPC, Circles are resorting to adhoc promotions in P.S.Group 'B' cadre and many senior ASPs are retiring from service without getting regular promotion into P.S.Group 'B'.
It is, therefore, urged upon that action may be initiated to hold DPC for the year 2010 and 2011 and to get approved select panel ready by 31.12.2010 for the above years so that there remains no need for Circles to resort to adhoc promotions in P.S.Group'B' cadre.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
DDG(P) was requested to finalise the DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Group B. A letter was given addressed to the DG. Copy of the same is furnished below:
Copy of CHQ letter No. CHQ/AIA/06/2010 dated 06.07.2010 addressed to DG Posts:
Sub: Holding of DPC for regular promotion in PS Group 'B' Cadre.
Ref: Postal Directorate letter No. 9-35/2010-SPG dated 26.05.10.
Respected Madam,
Postal Directorate has called for ACRs and vigilance clearance reports from all Circles for the year 2010 vide reference above. As per Model Calendar for DPCs vidde DOP&T O.M. No.22011/9/98-Estt.(D) dated 08.09.1998, the approved select panel for the vacancies of 2010 should have been oready by 31.12.2009. By this time in July 2010, the process of documentation for 2011 should have been on the verge of completion for holding DPC by 31.08.2010.
It is evident from the above that the process of DPC is not at all undertaken as per the prescribed guidelines of DOP&T (Nodal Department). Due to delay in holding of DPC, Circles are resorting to adhoc promotions in P.S.Group 'B' cadre and many senior ASPs are retiring from service without getting regular promotion into P.S.Group 'B'.
It is, therefore, urged upon that action may be initiated to hold DPC for the year 2010 and 2011 and to get approved select panel ready by 31.12.2010 for the above years so that there remains no need for Circles to resort to adhoc promotions in P.S.Group'B' cadre.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
Postal Retailing and Self Management Training at APPC Bangok 12-30 July 2010
The following IP/ASP have been detailed to undergo training at APPC Bangok, Thailand from 12-30 July 2010.
(1) Shri. Atma Ram, ASP(BD), R.O Ajmer.(Rajasthan)
(2) Shri.P.B.Srinivas, ASP(Mktg), C.O. Hyderabad.(A.P)
(3).Shri.Vikas Yadav, IP Noida. (U.P)
(1) Shri. Atma Ram, ASP(BD), R.O Ajmer.(Rajasthan)
(2) Shri.P.B.Srinivas, ASP(Mktg), C.O. Hyderabad.(A.P)
(3).Shri.Vikas Yadav, IP Noida. (U.P)
National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) Union website published today that the proposed indefinite strike from 13th July, 2010 is deferred.
We reproduce the full text of the post and is given below for your information...
Proposed indefinite strike from 13.07.2010 deferred
The Secretary, Posts had taken a meeting with staff side on 12.07.2010 to discuss the charter of demands at 11 am and the following are the outcome on the charter of demands.
1. There will be no closure of single handed post offices.
2. The demand of the staff side that the annual increments to the erstwhile GDS SPMs should be continued will be considered positively.
3. There is no policy decision of the department to outsource any of the postal services.
4. A separate meeting will be held on 15.07.2010 to discuss about the Mckinsey and the object of restructuring the services.
5. Another separate meeting with the staff side will be held about the technology proposals shortly to discuss the future expansion of technology.
6. There will be no violation of earlier agreement on status quo of RMS & MMS with 10000 mails. Any violation if brought to the Directorate’s notice it will be set aside.
7. The Departmental council & periodical meetings will be held regularly hereafter. Next meeting will be held in next month August 2010.
8. The demand of higher pay to TBOP &BCR for the earlier period will be considered along with the cadre review proposals.
9. There will be no harassment in Project Arrow offices. Furnishing wrong data’s and showing as delivered or redirected will not be allowed hereafter.
10. The demand of the staff side to assess the vacancies as per establishment strength and actual strength in all cadres will be considered and all Chief PMGs will be addressed and appraised to fill up all the vacant posts forthwith during video conferences personally by the Secretary (P).
11. A committee consisting four staff side representatives with DDG(P) & DDG (Est) will be constituted and the process of the proposals of cadre review for all cadres will be completed before the end of 2010.
12. Separate discussions will be made on the proposal of creation of Postmasters cadre also.
13. The welfare schemes to GDS like grant of pension, medical, the proposals were already cleared by the Postal Board and submitted to nodal ministries for approval. It will be expedited.
14. It was assured to reconsider the norms for cash handling to BPMs and also fix fresh norms to RPLI and NREGIS scheme shortly.
15. The proposal for higher pay to Driver with Grade pay of 2400 has been sent to the Ministry of Finance.
16. The revision of O.S.A rates will be made within one month.
17. Technology training to workshop staff will be provided.
18. The proposals for the grant of minimum pay as per the Sixth CPC to casual labourers have been submitted to Ministry of Finance for approval. It will be expedited. The demand of the staff side to grant revised GDS pay to GDS substitutes will be considered.
19. The issues related to postmen norms, delivery, beat etc will be discussed shortly and final decision will be taken before the end of October 2010. One committee will be constituted to sort out the issues.
20. The plea of the staff side to ignore benchmark for MACP has been accepted and the Secretary told the DDG to cause orders today itself. Another request to ignore the earlier declining of LSG promotions prior to the receipt of MACP orders will also be considered.
21. The proposal of the staff side to create System assistant instead of System administrator will be considered along with the cadre review proposals. The orders relating to road mileage allowance will be released shortly. The distribution of work & responsibility etc will be looked into along with the cadre review proposals.
22. The Recruitment Rules for Multi tasked staff will be finalized shortly. Our request to finalise the rules with no educational qualifications as if available to erstwhile Group D has been accepted.
23 The issues relating to Postal accounts like filling up of posts, amalgamation of Group C etc will be discussed further with DDG (PAF).
24. The suggestions of the Admin union about centralization of PLI claim at RO & CO will be considered. Further a separate meeting will be organized with their union to discuss about their issues.
25. Clarificatory orders will be issued soon providing officiating pay to the officials holding higher posts like HSG II & HSG I.
26. The issues of the postal Civil wing will be discussed separately.
After the meeting, the JCA met and decided to defer the proposed strike duly considering the positive approach of the Secretary in settlement of our genuine demands.
We reproduce the full text of the post and is given below for your information...
Proposed indefinite strike from 13.07.2010 deferred
The Secretary, Posts had taken a meeting with staff side on 12.07.2010 to discuss the charter of demands at 11 am and the following are the outcome on the charter of demands.
1. There will be no closure of single handed post offices.
2. The demand of the staff side that the annual increments to the erstwhile GDS SPMs should be continued will be considered positively.
3. There is no policy decision of the department to outsource any of the postal services.
4. A separate meeting will be held on 15.07.2010 to discuss about the Mckinsey and the object of restructuring the services.
5. Another separate meeting with the staff side will be held about the technology proposals shortly to discuss the future expansion of technology.
6. There will be no violation of earlier agreement on status quo of RMS & MMS with 10000 mails. Any violation if brought to the Directorate’s notice it will be set aside.
7. The Departmental council & periodical meetings will be held regularly hereafter. Next meeting will be held in next month August 2010.
8. The demand of higher pay to TBOP &BCR for the earlier period will be considered along with the cadre review proposals.
9. There will be no harassment in Project Arrow offices. Furnishing wrong data’s and showing as delivered or redirected will not be allowed hereafter.
10. The demand of the staff side to assess the vacancies as per establishment strength and actual strength in all cadres will be considered and all Chief PMGs will be addressed and appraised to fill up all the vacant posts forthwith during video conferences personally by the Secretary (P).
11. A committee consisting four staff side representatives with DDG(P) & DDG (Est) will be constituted and the process of the proposals of cadre review for all cadres will be completed before the end of 2010.
12. Separate discussions will be made on the proposal of creation of Postmasters cadre also.
13. The welfare schemes to GDS like grant of pension, medical, the proposals were already cleared by the Postal Board and submitted to nodal ministries for approval. It will be expedited.
14. It was assured to reconsider the norms for cash handling to BPMs and also fix fresh norms to RPLI and NREGIS scheme shortly.
15. The proposal for higher pay to Driver with Grade pay of 2400 has been sent to the Ministry of Finance.
16. The revision of O.S.A rates will be made within one month.
17. Technology training to workshop staff will be provided.
18. The proposals for the grant of minimum pay as per the Sixth CPC to casual labourers have been submitted to Ministry of Finance for approval. It will be expedited. The demand of the staff side to grant revised GDS pay to GDS substitutes will be considered.
19. The issues related to postmen norms, delivery, beat etc will be discussed shortly and final decision will be taken before the end of October 2010. One committee will be constituted to sort out the issues.
20. The plea of the staff side to ignore benchmark for MACP has been accepted and the Secretary told the DDG to cause orders today itself. Another request to ignore the earlier declining of LSG promotions prior to the receipt of MACP orders will also be considered.
21. The proposal of the staff side to create System assistant instead of System administrator will be considered along with the cadre review proposals. The orders relating to road mileage allowance will be released shortly. The distribution of work & responsibility etc will be looked into along with the cadre review proposals.
22. The Recruitment Rules for Multi tasked staff will be finalized shortly. Our request to finalise the rules with no educational qualifications as if available to erstwhile Group D has been accepted.
23 The issues relating to Postal accounts like filling up of posts, amalgamation of Group C etc will be discussed further with DDG (PAF).
24. The suggestions of the Admin union about centralization of PLI claim at RO & CO will be considered. Further a separate meeting will be organized with their union to discuss about their issues.
25. Clarificatory orders will be issued soon providing officiating pay to the officials holding higher posts like HSG II & HSG I.
26. The issues of the postal Civil wing will be discussed separately.
After the meeting, the JCA met and decided to defer the proposed strike duly considering the positive approach of the Secretary in settlement of our genuine demands.
Remotely Managed Franking System is likely to be issued in our Department
India Post has decided to introduce Remotely Managed Franking Machines in place of Electronic Franking Machines with effect from 16.8.2010 based on new technology with security features like generation of 2D barcode with frank impression and elimination of human intervention for uploading the credit in franking machines.
Salient Features of the RMFS is as follows:-
(a) Only India Specific models of Franking Machines with inkjet printing technology approved by the Directorate will be used.
(b) No requirement of mechanical seals.
(c) Amount for uploading the credit is to be credited at SBI or at Post office through ePayment.
(d) The machine is to be connected to the central server three times every day for exchanging information on funds deposited, funds downloaded and uploading of reports etc.,
(e) The credit will be uploaded in Franking machine on its dialing to RMFs server for the purpose. Meters will be set/re-set automatically.
(f) Franking impression shall be in blue colour and will indicate class of article, pincode, authentication code, date of frank, mail item number, licence identified number, frank value and 2D barcode.
(g) 2D barcode will have important information and the barcode can be scanned to check the genuineness of the frank impression.
(h) Migration plan for phasing out the electronic FM is as follows:-
(i) The scheme will be introduced with effect from 16.8.2010
(ii) Licences of all FMs which are older than 5 years will not be renewed.
(iii) Licences of Electronic FM which are less than 5 years old may be renewed till completion of period of 5 years.
(iv) No Electronic FM of old models shall not be allowed to operate after 30.6.2013. Articles franked by such machines shall not be accepted after 30.6.2013.
Salient Features of the RMFS is as follows:-
(a) Only India Specific models of Franking Machines with inkjet printing technology approved by the Directorate will be used.
(b) No requirement of mechanical seals.
(c) Amount for uploading the credit is to be credited at SBI or at Post office through ePayment.
(d) The machine is to be connected to the central server three times every day for exchanging information on funds deposited, funds downloaded and uploading of reports etc.,
(e) The credit will be uploaded in Franking machine on its dialing to RMFs server for the purpose. Meters will be set/re-set automatically.
(f) Franking impression shall be in blue colour and will indicate class of article, pincode, authentication code, date of frank, mail item number, licence identified number, frank value and 2D barcode.
(g) 2D barcode will have important information and the barcode can be scanned to check the genuineness of the frank impression.
(h) Migration plan for phasing out the electronic FM is as follows:-
(i) The scheme will be introduced with effect from 16.8.2010
(ii) Licences of all FMs which are older than 5 years will not be renewed.
(iii) Licences of Electronic FM which are less than 5 years old may be renewed till completion of period of 5 years.
(iv) No Electronic FM of old models shall not be allowed to operate after 30.6.2013. Articles franked by such machines shall not be accepted after 30.6.2013.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Follow the link for more information in this regard.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Supply of Laptops to Sub-Divisions
Laptops have started reaching the Sub-Divisions in Karnataka.
While Laptop(HP Brand) is supplied by M/s Agmatel India Pvt Ltd, Printer and MS Office will be received directly from HP. The Laptop is already loaded with Anti-virus.
It is mentioned by Agmatel that their Service Engineers will undertake installation of the Laptop for which they have reportedly made spot-visit schedule.
While Laptop(HP Brand) is supplied by M/s Agmatel India Pvt Ltd, Printer and MS Office will be received directly from HP. The Laptop is already loaded with Anti-virus.
It is mentioned by Agmatel that their Service Engineers will undertake installation of the Laptop for which they have reportedly made spot-visit schedule.
Department proposed to issue Smart Card for NREGS beneficieries
NEW DELHI: The department of posts plans to introduce electronic cards for payment to beneficiaries under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) to make disbursal of funds under the scheme completely paperless and check financial irregularities.
The government is also planning to open zero-deposit post office savings accounts for beneficiaries of NREGA as well as other social sector schemes. There are about 1.55 lakh post offices in the country which operate small savings schemes.
The proposal aims at helping illiterate workers get their money under the scheme with ease without getting into the trouble of completing forms and procedural hassles.
“Introducing smart cards will ensure that the poor and illiterate workers do not lose out on their wages because of their inability to properly follow the payment procedures and the documentation required,” said an official in the ministry of communications and information technology.
Initially, the electronic cards will be available to workers on a voluntary basis. Depending on its success, it will be gradually rolled out to all beneficiaries of the scheme.
To facilitate ease of use for the illiterate customers, a summary of the transactions will be read aloud in their local vernacular language as an assurance that they have received the requested amount, the official said.
The proposal follows government’s recent decision to make disbursal of funds under the scheme biometric enabled. The twin proposals are expected to bring greater transparency and improve the effectiveness of the UPA’s flagship scheme, which has often been criticised for its lack of proper implementation and revenue leakages.
A review of NREGA, now called Mahatma Gandhi NREGA, by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India last year reflected several flaws in the maintenance of records and money disbursed, leading to questions on effective of the scheme.
The ministry of rural development is also working towards putting in place a system of biometric identification of eligible workers under the scheme.
The biometric database of NREGA workers, which is aimed at bringing more transparency in the implementation of the scheme, will also be shared with Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).
The government is also planning to open zero-deposit post office savings accounts for beneficiaries of NREGA as well as other social sector schemes. There are about 1.55 lakh post offices in the country which operate small savings schemes.
The proposal aims at helping illiterate workers get their money under the scheme with ease without getting into the trouble of completing forms and procedural hassles.
“Introducing smart cards will ensure that the poor and illiterate workers do not lose out on their wages because of their inability to properly follow the payment procedures and the documentation required,” said an official in the ministry of communications and information technology.
Initially, the electronic cards will be available to workers on a voluntary basis. Depending on its success, it will be gradually rolled out to all beneficiaries of the scheme.
To facilitate ease of use for the illiterate customers, a summary of the transactions will be read aloud in their local vernacular language as an assurance that they have received the requested amount, the official said.
The proposal follows government’s recent decision to make disbursal of funds under the scheme biometric enabled. The twin proposals are expected to bring greater transparency and improve the effectiveness of the UPA’s flagship scheme, which has often been criticised for its lack of proper implementation and revenue leakages.
A review of NREGA, now called Mahatma Gandhi NREGA, by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India last year reflected several flaws in the maintenance of records and money disbursed, leading to questions on effective of the scheme.
The ministry of rural development is also working towards putting in place a system of biometric identification of eligible workers under the scheme.
The biometric database of NREGA workers, which is aimed at bringing more transparency in the implementation of the scheme, will also be shared with Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI).
All India Consumer Price Index number
The All India Consumer Price Index number for (Industrial Workers) (Base 2001=100) for the month of May 2010 is 172 as announced by Statistics Department, Labour, Government of India.
Based on this index, DA calculation is as under. Present DA rate from 1.1.2010 is 35%. So far there is an increase of 8%. If the index remains 172 there will be an increase of 9%. Month All India Index % of increase
Nov 2008 148 21.44
Dec 2008 147 22.38
Jan 2009 148 23.39
Feb 2009 148 24.32
Mar 2009 148 25.12
Apr 2009 150 25.98
May 2009 151 26.84
Jun 2009 153 27.78
Jul 2009 160 29.00
Aug 2009 162 30.23
Sep 2009 163 31.45
Oct 2009 165 32.67
Nov 2009 168 34.11
Dec 2009 169 35.70
Jan 2010 172 37.43
Feb 2010 170 39.01
Mar 2010 170 40.59
Apr 2010 170 42.03
May 2010 172 43.54
Based on this index, DA calculation is as under. Present DA rate from 1.1.2010 is 35%. So far there is an increase of 8%. If the index remains 172 there will be an increase of 9%. Month All India Index % of increase
Nov 2008 148 21.44
Dec 2008 147 22.38
Jan 2009 148 23.39
Feb 2009 148 24.32
Mar 2009 148 25.12
Apr 2009 150 25.98
May 2009 151 26.84
Jun 2009 153 27.78
Jul 2009 160 29.00
Aug 2009 162 30.23
Sep 2009 163 31.45
Oct 2009 165 32.67
Nov 2009 168 34.11
Dec 2009 169 35.70
Jan 2010 172 37.43
Feb 2010 170 39.01
Mar 2010 170 40.59
Apr 2010 170 42.03
May 2010 172 43.54
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