Dear Friends,
I am happy that as per the decision taken in the last circle conference to create a blog for our circle association is fulfilled by Mr Naveen V.L IP Udupi within a short span. I personally thank him for his selfless efforts and the commitment shown towards the association. He is updating every available issue and send a reminder to all our members having CUG through an SMS alert. I hope that many of our members have visited and communicating through blog I hope since the inception of our blog most of the time we communicated through the blog except some communication with CWC members for sending the authorization forms.
I am very much pained that in spite of sending the authorization forms to all the CWC members in all the divisions/ Regional/ Circle offices in advance, many CWC members have not returned the filled forms to the CS. I am sure that all IP ASPs are busy at all the times. We don’t have any time left for association activities but still I feel that at least our CWC members must have taken some initiative to collect these forms. I would also like to mention here that the subscriptions recovered from the members are sent by some HOs in the name of former Treasurer Sri Sudhakar Devadiga or to the CS. I have written to all Divisional Heads to send the subscription through emo to our Circle Treasurer Sri Joseph Rodrigues Inspector Posts Mangalore North Sub Division Mangalore 575 001( Ph No 94498 48935 CUG). I request the members while visiting HOs kindly make a note of this and inform the concerned.
Now, in our circle the CBS wave is very strong. No doubt it should have been implemented and streamlined by this time. Anyway we are happy that we can also boast of CBS, PBI etc. Being the grass root managers in the Dept we are always accustomed to shoulder all types of responsibilities. Now, the SBCO agreement work also thrust on the shoulders of IP / ASPs in the circle. I wonder what this SBCO and its controlling officers doing all these years. We have a project arrow and our members were targeted even for minor lapses in few cases. But what about SBCO! Who is to be blamed! Now, finally administration found IP ASPs for the job and issued circulars to utilize their services. In spite of this they ask explanations for not doing visits, not completing inquiries, inspections etc. I have written letter to the CPMG and PMGs about our resentment on the issue. This does not mean that we are not co-operating on CBS issues. In few divisions the administration has asked the IP ASPs to complete the balance authentication / SBCO agreement on priority. My concern is that the administration should introspect about the primary duties of an IP ASP. If the CBS is important now, then the administration need not ask / expect any explanation from any IP ASPs on issues relating to their Primary duties.
Circle Secretary
Mr. P.M. Saravanan assumed the charge of Director Postal Services SK Region Karnataka Circle, Bangalore.
We extend a warm welcome to the officer and wish him a successful tenure.
Sri Jayanth Kumar, IP Bangalore and our CWC member joined Directorate on deputation and working in CBS unit. We congratulate him and wish him all the best in his endeavors. We hope that he will make some efforts with the GS at Delhi to fulfill our demands.
Workshop on using ILO mechanism
Sri Manjunatha Hubballi, Sri Virupakshappa O, Smt Sucheta Hegde and Kumari Usha attended workshop on using ILO mechanism from All India Association of Inspector Posts and Assistant Supdt of Posts Karnataka Circle, which was conducted at Bangalore on 15-17 May 2010.
In this workshop about 30 participants from Karnataka State Employees Assocoiation, Defence Federation and AIAIPASP attended. Sri R Kannan Project coordinator PSI New Delhi, Dr Madurai Veeran Professor Presidency College Chennai have imparted training. Sri Nagaraj V Professor Law College Bangalore also took class regarding legal advice for Trade Union rights.
Participants feel that this is right time to learn about ILO mechanism and Trade Union rights. This workshop increases the capacity to identity, analyses and report violations of Trade Union rights.
Public services International is the global union federation for public sector trade union PSI represents some 685 affiliated trade unions in 160 countries.
PSI aims at providing …..
-quality public services for all
-trade union rights for all public service workers
-gender equality and employment equity for all
-public alternatives to privatization of services
-a strong and united trade union movement
-social justice in the work place and
-poverty reduction and debt relief
This workshop enriches the participants in ILO mechanism, conventions of ILO, freedom of association, collective bargaining and application of standards. This is one of the wonderful sessions. All participants learnt the things with enjoyment.
Participants express their sincere thanks to Sri Samuel Ex Genenral Secretary AIAIPASP, Miss T V Sundari AGS AIAIPASP, Sri Dinesh Khare President AIAIPASP,Sri Naveen Chandar Circle Secretary AIAIPASP Karnataka Circle.
We hope that such kind of workshops should be conducted in all the circles an all members of the association may attend the workshop.
United we stand, Divided we fall. Unity is our strength.
Inputs By the Participant
Sri Manjunatha Hubballi
Inspector Posts
Ranebennur Sub Division
CHQ News
# The file of grade pay revision is not moved to Postal board. Further processing is kept in abeyance waiting for outcome of the CAT case filed in Kerala. Any way department is not eager to move this, and this is the reason they found to slow down the work.-email from Sri Jayanth Kumar.
# The All India conference of the association was held in Delhi on 3rd and 4th April 2010. Sri Dinesh Khare, our circle President unanimously elected as President of All India body.
The CWC meeting of our Association will be held on 10.07.2010. The Notification issued is re-produced below.
Under the provision of Article -30 of All India Association of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts, it is hereby notified that Circle Working Committee meeting will be held at Ainekidu Subramanya Co-Operative Sabha Bhavana, Near Subramanya Post Office on 10-07-2010 at 1000 hrs .
1. To discuss about present status of IP grade Pay revision taken up by the Dept and Circle Association’s further action in this regard
2. To discuss about the CBS issues thrust on IP / ASPs
3. To discuss about the MACP issues recommended by the 6th Pay Commission
4. To discuss about delay in holding Circle DPC for ASP promotion
5. To discuss about the filling up of IP Vacancies / delay in issue of posting orders for surplus qualified IPs opted for other circles.
6. To discuss about the Gr B Examination – implications of Hon Madras CAT order
7. Revision of Inspection days depending on workload of BO / SOs and other issues relating to inspection questionnaire
8. Supply of Laptops to Sub Divisions- Present status
9. To discuss about our stand on the Proposed Indefinite strike by our Sister unions
10. Any other issues by the permission of Chair
Circle Secretary
For daily updates please visit
This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Relaxation for travel by air to visit J&K
Air Travel on LTC to J&K is now allowed. Copy GOI order is printed below:
NO. 31011/2/2003-Estt. (A-IV)
Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
New Delhi, dated the 18th June., 2010
Subject.: CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 – Relaxation for travel by air to visit J&K
The undersigned is directed to say that in relaxation of CCS(LTC) Rules. 1988, it has been decided by the Government to permit Government employees to travel by air to J&K as per the following scheme:-
(i) All officers/employees of Government of India will be allowed to avail LTC to visit J&K against conversion of one block of their Home Town LTC.
(ii) Officers/employees of Government of India entitled to travel by air can avail this LTC in their entitled class.
(iii) All other employees of Government of India can travel by air in economy class from Delhi and Amritsar to any place in J&K by any airlines subject to their entitlement being limited to LTC-80 fares of Air India. Journey from their place of posting up to Delhi/Amritsar will have to be undertaken as per their entitlement.
(iv) Restriction of air travel only by Air India on LTC to other places shall continue to remain in force.
(v) This scheme shall be effective from the date of issuance.
2. These orders shall be in operation for a period of two years from the date of issue of this O.M.
3. In their application to the staff serving in the indian audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue on consultation with comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Smt.Rajbala singh
Under secretary to the Govt.of India
NO. 31011/2/2003-Estt. (A-IV)
Government of India Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
New Delhi, dated the 18th June., 2010
Subject.: CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 – Relaxation for travel by air to visit J&K
The undersigned is directed to say that in relaxation of CCS(LTC) Rules. 1988, it has been decided by the Government to permit Government employees to travel by air to J&K as per the following scheme:-
(i) All officers/employees of Government of India will be allowed to avail LTC to visit J&K against conversion of one block of their Home Town LTC.
(ii) Officers/employees of Government of India entitled to travel by air can avail this LTC in their entitled class.
(iii) All other employees of Government of India can travel by air in economy class from Delhi and Amritsar to any place in J&K by any airlines subject to their entitlement being limited to LTC-80 fares of Air India. Journey from their place of posting up to Delhi/Amritsar will have to be undertaken as per their entitlement.
(iv) Restriction of air travel only by Air India on LTC to other places shall continue to remain in force.
(v) This scheme shall be effective from the date of issuance.
2. These orders shall be in operation for a period of two years from the date of issue of this O.M.
3. In their application to the staff serving in the indian audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue on consultation with comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Smt.Rajbala singh
Under secretary to the Govt.of India
Enhancement of Fixed Medical Allownce from Rs 100/- to Rs 300/- per month w.e.f. 01.09.2008.
Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Central Government Pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS has since been enhanced from Rs 100/- to Rs 300/- per month w.e.f.01.09.2008 vide Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare) Memo No. 4/25/2008-P&PW(D)dated 26.5.2010.
14 holidays next year for Central Government Employees
Central government employees will get 17 holidays next year but three of them fall either on a Saturday or Sunday.
According to a list of holidays drawn up for 2011, which released well in advance, three holidays — Mahavir Jayanti (April 16), Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday (October 2) and Christmas (December 25)— fall on Saturday or Sunday, leaving only 14 effective holidays. For employees in Delhi, three days are added to the list as restricted holidays — Maha Shiv Ratri, Ram Navmi and Janmashtmi. The total restricted holidays for the government employees are 35, though 10 of them fall on Saturdays or Sundays when the offices are already closed and hence no need of any employee seeking the particular holiday.
CIC to ask govt for more RTI cells The Central Information Commission will soon ask the government to set up a RTI cell in each department and appoint senior officials as Central Public Information Officers to better response to RTI pleas.
The decision was made at a meeting of the information commission on basis of suggestions of a RTI applicant Satinder Pal Chopra of Bhopal.
Source: Hindustan Times
According to a list of holidays drawn up for 2011, which released well in advance, three holidays — Mahavir Jayanti (April 16), Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday (October 2) and Christmas (December 25)— fall on Saturday or Sunday, leaving only 14 effective holidays. For employees in Delhi, three days are added to the list as restricted holidays — Maha Shiv Ratri, Ram Navmi and Janmashtmi. The total restricted holidays for the government employees are 35, though 10 of them fall on Saturdays or Sundays when the offices are already closed and hence no need of any employee seeking the particular holiday.
CIC to ask govt for more RTI cells The Central Information Commission will soon ask the government to set up a RTI cell in each department and appoint senior officials as Central Public Information Officers to better response to RTI pleas.
The decision was made at a meeting of the information commission on basis of suggestions of a RTI applicant Satinder Pal Chopra of Bhopal.
Source: Hindustan Times
Issue of instructions on Reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in services under the Government of India
Department of Personnel and Training Memo No.360 1 1/6/20 10-Estt.(Res) dated 25.6.2010
Subject: Issue of instructions on Reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in services under the Government of India.
The undersigned is directed to say that instructions on Reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in services Lh under the Government of India are contained Wbarious OMS issued from time to time by the Ministry of Home Affairs and this Department. Some of the instructions so issued have become outdated and are not in operation at present. It has, however, been observed that some appointing authorities are continuing to implement such outdated and non-existent instructions. Keeping all these aspects in view this Department has decided to issue consolidated instructions on Reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in supersession of all the existing instructions on the subject. The proposal is not to change any aspect of policy on the subject but only to consolidate all the instructions and present them in easy to understand fodlanguage. A draft OM has been prepared which covers all the aspects of reservation policy as existing at present. However, before issuing the proposed OM, it has been decided to put it in public domain and invite comments on it. If any person feels that the proposed OM does not include any of the existing instruction or any instruction included in the proposed OM is not in consonance with the existing instructions, may point out the same and send his comments to the undersigned by 12th July, 2010.
(K.G. Verma)
Subject: Issue of instructions on Reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in services under the Government of India.
The undersigned is directed to say that instructions on Reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in services Lh under the Government of India are contained Wbarious OMS issued from time to time by the Ministry of Home Affairs and this Department. Some of the instructions so issued have become outdated and are not in operation at present. It has, however, been observed that some appointing authorities are continuing to implement such outdated and non-existent instructions. Keeping all these aspects in view this Department has decided to issue consolidated instructions on Reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in supersession of all the existing instructions on the subject. The proposal is not to change any aspect of policy on the subject but only to consolidate all the instructions and present them in easy to understand fodlanguage. A draft OM has been prepared which covers all the aspects of reservation policy as existing at present. However, before issuing the proposed OM, it has been decided to put it in public domain and invite comments on it. If any person feels that the proposed OM does not include any of the existing instruction or any instruction included in the proposed OM is not in consonance with the existing instructions, may point out the same and send his comments to the undersigned by 12th July, 2010.
(K.G. Verma)
Consolidated instructions on Regularization of Unauthorized absence.
Department of Personnel and Training Memo No. 13026 /3/20 LO-Estt. ( Leave) dated 22.6.2010
The undersigned is directed to say that this Department has been receiving various references from Ministries/ Departments regarding regularization of unauthorised absence for long periods. The references are made basically because the Ministries/Departments do not follow the prescribed procedure, for dealing with such unauthorized absence. Guidelines/instructions exist for handling such situations.
2. As per Rule 25 of I h e CCS (Leave) Rules 1972.
(1). Unless the authority competent to grant leave extends the leave, a Government servant who remains absent after the end of leave is entitled to no leave salary for the period of such absence and that period shall be debited against his leave account as though it were half pay leave to the extent such leave is due, the period in excess of such leave due being treated as extraordinary leave.
(2) Willful absen ce from duty afier the expiry of leave renders a Government servant liable to disciplinary action. Government of India decisions also exist that a Government Servant who remains absent without any authority should be proceeded against immediately and this should not be put off till the absence exceeds the limit prescribed in Rule 32(2) (a) of the CCS (Leak e) Rules, 1972.
3 . It is once again stressed that a Govt. servant who remains absent without any authority shout d be proceeded against immediately. All Ministries Departments are requested to ensure that in all cases of unauthorized absence by a Government Servant, he should be informed of the consequences of such absence and be directed to rejoin duty immediately within a specified date, say within three days, failing which he would be liable for disciplinary action under CCS(CCA) Rules 1965. If the Government Servant does not join duty by the stipulated date the Disciplinary Authority should initiate disciplinary action against him and the disciplinary case should be conducted and concluded as quickly as possible.
4. It is only due to apathy of the Disciplinary Authorities that the situation arises where long pending unauthorized absence leads to delay in other service matters of Government Servants, including promotions. To avoid such situations all Ministries/Departments should advise Disciplinary Allthorities to ensure that prompt action is taken against Government Servantws who absent themselves without permission and that Charge Sheets are issued without delay.
5. The consequences and procedure to be followed in respect of an officer who is absent from duty without any authority has been brought out under FR 17(1 ) and 17-A. As per FR 17-A(iii) without prejudice to the provisions of the Rule 27 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules. 1972, remaining absent without any authority or deserting the post, shall be deemed to cause an interruption or break in the service of the employee, unless otherwise decided by the competent authority for the purpose of leave travel concession, quasi-permanency and eligibility for appearing in deparllnent examinations, for which a minimum period of continuous service is required.
6. Comptroller and Auditor General have issued orders that the period of absence not covered by grant of leave shall have to be treated as "dies non" for all purpose;, viz., increment, leave and pension. Such absence without leave where it stands singly and not in continuation of any authorized leave of absence will constitute an interruption of service for the purpose of pension and unless the pension sanctioning authorities exercise its powers under Article 421, Civil Service Regulations [now Rule 27 of the CCS (pension) Rules] to treat the period as leave without allowance, the entire past service will stand forfeited.
7. It may be noted that regularization of unauthorized absence for pension purpose is to be considered under the CCS (Pension) Rules. Only in cases where the disciplinaly authority is satisfied that the grounds adduced for unauthorized absence are justified, the leave of the kind applied for and due and admissible may be granted to him under the CCS (Leslve) Rules.
(Simmi R Nakra)
The undersigned is directed to say that this Department has been receiving various references from Ministries/ Departments regarding regularization of unauthorised absence for long periods. The references are made basically because the Ministries/Departments do not follow the prescribed procedure, for dealing with such unauthorized absence. Guidelines/instructions exist for handling such situations.
2. As per Rule 25 of I h e CCS (Leave) Rules 1972.
(1). Unless the authority competent to grant leave extends the leave, a Government servant who remains absent after the end of leave is entitled to no leave salary for the period of such absence and that period shall be debited against his leave account as though it were half pay leave to the extent such leave is due, the period in excess of such leave due being treated as extraordinary leave.
(2) Willful absen ce from duty afier the expiry of leave renders a Government servant liable to disciplinary action. Government of India decisions also exist that a Government Servant who remains absent without any authority should be proceeded against immediately and this should not be put off till the absence exceeds the limit prescribed in Rule 32(2) (a) of the CCS (Leak e) Rules, 1972.
3 . It is once again stressed that a Govt. servant who remains absent without any authority shout d be proceeded against immediately. All Ministries Departments are requested to ensure that in all cases of unauthorized absence by a Government Servant, he should be informed of the consequences of such absence and be directed to rejoin duty immediately within a specified date, say within three days, failing which he would be liable for disciplinary action under CCS(CCA) Rules 1965. If the Government Servant does not join duty by the stipulated date the Disciplinary Authority should initiate disciplinary action against him and the disciplinary case should be conducted and concluded as quickly as possible.
4. It is only due to apathy of the Disciplinary Authorities that the situation arises where long pending unauthorized absence leads to delay in other service matters of Government Servants, including promotions. To avoid such situations all Ministries/Departments should advise Disciplinary Allthorities to ensure that prompt action is taken against Government Servantws who absent themselves without permission and that Charge Sheets are issued without delay.
5. The consequences and procedure to be followed in respect of an officer who is absent from duty without any authority has been brought out under FR 17(1 ) and 17-A. As per FR 17-A(iii) without prejudice to the provisions of the Rule 27 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules. 1972, remaining absent without any authority or deserting the post, shall be deemed to cause an interruption or break in the service of the employee, unless otherwise decided by the competent authority for the purpose of leave travel concession, quasi-permanency and eligibility for appearing in deparllnent examinations, for which a minimum period of continuous service is required.
6. Comptroller and Auditor General have issued orders that the period of absence not covered by grant of leave shall have to be treated as "dies non" for all purpose;, viz., increment, leave and pension. Such absence without leave where it stands singly and not in continuation of any authorized leave of absence will constitute an interruption of service for the purpose of pension and unless the pension sanctioning authorities exercise its powers under Article 421, Civil Service Regulations [now Rule 27 of the CCS (pension) Rules] to treat the period as leave without allowance, the entire past service will stand forfeited.
7. It may be noted that regularization of unauthorized absence for pension purpose is to be considered under the CCS (Pension) Rules. Only in cases where the disciplinaly authority is satisfied that the grounds adduced for unauthorized absence are justified, the leave of the kind applied for and due and admissible may be granted to him under the CCS (Leslve) Rules.
(Simmi R Nakra)
CBS Software expected soon - No more Sanchay Post Software will be purchased
Directorate has issued letter No F.No.76-01/2010-SB dtd 25.5.10 and as per the letter, Sanchay Post software will not be purchased and CBS software will be installed. The letter is reproduced below for information.
The undersigned is directed to say that on the recommendations of a committee constituted to review utility and capabillity of Sanchay post software in the light of proposed CBS, Accrual Base Accounting and compliance of prevention of Money Laundering (PML)/combating of Financing Terrorism (CFT) norms, the competent authority has taken the following decisions:-
1.There will be no further expansion of Sanchay post software. The post offices for which legal copies of the sanchay post CDs have not yet been purchased will continue to work on manual system.
2.No further CD of Sanchaya Post system will be purchased from Datanet System.
3.Software Development Centre Chennai operating from O/O CPMG, will maintain the software at its present level and no further modifications or enhancements will be carried out in the software.
4.SDC, Chennai will help the probable system integrator in data migration to proposed CBS software.
5.After implementaion of CBS in 4000 major post offies, the remaining departmental offices will be shifted to a lower version of CBS with centralized database system.
This issues with the approval of DDG (FS)
The undersigned is directed to say that on the recommendations of a committee constituted to review utility and capabillity of Sanchay post software in the light of proposed CBS, Accrual Base Accounting and compliance of prevention of Money Laundering (PML)/combating of Financing Terrorism (CFT) norms, the competent authority has taken the following decisions:-
1.There will be no further expansion of Sanchay post software. The post offices for which legal copies of the sanchay post CDs have not yet been purchased will continue to work on manual system.
2.No further CD of Sanchaya Post system will be purchased from Datanet System.
3.Software Development Centre Chennai operating from O/O CPMG, will maintain the software at its present level and no further modifications or enhancements will be carried out in the software.
4.SDC, Chennai will help the probable system integrator in data migration to proposed CBS software.
5.After implementaion of CBS in 4000 major post offies, the remaining departmental offices will be shifted to a lower version of CBS with centralized database system.
This issues with the approval of DDG (FS)
Circle Working Committee meeting
All India Association of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts,Karnataka Circle
Dinesh Khare Naveen Chander Joseph odrigues
President Circle Secretary Treasurer
9449848120 9449848923 9449848935
No. CWC/1/2010/dated at Mangalore the 21-06-2010
Under the provision of Article -30 of All India Association of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts, it is hereby notified that Circle Working Committee meeting will be held at Ainekidu Subramanya Co-Operative Sabha Bhavana, Near Subramanya Post Office, at Subramanya on 10-07-2010 at 1000 hrs.
1. To discuss about present status of IP grade Pay revision taken up by the Dept and Circle Association’s further action in this regard
2. To discuss about the CBS issues thrust on IP / ASPs
3. To discuss about the MACP issues recommended by the 6th Pay Commission
4. To discuss about delay in holding Circle DPC for ASP promotion
5. To discuss about the filling up of IP Vacancies / delay in issue of posting orders for surplus qualified IPs opted for other circles.
6. To discuss about the Gr B Examination – implications of Hon Madras CAT order
7. Revision of Inspection days depending on workload of BO / SOs and other issues relating to inspection questionnaire
8. Supply of Laptops to Sub Divisions- Present status
9. To discuss about our stand on the Proposed Indefinite strike by our Sister unions
10. Any other issues by the permission of Chair
Circle Secretary
All India Association of IPs & ASPs
Karnataka Circle
Dinesh Khare Naveen Chander Joseph odrigues
President Circle Secretary Treasurer
9449848120 9449848923 9449848935
No. CWC/1/2010/dated at Mangalore the 21-06-2010
Under the provision of Article -30 of All India Association of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts, it is hereby notified that Circle Working Committee meeting will be held at Ainekidu Subramanya Co-Operative Sabha Bhavana, Near Subramanya Post Office, at Subramanya on 10-07-2010 at 1000 hrs.
1. To discuss about present status of IP grade Pay revision taken up by the Dept and Circle Association’s further action in this regard
2. To discuss about the CBS issues thrust on IP / ASPs
3. To discuss about the MACP issues recommended by the 6th Pay Commission
4. To discuss about delay in holding Circle DPC for ASP promotion
5. To discuss about the filling up of IP Vacancies / delay in issue of posting orders for surplus qualified IPs opted for other circles.
6. To discuss about the Gr B Examination – implications of Hon Madras CAT order
7. Revision of Inspection days depending on workload of BO / SOs and other issues relating to inspection questionnaire
8. Supply of Laptops to Sub Divisions- Present status
9. To discuss about our stand on the Proposed Indefinite strike by our Sister unions
10. Any other issues by the permission of Chair
Circle Secretary
All India Association of IPs & ASPs
Karnataka Circle
Monday, June 14, 2010
Revision of transportation of personal effects in the event of transfer
Government has revised the transportation of personal effects in the event of transfer as follows
Grade pay By Train/Steamer X & Y Class cities Z Class Cities
Officers drawing grade pay of 7600 and above and those in pay scale HAG+ and above 6000 kgs by goods Train/4 wheeler wagon/ 1 double container 30.00 (Rs.0.005 per kg per Km) 18.00 (Rs.0.003 per kg per Km)
Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.4200, Rs.4800, Rs.5400 and Rs.6600 6000 kgs by goods Train/4 wheeler wagon/ 1 double container 30.00 (Rs.0.005 per kg per Km) 18.00 (Rs.0.003 per kg per Km)
Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.2800 3000 kgs 15.00 (Rs.0.005 per kg per Km) 9.00 (Rs.0.003 per kg per Km)
Officers drawing grade pay below Rs.2800 1500 kgs 7.50 (Rs.0.005 per kg per Km) 4.60 (Rs.0.0031 per kg per Km)
This revision is effective from 01-09-2009.For more details check this Office Memorandum No: 19030/03/2008-E.IV dated 8th June, 2010
Grade pay By Train/Steamer X & Y Class cities Z Class Cities
Officers drawing grade pay of 7600 and above and those in pay scale HAG+ and above 6000 kgs by goods Train/4 wheeler wagon/ 1 double container 30.00 (Rs.0.005 per kg per Km) 18.00 (Rs.0.003 per kg per Km)
Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.4200, Rs.4800, Rs.5400 and Rs.6600 6000 kgs by goods Train/4 wheeler wagon/ 1 double container 30.00 (Rs.0.005 per kg per Km) 18.00 (Rs.0.003 per kg per Km)
Officers drawing grade pay of Rs.2800 3000 kgs 15.00 (Rs.0.005 per kg per Km) 9.00 (Rs.0.003 per kg per Km)
Officers drawing grade pay below Rs.2800 1500 kgs 7.50 (Rs.0.005 per kg per Km) 4.60 (Rs.0.0031 per kg per Km)
This revision is effective from 01-09-2009.For more details check this Office Memorandum No: 19030/03/2008-E.IV dated 8th June, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
DPC for promotion to the post of P.S. Group B.
Name of Officers from Karnataka for DPC for promotion to the post of P.S. Group B.
2 H.M. HAVANUR 16.04.54 SC KTK 1980
22 V.F. BANNAD 01.06.55 KTK 1983
59 NABHIRAJA ARIGA 13.06.50 KTK 1984
69 DINESH KHARE 16.06.57 KTK 1984
70 G.R. SRINIVASA MURTHY 26.08.56 KTK 1984
85 D. BASAVARAJA 16.06.57 KTK 1984 (APS)
90 VENKATESHA MURTHY 08.05.55 KTK 1984
97 B. JAGANNATHA RAO 01.04.54 KTK 1984
98 V.V. MURNAL 05.04.50 KTK 1984
99 MD MASOOD AHAMED 13.05.53 KTK 1984
145 RAMESH HOLLA 27.07.57 KTK 1985
159 A.V. GAIKWARD 01.07.59 KTK 1986
163 S.N. HIREMANI 01.06.57 KTK 1986
164 VAGEESH VARADA 20.01.55 KTK 1986
193 DIWAKARA 30.08.58 KTK 1986
212 H.B. MANGALA 30.03.60 KTK 1987
214 K.S. GOPALAKRISHNA 01.08.56 KTK 1987
218 S.D. KULKARNI-II 17.12.60 KTK 1987
223 N. NAGABHUSHANA 26.03.59 KTK 1987
228 B.S. VENKATACHALA BHAT 18.03.60 KTK 1987
239 SURESH YDEVE 01.06.58 KTK 1987
249 S.S. PATIL 01.08.58 KTK 1987
250 K.V. ANANTHARAMU 24.07.60 KTK 1987
256 RAMESHACHARYA 02.02.58 KTK 1987
273 K.V. VENUGOPAL 22.02.53 KTK 1987
277 S.N. SAKRI 05.05.50 KTK 1987
290 R. SATHYANARAYANA 24.04.54 KTK 1987
307 J.R. PALCHATRE 02.03.55 ST KTK 1988
336 H.H. KATTIMANI 01.06.55 ST KTK 1988
352 A. AYYANAR 04.03.51 SC KTK 1989
2 H.M. HAVANUR 16.04.54 SC KTK 1980
22 V.F. BANNAD 01.06.55 KTK 1983
59 NABHIRAJA ARIGA 13.06.50 KTK 1984
69 DINESH KHARE 16.06.57 KTK 1984
70 G.R. SRINIVASA MURTHY 26.08.56 KTK 1984
85 D. BASAVARAJA 16.06.57 KTK 1984 (APS)
90 VENKATESHA MURTHY 08.05.55 KTK 1984
97 B. JAGANNATHA RAO 01.04.54 KTK 1984
98 V.V. MURNAL 05.04.50 KTK 1984
99 MD MASOOD AHAMED 13.05.53 KTK 1984
145 RAMESH HOLLA 27.07.57 KTK 1985
159 A.V. GAIKWARD 01.07.59 KTK 1986
163 S.N. HIREMANI 01.06.57 KTK 1986
164 VAGEESH VARADA 20.01.55 KTK 1986
193 DIWAKARA 30.08.58 KTK 1986
212 H.B. MANGALA 30.03.60 KTK 1987
214 K.S. GOPALAKRISHNA 01.08.56 KTK 1987
218 S.D. KULKARNI-II 17.12.60 KTK 1987
223 N. NAGABHUSHANA 26.03.59 KTK 1987
228 B.S. VENKATACHALA BHAT 18.03.60 KTK 1987
239 SURESH YDEVE 01.06.58 KTK 1987
249 S.S. PATIL 01.08.58 KTK 1987
250 K.V. ANANTHARAMU 24.07.60 KTK 1987
256 RAMESHACHARYA 02.02.58 KTK 1987
273 K.V. VENUGOPAL 22.02.53 KTK 1987
277 S.N. SAKRI 05.05.50 KTK 1987
290 R. SATHYANARAYANA 24.04.54 KTK 1987
307 J.R. PALCHATRE 02.03.55 ST KTK 1988
336 H.H. KATTIMANI 01.06.55 ST KTK 1988
352 A. AYYANAR 04.03.51 SC KTK 1989
Payment of 2nd Installment of arrears to GDS
Copy of Dept of Posts letter No No. 6-1/2009-PE.II dated 10.6.2010
Subject: Payment of second installment of 60% arrears on account of implementation of Shri R.S. Nataraja Murti Committee recommendations on revision of wage-structure of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS).
I am directed to refer to this office memorandum no. of even number dated 9-10-2009, wherein approval was communicated for implementation of recommendations of One-man committee on revision of Time Related Continuity Allowance and other allowances. In para 11 of the said Office memorandum it was stated that, 2nd instalment of 60% of arrears will be paid only after issue of specific instructions in this regard by the Directorate.
2. It has now been decided to pay second instalment of 60% arrears of revision of Time Related Continuity Allowance to the eligible Gramin Dak Sevaks.
3. The Circle Postal Account Offices were required to carry out cent percent verification of TRCA consequent on revision of TRCA. The entire process of verification was to be completed by 31st March, 2010. A report on the cent percent verification of TRCA should be sent to the Directorate immediately for record.
4. The excess payment pointed out by the circle verification squad of DAP office should be adjusted while effecting payment of the second instalment of arrears.
5. Before releasing the 2nd instalment of 60% of arrears it may be ensured that requisite funds are available under the relevant Head of Account.
5. An undertaking in the prescribed format should be obtained from each Gramin Dak Sevak to the effect that, he will refund any excess payments that may be found to have been made or detected subsequently and kept on record before the disbursement of second instalment. The process of payment of second instalment may be completed by 15-7-2010.
6. This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their Dy. No.119/FA/10/CS dated 09 Jun 2010
A.K. Sharma)
Dy. Director General (Estt)
Subject: Payment of second installment of 60% arrears on account of implementation of Shri R.S. Nataraja Murti Committee recommendations on revision of wage-structure of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS).
I am directed to refer to this office memorandum no. of even number dated 9-10-2009, wherein approval was communicated for implementation of recommendations of One-man committee on revision of Time Related Continuity Allowance and other allowances. In para 11 of the said Office memorandum it was stated that, 2nd instalment of 60% of arrears will be paid only after issue of specific instructions in this regard by the Directorate.
2. It has now been decided to pay second instalment of 60% arrears of revision of Time Related Continuity Allowance to the eligible Gramin Dak Sevaks.
3. The Circle Postal Account Offices were required to carry out cent percent verification of TRCA consequent on revision of TRCA. The entire process of verification was to be completed by 31st March, 2010. A report on the cent percent verification of TRCA should be sent to the Directorate immediately for record.
4. The excess payment pointed out by the circle verification squad of DAP office should be adjusted while effecting payment of the second instalment of arrears.
5. Before releasing the 2nd instalment of 60% of arrears it may be ensured that requisite funds are available under the relevant Head of Account.
5. An undertaking in the prescribed format should be obtained from each Gramin Dak Sevak to the effect that, he will refund any excess payments that may be found to have been made or detected subsequently and kept on record before the disbursement of second instalment. The process of payment of second instalment may be completed by 15-7-2010.
6. This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their Dy. No.119/FA/10/CS dated 09 Jun 2010
A.K. Sharma)
Dy. Director General (Estt)
Biometric cards for MGNREGA beneficiaries - Payment at door step through business correspondents who will carry biometric card reader and cash
Beneficiaries of schemes under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) will now get their wages without haing to go to the bank or post office and without seeking help from middlemen to complete the formalities.
To ensure this, the state rural development department has sign an agreement with Union Bank which will provide biometric cards to the MGNREGA beneficiaries.
The first lot of 5,000 biometric cards will be distributed among beneficiaries of Itki block of Ranchi district. Later it will be extended to other places in Ranchi, Gumla and Bokaro.
MGNREGA commissioner Sunil Kumar Barnwal said once the beneficiaries get the card, they will not have to go to bank or post office to collect their wage. Instead they will get the money at their doorstep by using the card. The project will be launched on a pilot basis at Itki on Wednesday.
The department will make bulk transfer to the facilitating bank which in turn will transfer to the account of beneficiary.
Sources in rural development department said the cardholder will be saved from travelling long distance to reach the nearest post office or bank. They can use the card like an ATM card and withdraw money from business correspondents who will carry biometric card reader and cash.
"The main purpose of providing such cards to the beneficiaries is to save them from middlemen who often take a share from the salary for helping the illiterate villagers in getting their wage by filling cheques or withdrawal slips," said a source, adding: "We expect that the use of biometric cards will also make transactions safe as it reads the finger print of the beneficiary."
Source : Times of India
To ensure this, the state rural development department has sign an agreement with Union Bank which will provide biometric cards to the MGNREGA beneficiaries.
The first lot of 5,000 biometric cards will be distributed among beneficiaries of Itki block of Ranchi district. Later it will be extended to other places in Ranchi, Gumla and Bokaro.
MGNREGA commissioner Sunil Kumar Barnwal said once the beneficiaries get the card, they will not have to go to bank or post office to collect their wage. Instead they will get the money at their doorstep by using the card. The project will be launched on a pilot basis at Itki on Wednesday.
The department will make bulk transfer to the facilitating bank which in turn will transfer to the account of beneficiary.
Sources in rural development department said the cardholder will be saved from travelling long distance to reach the nearest post office or bank. They can use the card like an ATM card and withdraw money from business correspondents who will carry biometric card reader and cash.
"The main purpose of providing such cards to the beneficiaries is to save them from middlemen who often take a share from the salary for helping the illiterate villagers in getting their wage by filling cheques or withdrawal slips," said a source, adding: "We expect that the use of biometric cards will also make transactions safe as it reads the finger print of the beneficiary."
Source : Times of India
Placement in the GP of promotional post instead of higher grade pay on MACP
A joint Committee on MACP met on 26.5.2010 under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary Establishment of DOPT and one of the item discussed is to provide Grade Pay of the next promotional post under MACP.
The issue discussed in this regard is reproduced below.
Staff Side pressed for placement in the Grade Pay of the Promotional Post instead of next higher Grade Pay in the hierarchy of revised Pay Band and Grade Pay. It was insisted because the career progression only means the promotion in the hierarchy and not to a Grade Pay which is not present in the hierarchy of the respective department.
The Staff Side also gave an alternative that first two MACPs after 10 and 20 years should be to the next promotional post as per the hierarchy of respective department as under the erstwhile ACP scheme and thereafter the third MACP in the next Grade Pay of the Revised Pay Band and Grade Pay.
If this demand is accepted, there will be no benefit for Postman, PA, IPs, and ASPs. But Group 'D' will be benefited. After 10 years of service in Group 'D' cadre, their grade pay is to placed from Rs 1800 to Rs 2000 (GP for Postman), in 20 years to Rs 2400 (GP for PA) and in 30 years of service to Rs 2800 (GP for LSG).
For further information goto
The issue discussed in this regard is reproduced below.
Staff Side pressed for placement in the Grade Pay of the Promotional Post instead of next higher Grade Pay in the hierarchy of revised Pay Band and Grade Pay. It was insisted because the career progression only means the promotion in the hierarchy and not to a Grade Pay which is not present in the hierarchy of the respective department.
The Staff Side also gave an alternative that first two MACPs after 10 and 20 years should be to the next promotional post as per the hierarchy of respective department as under the erstwhile ACP scheme and thereafter the third MACP in the next Grade Pay of the Revised Pay Band and Grade Pay.
If this demand is accepted, there will be no benefit for Postman, PA, IPs, and ASPs. But Group 'D' will be benefited. After 10 years of service in Group 'D' cadre, their grade pay is to placed from Rs 1800 to Rs 2000 (GP for Postman), in 20 years to Rs 2400 (GP for PA) and in 30 years of service to Rs 2800 (GP for LSG).
For further information goto
DA calculation based on the All India Consumer Price Index for the month of April 2010
The All India Consumer Price Index number for (Industrial Workers) (Base 2001=100) for the month of April 2010 is 170 as announced by Statistics Department, Labour, Government of India.
Based on this index, DA calculation is as under. Present DA rate from 1.1.2010 is 35%. So far there is an increase of 7%. If the index remains 170 there will be an increase of 9%. Month All India Index % of increase
Nov 2008 148 21.44
Dec 2008 147 22.38
Jan 2009 148 23.39
Feb 2009 148 24.32
Mar 2009 148 25.12
Apr 2009 150 25.98
May 2009 151 26.84
Jun 2009 153 27.78
Jul 2009 160 29.00
Aug 2009 162 30.23
Sep 2009 163 31.45
Oct 2009 165 32.67
Nov 2009 168 34.11
Dec 2009 169 35.70
Jan 2010 172 37.43
Feb 2010 170 39.01
Mar 2010 170 40.59
Apr 2010 170 42.03
Based on this index, DA calculation is as under. Present DA rate from 1.1.2010 is 35%. So far there is an increase of 7%. If the index remains 170 there will be an increase of 9%. Month All India Index % of increase
Nov 2008 148 21.44
Dec 2008 147 22.38
Jan 2009 148 23.39
Feb 2009 148 24.32
Mar 2009 148 25.12
Apr 2009 150 25.98
May 2009 151 26.84
Jun 2009 153 27.78
Jul 2009 160 29.00
Aug 2009 162 30.23
Sep 2009 163 31.45
Oct 2009 165 32.67
Nov 2009 168 34.11
Dec 2009 169 35.70
Jan 2010 172 37.43
Feb 2010 170 39.01
Mar 2010 170 40.59
Apr 2010 170 42.03
Intimation is to be served by the delivery official for speed post articles also if the addressee not found - Circular by BD Directorate
Extract BD Directorate Memo No57-01/2010 -BD&MD dated 1.6.2010 on the above subject
Delivery of a Speed Post article is address specific i.e. a Speed Post article is to be delivered either to the addressee or any other person who takes delivery of the article at the address.
Time of the delivery shall be recorded on the delivery slip by the delivery official
Intimation will be served as in the case of registered article if the addressee is not found at the time of delivery
Intimation form is designed separately
Delivery of a Speed Post article is address specific i.e. a Speed Post article is to be delivered either to the addressee or any other person who takes delivery of the article at the address.
Time of the delivery shall be recorded on the delivery slip by the delivery official
Intimation will be served as in the case of registered article if the addressee is not found at the time of delivery
Intimation form is designed separately
Monday, June 7, 2010
DPC for regular promotion to PSS Group-B cadre
Directorate has called for ACRs and Vigilance Clearance of 353 (OC 1987 batch,SC 1988,ST1988)
Senior ASPs by 30.06.2010 for consideration for regular promotion to PS Gr. B cadre through DPC for the vacancies for the year 2010.
Senior ASPs by 30.06.2010 for consideration for regular promotion to PS Gr. B cadre through DPC for the vacancies for the year 2010.
Friday, June 4, 2010
For more information on the subject follow
Tax treatment of Home Loans
Follow the Link
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Congratulations to Shri Jayanth Kumar
IPASP Association conveys its best wishes to Shri Jayanth Kumar ( IP, HQ Channapatna Division ) on assuming the charge of IP ( Core Banking Services ) at Postal Directorate, Delhi.
Supply of LapTops
One of our member received a Phone Call from Supplier / Vendor of LapTops ( from Delhi ) confirming about the address of the IP.
On enquiry it was intimated that LapTops would be supplied to all the IPs/ASPs by the end of June 2010 & the Printer, Software will be supplied later on.
On enquiry it was intimated that LapTops would be supplied to all the IPs/ASPs by the end of June 2010 & the Printer, Software will be supplied later on.
Workshop on using ILO mechanism
A workshop on using ILO mechanism was conducted at Bangalore on 15-17 May 2010. Sri Manjunatha Hubballi, Sri Virupakshappa O, Smt Sucheta Hegde and Kumari Usha have attended the same as part of IP ASP Association, Karnataka Circle.
Participants from Karnataka State Employees Association, Defense Federation and AIA IPASP have attended; about 30 participants have attended this workshop. Sri R Kannan Project coordinator PSI New Delhi, Dr Madurai Veeran Professor Presidency College Chennai imparted the training. Sri Nagaraj V Professor Law College Bangalore took class regarding legal advice for Trade Union rights.
Participants feel that this is right time to learn about ILO mechanism and Trade Union rights. This workshop increases the capacity to identity, analyses and report violations of Trade Union rights.
Public Services International is the global union federation for public sector trade union PSI represents some 685 affiliated trade unions in 160 countries.
PSI aims at providing …..
-quality public services for all
-trade union rights for all public service workers
-gender equality and employment equity for all
-public alternatives to privatization of services
-a strong and united trade union movement
-social justice in the work place and
-poverty reduction and debt relief
This workshop enriches the participants in ILO mechanism, conventions of ILO, freedom of association, collective bargaining and application of standards. This is one of the wonderful sessions. All participants learnt the things with enjoyment.
Participants expresses their sincere thanks to Sri Samuel Ex Genenral Secretary AIAIPASP, Miss T V Sundari AGS AIAIPASP, Sri Dinesh Khare President AIAIPASP,Sri Naveen Chandar Circle Secretary AIAIPASP Karnataka Circle.
We hope for such kind of workshops should be conducted in all the circles an all members of the association may attend the workshop.
United we stand, Divided we fall. Unity is our strength.
Participants from Karnataka State Employees Association, Defense Federation and AIA IPASP have attended; about 30 participants have attended this workshop. Sri R Kannan Project coordinator PSI New Delhi, Dr Madurai Veeran Professor Presidency College Chennai imparted the training. Sri Nagaraj V Professor Law College Bangalore took class regarding legal advice for Trade Union rights.
Participants feel that this is right time to learn about ILO mechanism and Trade Union rights. This workshop increases the capacity to identity, analyses and report violations of Trade Union rights.
Public Services International is the global union federation for public sector trade union PSI represents some 685 affiliated trade unions in 160 countries.
PSI aims at providing …..
-quality public services for all
-trade union rights for all public service workers
-gender equality and employment equity for all
-public alternatives to privatization of services
-a strong and united trade union movement
-social justice in the work place and
-poverty reduction and debt relief
This workshop enriches the participants in ILO mechanism, conventions of ILO, freedom of association, collective bargaining and application of standards. This is one of the wonderful sessions. All participants learnt the things with enjoyment.
Participants expresses their sincere thanks to Sri Samuel Ex Genenral Secretary AIAIPASP, Miss T V Sundari AGS AIAIPASP, Sri Dinesh Khare President AIAIPASP,Sri Naveen Chandar Circle Secretary AIAIPASP Karnataka Circle.
We hope for such kind of workshops should be conducted in all the circles an all members of the association may attend the workshop.
United we stand, Divided we fall. Unity is our strength.
Placement of non matriculate Gp D Employees
Please download the clarification from the link below
Public Information Officer should not charge towards postal expenses or cost involved in deployment of man power for supply of information etc - Clarification by Dept of Personnel and Training
Follow the link below for further information.
Question of joining strike by IPs & ASPs with JCA
Orissa Circle Branch of All India Association of IPs and ASPs had posted an open letter in this blog on 23.05.2010 requesting the General Secretary, AIAIASP to consider the question of joining the ensuing strike proposed by JCA.
In the meantime Com. K V Sridharan, GS of AIPEU, Class-III happened to visit Orissa on 27.05.2010 and the CS, AIAIASP, Orissa Circle Branch got an opportunity to have an informal interaction with him on 27.05.2010 evening. Discussion was held in a very cordial atmosphere in presence of Com. B Samal, Divisional Secretary, AIPEU, Class-III, Bhubaneswar Divisional Branch and his other team members who facilitated the interaction. Com. Sridharan was very positive in his attitude to accommodate the views of AIAIASP, Orissa Circle Branch. The CS, Orissa Branch also got an opportunity to have a brief telephonic conversation with Com. K Raghavendran, Secretary General, NFPE. The CS Orissa also facilitated a brief telephonic talk between Com. K V Sridharan ,GS, AIPEU, Class-III and Sri Roop Chand, GS, AIAIASP. Both the General Secretaries decided through telephonic talks to meet shortly in New Delhi to have a dialogue in the matter. Indication is that the NFPE will welcome IPs and ASPs joining strike with them and are willing to include some issues relating to IP and ASP cadre (including the issue of upgradation of GP of IPs with or without merger of IP and ASP cadres) in the charter of demands to be placed before the Govt.
The CS, AIAIASP, Orissa has now set the things on motion. It is upto the CHQ to take the proposal forward to give it a concrete shape in consultation with all concerned stake-holders including Circle Secretaries and CHQ members of AIAIASP.
One must be wondering why some elements in the IP and ASP cadre justify joining the strike call given by the JCA comprising of NFPE, FNPO and GDS Union. Outsiders will argue that Postal staff being a part of Central Govt. employees are now enjoying all the benefits as a result of implementation of 6th CPC Report and what makes them still dissatisfied to take recourse to strike which lack public sympathy and support. How come Postal staff justify their demand for more benefits when the quality of postal service has gone down and the Postal Department is incurring huge losses. Prima facie, such a perception may sound valid from outside view but from inside it is not at all the fact. Members of public need to be informed of the mess prevailing in the Department of Posts.
Now, the major issue which the staff side is confronted with is the shortage of staff to man different types of responsibilities at the field level. Situation has come to such a pass that offices with three clerical hands are running single-handed. The work pressure is showing its effect on the mental and physical health of the field level staff. Instances are there where staff could not be relived to attend funerals of their near relatives. Instance is also there where a staff has committed suicide as he could not cope up with the growing work pressure.
Take the case of IPs and ASPs who are considered as backbone of the Department as they are the people who put their heart and soul to implement the plan and policies of the Department. The senior officers always depend on them heavily for carrying out their duties. Previously, the main duties of IP line officials were to carry out inspections and visits of Post Offices, undertake investigations to loss and fraud cases, take care of administration in respect of GDS staff, formulate proposal for creation, abolition, upgradation, downgradation of Post offices, collect statistical data for review of establishment of post offices, make mail arrangement, conduct Departmental inquiries in Disciplinary cases, attend to miscellaneous enquiries etc. Now, in addition to their these traditional duties, they are engaged in work of business development, procurement of PLI policies, procurement of RPLI policies with the help of GDS staff and are given targets for these additional work. They are provided no clerical assistance for all these work. They are made to work in a sub-standard accommodation in Sub-Divisions without required infrastructure. Even, the post of orderly which was kept attached to sub-divisional head to help him carry out work meant to be done by Gr.D staff is taken away. As already mentioned in the posting in this blog, an IP is now getting GP less than that of clerical staff getting 3rd ACP. So much so, the GP of overseers of mails who are attached to sub-divisions are now equal to that of IPs in many cases. Yet, the Govt, is not willing to allow upgradation of GP of IPs to Rs.4600/- despite having full justification for it and though officials of equivalent cadres in other Departments have got it since November 2009. If there is no justification for upgradation of GP of IPs to Rs.4600/- why then the Department of Posts sent the proposal to MOF twice? If the IPs are not comparable with their counterparts in Income Tax and Central Excise Departments then what is the background for leaving 1/3rd IP vacancies for direct recruitment.? IP line officials have resorted to prayers and petitions a number of times but they have got an increased feeling that the prayer and petitions have no value in India which boasts of democratic values but ignores it deliberately thereby indirectly encouraging agitational methods.
The IP line officials are there to implement the plan and policies of the Department. If the Department is incurring losses, it is due to the incorrect and unrealistic planning and wrong policies of the Department and other factors (including wasteful expenditure at higher level). Working class staff including IP line officials are putting their best of sincerity and efforts and toiling hard even much beyond their normal duty hours. If it is still not yielding desired results there is no point in blaming the working class. While the loss of the Department is mounting over the years staff side is given the blame. The Department of Posts is neither treated as a full-fledged commercial organisation nor a full-fledged welfare organization and the Govt. loves to run it as a mixture of both while putting the blame on its workforce for losses. The Department of Posts is regarded as a poor Department despite having a huge outstanding in shape of deposit in various savings schemes. As mentioned in an article recently published by the Business Standard postal savings bank schemes in financial year 2008 had total outstanding of Rs 3.4 lakh crore, which was second only to the deposits of the State Bank of India that stood at Rs 5.4 lakh crore. (ICICI Bank came third at Rs 2.4 lakh crore deposits).The article also mentions, “Right now it is the Government of India and the finance ministry that keep the postal department poor.” Hence, it is for the members of public to judge whether the Department of Posts is actually responsible for so-called losses and whether putting unbearable burden of work on the existing staff without restoring the required staff strength is justified.
If the Department is planning to bring in changes to make it more effective at the service of public at large, no body will oppose the changes. Change is the way of life and the one who does not change according to change of time time will have to perish. But the changes should not bring more miseries to the working class. The Department must also take representatives of working class into confidence. But it seems the Department is proceeding in the direction of increased outsourcing and acting against the interest of working class on unilateral decisions.
IP line officials are known for their unquestioned loyalty to the administration. But in return the Department is increasingly overlooking their genuine problems. There has been no cadre review and no increase of posts for IP line officials since 1981. The Department considers conferring Gazetted status to ASPs as a case of cadre review. If that is so, the so-called cadre review has provided no gain to ASP cadre. On the other hand, the Department has benefited from it by saving expenditure of lakhs of Rupees on Productivity Linked Bonus which was payable to ASPs when they were not conferred with Gazetted status. Now, the IP liner officials are getting GP less than the officials they supervise. The senior officers treat the IP line like bonded labourers. Their voices are suppressed through rampant disciplinary actions. They have no liberty to go on leave even at the time of need. As exemplified by recent instances in Orissa, leave supported by medical certificate can also be ordered to be treated as dies-non and written warning is issued for taking leave for a week without prior permission in an instance where the official was rushed to hospital for treatment of cardiac related ailment. These are some kind of favours the Department has retuned to IP line officials for their committed loyalty to the administration. The Department shows superficial sympathy to IP line officials in the matter of upgradation of their GPs as it is still sitting over the matter. It is mentioned that the Department had sent proposal for upgradation of GP of IPs to MOF twice but the MOF turned the proposal down. It is also informally mentioned that the Secretary (Posts) wrote demi-officially to Secretary (Expenditure) in the Ministry of Finance but the proposal was retuned from the level of an Additional Secretary in the MOF. Our senior officers show their might over IP line officials to prove that they are all powerful but one can imagine their position in relation to other Departments. If the Department has the sense of so much caring for IP line officials, why can’t its top management meet their counterparts in MOF to convince the genuineness of the reason for upgrading the GP of IPs?
Some IPs have gone to the extent of filing CAT cases to get the GP of IPs upgraded through orders of legal forum. It is good effort, no doubt. But with due regard to those IP line officials who have taken the recourse to CAT case, it is humbly suggested that they should view the Bollywood block-buster – “Lage Raho Munna Bhai” to get a clear picture as to what happens to legal battle in India. The film apart from having its entertaining value is educative and informative also.
In the Circle Conference of Orissa Branch held in January 2010, the issue of discrimination of Pay between IP line officials and their counter-parts in Income Tax and Central Excise and Customs Departments was mentioned by the CS. One of the Guests in his speech mentioned that the officials under Ministry of Finance will always have their way by virtue of working in the same Ministry which decides pay-related issues and they are more equal in status than other Ministries and Departments for several reasons. In a sense, he mentioned that the discrimination is inevitable. So, one can imagine the position here. It is not a factor how much labour you put in your job. The Department / Ministry you work in decides your fate. In that case where is the justice? You cannot even expect your legal battle to end in time. This is also quite natural because, as a matter of fact, you cannot justify your case for pay revision for taking precedence while so many other important cases suffer delay due to various reasons.
Practically, nobody in the Department is helping IP line officials in getting justice. Courts take their own time to deliver justice. Then what is the way out? It is upto the members of the IP and ASP cadres to decide as to how long they will suffer the negligence, apathy and discrimination? Is it not the appropriate time to be a part of mass agitation to show your protest? At least the Department will become aware that the unquestioned loyalty of the IP line officials cannot be taken for granted any more and will think of treating the IP cadre with some sense of respect which is very much absent now. It will also give a message to the JCA that the IP and ASP cadre is very much a part of their fraternity and they care for their feelings and share their miseries. After all, 2/3rd of the total strength of IP and ASPs take their root from the very same cadre with which they have to work all the way till their retirement. Hoping against hopes the IP line officials have waited so long for getting justice from the Department/ Govt. But they have got only injustice in return. They are even treated with less dignity than Gr. C staff. If the IP line officials have lost so many things all these years the loss of salary for some days due to joining the proposed strike will have a very little impact on them. If Gr C, D and GDS staff can bear the loss of salary why can’t the IP line officials do the same? As regards promotion, it is better not to speak of it. In fact, the position of officials availing promotions with addition of meagre sum to their salary is more miserable than those who do not get promotion.
In view of the above Orissa Circle Branch Association requests all concerned to take an appropriate decision in the matter in time. Circle Secretaries of different Circles who are visiting this blog are requested to offer their views and communicate the decision of their respective Circles to the GS.
In the meantime Com. K V Sridharan, GS of AIPEU, Class-III happened to visit Orissa on 27.05.2010 and the CS, AIAIASP, Orissa Circle Branch got an opportunity to have an informal interaction with him on 27.05.2010 evening. Discussion was held in a very cordial atmosphere in presence of Com. B Samal, Divisional Secretary, AIPEU, Class-III, Bhubaneswar Divisional Branch and his other team members who facilitated the interaction. Com. Sridharan was very positive in his attitude to accommodate the views of AIAIASP, Orissa Circle Branch. The CS, Orissa Branch also got an opportunity to have a brief telephonic conversation with Com. K Raghavendran, Secretary General, NFPE. The CS Orissa also facilitated a brief telephonic talk between Com. K V Sridharan ,GS, AIPEU, Class-III and Sri Roop Chand, GS, AIAIASP. Both the General Secretaries decided through telephonic talks to meet shortly in New Delhi to have a dialogue in the matter. Indication is that the NFPE will welcome IPs and ASPs joining strike with them and are willing to include some issues relating to IP and ASP cadre (including the issue of upgradation of GP of IPs with or without merger of IP and ASP cadres) in the charter of demands to be placed before the Govt.
The CS, AIAIASP, Orissa has now set the things on motion. It is upto the CHQ to take the proposal forward to give it a concrete shape in consultation with all concerned stake-holders including Circle Secretaries and CHQ members of AIAIASP.
One must be wondering why some elements in the IP and ASP cadre justify joining the strike call given by the JCA comprising of NFPE, FNPO and GDS Union. Outsiders will argue that Postal staff being a part of Central Govt. employees are now enjoying all the benefits as a result of implementation of 6th CPC Report and what makes them still dissatisfied to take recourse to strike which lack public sympathy and support. How come Postal staff justify their demand for more benefits when the quality of postal service has gone down and the Postal Department is incurring huge losses. Prima facie, such a perception may sound valid from outside view but from inside it is not at all the fact. Members of public need to be informed of the mess prevailing in the Department of Posts.
Now, the major issue which the staff side is confronted with is the shortage of staff to man different types of responsibilities at the field level. Situation has come to such a pass that offices with three clerical hands are running single-handed. The work pressure is showing its effect on the mental and physical health of the field level staff. Instances are there where staff could not be relived to attend funerals of their near relatives. Instance is also there where a staff has committed suicide as he could not cope up with the growing work pressure.
Take the case of IPs and ASPs who are considered as backbone of the Department as they are the people who put their heart and soul to implement the plan and policies of the Department. The senior officers always depend on them heavily for carrying out their duties. Previously, the main duties of IP line officials were to carry out inspections and visits of Post Offices, undertake investigations to loss and fraud cases, take care of administration in respect of GDS staff, formulate proposal for creation, abolition, upgradation, downgradation of Post offices, collect statistical data for review of establishment of post offices, make mail arrangement, conduct Departmental inquiries in Disciplinary cases, attend to miscellaneous enquiries etc. Now, in addition to their these traditional duties, they are engaged in work of business development, procurement of PLI policies, procurement of RPLI policies with the help of GDS staff and are given targets for these additional work. They are provided no clerical assistance for all these work. They are made to work in a sub-standard accommodation in Sub-Divisions without required infrastructure. Even, the post of orderly which was kept attached to sub-divisional head to help him carry out work meant to be done by Gr.D staff is taken away. As already mentioned in the posting in this blog, an IP is now getting GP less than that of clerical staff getting 3rd ACP. So much so, the GP of overseers of mails who are attached to sub-divisions are now equal to that of IPs in many cases. Yet, the Govt, is not willing to allow upgradation of GP of IPs to Rs.4600/- despite having full justification for it and though officials of equivalent cadres in other Departments have got it since November 2009. If there is no justification for upgradation of GP of IPs to Rs.4600/- why then the Department of Posts sent the proposal to MOF twice? If the IPs are not comparable with their counterparts in Income Tax and Central Excise Departments then what is the background for leaving 1/3rd IP vacancies for direct recruitment.? IP line officials have resorted to prayers and petitions a number of times but they have got an increased feeling that the prayer and petitions have no value in India which boasts of democratic values but ignores it deliberately thereby indirectly encouraging agitational methods.
The IP line officials are there to implement the plan and policies of the Department. If the Department is incurring losses, it is due to the incorrect and unrealistic planning and wrong policies of the Department and other factors (including wasteful expenditure at higher level). Working class staff including IP line officials are putting their best of sincerity and efforts and toiling hard even much beyond their normal duty hours. If it is still not yielding desired results there is no point in blaming the working class. While the loss of the Department is mounting over the years staff side is given the blame. The Department of Posts is neither treated as a full-fledged commercial organisation nor a full-fledged welfare organization and the Govt. loves to run it as a mixture of both while putting the blame on its workforce for losses. The Department of Posts is regarded as a poor Department despite having a huge outstanding in shape of deposit in various savings schemes. As mentioned in an article recently published by the Business Standard postal savings bank schemes in financial year 2008 had total outstanding of Rs 3.4 lakh crore, which was second only to the deposits of the State Bank of India that stood at Rs 5.4 lakh crore. (ICICI Bank came third at Rs 2.4 lakh crore deposits).The article also mentions, “Right now it is the Government of India and the finance ministry that keep the postal department poor.” Hence, it is for the members of public to judge whether the Department of Posts is actually responsible for so-called losses and whether putting unbearable burden of work on the existing staff without restoring the required staff strength is justified.
If the Department is planning to bring in changes to make it more effective at the service of public at large, no body will oppose the changes. Change is the way of life and the one who does not change according to change of time time will have to perish. But the changes should not bring more miseries to the working class. The Department must also take representatives of working class into confidence. But it seems the Department is proceeding in the direction of increased outsourcing and acting against the interest of working class on unilateral decisions.
IP line officials are known for their unquestioned loyalty to the administration. But in return the Department is increasingly overlooking their genuine problems. There has been no cadre review and no increase of posts for IP line officials since 1981. The Department considers conferring Gazetted status to ASPs as a case of cadre review. If that is so, the so-called cadre review has provided no gain to ASP cadre. On the other hand, the Department has benefited from it by saving expenditure of lakhs of Rupees on Productivity Linked Bonus which was payable to ASPs when they were not conferred with Gazetted status. Now, the IP liner officials are getting GP less than the officials they supervise. The senior officers treat the IP line like bonded labourers. Their voices are suppressed through rampant disciplinary actions. They have no liberty to go on leave even at the time of need. As exemplified by recent instances in Orissa, leave supported by medical certificate can also be ordered to be treated as dies-non and written warning is issued for taking leave for a week without prior permission in an instance where the official was rushed to hospital for treatment of cardiac related ailment. These are some kind of favours the Department has retuned to IP line officials for their committed loyalty to the administration. The Department shows superficial sympathy to IP line officials in the matter of upgradation of their GPs as it is still sitting over the matter. It is mentioned that the Department had sent proposal for upgradation of GP of IPs to MOF twice but the MOF turned the proposal down. It is also informally mentioned that the Secretary (Posts) wrote demi-officially to Secretary (Expenditure) in the Ministry of Finance but the proposal was retuned from the level of an Additional Secretary in the MOF. Our senior officers show their might over IP line officials to prove that they are all powerful but one can imagine their position in relation to other Departments. If the Department has the sense of so much caring for IP line officials, why can’t its top management meet their counterparts in MOF to convince the genuineness of the reason for upgrading the GP of IPs?
Some IPs have gone to the extent of filing CAT cases to get the GP of IPs upgraded through orders of legal forum. It is good effort, no doubt. But with due regard to those IP line officials who have taken the recourse to CAT case, it is humbly suggested that they should view the Bollywood block-buster – “Lage Raho Munna Bhai” to get a clear picture as to what happens to legal battle in India. The film apart from having its entertaining value is educative and informative also.
In the Circle Conference of Orissa Branch held in January 2010, the issue of discrimination of Pay between IP line officials and their counter-parts in Income Tax and Central Excise and Customs Departments was mentioned by the CS. One of the Guests in his speech mentioned that the officials under Ministry of Finance will always have their way by virtue of working in the same Ministry which decides pay-related issues and they are more equal in status than other Ministries and Departments for several reasons. In a sense, he mentioned that the discrimination is inevitable. So, one can imagine the position here. It is not a factor how much labour you put in your job. The Department / Ministry you work in decides your fate. In that case where is the justice? You cannot even expect your legal battle to end in time. This is also quite natural because, as a matter of fact, you cannot justify your case for pay revision for taking precedence while so many other important cases suffer delay due to various reasons.
Practically, nobody in the Department is helping IP line officials in getting justice. Courts take their own time to deliver justice. Then what is the way out? It is upto the members of the IP and ASP cadres to decide as to how long they will suffer the negligence, apathy and discrimination? Is it not the appropriate time to be a part of mass agitation to show your protest? At least the Department will become aware that the unquestioned loyalty of the IP line officials cannot be taken for granted any more and will think of treating the IP cadre with some sense of respect which is very much absent now. It will also give a message to the JCA that the IP and ASP cadre is very much a part of their fraternity and they care for their feelings and share their miseries. After all, 2/3rd of the total strength of IP and ASPs take their root from the very same cadre with which they have to work all the way till their retirement. Hoping against hopes the IP line officials have waited so long for getting justice from the Department/ Govt. But they have got only injustice in return. They are even treated with less dignity than Gr. C staff. If the IP line officials have lost so many things all these years the loss of salary for some days due to joining the proposed strike will have a very little impact on them. If Gr C, D and GDS staff can bear the loss of salary why can’t the IP line officials do the same? As regards promotion, it is better not to speak of it. In fact, the position of officials availing promotions with addition of meagre sum to their salary is more miserable than those who do not get promotion.
In view of the above Orissa Circle Branch Association requests all concerned to take an appropriate decision in the matter in time. Circle Secretaries of different Circles who are visiting this blog are requested to offer their views and communicate the decision of their respective Circles to the GS.
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