Department of Personnel and Training vide Memo No F.No. 3 101 11412007-Estt.(A)dated 20.4.2010 has extended the facility of travel by Air to visit North Eastern Region under CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 fur further two years beyond 1.5.2010.
Source : Department of Personnel and Training memo dated 20.4.2010
This blog is meant for the use by members of the Association for sharing news and views. Sri C.G.Kamble. (Circle President), Assistant Supdt. Post (HQ), Bagalkot Dn, Bagalkot-587101, Sri Sreenivas.M.J.(Circle Secretary), Assistant Supdt.Post (I.R.), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Sri Vasanth, [Circle Treasurer] Assistant Supdt.Post (Vigilance), O/o PMG, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru-560001. Send your views and suggestions to :

Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Laptop to Sub Divisions
Dte has issued purchase order for supply of lap top and laser printer to all subdivisions.
A copy of the list can be downloaded from the link below .
All members are requested to optimally utilise the laptop
warranty details and specification etc available in the file.
Configuration of Laptop to Sub Divisions
a. Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo Processor
b. Memory : 1GB DDR2-800Mhz
c. HDD : 250GB 5400RPM SATA Hard Drive
d. Display : 14" WXGA Display with LED Backlit
e. Wireless Connectivity : Integrated wireless
f. Integrated Blue Tooth
g. DVD Writer: Integrated DVD Writer 8X
h. Integrated Stereo Speaker
i. Key Board: Keyboard with Touchpad
a. integrated Web Cam / Integrated Card Reader.
j. Operating System: MS Windows Vista Business
k. Carry Case: Provided
l. Firm shall provide on site warranty of 3 years instead of 1 year.
A copy of the list can be downloaded from the link below .
All members are requested to optimally utilise the laptop
warranty details and specification etc available in the file.
Configuration of Laptop to Sub Divisions
a. Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo Processor
b. Memory : 1GB DDR2-800Mhz
c. HDD : 250GB 5400RPM SATA Hard Drive
d. Display : 14" WXGA Display with LED Backlit
e. Wireless Connectivity : Integrated wireless
f. Integrated Blue Tooth
g. DVD Writer: Integrated DVD Writer 8X
h. Integrated Stereo Speaker
i. Key Board: Keyboard with Touchpad
a. integrated Web Cam / Integrated Card Reader.
j. Operating System: MS Windows Vista Business
k. Carry Case: Provided
l. Firm shall provide on site warranty of 3 years instead of 1 year.
Farewell Message from General Secretary
The XXXVI All India conference of our Association is being held in Delhi in a crucial period when the prospects of Inspector and Assistant Superintendent Posts are being threatened by ad hoc cadre management by the Department and Govt. of India. I owe my deep gratitude to all members of this Association for having reposed faith in me in the All India Conference held at Kelva Beach, Palgarh, near Mumbai in the year 2005 to lead this organization as the General Secretary. During the two terms I had held the post, I did my best to discharge the duties cast upon me without fear of reprisal. In retrospect I am happy to place on record the specific achievements during my tenure like (i) conferment of gazetted status to the post of ASP, (ii) Free supply of newspaper at the residence of ASP (iii) Reimbursement of mobile phone recharge coupon/residential telephone bill (iv) Allotment of willing surplus qualified Inspector Posts candidates to other Circles, (v) Re-allotment of women Inspector Posts to respective home Circle under spouse category without waiting to complete mandatory waiting period etc. (vi) Supply of Laptop to all Sub Divisions. I believe I have also contributed in my own way to make ours a vibrant organisation by infusing courage and conviction in the minds of our members.
Though this organization is more than 30 years old, major problems like maintaining parity with analogous cadres, lack of adequate promotional avenues, loss of credibility etc. still persist and need to be tackled in a coordinated manner with the administration. I whole heartedly thank every one of our members for his unstinted support to me and the cause pursued by me so far. All our members need to understand the vital importance of a coordinated approach. I have full faith in the capacity of our members and wish this crucial All India Conference at Delhi will show the right direction and support to the CHQ.
Yours sincerely,
/S. Samuel/
General Secretary
Though this organization is more than 30 years old, major problems like maintaining parity with analogous cadres, lack of adequate promotional avenues, loss of credibility etc. still persist and need to be tackled in a coordinated manner with the administration. I whole heartedly thank every one of our members for his unstinted support to me and the cause pursued by me so far. All our members need to understand the vital importance of a coordinated approach. I have full faith in the capacity of our members and wish this crucial All India Conference at Delhi will show the right direction and support to the CHQ.
Yours sincerely,
/S. Samuel/
General Secretary
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Project Arrow selected for Prime Minister's Award for Excellence
Project Arrow selected for Prime Minister's Award for Excellence under organization category. The award will be given on 21st April 2010 at New Delhi. Congratulations to all of you.It is really great for India Post
AIC held in New Delhi on 3-4 April 2010
The 36th All India Conference of the Association was held 3-4 April 2010. This was preceded by CWC meeting on 02.04.2010. Delhi Circle hosted the conference in a befitting manner. Sri Roop Chand, ASP, Speed Post Centre, New Delhi who was one of the Asst. General Secretaries in the outgoing body was elected as the new General Secretary for a term of two years (2010-2012). Sri Dinesh Khare of Karnataka Circle was elected as the new President, CHQ. Sri Pitabasa Jena of Orissa Circle was elected as Asst. General Secretary-II. Orissa Circle Branch of AIAIASP congratulates the new set of Office-bearers and hopes that the new CHQ body will bring glory for the Association through its noble efforts. Orissa Circle Branch is always there to extend its best possible cooperation to the CHQ as it has done in previous years.
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary(Posts) was kind enough to address the delegates in the Open Session on 03.04.2010. Among other things, she mentioned that the Department of Posts had submitted proposal for upgradation of GP of IPs, ASPs and PS Gr.B twice but the Finance Ministry did not accept the proposal. She added that she would take further steps for upgradation of GP of IPs.
The issue of upgradation of GP of IP was deliberated upon vividly in the General Body meeting during the AIC. Unanimity on the question of merger of IP and ASP cadre or ASP and PS Gr.B Cadre could not be reached. However, out of 19 Circles represented in the AIC, 11 Circles including Orissa gave opinion supporting merger of IP and ASP cadres. NE Circle went with the opinion of majority Circles. Six Circles opined for merger of ASP and PS Gr.B cadres. One Circle opined for maintaining the status quo.
The General body empowered the CHQ to take steps in the direction of getting the GP of IPs upgraded to Rs.4600/- by way of merger of IP and ASP cadres if such a proposal comes up before the Association as a necessary condition for upgradation of GP of IPs to Rsa.4600/-. However, it was resolved to get the following conditions fulfilled at the same time.
The merged cadre should be given nomenclature as ASP with Gazetted status.
The ASP promotion already given to senior IPs should be ignored as promotion for benefits under MACPS
The merged cadre should get the upgraded GP of Rs.4600/- from 01.01.2006.
It is learnt from the source of the new GS that a delegation from the Association side including the new GS and the former GS Sri S Samuel held discussion in a meeting with Secretary (Posts), Member (P) and DDG(Estt) on 05.04.2010 on the question of upgradtion of GP of IPs. Directorate showed keenness to submit the proposal to Ministry of Finance again.
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary(Posts) was kind enough to address the delegates in the Open Session on 03.04.2010. Among other things, she mentioned that the Department of Posts had submitted proposal for upgradation of GP of IPs, ASPs and PS Gr.B twice but the Finance Ministry did not accept the proposal. She added that she would take further steps for upgradation of GP of IPs.
The issue of upgradation of GP of IP was deliberated upon vividly in the General Body meeting during the AIC. Unanimity on the question of merger of IP and ASP cadre or ASP and PS Gr.B Cadre could not be reached. However, out of 19 Circles represented in the AIC, 11 Circles including Orissa gave opinion supporting merger of IP and ASP cadres. NE Circle went with the opinion of majority Circles. Six Circles opined for merger of ASP and PS Gr.B cadres. One Circle opined for maintaining the status quo.
The General body empowered the CHQ to take steps in the direction of getting the GP of IPs upgraded to Rs.4600/- by way of merger of IP and ASP cadres if such a proposal comes up before the Association as a necessary condition for upgradation of GP of IPs to Rsa.4600/-. However, it was resolved to get the following conditions fulfilled at the same time.
The merged cadre should be given nomenclature as ASP with Gazetted status.
The ASP promotion already given to senior IPs should be ignored as promotion for benefits under MACPS
The merged cadre should get the upgraded GP of Rs.4600/- from 01.01.2006.
It is learnt from the source of the new GS that a delegation from the Association side including the new GS and the former GS Sri S Samuel held discussion in a meeting with Secretary (Posts), Member (P) and DDG(Estt) on 05.04.2010 on the question of upgradtion of GP of IPs. Directorate showed keenness to submit the proposal to Ministry of Finance again.
New Chief PMG of Orissa assumes office
Ms. Hilda Abraham (IPoS 1979) has taken over as Chief PMG, Orissa Circle on 05.04.2010 A/N. She was previously working as PMG, Calicut.
Orissa Circle Branch of AIAIASP extends her a hearty welcome
Orissa Circle Branch of AIAIASP extends her a hearty welcome
Laptops to Sub-Divisions
In Orissa 94 Sub-Divisions (including 6 RMS Sub-divisions) will be getting supply of Laptops in next 1-2 weeks against supply orders placed by Directorate on M/s AGMATEL INDIA Pvt. Ltd. through DGS &D on 29.03.2010.
Alongwith Laptop, each Sub-Division will get one Laser Printer and one MS Office 2007 Standard Software (without media/CD, Non-Academic). The Brand of the Laptop is HP and Model is Probook 4410.
On-site warranty for Laptop is three years. For printer, it is one year
Alongwith Laptop, each Sub-Division will get one Laser Printer and one MS Office 2007 Standard Software (without media/CD, Non-Academic). The Brand of the Laptop is HP and Model is Probook 4410.
On-site warranty for Laptop is three years. For printer, it is one year
Dear Comrades,
Below Benchmark gradings in ACRs prior to the reporting period 2008-09 and objective consideration of representation by the competent authority against remarks in the APAR or for upgadation of the final grading
Dear Comrades,
DOPT issued a clarification on the above subject vide Memo No.21011/1/2010-Estt.A dated 13/04/2010.
The question of treating the grading in the ACR which is below the benchmark for next Dromotion has been considered in this De~arbnenat nd it has been decided that if an employee is to be considered for promotion in a future DPC and his ACRs prior to the period 2008 09 which would be reckonable for assessment of his fitness in such future DEcSont ain final grading which are below the benchmark for his next promotion, before such ACRs are placed before the DPC,the concemed employee will be given a copy of the relevant ACR for his representation, if any, within 15 days of such communication. It may be noted that only below benchmark ACR for the period relevant to promotion need be sent. There is no need to send below benchmark ACRs of other years As per existing instructions, representations against the remarks or for upgradation of !he final grading given in the APAR (previously known as ACR) should be examined by the competent authority in consultation, if necessary, with the Reporting and the Reviewing Officer, if any. While considering the representation, the competent authority decides the matter objectively in a quasi-judicial manner on the basis of material placed before it. This would imply that the competent authority shall take into account the contentions of the officer who has represented against the particular remarkslgrading in the APAR and the views of the Reporting and Reviewing officer if they are still in service on the points raised in the remesentation vis-a-vis the remarkstaradinas given bv them in the APAR. The UPSC has informed this
Departrnent that the Commission hasobsebei that while deciding such representations,t he competent authorities sometimes do not take into account the views of RewrtinaIReviewina Officers if thev are still
in service. The Commission has further observed that in a'majGty of succ cases, the competent authority does not give specific reasons for upgrading the below benchmark ACRlAPAR gradings at par with the benchmark for next promotion.
For order copy please click the below link and down load.
DOPT issued a clarification on the above subject vide Memo No.21011/1/2010-Estt.A dated 13/04/2010.
The question of treating the grading in the ACR which is below the benchmark for next Dromotion has been considered in this De~arbnenat nd it has been decided that if an employee is to be considered for promotion in a future DPC and his ACRs prior to the period 2008 09 which would be reckonable for assessment of his fitness in such future DEcSont ain final grading which are below the benchmark for his next promotion, before such ACRs are placed before the DPC,the concemed employee will be given a copy of the relevant ACR for his representation, if any, within 15 days of such communication. It may be noted that only below benchmark ACR for the period relevant to promotion need be sent. There is no need to send below benchmark ACRs of other years As per existing instructions, representations against the remarks or for upgradation of !he final grading given in the APAR (previously known as ACR) should be examined by the competent authority in consultation, if necessary, with the Reporting and the Reviewing Officer, if any. While considering the representation, the competent authority decides the matter objectively in a quasi-judicial manner on the basis of material placed before it. This would imply that the competent authority shall take into account the contentions of the officer who has represented against the particular remarkslgrading in the APAR and the views of the Reporting and Reviewing officer if they are still in service on the points raised in the remesentation vis-a-vis the remarkstaradinas given bv them in the APAR. The UPSC has informed this
Departrnent that the Commission hasobsebei that while deciding such representations,t he competent authorities sometimes do not take into account the views of RewrtinaIReviewina Officers if thev are still
in service. The Commission has further observed that in a'majGty of succ cases, the competent authority does not give specific reasons for upgrading the below benchmark ACRlAPAR gradings at par with the benchmark for next promotion.
For order copy please click the below link and down load.
Result Frame Work Document for India Post for the year 2009-10 and 2010-11
Dear Comrades,
Department of Post Published Result Frame Work Document for the year 2009-10 and 2010-2011. The same is furnished here for the information of the members.Please go through the same and express your view points in this regard. I request CHQ and Federation to Please look in to the matter.
Click here for RFD for the year 2009-10
Click here for RFD for the year 2010-11
Department of Post Published Result Frame Work Document for the year 2009-10 and 2010-2011. The same is furnished here for the information of the members.Please go through the same and express your view points in this regard. I request CHQ and Federation to Please look in to the matter.
Click here for RFD for the year 2009-10
Click here for RFD for the year 2010-11
Amendment to Rule 11-Clause(vi) of CCS (CCA) Rules 1965
Dear Comrades,
DOPT issued an amendment to Clause vi of Rule 11 of CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 vide GSR 55(E) dated 02/02/2010.In the Central Civil Services (Classification,Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, in rule I I, for clause (vi),the following clause shall he substituted, namely :-
"(vi) reduction to lower time-scale of pay. grade, post or Service for a period to be specified in the order of
penalty, which shall be a bar to the promotion of the Government servant during such specified period to
the time-scale of pay, grade, post or Service from which he was reduced, with direction as to whether
or not, on promotion on the expiry of the said specified period-
(a) the period of reduction to time-scale of pay,grade, post or service shall operate to postpone future increments of his pay, and if so, to what
(b) the Government servant shall regain his original seniority in the higher time scale of pay, grade, post or service;"
For original Notification copy please click the below link and down load
DOPT issued an amendment to Clause vi of Rule 11 of CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 vide GSR 55(E) dated 02/02/2010.In the Central Civil Services (Classification,Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, in rule I I, for clause (vi),the following clause shall he substituted, namely :-
"(vi) reduction to lower time-scale of pay. grade, post or Service for a period to be specified in the order of
penalty, which shall be a bar to the promotion of the Government servant during such specified period to
the time-scale of pay, grade, post or Service from which he was reduced, with direction as to whether
or not, on promotion on the expiry of the said specified period-
(a) the period of reduction to time-scale of pay,grade, post or service shall operate to postpone future increments of his pay, and if so, to what
(b) the Government servant shall regain his original seniority in the higher time scale of pay, grade, post or service;"
For original Notification copy please click the below link and down load
Friday, April 16, 2010
Postings & Transfers
Shri T G Naik has taken over the charge of SSPOs, Mangalore Division on 31-03-2010.
Shri A M D'Souza has taken over the charge of SSPOs, Bangalore East Division wef 05-04-2010.
Assosiation conveys them our wishes and cooperation.
Shri A M D'Souza has taken over the charge of SSPOs, Bangalore East Division wef 05-04-2010.
Assosiation conveys them our wishes and cooperation.
36th All India Conference of All India Association of Inspectors and Asstt. Superintendents Posts
The biennial 36th All India Conference of All India Association of Inspectors and Asstt. Superintendents Posts held on 3rd and 4th April 2010 at Guru Ramrai Udasin Ashram New Delhi. Shri Dinesh Khare of Karnataka and Roop Chand of Delhi Circle unanimously elected as CHQ President and general Secretary.The conference was held in a very befitting manner and the host circle made elaborate arrangements for stay and dining. A sizeable delegation of 25 members from Karnataka Circle attended the conference under the leadership of Shri Naveen Chandar, Circle Secretary and Sri Dinesh Khare our Circle President. This was the biggest group of delegates in the Conference. The August body decided to make sincere efforts to get the upward revision of grade pay of Inspectors from Rs.4200 to Rs.4600. It was also decided by majority to merge the cadre of Inspectors with that of Asstt. Superintendents, if need arises on certain conditions.
The following members have been elected as CHQ office bearers and CWC members for the next two years term:
Sl.No Post Name and address S/Sh/Smt.
1 President Dinesh Khare, Offg. SPOs, Mandya Dn., Mandya - 571401
2 Vice-President-I U.C. Prasad, ASP, West Sub Dn. Patna-800004
3 Vice President II R.S.Gaikwad ASP(HQ), Mumbai City South Dn.Mumbai-400001
4 General Secretary Roop Chand, ASP, Speed Post Centre, New Delhi-110001
5 Asst.General Secretary I T.V.Sundari, ASP(OD), Tambaram Dn. Chennai-600045
6 Asst.General Secretary II Pitabasa Jena , IP(Project Arrow) C.O, Bhubaneswar-751001
7 Asst.General Secretary III Nirmalya Mitra, ASP, O/o CpMG, Kolkata-700012
8 Asst.General Secretary IV R.K.Joshi, ASP West Sub Dn, Chandigarh-160017
9 Org. Genl.Secretary I Atma Ram, ASP, R.O., Ajmer-
10 Org.Genl.Secretary II Fedelis Khongbri, ASP(Estt.), C.O., Shillong-793001
11 Org.Genl. Secretary III V.R.Sah, ASP, C.O., Ahmedabad-380001
12 Org. Genl. Secretary IV T.V.Krishnaswamy, ASP, R.O. Calicut -673011
13 Org.Genl. Secretary V L.N.Mahato, IP, Gariaband Sub Dn,Gariaband-493889, CTG
14 Treasurer Jeet Ram, ASP (HQ) New Delhi South Dn. New Delhi-110019
15 Asst. Treasurer Shardendu Shekhar Srivastava, IP East(Ballia), U.P
Auditor : Shri.N.K.Soni, ASP, Raisen Sub Dn, M.P
Asst.Auditor :Shri.R.C.Sharma, ASP, Shimla
The following members have been elected as CHQ office bearers and CWC members for the next two years term:
Sl.No Post Name and address S/Sh/Smt.
1 President Dinesh Khare, Offg. SPOs, Mandya Dn., Mandya - 571401
2 Vice-President-I U.C. Prasad, ASP, West Sub Dn. Patna-800004
3 Vice President II R.S.Gaikwad ASP(HQ), Mumbai City South Dn.Mumbai-400001
4 General Secretary Roop Chand, ASP, Speed Post Centre, New Delhi-110001
5 Asst.General Secretary I T.V.Sundari, ASP(OD), Tambaram Dn. Chennai-600045
6 Asst.General Secretary II Pitabasa Jena , IP(Project Arrow) C.O, Bhubaneswar-751001
7 Asst.General Secretary III Nirmalya Mitra, ASP, O/o CpMG, Kolkata-700012
8 Asst.General Secretary IV R.K.Joshi, ASP West Sub Dn, Chandigarh-160017
9 Org. Genl.Secretary I Atma Ram, ASP, R.O., Ajmer-
10 Org.Genl.Secretary II Fedelis Khongbri, ASP(Estt.), C.O., Shillong-793001
11 Org.Genl. Secretary III V.R.Sah, ASP, C.O., Ahmedabad-380001
12 Org. Genl. Secretary IV T.V.Krishnaswamy, ASP, R.O. Calicut -673011
13 Org.Genl. Secretary V L.N.Mahato, IP, Gariaband Sub Dn,Gariaband-493889, CTG
14 Treasurer Jeet Ram, ASP (HQ) New Delhi South Dn. New Delhi-110019
15 Asst. Treasurer Shardendu Shekhar Srivastava, IP East(Ballia), U.P
Auditor : Shri.N.K.Soni, ASP, Raisen Sub Dn, M.P
Asst.Auditor :Shri.R.C.Sharma, ASP, Shimla
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Mobile News
Got an interesting fact to share.. Nowadays each one of us carries Hi Fi Mobile devices and always fears that it may be stolen.
Each mobile carries a unique IMEI i.e. International Mobile Identity No which can be used to track your mobile anywhere in the world.
This is how it works!!!!!!
1. Dial *#06# from your mobile.
2. Your mobile shows a unique 15 digit.
3. Note down this no anywhere but except in your mobile as this is the No. ,which will help trace your mobile in case of a theft.
4. Once stolen you just have to mail this 15 digit IMEI No. to
5. No need to go to police.
6. Your Mobile will be traced within next 24 hrs via a complex system of GPRS and internet.
7. You will find where your hand set is being operated even in case your No. is being changed.
If u lose your mobile, send an e-mail to cop@vsnl.netwith the following Info:
Your name:
Phone model:
Last used No.:
E-mail for communication:
Missed date:
System Administrator
Jalgaon HPO
Each mobile carries a unique IMEI i.e. International Mobile Identity No which can be used to track your mobile anywhere in the world.
This is how it works!!!!!!
1. Dial *#06# from your mobile.
2. Your mobile shows a unique 15 digit.
3. Note down this no anywhere but except in your mobile as this is the No. ,which will help trace your mobile in case of a theft.
4. Once stolen you just have to mail this 15 digit IMEI No. to
5. No need to go to police.
6. Your Mobile will be traced within next 24 hrs via a complex system of GPRS and internet.
7. You will find where your hand set is being operated even in case your No. is being changed.
If u lose your mobile, send an e-mail to cop@vsnl.netwith the following Info:
Your name:
Phone model:
Last used No.:
E-mail for communication:
Missed date:
System Administrator
Jalgaon HPO
All India Conference at New Delhi
Consequent on the All India Conference at New Delhi the follg News :
01. Com. Dinesh Kare of Karnataka elected as President.
02. Com. Roop Chand of New Delhi elected as General Secretary.
03. Com. Jeet Ram of New Delhi elected as Treasurer.
04. Smt.T.V.Sundari, ASP OD, Tambaram elected as Asst GS - 1.
Our respected outgoing GS Shri.Samuel conveys his sincere thanks to one & all who extended cooperation for his successful functioning as GS.
Our Circle Br Assn congrats to all elected officers.
01. Com. Dinesh Kare of Karnataka elected as President.
02. Com. Roop Chand of New Delhi elected as General Secretary.
03. Com. Jeet Ram of New Delhi elected as Treasurer.
04. Smt.T.V.Sundari, ASP OD, Tambaram elected as Asst GS - 1.
Our respected outgoing GS Shri.Samuel conveys his sincere thanks to one & all who extended cooperation for his successful functioning as GS.
Our Circle Br Assn congrats to all elected officers.
All India Conference, New Delhi
01. While addressing the open session of 36th biennial All India Conference of All India Association of Inspectors and Asstt. Superintendents Posts on 3rd April 2010, Ms Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary Posts assured the delegates to resubmit the proposal of upward revision of Grade Pay of Inspectors from Rs. 4200 to Rs.4600, Asstt. Supdts. From Rs.4600 to Rs.4800 and Supdt. Posts from Rs.4800 to Rs.5400 with full justification to the Ministry of Finance. It is worth mentioned that the proposal has been returned by the Ministry of Finance two times without giving its concurrence. She also emphasized the need for proper pursuance of the proposal in the Ministry of Finance. Secretary Posts was kind enough to assure the delegates for redressal of other demands of the Association at her level.
02. Shri Dinesh Khare of Karnataka, Roop Chand of Delhi Circle and Jeet Ram of Delhi Circle were unanemously elected as CHQ President, General Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
03. Shri R.C.Sharma of HP Circle has been elected as Assistant Auditor in the new CHQ Body.
04. The august body decided to make sincere efforts to get the upward revision of grade pay of Inspectors from Rs.4200 to Rs.4600. It was also decided by majority to merge the cadre of Inspectors with that of Asstt. Superintendents, if need arises on certain conditions.
05. Today, the proposal of Grade Pay of IP and ASP is being re-submitted on behalf of our Association at Directorate New Delhi by newly elected GS and outgoing GS.
Courtesy : IP / ASP, Himachal Pradesh.
02. Shri Dinesh Khare of Karnataka, Roop Chand of Delhi Circle and Jeet Ram of Delhi Circle were unanemously elected as CHQ President, General Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
03. Shri R.C.Sharma of HP Circle has been elected as Assistant Auditor in the new CHQ Body.
04. The august body decided to make sincere efforts to get the upward revision of grade pay of Inspectors from Rs.4200 to Rs.4600. It was also decided by majority to merge the cadre of Inspectors with that of Asstt. Superintendents, if need arises on certain conditions.
05. Today, the proposal of Grade Pay of IP and ASP is being re-submitted on behalf of our Association at Directorate New Delhi by newly elected GS and outgoing GS.
Courtesy : IP / ASP, Himachal Pradesh.
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